/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('tree-labelable', function (Y, NAME) { /*jshint expr:true, onevar:false */ /** Extension for `Tree` that adds baked-in support for node labels like you might see in a treeview or menu. @module tree @submodule tree-labelable @main tree-labelable **/ /** Extension for `Tree` that adds baked-in support for node labels like you might see in a treeview or menu. @class Tree.Labelable @constructor @extensionfor Tree **/ function Labelable() {} Labelable.prototype = { initializer: function () { this.nodeExtensions = this.nodeExtensions.concat(Y.Tree.Node.Labelable); } }; Y.Tree.Labelable = Labelable; /** @module tree @submodule tree-labelable **/ /** `Tree.Node` extension that adds baked in support for labels like you might see in a treeview or menu. **Security note:** The label is stored in raw, unescaped form. If you choose to render the label as HTML, be sure to escape it first with `Y.Escape.html()` unless you actually intend to render raw HTML contained in the label. @class Tree.Node.Labelable @constructor @param {Tree} tree `Tree` instance with which this node should be associated. @param {Object} [config] Configuration hash. @param {String} [config.label=''] Label for this node. @extensionfor Tree.Node **/ function NodeLabelable(tree, config) { this._serializable = this._serializable.concat('label'); if ('label' in config) { this.label = config.label; } } NodeLabelable.prototype = { /** Label for this node. **Security note:** The label is stored in raw, unescaped form. If you choose to render the label as HTML, be sure to escape it first with `Y.Escape.html()` unless you actually intend to render raw HTML contained in the label. @property {String} label @default '' **/ label: '' }; Y.Tree.Node.Labelable = NodeLabelable; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["tree"]});