/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('uploader-html5', function (Y, NAME) { /** * This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using * HTML5 XMLHTTPRequest Level 2 as a transport engine. * The supported features include: automatic upload queue management, upload progress * tracking, drag-and-drop support, server response retrieval and error reporting. * * @module uploader-html5 */ // Shorthands for the external modules var substitute = Y.Lang.sub, UploaderQueue = Y.Uploader.Queue; /** * This module provides a UI for file selection and multiple file upload capability using * HTML5 XMLHTTPRequest Level 2 as a transport engine. * @class UploaderHTML5 * @extends Widget * @constructor */ function UploaderHTML5() { UploaderHTML5.superclass.constructor.apply ( this, arguments ); } Y.UploaderHTML5 = Y.extend( UploaderHTML5, Y.Widget, { /** * Stored reference to the instance of the file input field used to * initiate the file selection dialog. * * @property _fileInputField * @type {Node} * @protected */ _fileInputField: null, /** * Stored reference to the click event binding of the `Select Files` * button. * * @property _buttonBinding * @type {EventHandle} * @protected */ _buttonBinding: null, /** * Stored reference to the instance of Uploader.Queue used to manage * the upload process. This is a read-only property that only exists * during an active upload process. Only one queue can be active at * a time; if an upload start is attempted while a queue is active, * it will be ignored. * * @property queue * @type {Uploader.Queue} */ queue: null, // Y.UploaderHTML5 prototype /** * Construction logic executed during UploaderHTML5 instantiation. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer : function () { this._fileInputField = null; this.queue = null; this._buttonBinding = null; this._fileList = []; // Publish available events /** * Signals that files have been selected. * * @event fileselect * @param event {Event} The event object for the `fileselect` with the * following payload: *
An `Array` of files selected by the user, encapsulated * in Y.FileHTML5 objects.
*/ this.publish("fileselect"); /** * Signals that an upload of multiple files has been started. * * @event uploadstart * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadstart`. */ this.publish("uploadstart"); /** * Signals that an upload of a specific file has started. * * @event fileuploadstart * @param event {Event} The event object for the `fileuploadstart` with the * following payload: *
A reference to the Y.File that dispatched the event.
The original event dispatched by Y.File.
*/ this.publish("fileuploadstart"); /** * Reports on upload progress of a specific file. * * @event uploadprogress * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadprogress` with the * following payload: *
The pointer to the instance of `Y.File` that dispatched the event.
The number of bytes of the file that has been uploaded
The total number of bytes in the file
The fraction of the file that has been uploaded, out of 100
The original event dispatched by the HTML5 uploader
*/ this.publish("uploadprogress"); /** * Reports on the total upload progress of the file list. * * @event totaluploadprogress * @param event {Event} The event object for the `totaluploadprogress` with the * following payload: *
The number of bytes of the file list that has been uploaded
The total number of bytes in the file list
The fraction of the file list that has been uploaded, out of 100
*/ this.publish("totaluploadprogress"); /** * Signals that a single file upload has been completed. * * @event uploadcomplete * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploadcomplete` with the * following payload: *
The pointer to the instance of `Y.File` whose upload has been completed.
The original event fired by the SWF Uploader
Data returned by the server.
*/ this.publish("uploadcomplete"); /** * Signals that the upload process of the entire file list has been completed. * * @event alluploadscomplete * @param event {Event} The event object for the `alluploadscomplete`. */ this.publish("alluploadscomplete"); /** * Signals that a error has occurred in a specific file's upload process. * * @event uploaderror * @param event {Event} The event object for the `uploaderror` with the * following payload: *
The original error event fired by the HTML5 Uploader.
The pointer at the instance of Y.File that returned the error.
The status reported by the XMLHttpRequest object.
The statusText reported by the XMLHttpRequest object.
*/ this.publish("uploaderror"); /** * Signals that a dragged object has entered into the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area. * * @event dragenter * @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragenter`. */ this.publish("dragenter"); /** * Signals that an object has been dragged over the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area. * * @event dragover * @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragover`. */ this.publish("dragover"); /** * Signals that an object has been dragged off of the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area. * * @event dragleave * @param event {Event} The event object for the `dragleave`. */ this.publish("dragleave"); /** * Signals that an object has been dropped over the uploader's associated drag-and-drop area. * * @event drop * @param event {Event} The event object for the `drop` with the * following payload: *
An `Array` of files dropped by the user, encapsulated * in Y.FileHTML5 objects.
*/ this.publish("drop"); }, /** * Create the DOM structure for the UploaderHTML5. * UploaderHTML5's DOM structure consists of a "Select Files" button that can * be replaced by the developer's widget of choice; and a hidden file input field * that is used to instantiate the File Select dialog. * * @method renderUI * @protected */ renderUI : function () { var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'), selButton = this.get("selectFilesButton"); selButton.setStyles({width:"100%", height:"100%"}); contentBox.append(selButton); this._fileInputField = Y.Node.create(UploaderHTML5.HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE); contentBox.append(this._fileInputField); }, /** * Binds to the UploaderHTML5 UI and subscribes to the necessary events. * * @method bindUI * @protected */ bindUI : function () { this._bindSelectButton(); this._setMultipleFiles(); this._setFileFilters(); this._bindDropArea(); this._triggerEnabled(); this.after("multipleFilesChange", this._setMultipleFiles, this); this.after("fileFiltersChange", this._setFileFilters, this); this.after("enabledChange", this._triggerEnabled, this); this.after("selectFilesButtonChange", this._bindSelectButton, this); this.after("dragAndDropAreaChange", this._bindDropArea, this); this.after("tabIndexChange", function () { this.get("selectFilesButton").set("tabIndex", this.get("tabIndex")); }, this); this._fileInputField.on("change", this._updateFileList, this); this._fileInputField.on("click", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, this); this.get("selectFilesButton").set("tabIndex", this.get("tabIndex")); }, /** * Recreates the file field to null out the previous list of files and * thus allow for an identical file list selection. * * @method _rebindFileField * @protected */ _rebindFileField : function () { this._fileInputField.remove(true); this._fileInputField = Y.Node.create(UploaderHTML5.HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE); this.get("contentBox").append(this._fileInputField); this._fileInputField.on("change", this._updateFileList, this); this._setMultipleFiles(); this._setFileFilters(); }, /** * Binds the specified drop area's drag and drop events to the * uploader's custom handler. * * @method _bindDropArea * @protected */ _bindDropArea : function (event) { var ev = event || {prevVal: null}, ddArea = this.get("dragAndDropArea"); if (ev.prevVal !== null) { ev.prevVal.detach('drop', this._ddEventHandler); ev.prevVal.detach('dragenter', this._ddEventHandler); ev.prevVal.detach('dragover', this._ddEventHandler); ev.prevVal.detach('dragleave', this._ddEventHandler); } if (ddArea !== null) { ddArea.on('drop', this._ddEventHandler, this); ddArea.on('dragenter', this._ddEventHandler, this); ddArea.on('dragover', this._ddEventHandler, this); ddArea.on('dragleave', this._ddEventHandler, this); } }, /** * Binds the instantiation of the file select dialog to the current file select * control. * * @method _bindSelectButton * @protected */ _bindSelectButton : function () { this._buttonBinding = this.get("selectFilesButton").on("click", this.openFileSelectDialog, this); }, /** * Handles the drag and drop events from the uploader's specified drop * area. * * @method _ddEventHandler * @protected */ _ddEventHandler : function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (Y.Array.indexOf(event._event.dataTransfer.types, 'Files') > -1) { switch (event.type) { case "dragenter": this.fire("dragenter"); break; case "dragover": this.fire("dragover"); break; case "dragleave": this.fire("dragleave"); break; case "drop": var newfiles = event._event.dataTransfer.files, parsedFiles = [], filterFunc = this.get("fileFilterFunction"), oldfiles; if (filterFunc) { Y.each(newfiles, function (value) { var newfile = new Y.FileHTML5(value); if (filterFunc(newfile)) { parsedFiles.push(newfile); } }); } else { Y.each(newfiles, function (value) { parsedFiles.push(new Y.FileHTML5(value)); }); } if (parsedFiles.length > 0) { oldfiles = this.get("fileList"); this.set("fileList", this.get("appendNewFiles") ? oldfiles.concat(parsedFiles) : parsedFiles); this.fire("fileselect", {fileList: parsedFiles}); } this.fire("drop", {fileList: parsedFiles}); break; } } }, /** * Adds or removes a specified state CSS class to the underlying uploader button. * * @method _setButtonClass * @protected * @param state {String} The name of the state enumerated in `buttonClassNames` attribute * from which to derive the needed class name. * @param add {Boolean} A Boolean indicating whether to add or remove the class. */ _setButtonClass : function (state, add) { if (add) { this.get("selectFilesButton").addClass(this.get("buttonClassNames")[state]); } else { this.get("selectFilesButton").removeClass(this.get("buttonClassNames")[state]); } }, /** * Syncs the state of the `multipleFiles` attribute between this class * and the file input field. * * @method _setMultipleFiles * @protected */ _setMultipleFiles : function () { if (this.get("multipleFiles") === true) { this._fileInputField.set("multiple", "multiple"); } else { this._fileInputField.set("multiple", ""); } }, /** * Syncs the state of the `fileFilters` attribute between this class * and the file input field. * * @method _setFileFilters * @protected */ _setFileFilters : function () { if (this.get("fileFilters").length > 0) { this._fileInputField.set("accept", this.get("fileFilters").join(",")); } else { this._fileInputField.set("accept", ""); } }, /** * Syncs the state of the `enabled` attribute between this class * and the underlying button. * * @method _triggerEnabled * @private */ _triggerEnabled : function () { if (this.get("enabled") && this._buttonBinding === null) { this._bindSelectButton(); this._setButtonClass("disabled", false); this.get("selectFilesButton").setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"); } else if (!this.get("enabled") && this._buttonBinding) { this._buttonBinding.detach(); this._buttonBinding = null; this._setButtonClass("disabled", true); this.get("selectFilesButton").setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); } }, /** * Getter for the `fileList` attribute * * @method _getFileList * @private */ _getFileList : function () { return this._fileList.concat(); }, /** * Setter for the `fileList` attribute * * @method _setFileList * @private */ _setFileList : function (val) { this._fileList = val.concat(); return this._fileList.concat(); }, /** * Adjusts the content of the `fileList` based on the results of file selection * and the `appendNewFiles` attribute. If the `appendNewFiles` attribute is true, * then selected files are appended to the existing list; otherwise, the list is * cleared and populated with the newly selected files. * * @method _updateFileList * @param ev {Event} The file selection event received from the uploader. * @protected */ _updateFileList : function (ev) { var newfiles = ev.target.getDOMNode().files, parsedFiles = [], filterFunc = this.get("fileFilterFunction"), oldfiles; if (filterFunc) { Y.each(newfiles, function (value) { var newfile = new Y.FileHTML5(value); if (filterFunc(newfile)) { parsedFiles.push(newfile); } }); } else { Y.each(newfiles, function (value) { parsedFiles.push(new Y.FileHTML5(value)); }); } if (parsedFiles.length > 0) { oldfiles = this.get("fileList"); this.set("fileList", this.get("appendNewFiles") ? oldfiles.concat(parsedFiles) : parsedFiles ); this.fire("fileselect", {fileList: parsedFiles}); } this._rebindFileField(); }, /** * Handles and retransmits events fired by `Y.File` and `Y.Uploader.Queue`. * * @method _uploadEventHandler * @param event The event dispatched during the upload process. * @protected */ _uploadEventHandler : function (event) { switch (event.type) { case "file:uploadstart": this.fire("fileuploadstart", event); break; case "file:uploadprogress": this.fire("uploadprogress", event); break; case "uploaderqueue:totaluploadprogress": this.fire("totaluploadprogress", event); break; case "file:uploadcomplete": this.fire("uploadcomplete", event); break; case "uploaderqueue:alluploadscomplete": this.queue = null; this.fire("alluploadscomplete", event); break; case "file:uploaderror": // overflow intentional case "uploaderqueue:uploaderror": this.fire("uploaderror", event); break; case "file:uploadcancel": // overflow intentional case "uploaderqueue:uploadcancel": this.fire("uploadcancel", event); break; } }, /** * Opens the File Selection dialog by simulating a click on the file input field. * * @method openFileSelectDialog */ openFileSelectDialog : function () { var fileDomNode = this._fileInputField.getDOMNode(); if (fileDomNode.click) { fileDomNode.click(); } }, /** * Starts the upload of a specific file. * * @method upload * @param file {File} Reference to the instance of the file to be uploaded. * @param url {String} The URL to upload the file to. * @param postVars {Object} (optional) A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead. */ upload : function (file, url, postvars) { var uploadURL = url || this.get("uploadURL"), postVars = postvars || this.get("postVarsPerFile"), fileId = file.get("id"); postVars = postVars.hasOwnProperty(fileId) ? postVars[fileId] : postVars; if (file instanceof Y.FileHTML5) { file.on("uploadstart", this._uploadEventHandler, this); file.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadEventHandler, this); file.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadEventHandler, this); file.on("uploaderror", this._uploadEventHandler, this); file.on("uploadcancel", this._uploadEventHandler, this); file.startUpload(uploadURL, postVars, this.get("fileFieldName")); } }, /** * Starts the upload of all files on the file list, using an automated queue. * * @method uploadAll * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to. * @param [postVars] {Object} A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead. */ uploadAll : function (url, postvars) { this.uploadThese(this.get("fileList"), url, postvars); }, /** * Starts the upload of the files specified in the first argument, using an automated queue. * * @method uploadThese * @param files {Array} The list of files to upload. * @param url {String} The URL to upload the files to. * @param [postVars] {Object} A set of key-value pairs to send as variables along with the file upload HTTP request. * If not specified, the values from the attribute `postVarsPerFile` are used instead. */ uploadThese : function (files, url, postvars) { if (!this.queue) { var uploadURL = url || this.get("uploadURL"), postVars = postvars || this.get("postVarsPerFile"); this.queue = new UploaderQueue({ simUploads: this.get("simLimit"), errorAction: this.get("errorAction"), fileFieldName: this.get("fileFieldName"), fileList: files, uploadURL: uploadURL, perFileParameters: postVars, retryCount: this.get("retryCount"), uploadHeaders: this.get("uploadHeaders"), withCredentials: this.get("withCredentials") }); this.queue.on("uploadstart", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("uploadprogress", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("totaluploadprogress", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("uploadcomplete", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("alluploadscomplete", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("uploadcancel", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.on("uploaderror", this._uploadEventHandler, this); this.queue.startUpload(); this.fire("uploadstart"); } else if (this.queue._currentState === UploaderQueue.UPLOADING) { this.queue.set("perFileParameters", this.get("postVarsPerFile")); Y.each(files, function (file) { this.queue.addToQueueBottom(file); }, this); } } }, { /** * The template for the hidden file input field container. The file input field will only * accept clicks if its visibility is set to hidden (and will not if it's `display` value * is set to `none`) * * @property HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE * @type {String} * @static */ HTML5FILEFIELD_TEMPLATE: "", /** * The template for the "Select Files" button. * * @property SELECT_FILES_BUTTON * @type {String} * @static * @default '' */ SELECT_FILES_BUTTON: '', /** * The static property reflecting the type of uploader that `Y.Uploader` * aliases. The UploaderHTML5 value is `"html5"`. * * @property TYPE * @type {String} * @static */ TYPE: "html5", /** * The identity of the widget. * * @property NAME * @type String * @default 'uploader' * @readOnly * @protected * @static */ NAME: "uploader", /** * Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of * the Widget. * * @property ATTRS * @type {Object} * @protected * @static */ ATTRS: { /** * A Boolean indicating whether newly selected files should be appended * to the existing file list, or whether they should replace it. * * @attribute appendNewFiles * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ appendNewFiles : { value: true }, /** * The names of CSS classes that correspond to different button states * of the "Select Files" control. These classes are assigned to the * "Select Files" control based on the configuration of the uploader. * Currently, the only class name used is that corresponding to the * `disabled` state of the uploader. Other button states should be managed * directly via CSS selectors. * * @attribute buttonClassNames * @type {Object} * @default { * disabled: "yui3-button-disabled" * } */ buttonClassNames: { value: { "hover": "yui3-button-hover", "active": "yui3-button-active", "disabled": "yui3-button-disabled", "focus": "yui3-button-selected" } }, /** * The node that serves as the drop target for files. * * @attribute dragAndDropArea * @type {Node} * @default null */ dragAndDropArea: { value: null, setter: function (val) { return Y.one(val); } }, /** * A Boolean indicating whether the uploader is enabled or disabled for user input. * * @attribute enabled * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ enabled : { value: true }, /** * The action performed when an upload error occurs for a specific file being uploaded. * The possible values are: * * @attribute errorAction * @type {String} * @default UploaderQueue.CONTINUE */ errorAction: { value: "continue", validator: function (val) { return ( val === UploaderQueue.CONTINUE || val === UploaderQueue.STOP || val === UploaderQueue.RESTART_ASAP || val === UploaderQueue.RESTART_AFTER ); } }, /** * An array indicating what fileFilters should be applied to the file * selection dialog. Each element in the array should be a string * indicating the Media (MIME) type for the files that should be supported * for selection. The Media type strings should be properly formatted * or this parameter will be ignored. Examples of valid strings include: * "audio/*", "video/*", "application/pdf", etc. More information * on valid Media type strings is available here: * http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html * @attribute fileFilters * @type {Array} * @default [] */ fileFilters: { value: [] }, /** * A filtering function that is applied to every file selected by the user. * The function receives the `Y.File` object and must return a Boolean value. * If a `false` value is returned, the file in question is not added to the * list of files to be uploaded. * Use this function to put limits on file sizes or check the file names for * correct extension, but make sure that a server-side check is also performed, * since any client-side restrictions are only advisory and can be circumvented. * * @attribute fileFilterFunction * @type {Function} * @default null */ fileFilterFunction: { value: null }, /** * A String specifying what should be the POST field name for the file * content in the upload request. * * @attribute fileFieldName * @type {String} * @default Filedata */ fileFieldName: { value: "Filedata" }, /** * The array of files to be uploaded. All elements in the array * must be instances of `Y.File` and be instantiated with an instance * of native JavaScript File() class. * * @attribute fileList * @type {Array} * @default [] */ fileList: { value: [], getter: "_getFileList", setter: "_setFileList" }, /** * A Boolean indicating whether multiple file selection is enabled. * * @attribute multipleFiles * @type {Boolean} * @default false */ multipleFiles: { value: false }, /** * An object, keyed by `fileId`, containing sets of key-value pairs * that should be passed as POST variables along with each corresponding * file. This attribute is only used if no POST variables are specifed * in the upload method call. * * @attribute postVarsPerFile * @type {Object} * @default {} */ postVarsPerFile: { value: {} }, /** * The label for the "Select Files" widget. This is the value that replaces the * `{selectButtonLabel}` token in the `SELECT_FILES_BUTTON` template. * * @attribute selectButtonLabel * @type {String} * @default "Select Files" */ selectButtonLabel: { value: "Select Files" }, /** * The widget that serves as the "Select Files control for the file uploader * * * @attribute selectFilesButton * @type {Node | Widget} * @default A standard HTML button with YUI CSS Button skin. */ selectFilesButton : { valueFn: function () { return Y.Node.create(substitute(Y.UploaderHTML5.SELECT_FILES_BUTTON, { selectButtonLabel: this.get("selectButtonLabel"), tabIndex: this.get("tabIndex") })); } }, /** * The number of files that can be uploaded * simultaneously if the automatic queue management * is used. This value can be in the range between 2 * and 5. * * @attribute simLimit * @type {Number} * @default 2 */ simLimit: { value: 2, validator: function (val) { return (val >= 1 && val <= 5); } }, /** * The URL to which file upload requested are POSTed. Only used if a different url is not passed to the upload method call. * * @attribute uploadURL * @type {String} * @default "" */ uploadURL: { value: "" }, /** * Additional HTTP headers that should be included * in the upload request. * * * @attribute uploadHeaders * @type {Object} * @default {} */ uploadHeaders: { value: {} }, /** * A Boolean that specifies whether the file should be * uploaded with the appropriate user credentials for the * domain. * * @attribute withCredentials * @type {Boolean} * @default true */ withCredentials: { value: true }, /** * The number of times to try re-uploading a file that failed to upload before * cancelling its upload. * * @attribute retryCount * @type {Number} * @default 3 */ retryCount: { value: 3 } } }); Y.UploaderHTML5.Queue = UploaderQueue; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["widget", "node-event-simulate", "file-html5", "uploader-queue"]});