@mod @mod_assign @javascript Feature: Check that the assignment grade can be rescaled when the max grade is changed In order to ensure that the percentages are not affected by changes to the max grade As a teacher I need to rescale all grades when updating the max grade Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | groupmode | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 | And the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | | student1 | Student | 1 | student10@example.com | | student2 | Student | 2 | student10@example.com | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | user | course | role | | teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher | | student1 | C1 | student | | student2 | C1 | student | And the following "groups" exist: | name | course | idnumber | | Group 1 | C1 | G1 | And I log in as "teacher1" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on And I add a "Assignment" to section "1" and I fill the form with: | Assignment name | Test assignment name | | Description | Test assignment description | And I follow "Test assignment name" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration And I click on "Grade" "link" in the "Student 1" "table_row" And I set the field "Grade out of 100" to "40" And I press "Save changes" And I press "Ok" And I follow "Edit settings" And I follow "Test assignment name" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration And "Student 1" row "Grade" column of "generaltable" table should contain "40.00" And I follow "Test assignment name" Scenario: Update the max grade for an assignment without rescaling existing grades Given I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Rescale existing grades" to "No" And I set the field "Maximum grade" to "80" When I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration Then "Student 1" row "Grade" column of "generaltable" table should contain "40.00" Scenario: Update an assignment without touching the max grades Given I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Rescale existing grades" to "No" And I set the field "Maximum grade" to "80" And I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Rescale existing grades" to "Yes" And I set the field "Maximum grade" to "80" When I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration Then "Student 1" row "Grade" column of "generaltable" table should contain "40.00" Scenario: Update the max grade for an assignment rescaling existing grades Given I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Rescale existing grades" to "Yes" And I set the field "Maximum grade" to "50" When I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration Then "Student 1" row "Grade" column of "generaltable" table should contain "20.00" Scenario: Rescaling should not produce negative grades Given I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration And I click on "Grade" "link" in the "Student 2" "table_row" And I wait until the page is ready And I follow "Assignment: Test assignment name" And I navigate to "Edit settings" in current page administration And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Rescale existing grades" to "Yes" And I set the field "Maximum grade" to "50" When I press "Save and display" And I navigate to "View all submissions" in current page administration # Make sure the student did not receive a negative grade. Then "Student 2" row "Grade" column of "generaltable" table should not contain "-0.50"