libdir . '/formslib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/csvlib.class.php'); class mod_data_export_form extends moodleform { var $_datafields = array(); var $_cm; var $_data; // @param string $url: the url to post to // @param array $datafields: objects in this database public function __construct($url, $datafields, $cm, $data) { $this->_datafields = $datafields; $this->_cm = $cm; $this->_data = $data; parent::__construct($url); } /** * Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. * * @deprecated since Moodle 3.1 */ public function mod_data_export_form($url, $datafields, $cm, $data) { debugging('Use of class name as constructor is deprecated', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); self::__construct($url, $datafields, $cm, $data); } function definition() { global $CFG; $mform =& $this->_form; $mform->addElement('header', 'notice', get_string('chooseexportformat', 'data')); $choices = csv_import_reader::get_delimiter_list(); $key = array_search(';', $choices); if (! $key === FALSE) { // array $choices contains the semicolon -> drop it (because its encrypted form also contains a semicolon): unset($choices[$key]); } $typesarray = array(); $str = get_string('csvwithselecteddelimiter', 'data'); $typesarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'exporttype', null, $str . ' ', 'csv'); $typesarray[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'delimiter_name', null, $choices); //temporarily commenting out Excel export option. See MDL-19864 //$typesarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'exporttype', null, get_string('excel', 'data'), 'xls'); $typesarray[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'exporttype', null, get_string('ods', 'data'), 'ods'); $mform->addGroup($typesarray, 'exportar', '', array(''), false); $mform->addRule('exportar', null, 'required'); $mform->setDefault('exporttype', 'csv'); if (array_key_exists('cfg', $choices)) { $mform->setDefault('delimiter_name', 'cfg'); } else if (get_string('listsep', 'langconfig') == ';') { $mform->setDefault('delimiter_name', 'semicolon'); } else { $mform->setDefault('delimiter_name', 'comma'); } $mform->addElement('header', 'notice', get_string('chooseexportfields', 'data')); $numfieldsthatcanbeselected = 0; foreach($this->_datafields as $field) { if($field->text_export_supported()) { $numfieldsthatcanbeselected++; $html = '
' . $field->field->name . '
'; $name = ' (' . $field->name() . ')'; $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'field_' . $field->field->id, $html, $name, array('group' => 1)); $mform->setDefault('field_' . $field->field->id, 1); } else { $a = new stdClass(); $a->fieldtype = $field->name(); $str = get_string('unsupportedexport', 'data', $a); $mform->addElement('static', 'unsupported' . $field->field->id, $field->field->name, $str); } } if ($numfieldsthatcanbeselected > 1) { $this->add_checkbox_controller(1, null, null, 1); } if (core_tag_tag::is_enabled('mod_data', 'data_records')) { $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'exporttags', get_string('includetags', 'data')); $mform->setDefault('exporttags', 1); } $context = context_module::instance($this->_cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/data:exportuserinfo', $context)) { $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'exportuser', get_string('includeuserdetails', 'data')); } $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'exporttime', get_string('includetime', 'data')); if ($this->_data->approval) { $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'exportapproval', get_string('includeapproval', 'data')); } $this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('exportentries', 'data')); } }