return $str;
function display_search_field($value = '') {
global $CFG, $DB;
$varcharlat = $DB->sql_compare_text('content');
$varcharlong= $DB->sql_compare_text('content1');
$latlongsrs = $DB->get_recordset_sql(
"SELECT DISTINCT $varcharlat AS la, $varcharlong AS lo
FROM {data_content}
WHERE fieldid = ?
ORDER BY $varcharlat, $varcharlong", array($this->field->id));
$options = array();
foreach ($latlongsrs as $latlong) {
$latitude = format_float($latlong->la, 4);
$longitude = format_float($latlong->lo, 4);
if ($latitude && $longitude) {
$options[$latlong->la . ',' . $latlong->lo] = $latitude . ' ' . $longitude;
$classes = array('class' => 'accesshide');
$return = html_writer::label(get_string('latlong', 'data'), 'menuf_'.$this->field->id, false, $classes);
$classes = array('class' => 'custom-select');
$return .= html_writer::select($options, 'f_'.$this->field->id, $value, array('' => get_string('menuchoose', 'data')),
return $return;
public function parse_search_field($defaults = null) {
$param = 'f_'.$this->field->id;
if (empty($defaults[$param])) {
$defaults = array($param => '');
return optional_param($param, $defaults[$param], PARAM_NOTAGS);
function generate_sql($tablealias, $value) {
global $DB;
static $i=0;
$name1 = "df_latlong1_$i";
$name2 = "df_latlong2_$i";
$varcharlat = $DB->sql_compare_text("{$tablealias}.content");
$varcharlong= $DB->sql_compare_text("{$tablealias}.content1");
$latlong[0] = '';
$latlong[1] = '';
$latlong = explode (',', $value, 2);
return array(" ({$tablealias}.fieldid = {$this->field->id} AND $varcharlat = :$name1 AND $varcharlong = :$name2) ",
array($name1=>$latlong[0], $name2=>$latlong[1]));
function display_browse_field($recordid, $template) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($content = $DB->get_record('data_content', array('fieldid'=>$this->field->id, 'recordid'=>$recordid))) {
$lat = $content->content;
if (strlen($lat) < 1) {
return false;
$long = $content->content1;
if (strlen($long) < 1) {
return false;
// We use format_float to display in the regional format.
if($lat < 0) {
$compasslat = format_float(-$lat, 4) . '°S';
} else {
$compasslat = format_float($lat, 4) . '°N';
if($long < 0) {
$compasslong = format_float(-$long, 4) . '°W';
} else {
$compasslong = format_float($long, 4) . '°E';
// Now let's create the jump-to-services link
$servicesshown = explode(',', $this->field->param1);
// These are the different things that can be magically inserted into URL schemes
$urlreplacements = array(
'@lat@'=> $lat,
'@long@'=> $long,
'@wwwroot@'=> $CFG->wwwroot,
'@contentid@'=> $content->id,
'@dataid@'=> $this->data->id,
'@courseid@'=> $this->data->course,
'@fieldid@'=> $content->fieldid,
'@recordid@'=> $content->recordid,
if(sizeof($servicesshown)==1 && $servicesshown[0]) {
$str = " $compasslat $compasslong";
} elseif (sizeof($servicesshown)>1) {
$str = '';
} else {
$str = "$compasslat, $compasslong";
return $str;
return false;
function update_content_import($recordid, $value, $name='') {
$values = explode(" ", $value, 2);
foreach ($values as $index => $value) {
$this->update_content($recordid, $value, $name . '_' . $index);
function update_content($recordid, $value, $name='') {
global $DB;
$content = new stdClass();
$content->fieldid = $this->field->id;
$content->recordid = $recordid;
// When updating these values (which might be region formatted) we should format
// the float to allow for a consistent float format in the database.
$value = unformat_float($value);
$value = trim($value);
if (strlen($value) > 0) {
$value = floatval($value);
} else {
$value = null;
$names = explode('_', $name);
switch ($names[2]) {
case 0:
// update lat
$content->content = $value;
case 1:
// update long
$content->content1 = $value;
if ($oldcontent = $DB->get_record('data_content', array('fieldid'=>$this->field->id, 'recordid'=>$recordid))) {
$content->id = $oldcontent->id;
return $DB->update_record('data_content', $content);
} else {
return $DB->insert_record('data_content', $content);
function get_sort_sql($fieldname) {
global $DB;
return $DB->sql_cast_char2real($fieldname, true);
function export_text_value($record) {
// The content here is from the database and does not require location formating.
return sprintf('%01.4f', $record->content) . ' ' . sprintf('%01.4f', $record->content1);
* Check if a field from an add form is empty
* @param mixed $value
* @param mixed $name
* @return bool
function notemptyfield($value, $name) {
return isset($value) && !($value == '');
* Validate values for this field.
* Both the Latitude and the Longitude fields need to be filled in.
* @param array $values The entered values for the lat. and long.
* @return string|bool Error message or false.
public function field_validation($values) {
$valuecount = 0;
// The lat long class has two values that need to be checked.
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (isset($value->value) && !($value->value == '')) {
// If we have nothing filled in or both filled in then everything is okay.
if ($valuecount == 0 || $valuecount == 2) {
return false;
// If we get here then only one field has been filled in.
return get_string('latlongboth', 'data');
* Return the plugin configs for external functions.
* @return array the list of config parameters
* @since Moodle 3.3
public function get_config_for_external() {
// Return all the config parameters.
$configs = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$configs["param$i"] = $this->field->{"param$i"};
return $configs;