. /** * Posts exporter class. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace mod_forum\local\exporters; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use mod_forum\local\entities\author as author_entity; use mod_forum\local\entities\post as post_entity; use mod_forum\local\exporters\post as post_exporter; use core\external\exporter; use renderer_base; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php'); /** * Posts exporter class. * * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class posts extends exporter { /** @var post_entity[] $posts List of posts to export */ private $posts; /** @var author_entity[] $authorsbyid List of authors for the posts indexed by author id */ private $authorsbyid; /** @var int[] $authorcontextids List of authors context ids indexed by author id */ private $authorcontextids; /** @var array $attachmentsbypostid List of attachments indexed by post id */ private $attachmentsbypostid; /** @var array $groupsbyauthorid List of author's groups indexed by author id */ private $groupsbyauthorid; /** @var array $tagsbypostid List of tags indexed by post id */ private $tagsbypostid; /** @var array $ratingbypostid List of ratings indexed by post id */ private $ratingbypostid; /** * Constructor. * * @param post_entity[] $posts List of posts to export * @param author_entity[] $authorsbyid List of authors for the posts indexed by author id * @param int[] $authorcontextids List of authors context ids indexed by author id * @param array $attachmentsbypostid List of attachments indexed by post id * @param array $groupsbyauthorid List of author's groups indexed by author id * @param array $tagsbypostid List of tags indexed by post id * @param array $ratingbypostid List of ratings indexed by post id * @param array $related The related objects for exporting */ public function __construct( array $posts, array $authorsbyid = [], array $authorcontextids = [], array $attachmentsbypostid = [], array $groupsbyauthorid = [], array $tagsbypostid = [], array $ratingbypostid = [], array $related = [] ) { $this->posts = $posts; $this->authorsbyid = $authorsbyid; $this->authorcontextids = $authorcontextids; $this->attachmentsbypostid = $attachmentsbypostid; $this->groupsbyauthorid = $groupsbyauthorid; $this->tagsbypostid = $tagsbypostid; $this->ratingbypostid = $ratingbypostid; return parent::__construct([], $related); } /** * Return the list of additional properties. * * @return array */ protected static function define_other_properties() { return [ 'posts' => [ 'type' => post_exporter::read_properties_definition(), 'multiple' => true ] ]; } /** * Get the additional values to inject while exporting. * * @param renderer_base $output The renderer. * @return array Keys are the property names, values are their values. */ protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output) { $related = $this->related; $authorsbyid = $this->authorsbyid; $authorcontextids = $this->authorcontextids; $attachmentsbypostid = $this->attachmentsbypostid; $groupsbyauthorid = $this->groupsbyauthorid; $tagsbypostid = $this->tagsbypostid; $ratingbypostid = $this->ratingbypostid; $exportedposts = array_map( function($post) use ( $related, $authorsbyid, $authorcontextids, $attachmentsbypostid, $groupsbyauthorid, $tagsbypostid, $ratingbypostid, $output ) { $authorid = $post->get_author_id(); $postid = $post->get_id(); $author = isset($authorsbyid[$authorid]) ? $authorsbyid[$authorid] : []; $authorcontextid = isset($authorcontextids[$authorid]) ? $authorcontextids[$authorid] : null; $attachments = isset($attachmentsbypostid[$postid]) ? $attachmentsbypostid[$postid] : []; $authorgroups = isset($groupsbyauthorid[$authorid]) ? $groupsbyauthorid[$authorid] : []; $tags = isset($tagsbypostid[$postid]) ? $tagsbypostid[$postid] : []; $rating = isset($ratingbypostid[$postid]) ? $ratingbypostid[$postid] : null; $exporter = new post_exporter($post, array_merge($related, [ 'author' => $author, 'authorcontextid' => $authorcontextid, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'authorgroups' => $authorgroups, 'tags' => $tags, 'rating' => $rating ])); return $exporter->export($output); }, $this->posts ); return [ 'posts' => $exportedposts ]; } /** * Returns a list of objects that are related. * * @return array */ protected static function define_related() { return [ 'capabilitymanager' => 'mod_forum\local\managers\capability', 'urlfactory' => 'mod_forum\local\factories\url', 'forum' => 'mod_forum\local\entities\forum', 'discussion' => 'mod_forum\local\entities\discussion', 'readreceiptcollection' => 'mod_forum\local\entities\post_read_receipt_collection?', 'user' => 'stdClass', 'context' => 'context', 'includehtml' => 'bool' ]; } }