. /** * Defines the renderer for the quiz_grading module. * * @package quiz_grading * @copyright 2018 Huong Nguyen * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * The renderer for the quiz_grading module. * * @copyright 2018 Huong Nguyen * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class quiz_grading_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { /** * Render no question notification. * * @param object $quiz The quiz settings. * @param object $cm The course-module for this quiz. * @param object $context The quiz context. * @return string The HTML for the no questions message. */ public function render_quiz_no_question_notification($quiz, $cm, $context) { return quiz_no_questions_message($quiz, $cm, $context); } /** * Render no question need to grade notification. * * @throws coding_exception */ public function render_quiz_no_grade_question_notification() { return $this->notification(get_string('nothingfound', 'quiz_grading')); } /** * Render index display. * * @param string $linktext The text of the link. * @param moodle_url $listquestionurl Url of the page that list all questions. * @return string The HTML for the display heading. * @throws coding_exception */ public function render_display_index_heading($linktext, $listquestionurl) { $output = ''; $output .= $this->heading(get_string('questionsthatneedgrading', 'quiz_grading'), 3); $output .= html_writer::tag('p', html_writer::link($listquestionurl, $linktext), ['class' => 'toggleincludeauto']); return $output; } /** * Render questions list table. * * @param bool $includeauto True to show automatically graded questions. * @param array $data List of questions. * @param array $header List of table headers. * @return string The HTML for the question table. * @throws coding_exception */ public function render_questions_table($includeauto, $data, $header) { if (empty($data)) { return $this->render_quiz_no_grade_question_notification(); } $output = ''; $table = new html_table(); $table->class = 'generaltable'; $table->id = 'questionstograde'; $table->head = $header; $table->data = $data; $output .= html_writer::table($table); return $output; } /** * Render grade link for question. * * @param object $counts * @param string $type Type of grade. * @param string $gradestring Lang string. * @param moodle_url $gradequestionurl Url to grade question. * @return string The HTML for the question grade link. * @throws coding_exception */ public function render_grade_link($counts, $type, $gradestring, $gradequestionurl) { $output = ''; if ($counts->$type > 0) { $output .= ' ' . html_writer::link( $gradequestionurl, get_string($gradestring, 'quiz_grading'), ['class' => 'gradetheselink']); } return $output; } /** * Render grading page. * * @param object $questioninfo Information of a question. * @param moodle_url $listquestionsurl Url of the page that list all questions. * @param quiz_grading_settings_form $filterform Question filter form. * @param object $paginginfo Pagination information. * @param object $pagingbar Pagination bar information. * @param moodle_url $formaction Form submit url. * @param array $hiddeninputs List of hidden input fields. * @param string $gradequestioncontent HTML string of question content. * @return string The HTML for the grading interface. * @throws coding_exception * @throws moodle_exception */ public function render_grading_interface($questioninfo, $listquestionsurl, $filterform, $paginginfo, $pagingbar, $formaction, $hiddeninputs, $gradequestioncontent) { $output = ''; $output .= question_engine::initialise_js(); $output .= $this->heading(get_string('gradingquestionx', 'quiz_grading', $questioninfo), 3); $output .= html_writer::tag('p', html_writer::link($listquestionsurl, get_string('backtothelistofquestions', 'quiz_grading')), ['class' => 'mdl-align']); $output .= $filterform->render(); $output .= $this->heading(get_string('gradingattemptsxtoyofz', 'quiz_grading', $paginginfo), 3); if ($pagingbar->count > $pagingbar->pagesize && $pagingbar->order != 'random') { $output .= $this->paging_bar($pagingbar->count, $pagingbar->page, $pagingbar->pagesize, $pagingbar->pagingurl); } $output .= html_writer::start_tag('form', [ 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $formaction, 'class' => 'mform', 'id' => 'manualgradingform' ]); $output .= html_writer::start_tag('div'); $output .= html_writer::input_hidden_params(new moodle_url('', $hiddeninputs)); $output .= $gradequestioncontent; $output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::empty_tag('input', [ 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'value' => get_string('saveandnext', 'quiz_grading') ]), ['class' => 'mdl-align']); $output .= html_writer::end_tag('div') . html_writer::end_tag('form'); return $output; } /** * Render grade question content. * * @param question_usage_by_activity $questionusage The question usage that need to grade. * @param int $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. * @param question_display_options $displayoptions the display options to use. * @param int $questionnumber the number of the question to check. * @param string $heading the question heading text. * @return string The HTML for the question display. */ public function render_grade_question($questionusage, $slot, $displayoptions, $questionnumber, $heading) { $output = ''; if ($heading) { $output .= $this->heading($heading, 4); } $output .= $questionusage->render_question($slot, $displayoptions, $questionnumber); return $output; } }