@mod @mod_quiz Feature: Allow students to redo questions in a practice quiz, without starting a whole new attempt In order to practice particular skills I am struggling with As a student I need to be able to redo each question in a quiz as often as necessary without starting a whole new attempt, if my teacher allows it. Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | student | Student | One | student@example.com | | teacher | Teacher | One | teacher@example.com | And the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | And the following "course enrolments" exist: | user | course | role | | student | C1 | student | | teacher | C1 | teacher | And the following "question categories" exist: | contextlevel | reference | name | | Course | C1 | Test questions | And the following "questions" exist: | questioncategory | qtype | name | questiontext | | Test questions | truefalse | TF1 | First question | | Test questions | truefalse | TF2 | Second question | And the following "activities" exist: | activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | preferredbehaviour | canredoquestions | | quiz | Quiz 1 | Quiz 1 description | C1 | quiz1 | immediatefeedback | 1 | And quiz "Quiz 1" contains the following questions: | question | page | maxmark | | TF1 | 1 | 2 | | TF2 | 1 | 1 | And I log in as "student" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage @javascript Scenario: After completing a question, there is a redo question button that restarts the question When I follow "Quiz 1" And I press "Attempt quiz now" And I click on "False" "radio" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "First question" "question" And I press "Try another question like this one" Then the state of "First question" question is shown as "Not complete" And I should see "Marked out of 2.00" in the "First question" "question" @javascript Scenario: The redo question button is visible but disabled for teachers When I follow "Quiz 1" And I press "Attempt quiz now" And I click on "False" "radio" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "First question" "question" And I log out And I log in as "teacher" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Quiz 1" And I follow "Attempts: 1" And I follow "Review attempt" Then the "Try another question like this one" "button" should be disabled @javascript Scenario: The redo question buttons are no longer visible after the attempt is submitted. When I follow "Quiz 1" And I press "Attempt quiz now" And I click on "False" "radio" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "First question" "question" And I press "Finish attempt ..." And I press "Submit all and finish" And I click on "Submit all and finish" "button" in the "Confirmation" "dialogue" Then "Try another question like this one" "button" should not exist @javascript @_switch_window Scenario: Teachers reviewing can see all the qestions attempted in a slot When I follow "Quiz 1" And I press "Attempt quiz now" And I click on "False" "radio" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "First question" "question" And I press "Try another question like this one" And I press "Finish attempt ..." And I press "Submit all and finish" And I click on "Submit all and finish" "button" in the "Confirmation" "dialogue" And I log out And I log in as "teacher" And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I follow "Quiz 1" And I follow "Attempts: 1" And I follow "Review attempt" And I click on "1" "link" in the "First question" "question" And I switch to "reviewquestion" window Then the state of "First question" question is shown as "Incorrect" And I click on "1" "link" in the "First question" "question" And the state of "First question" question is shown as "Not complete" And I switch to the main window And the state of "First question" question is shown as "Not answered" And I should not see "Submit" in the ".history" "css_element" And I navigate to "Results > Statistics" in current page administration And I follow "TF1" And "False" row "Frequency" column of "quizresponseanalysis" table should contain "100.00%" And "True" row "Frequency" column of "quizresponseanalysis" table should contain "0.00%" And "[No response]" row "Frequency" column of "quizresponseanalysis" table should contain "100.00%" @javascript Scenario: Redoing question 1 should save any changes to question 2 on the same page When I follow "Quiz 1" And I press "Attempt quiz now" And I click on "False" "radio" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "First question" "question" And I click on "True" "radio" in the "Second question" "question" And I press "Try another question like this one" And I click on "Check" "button" in the "Second question" "question" Then the state of "Second question" question is shown as "Correct"