YUI.add('moodle-mod_quiz-autosave', function (Y, NAME) { // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see . /** * Auto-save functionality for during quiz attempts. * * @module moodle-mod_quiz-autosave */ /** * Auto-save functionality for during quiz attempts. * * @class M.mod_quiz.autosave */ M.mod_quiz = M.mod_quiz || {}; M.mod_quiz.autosave = { /** * The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between TinyMCE detections. * * @property TINYMCE_DETECTION_DELAY * @type Number * @default 500 * @private */ TINYMCE_DETECTION_DELAY: 500, /** * The number of times to try redetecting TinyMCE. * * @property TINYMCE_DETECTION_REPEATS * @type Number * @default 20 * @private */ TINYMCE_DETECTION_REPEATS: 20, /** * The delay (in milliseconds) between checking hidden input fields. * * @property WATCH_HIDDEN_DELAY * @type Number * @default 1000 * @private */ WATCH_HIDDEN_DELAY: 1000, /** * The number of failures to ignore before notifying the user. * * @property FAILURES_BEFORE_NOTIFY * @type Number * @default 1 * @private */ FAILURES_BEFORE_NOTIFY: 1, /** * The value to use when resetting the successful save counter. * * @property FIRST_SUCCESSFUL_SAVE * @static * @type Number * @default -1 * @private */ FIRST_SUCCESSFUL_SAVE: -1, /** * The selectors used throughout this class. * * @property SELECTORS * @private * @type Object * @static */ SELECTORS: { QUIZ_FORM: '#responseform', VALUE_CHANGE_ELEMENTS: 'input, textarea, [contenteditable="true"]', CHANGE_ELEMENTS: 'input, select', HIDDEN_INPUTS: 'input[type=hidden]', CONNECTION_ERROR: '#connection-error', CONNECTION_OK: '#connection-ok' }, /** * The script which handles the autosaves. * * @property AUTOSAVE_HANDLER * @type String * @default M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/quiz/autosave.ajax.php' * @private */ AUTOSAVE_HANDLER: M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/quiz/autosave.ajax.php', /** * The delay (in milliseconds) between a change being made, and it being auto-saved. * * @property delay * @type Number * @default 120000 * @private */ delay: 120000, /** * A Node reference to the form we are monitoring. * * @property form * @type Node * @default null */ form: null, /** * Whether the form has been modified since the last save started. * * @property dirty * @type boolean * @default false */ dirty: false, /** * Timer object for the delay between form modifaction and the save starting. * * @property delay_timer * @type Object * @default null * @private */ delay_timer: null, /** * Y.io transaction for the save ajax request. * * @property save_transaction * @type object * @default null */ save_transaction: null, /** * Failed saves count. * * @property savefailures * @type Number * @default 0 * @private */ savefailures: 0, /** * Properly bound key change handler. * * @property editor_change_handler * @type EventHandle * @default null * @private */ editor_change_handler: null, /** * Record of the value of all the hidden fields, last time they were checked. * * @property hidden_field_values * @type Object * @default {} */ hidden_field_values: {}, /** * Initialise the autosave code. * * @method init * @param {Number} delay the delay, in seconds, between a change being detected, and * a save happening. */ init: function(delay) { this.form = Y.one(this.SELECTORS.QUIZ_FORM); if (!this.form) { return; } this.delay = delay * 1000; this.form.delegate('valuechange', this.value_changed, this.SELECTORS.VALUE_CHANGE_ELEMENTS, this); this.form.delegate('change', this.value_changed, this.SELECTORS.CHANGE_ELEMENTS, this); this.form.on('submit', this.stop_autosaving, this); this.init_tinymce(this.TINYMCE_DETECTION_REPEATS); this.save_hidden_field_values(); this.watch_hidden_fields(); }, save_hidden_field_values: function() { this.form.all(this.SELECTORS.HIDDEN_INPUTS).each(function(hidden) { var name = hidden.get('name'); if (!name) { return; } this.hidden_field_values[name] = hidden.get('value'); }, this); }, watch_hidden_fields: function() { this.detect_hidden_field_changes(); Y.later(this.WATCH_HIDDEN_DELAY, this, this.watch_hidden_fields); }, detect_hidden_field_changes: function() { this.form.all(this.SELECTORS.HIDDEN_INPUTS).each(function(hidden) { var name = hidden.get('name'), value = hidden.get('value'); if (!name) { return; } if (!(name in this.hidden_field_values) || value !== this.hidden_field_values[name]) { this.hidden_field_values[name] = value; this.value_changed({target: hidden}); } }, this); }, /** * Initialise watching of TinyMCE specifically. * * Because TinyMCE might load slowly, and after us, we need to keep * trying, until we detect TinyMCE is there, or enough time has passed. * This is based on the TINYMCE_DETECTION_DELAY and * TINYMCE_DETECTION_REPEATS properties. * * * @method init_tinymce * @param {Number} repeatcount The number of attempts made so far. */ init_tinymce: function(repeatcount) { if (typeof window.tinyMCE === 'undefined') { if (repeatcount > 0) { Y.later(this.TINYMCE_DETECTION_DELAY, this, this.init_tinymce, [repeatcount - 1]); } else { } return; } this.editor_change_handler = Y.bind(this.editor_changed, this); window.tinyMCE.onAddEditor.add(Y.bind(this.init_tinymce_editor, this)); }, /** * Initialise watching of a specific TinyMCE editor. * * @method init_tinymce_editor * @param {EventFacade} e * @param {Object} editor The TinyMCE editor object */ init_tinymce_editor: function(e, editor) { editor.onChange.add(this.editor_change_handler); editor.onRedo.add(this.editor_change_handler); editor.onUndo.add(this.editor_change_handler); editor.onKeyDown.add(this.editor_change_handler); }, value_changed: function(e) { var name = e.target.getAttribute('name'); if (name === 'thispage' || name === 'scrollpos' || (name && name.match(/_:flagged$/))) { return; // Not interesting. } // Fallback to the ID when the name is not present (in the case of content editable). name = name || '#' + e.target.getAttribute('id'); this.start_save_timer_if_necessary(); }, editor_changed: function(editor) { this.start_save_timer_if_necessary(); }, start_save_timer_if_necessary: function() { this.dirty = true; if (this.delay_timer || this.save_transaction) { // Already counting down or daving. return; } this.start_save_timer(); }, start_save_timer: function() { this.cancel_delay(); this.delay_timer = Y.later(this.delay, this, this.save_changes); }, cancel_delay: function() { if (this.delay_timer && this.delay_timer !== true) { this.delay_timer.cancel(); } this.delay_timer = null; }, save_changes: function() { this.cancel_delay(); this.dirty = false; if (this.is_time_nearly_over()) { this.stop_autosaving(); return; } if (typeof window.tinyMCE !== 'undefined') { window.tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } this.save_transaction = Y.io(this.AUTOSAVE_HANDLER, { method: 'POST', form: {id: this.form}, on: { success: this.save_done, failure: this.save_failed }, context: this }); }, save_done: function(transactionid, response) { if (response.responseText !== 'OK') { // Because IIS is useless, Moodle can't send proper HTTP response // codes, so we have to detect failures manually. this.save_failed(transactionid, response); return; } this.save_transaction = null; if (this.dirty) { this.start_save_timer(); } if (this.savefailures > 0) { Y.one(this.SELECTORS.CONNECTION_ERROR).hide(); Y.one(this.SELECTORS.CONNECTION_OK).show(); this.savefailures = this.FIRST_SUCCESSFUL_SAVE; } else if (this.savefailures === this.FIRST_SUCCESSFUL_SAVE) { Y.one(this.SELECTORS.CONNECTION_OK).hide(); this.savefailures = 0; } }, save_failed: function() { this.save_transaction = null; // We want to retry soon. this.start_save_timer(); this.savefailures = Math.max(1, this.savefailures + 1); if (this.savefailures === this.FAILURES_BEFORE_NOTIFY) { Y.one(this.SELECTORS.CONNECTION_ERROR).show(); Y.one(this.SELECTORS.CONNECTION_OK).hide(); } }, is_time_nearly_over: function() { return M.mod_quiz.timer && M.mod_quiz.timer.endtime && (new Date().getTime() + 2 * this.delay) > M.mod_quiz.timer.endtime; }, stop_autosaving: function() { this.cancel_delay(); this.delay_timer = true; if (this.save_transaction) { this.save_transaction.abort(); } } }; }, '@VERSION@', {"requires": ["base", "node", "event", "event-valuechange", "node-event-delegate", "io-form"]});