. /** * Strings for component 'scorm', language 'en' * * @package mod_scorm * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['toc'] = 'TOC'; $string['navigation'] = 'Navigation'; $string['aicchacptimeout'] = 'AICC HACP timeout'; $string['aicchacptimeout_desc'] = 'Length of time in minutes that an external AICC HACP session can remain open'; $string['aicchacpkeepsessiondata'] = 'AICC HACP session data'; $string['aicchacpkeepsessiondata_desc'] = 'Length of time in days to keep the external AICC HACP session data (a high setting will fill up the table with old data but may be useful when debugging)'; $string['aiccuserid'] = 'AICC pass numeric user id'; $string['aiccuserid_desc'] = 'The AICC standard for usernames is very restrictive compared with Moodle, and allows for alphanumeric characters, dash and underscore only. Periods, spaces and the @ symbol are not permitted. If enabled, user ID numbers are passed to the AICC package instead of usernames.'; $string['activation'] = 'Activation'; $string['activityloading'] = 'You will be automatically redirected to the activity in'; $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have SCORM packages that need attention'; $string['activitypleasewait'] = 'Activity loading, please wait ...'; $string['adminsettings'] = 'Admin settings'; $string['advanced'] = 'Parameters'; $string['aliasonly'] = 'When selecting an imsmanifest.xml file from a repository you must use an alias/shortcut for this file.'; $string['allowapidebug'] = 'Activate API debug and tracing (set the capture mask with apidebugmask)'; $string['allowtypeexternal'] = 'Enable external package type'; $string['allowtypeexternalaicc'] = 'Enable direct AICC URL'; $string['allowtypeexternalaicc_desc'] = 'If enabled this allows a direct url to a simple AICC package'; $string['allowtypelocalsync'] = 'Enable downloaded package type'; $string['allowtypeaicchacp'] = 'Enable external AICC HACP'; $string['allowtypeaicchacp_desc'] = 'If enabled this allows AICC HACP external communication without requiring user login for post requests from the external AICC package'; $string['apidebugmask'] = 'API debug capture mask - use a simple regex on <username>:<activityname> e.g. admin:.* will debug for admin user only'; $string['areacontent'] = 'Content files'; $string['areapackage'] = 'Package file'; $string['asset'] = 'Asset'; $string['assetlaunched'] = 'Asset - Viewed'; $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt'; $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts'; $string['attemptstatusall'] = 'Dashboard and entry page'; $string['attemptstatusmy'] = 'Dashboard only'; $string['attemptstatusentry'] = 'Entry page only'; $string['attemptsx'] = '{$a} attempts'; $string['attemptsmanagement'] = 'Attempts management'; $string['attempt1'] = '1 attempt'; $string['attr_error'] = 'Bad value for attribute ({$a->attr}) in tag {$a->tag}.'; $string['autocommit'] = 'Auto-commit'; $string['autocommit_help'] = 'If enabled, SCORM data is automaticaly saved to the database. Useful for SCORM objects which do not save their data regularly.'; $string['autocommitdesc'] = 'Automatically save SCORM data if the SCORM package does not save it.'; $string['autocontinue'] = 'Auto-continue'; $string['autocontinue_help'] = 'If enabled, subsequent learning objects are launched automatically, otherwise the Continue button must be used.'; $string['autocontinuedesc'] = 'If enabled, subsequent learning objects are launched automatically, otherwise the Continue button must be used.'; $string['averageattempt'] = 'Average attempts'; $string['badmanifest'] = 'Some manifest errors: see errors log'; $string['badimsmanifestlocation'] = 'An imsmanifest.xml file was found but it was not in the root of your zip file, please re-package your SCORM'; $string['badarchive'] = 'You must provide a valid zip file'; $string['browse'] = 'Preview'; $string['browsed'] = 'Browsed'; $string['browsemode'] = 'Preview mode'; $string['browserepository'] = 'Browse repository'; $string['calculatedweight'] = 'Calculated weight'; $string['calendarend'] = '{$a} closes'; $string['calendarstart'] = '{$a} opens'; $string['cannotaccess'] = 'You cannot call this script in that way'; $string['cannotfindsco'] = 'Could not find SCO'; $string['closebeforeopen'] = 'You have specified a close date before the open date.'; $string['collapsetocwinsize'] = 'Collapse TOC when window size below'; $string['collapsetocwinsizedesc'] = 'This setting lets you specify the window size below which the TOC should automatically collapse.'; $string['compatibilitysettings'] = 'Compatibility settings'; $string['completed'] = 'Completed'; $string['completionscorerequired'] = 'Require minimum score'; $string['completionscorerequireddesc'] = 'Minimum score of {$a} is required for completion'; $string['completionscorerequired_help'] = 'Enabling this setting will require a user to have at least the minimum score entered to be marked complete in this SCORM activity, as well as any other Activity Completion requirements.'; $string['completionstatus_passed'] = 'Passed'; $string['completionstatus_completed'] = 'Completed'; $string['completionstatusallscos'] = 'Require all scos to return completion status'; $string['completionstatusallscos_help'] = 'Some SCORM packages contain multiple components or "scos" - when this is enabled all scos within the package must return the relevant lesson_status for this activity to be flagged complete.'; $string['completionstatusrequired'] = 'Require status'; $string['completionstatusrequireddesc'] = 'Student must achieve at least one of the following statuses: {$a}'; $string['completionstatusrequired_help'] = 'Checking one or more statuses will require a user to achieve at least one of the checked statuses in order to be marked complete in this SCORM activity, as well as any other Activity Completion requirements.'; $string['confirmloosetracks'] = 'WARNING: The package seems to be changed or modified. If the package structure is changed, some users tracks may be lost during update process.'; $string['contents'] = 'Contents'; $string['coursepacket'] = 'Course package'; $string['coursestruct'] = 'Course structure'; $string['crontask'] = 'Background processing for SCORM'; $string['currentwindow'] = 'Current window'; $string['datadir'] = 'Filesystem error: Can\'t create course data directory'; $string['defaultdisplaysettings'] = 'Default display settings'; $string['defaultgradesettings'] = 'Default grade settings'; $string['defaultothersettings'] = 'Other default settings'; $string['deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete these attempts?'; $string['deleteallattempts'] = 'Delete all SCORM attempts'; $string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected attempts'; $string['deleteuserattemptcheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete all your attempts?'; $string['details'] = 'Track details'; $string['directories'] = 'Show the directory links'; $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $string['display'] = 'Display package'; $string['displayactivityname'] = 'Display activity name'; $string['displayactivityname_help'] = 'Whether or not to display the activity name above the SCORM player.'; $string['displayattemptstatus'] = 'Display attempt status'; $string['displayattemptstatus_help'] = 'This preference allows a summary of the users attempts to show in the course overview block in Dashboard and/or the SCORM entry page.'; $string['displayattemptstatusdesc'] = 'Whether a summary of the user\'s attempts is shown in the course overview block in Dashboard and/or the SCORM entry page.'; $string['displaycoursestructure'] = 'Display course structure on entry page'; $string['displaycoursestructure_help'] = 'If enabled, the table of contents is displayed on the SCORM outline page.'; $string['displaycoursestructuredesc'] = 'If enabled, the table of contents is displayed on the SCORM outline page.'; $string['displaydesc'] = 'Whether to display the SCORM package in a new window.'; $string['displaysettings'] = 'Display settings'; $string['dnduploadscorm'] = 'Add a SCORM package'; $string['domxml'] = 'DOMXML external library'; $string['duedate'] = 'Due date'; $string['element'] = 'Element'; $string['enter'] = 'Enter'; $string['entercourse'] = 'Enter course'; $string['errorlogs'] = 'Errors log'; $string['eventattemptdeleted'] = 'Attempt deleted'; $string['eventinteractionsviewed'] = 'Interactions viewed'; $string['eventreportviewed'] = 'Report viewed'; $string['eventscolaunched'] = 'Sco launched'; $string['eventscorerawsubmitted'] = 'Submitted SCORM raw score'; $string['eventstatussubmitted'] = 'Submitted SCORM status'; $string['eventtracksviewed'] = 'Tracks viewed'; $string['eventuserreportviewed'] = 'User report viewed'; $string['everyday'] = 'Every day'; $string['everytime'] = 'Every time it\'s used'; $string['exceededmaxattempts'] = 'You have reached the maximum number of attempts.'; $string['exit'] = 'Exit course'; $string['exitactivity'] = 'Exit activity'; $string['expired'] = 'Sorry, this activity closed on {$a} and is no longer available'; $string['external'] = 'Update external packages timing'; $string['failed'] = 'Failed'; $string['finishscorm'] = 'If you have finished viewing this resource, {$a}'; $string['finishscormlinkname'] = 'click here to return to the course page'; $string['firstaccess'] = 'First access'; $string['firstattempt'] = 'First attempt'; $string['floating'] = 'Floating'; $string['forcecompleted'] = 'Force completed'; $string['forcecompleted_help'] = 'If enabled, the status of the current attempt is forced to "completed". (Only applicable to SCORM 1.2 packages.)'; $string['forcecompleteddesc'] = 'This preference sets the default value for the force completed setting'; $string['forcenewattempts'] = 'Force new attempt'; $string['forcenewattempts_help'] = 'There are 3 options: * No - If a previous attempt is completed, passed or failed, the student will be provided with the option to enter in review mode or start a new attempt. * When previous attempt completed, passed or failed - This relies on the SCORM package setting the status of \'completed\', \'passed\' or \'failed\'. * Always - Each re-entry to the SCORM activity will generate a new attempt and the student will not be returned to the same point they reached in their previous attempt.'; $string['forceattemptalways'] = 'Always'; $string['forceattemptoncomplete'] = 'When previous attempt completed, passed or failed'; $string['forcejavascript'] = 'Force users to enable JavaScript'; $string['forcejavascript_desc'] = 'If enabled (recommended) this prevents access to SCORM objects when JavaScript is not supported/enabled in a users browser. If disabled the user may view the SCORM but API communication will fail and no grade information will be saved.'; $string['forcejavascriptmessage'] = 'JavaScript is required to view this object, please enable JavaScript in your browser and try again.'; $string['found'] = 'Manifest found'; $string['frameheight'] = 'The height of the stage frame or window.'; $string['framewidth'] = 'The width of the stage frame or window.'; $string['fromleft'] = 'From left'; $string['fromtop'] = 'From top'; $string['fullscreen'] = 'Fill the whole screen'; $string['general'] = 'General data'; $string['gradeaverage'] = 'Average grade'; $string['gradeforattempt'] = 'Grade for attempt'; $string['gradehighest'] = 'Highest grade'; $string['grademethod'] = 'Grading method'; $string['grademethod_help'] = 'The grading method defines how the grade for a single attempt of the activity is determined. There are 4 grading methods: * Learning objects - The number of completed/passed learning objects * Highest grade - The highest score obtained in all passed learning objects * Average grade - The mean of all the scores * Sum grade - The sum of all the scores'; $string['grademethoddesc'] = 'The grading method defines how the grade for a single attempt of the activity is determined.'; $string['gradereported'] = 'Grade reported'; $string['gradesettings'] = 'Grade settings'; $string['gradescoes'] = 'Learning objects'; $string['gradesum'] = 'Sum grade'; $string['height'] = 'Height'; $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden'; $string['hidebrowse'] = 'Disable preview mode'; $string['hidebrowse_help'] = 'Preview mode allows a student to browse an activity before attempting it. If preview mode is disabled, the preview button is hidden.'; $string['hidebrowsedesc'] = 'Preview mode allows a student to browse an activity before attempting it.'; $string['hideexit'] = 'Hide exit link'; $string['hidereview'] = 'Hide review button'; $string['hidetoc'] = 'Display course structure in player'; $string['hidetoc_help'] = 'How the table of contents is displayed in the SCORM player'; $string['hidetocdesc'] = 'This setting specifies how the table of contents is displayed in the SCORM player.'; $string['highestattempt'] = 'Highest attempt'; $string['chooseapacket'] = 'Choose or update a package'; $string['identifier'] = 'Question identifier'; $string['incomplete'] = 'Incomplete'; $string['indicator:cognitivedepth'] = 'SCORM cognitive'; $string['indicator:cognitivedepth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the cognitive depth reached by the student in a SCORM activity.'; $string['indicator:socialbreadth'] = 'SCORM social'; $string['indicator:socialbreadth_help'] = 'This indicator is based on the social breadth reached by the student in a SCORM activity.'; $string['info'] = 'Info'; $string['interactions'] = 'Interactions'; $string['masteryoverride'] = 'Mastery score overrides status'; $string['masteryoverride_help'] = 'If enabled and a mastery score is provided, when LMSFinish is called and a raw score has been set, status will be recalculated using the raw score and mastery score and any status provided by the SCORM (including "incomplete") will be overridden.'; $string['masteryoverridedesc'] = 'This preference sets the default for the mastery score override setting'; $string['myattempts'] = 'My attempts'; $string['myaiccsessions'] = 'My AICC sessions'; $string['repositorynotsupported'] = 'This repository does not support linking directly to an imsmanifest.xml file.'; $string['trackid'] = 'ID'; $string['trackid_help'] = 'This is the identifier set by your SCORM package for this question, the SCORM specification doesn\'t allow the full question text to be provided.'; $string['trackcorrectcount'] = 'Correct count'; $string['trackcorrectcount_help'] = 'Number of correct results for the question'; $string['trackpattern'] = 'Pattern'; $string['trackpattern_help'] = 'This is what a correct response to this question would be, it does not show the learners response.'; $string['tracklatency'] = 'Latency'; $string['tracklatency_help'] = 'The time elapsed between the time the question was made available to the learner for a response and the time of the first response.'; $string['trackresponse'] = 'Response'; $string['trackresponse_help'] = 'This is the response made by the learner for this question'; $string['trackresult'] = 'Result'; $string['trackresult_help'] = 'Shows if the learner entered a correct response.'; $string['trackscoremin'] = 'Minimum score'; $string['trackscoremin_help'] = 'Minimum value that can be assigned for the raw score'; $string['trackscoremax'] = 'Maximum score'; $string['trackscoremax_help'] = 'Maximum value that can be assigned for the raw score'; $string['trackscoreraw'] = 'Raw score'; $string['trackscoreraw_help'] = 'Number that reflects the performance of the learner relative to the range bounded by the values of min and max'; $string['tracksuspenddata'] = 'Suspend data'; $string['tracksuspenddata_help'] = 'Provides space to store and retrieve data between learner sessions'; $string['tracktime'] = 'Time'; $string['tracktime_help'] = 'Time at which the attempt was started'; $string['tracktype'] = 'Type'; $string['tracktype_help'] = 'Type of the question, for example "choice" or "shortanswer".'; $string['trackweight'] = 'Weight'; $string['trackweight_help'] = 'Weight assigned to the question when calculating score.'; $string['invalidactivity'] = 'SCORM activity is incorrect'; $string['invalidmanifestname'] = 'Only imsmanifest.xml or .zip files may be selected'; $string['invalidurl'] = 'Invalid URL specified'; $string['invalidurlhttpcheck'] = 'Invalid URL specified. Debug message:
{$a->cmsg}'; $string['invalidhacpsession'] = 'Invalid HACP session'; $string['invalidmanifestresource'] = 'WARNING: The following resources were referenced in your manifest but couldn\'t be found:'; $string['last'] = 'Last accessed on'; $string['lastaccess'] = 'Last access'; $string['lastattempt'] = 'Last completed attempt'; $string['lastattemptlock'] = 'Lock after final attempt'; $string['lastattemptlock_help'] = 'If enabled, a student is prevented from launching the SCORM player after using up all their allocated attempts.'; $string['lastattemptlockdesc'] = 'If enabled, a student is prevented from launching the SCORM player after using up all their allocated attempts.'; $string['location'] = 'Show the location bar'; $string['max'] = 'Max score'; $string['maximumattempts'] = 'Number of attempts'; $string['maximumattempts_help'] = 'This setting enables the number of attempts to be restricted. It is only applicable for SCORM 1.2 and AICC packages.'; $string['maximumattemptsdesc'] = 'This preference sets the default maximum attempts for an activity'; $string['maximumgradedesc'] = 'This preference sets the default maximum grade for an activity'; $string['menubar'] = 'Show the menu bar'; $string['min'] = 'Minimum score'; $string['missing_attribute'] = 'Missing attribute {$a->attr} in tag {$a->tag}'; $string['missingparam'] = 'A required parameter is missing or wrong'; $string['missing_tag'] = 'Missing tag {$a->tag}'; $string['mode'] = 'Mode'; $string['modulename'] = 'SCORM package'; $string['modulename_help'] = 'A SCORM package is a collection of files which are packaged according to an agreed standard for learning objects. The SCORM activity module enables SCORM or AICC packages to be uploaded as a zip file and added to a course. Content is usually displayed over several pages, with navigation between the pages. There are various options for displaying content in a pop-up window, with a table of contents, with navigation buttons etc. SCORM activities generally include questions, with grades being recorded in the gradebook. SCORM activities may be used * For presenting multimedia content and animations * As an assessment tool'; $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/scorm/view'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'SCORM packages'; $string['nav'] = 'Show Navigation'; $string['nav_help'] = 'This setting specifies whether to show or hide the navigation buttons and their position. There are 3 options: * No - Navigation buttons are not shown * Under content - Navigation buttons are shown below the SCORM package content * Floating - Navigation buttons are shown floating, with the position from the top and from the left determined by the package.'; $string['navdesc'] = 'This setting specifies whether to show or hide navigation buttons and their position.'; $string['navpositionleft'] = 'Position of navigation buttons from left in pixels.'; $string['navpositiontop'] = 'Position of navigation buttons from top in pixels.'; $string['networkdropped'] = 'The SCORM player has determined that your Internet connection is unreliable or has been interrupted. If you continue in this SCORM activity, your progress may not be saved.