Moodle Example A
ansi Times New Roman variable roman 1 13 #000000 1 11 #000000 1 11 #000000 1 11 #000000 1 11 #000000 Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: Name: ________________________ ID: True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. Modified True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the sentence or statement true. Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Yes/No Indicate whether you agree with the sentence or statement. Numeric Response Completion Complete each sentence or statement. Matching Short Answer Problem Essay Case Other 42 is the Absolute Answer to everything. 42 is the Ultimate Answer. F What's between orange and green in the spectrum? red yellow blue B This is a numeric response question. How much is 12 * 2? 24 -1 Classify the animals. insect amphibian mammal cat C frog B newt B Name an amphibian: __________. frog -1 How are you? Examview answer for essay questions will be imported as informations for graders. -1