. /** * Class containing data for learning plan template competencies page * * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_lp\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use renderable; use templatable; use renderer_base; use stdClass; use context; use context_system; use moodle_url; use core_competency\external\template_exporter; use core_competency\template; use core_competency\api; use core_competency\external\performance_helper; use tool_lp\external\competency_summary_exporter; use tool_lp\external\template_statistics_exporter; use tool_lp\template_statistics; /** * Class containing data for learning plan template competencies page * * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class template_competencies_page implements renderable, templatable { /** @var template $template Template for this page. */ protected $template = null; /** @var \core_competency\competency[] $competencies List of competencies. */ protected $competencies = array(); /** @var bool $canmanagecompetencyframeworks Can the current user manage competency frameworks. */ protected $canmanagecompetencyframeworks = false; /** @var bool $canmanagecoursecompetencies Can the current user manage course competency frameworks.. */ protected $canmanagecoursecompetencies = false; /** @var string $manageurl manage url. */ protected $manageurl = null; /** @var context $pagecontext The page context. */ protected $pagecontext = null; /** @var template_statistics $templatestatistics The generated summary statistics for this template. */ protected $templatestatistics = null; /** * Construct this renderable. * * @param template $template The learning plan template. * @param context $pagecontext The page context. */ public function __construct(template $template, context $pagecontext) { $this->pagecontext = $pagecontext; $this->template = $template; $this->templatestatistics = new template_statistics($template->get('id')); $this->competencies = api::list_competencies_in_template($template); $this->canmanagecompetencyframeworks = has_capability('moodle/competency:competencymanage', $this->pagecontext); $this->canmanagetemplatecompetencies = has_capability('moodle/competency:templatemanage', $this->pagecontext); $this->manageurl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/lp/competencyframeworks.php', array('pagecontextid' => $this->pagecontext->id)); } /** * Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template. * * @param \renderer_base $output * @return stdClass */ public function export_for_template(renderer_base $output) { $data = new stdClass(); $data->template = (new template_exporter($this->template))->export($output); $data->pagecontextid = $this->pagecontext->id; $data->competencies = array(); $helper = new performance_helper(); foreach ($this->competencies as $competency) { $context = $helper->get_context_from_competency($competency); $framework = $helper->get_framework_from_competency($competency); $courses = api::list_courses_using_competency($competency->get('id')); $relatedcompetencies = api::list_related_competencies($competency->get('id')); $related = array( 'competency' => $competency, 'linkedcourses' => $courses, 'context' => $context, 'relatedcompetencies' => $relatedcompetencies, 'framework' => $framework ); $exporter = new competency_summary_exporter(null, $related); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($data->competencies, $record); } $data->pluginbaseurl = (new moodle_url('/admin/tool/lp'))->out(false); $data->canmanagecompetencyframeworks = $this->canmanagecompetencyframeworks; $data->canmanagetemplatecompetencies = $this->canmanagetemplatecompetencies; $data->manageurl = $this->manageurl->out(true); $exporter = new template_statistics_exporter($this->templatestatistics); $data->statistics = $exporter->export($output); $data->showcompetencylinks = true; return $data; } }