. /** * Event collection class. * * @package core_calendar * @copyright 2017 Cameron Ball * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_calendar\local\event\entities; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use core_calendar\local\event\factories\event_factory_interface; /** * Class representing a collection of repeat events. * * @copyright 2017 Cameron Ball * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class repeat_event_collection implements event_collection_interface { /** * @var int DB_QUERY_LIMIT How many records to pull from the DB at once. */ const DB_QUERY_LIMIT = 100; /** * @var int $parentid The ID of the event which the events in this collection are repeats of. */ protected $parentid; /** * @var \stdClass $parentrecord The parent event record from the database. */ protected $parentrecord; /** * @var event_factory_interface $factory Event factory. */ protected $factory; /** * @var int $num Total number of events that could be retrieved by this collection. */ protected $num; /** * Constructor. * * @param stdClass $dbrow The event dbrow that is being repeated. * @param event_factory_interface $factory Event factory. */ public function __construct($dbrow, event_factory_interface $factory) { $eventid = $dbrow->id; $repeatid = $dbrow->repeatid; if (empty($repeatid)) { $this->parentrecord = $dbrow; $this->parentid = $eventid; } else { $this->parentid = $repeatid; } if ($eventid === $repeatid) { // This means the record we've been given is the parent // record. $this->parentrecord = $dbrow; } $this->factory = $factory; } public function get_id() { return $this->parentid; } public function get_num() { global $DB; // Subtract one because the original event has repeatid = its own id. return $this->num = max( isset($this->num) ? $this->num : ($DB->count_records('event', ['repeatid' => $this->parentid]) - 1), 0 ); } public function getIterator() { $parentrecord = $this->get_parent_record(); foreach ($this->load_event_records() as $eventrecords) { foreach ($eventrecords as $eventrecord) { // In the case of the repeat event having unset information, fallback on the parent. yield $this->factory->create_instance((object)array_merge((array)$parentrecord, (array)$eventrecord)); } } } /** * Return the parent DB record. * * @return \stdClass */ protected function get_parent_record() { global $DB; if (!isset($this->parentrecord)) { $this->parentrecord = $DB->get_record('event', ['id' => $this->parentid]); } return $this->parentrecord; } /** * Generate more event records. * * @param int $start Start offset. * @return \stdClass[] */ protected function load_event_records($start = 0) { global $DB; while ($records = $DB->get_records_select( 'event', 'id <> :parentid AND repeatid = :repeatid', [ 'parentid' => $this->parentid, 'repeatid' => $this->parentid, ], 'id ASC', '*', $start, self::DB_QUERY_LIMIT )) { yield $records; $start += self::DB_QUERY_LIMIT; } } }