. /** * Single select form field class. * * @package core_form * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php. require_once(__DIR__ . '/behat_form_field.php'); /** * Single select form field. * * @package core_form * @category test * @copyright 2012 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class behat_form_select extends behat_form_field { /** * Sets the value(s) of a select element. * * Seems an easy select, but there are lots of combinations * of browsers and operative systems and each one manages the * autosubmits and the multiple option selects in a different way. * * @param string $value plain value or comma separated values if multiple. Commas in values escaped with backslash. * @return void */ public function set_value($value) { // Is the select multiple? $multiple = $this->field->hasAttribute('multiple'); $singleselect = ($this->field->hasClass('singleselect') || $this->field->hasClass('urlselect')); // Here we select the option(s). if ($multiple) { // Split and decode values. Comma separated list of values allowed. With valuable commas escaped with backslash. $options = preg_replace('/\\\,/', ',', preg_split('/(?field->selectOption(trim($option), $afterfirstoption); $afterfirstoption = true; } } else { // By default, assume the passed value is a non-multiple option. $this->field->selectOption(trim($value)); } // Wait for all the possible AJAX requests that have been // already triggered by selectOption() to be finished. if ($this->running_javascript()) { // Trigger change event and click on first skip link, as some OS/browsers (Phantomjs, Mac-FF), // don't close select option field and trigger event. if (!$singleselect) { $dialoguexpath = "//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' moodle-dialogue-focused ')]"; if (!$node = $this->session->getDriver()->find($dialoguexpath)) { $script = "Syn.trigger('change', {}, {{ELEMENT}})"; try { $driver = $this->session->getDriver(); if ($driver instanceof \Moodle\BehatExtension\Driver\MoodleSelenium2Driver) { $driver->triggerSynScript($this->field->getXpath(), $script); } $driver->click('//body//div[@class="skiplinks"]'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return; } } else { try { $this->session->getDriver()->click($dialoguexpath); } catch (\Exception $e) { return; } } } $this->session->wait(behat_base::get_timeout() * 1000, behat_base::PAGE_READY_JS); } } /** * Returns the text of the currently selected options. * * @return string Comma separated if multiple options are selected. Commas in option texts escaped with backslash. */ public function get_value() { return $this->get_selected_options(); } /** * Returns whether the provided argument matches the current value. * * @param mixed $expectedvalue * @return bool */ public function matches($expectedvalue) { $multiple = $this->field->hasAttribute('multiple'); // Same implementation as the parent if it is a single select. if (!$multiple) { $cleanexpectedvalue = trim($expectedvalue); $selectedtext = trim($this->get_selected_options()); $selectedvalue = trim($this->get_selected_options(false)); if ($cleanexpectedvalue != $selectedvalue && $cleanexpectedvalue != $selectedtext) { return false; } return true; } // We are dealing with a multi-select. // Unescape + trim all options and flip it to have the expected values as keys. $expectedoptions = $this->get_unescaped_options($expectedvalue); // Get currently selected option's texts. $texts = $this->get_selected_options(true); $selectedoptiontexts = $this->get_unescaped_options($texts); // Get currently selected option's values. $values = $this->get_selected_options(false); $selectedoptionvalues = $this->get_unescaped_options($values); // We check against string-ordered lists of options. if ($expectedoptions !== $selectedoptiontexts && $expectedoptions !== $selectedoptionvalues) { return false; } return true; } /** * Cleans the list of options and returns it as a string separating options with |||. * * @param string $value The string containing the escaped options. * @return string The options */ protected function get_unescaped_options($value) { // Can be multiple comma separated, with valuable commas escaped with backslash. $optionsarray = array_map( 'trim', preg_replace('/\\\,/', ',', preg_split('/(?field->hasAttribute('multiple'); $selectedoptions = array(); // To accumulate found selected options. // Driver returns the values as an array or as a string depending // on whether multiple options are selected or not. $values = $this->field->getValue(); if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } // Get all the options in the select and extract their value/text pairs. $alloptions = $this->field->findAll('xpath', '//option'); foreach ($alloptions as $option) { // Is it selected? if (in_array($option->getValue(), $values)) { if ($multiple) { // If the select is multiple, text commas must be encoded. $selectedoptions[] = trim(str_replace(',', '\,', $option->{$method}())); } else { $selectedoptions[] = trim($option->{$method}()); } } } return implode(', ', $selectedoptions); } /** * Returns the opton XPath based on it's select xpath. * * @param string $option * @param string $selectxpath * @return string xpath */ protected function get_option_xpath($option, $selectxpath) { $valueliteral = behat_context_helper::escape(trim($option)); return $selectxpath . "/descendant::option[(./@value=$valueliteral or normalize-space(.)=$valueliteral)]"; } }