@editor @editor_tinymce @javascript Feature: Add or remove items from the TinyMCE editor toolbar In order to customize the TinyMCE editor appearance As an admin I need to add and remove items from the toolbar Background: Given the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 | And I log in as "admin" And I follow "Preferences" in the user menu And I follow "Editor preferences" And I set the field "Text editor" to "TinyMCE HTML editor" And I press "Save changes" And I follow "Home" Scenario: Remove icons When the following config values are set as admin: | customtoolbar | fontselect,fontsizeselect,formatselect,\|,undo,redo,\|,search,replace,\|,fullscreen | editor_tinymce | And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on And I add a "Database" to section "1" Then "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_bold" "css_element" should not exist And "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_fullscreen" "css_element" should exist And I press "Cancel" Scenario: Add icons When the following config values are set as admin: | customtoolbar | fontselect,fontsizeselect,formatselect,\|,undo,redo,\|,search,replace,\|,fullscreen,anchor | editor_tinymce | And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on And I add a "Database" to section "1" Then "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_bold" "css_element" should not exist And "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_anchor" "css_element" should exist And the following config values are set as admin: | customtoolbar | fontselect,fontsizeselect,formatselect,\|,undo,redo,\|,search,replace,\|,fullscreen | editor_tinymce | And I am on "Course 1" course homepage And I add a "Database" to section "1" And "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_anchor" "css_element" should not exist And I press "Cancel" Scenario: Default icons Given I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on When I add a "Database" to section "1" And I wait until "#id_introeditor_tbl" "css_element" exists Then "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_bold" "css_element" should exist And "#id_introeditor_tbl .mce_anchor" "css_element" should not exist And I press "Cancel"