* * @category Horde * @copyright 2001-2010 Richard Heyes * @copyright 2002-2011 Timo Sirainen * @copyright 2011-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsd New BSD License * @package Mail */ /** * RFC 822/2822/3490/5322 Email parser/validator. * * @author Richard Heyes * @author Chuck Hagenbuch * @author Michael Slusarz * @author Timo Sirainen * @category Horde * @copyright 2001-2010 Richard Heyes * @copyright 2002-2011 Timo Sirainen * @copyright 2011-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsd New BSD License * @package Mail */ class Horde_Mail_Rfc822 { /** * Valid atext characters. * * @deprecated * @since 2.0.3 */ const ATEXT = '!#$%&\'*+-./0123456789=?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'; /** * Excluded (in ASCII decimal): 0-8, 10-31, 34, 40-41, 44, 58-60, 62, 64, * 91-93, 127 * * @since 2.0.3 */ const ENCODE_FILTER = "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\10\12\13\14\15\16\17\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\30\31\32\33\34\35\36\37\"(),:;<>@[\\]\177"; /** * The address string to parse. * * @var string */ protected $_data; /** * Length of the address string. * * @var integer */ protected $_datalen; /** * Comment cache. * * @var string */ protected $_comments = array(); /** * List object to return in parseAddressList(). * * @var Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List */ protected $_listob; /** * Configuration parameters. * * @var array */ protected $_params = array(); /** * Data pointer. * * @var integer */ protected $_ptr; /** * Starts the whole process. * * @param mixed $address The address(es) to validate. Either a string, * a Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Object, or an array of * strings and/or Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Objects. * @param array $params Optional parameters: * - default_domain: (string) Default domain/host. * DEFAULT: None * - group: (boolean) Return a GroupList object instead of a List object? * DEFAULT: false * - limit: (integer) Stop processing after this many addresses. * DEFAULT: No limit (0) * - validate: (mixed) Strict validation of personal part data? If * false, attempts to allow non-ASCII characters and * non-quoted strings in the personal data, and will * silently abort if an unparseable address is found. * If true, does strict RFC 5322 (ASCII-only) parsing. If * 'eai' (@since 2.5.0), allows RFC 6532 (EAI/UTF-8) * addresses. * DEFAULT: false * * @return Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List A list object. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ public function parseAddressList($address, array $params = array()) { if ($address instanceof Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List) { return $address; } if (empty($params['limit'])) { $params['limit'] = -1; } $this->_params = array_merge(array( 'default_domain' => null, 'validate' => false ), $params); $this->_listob = empty($this->_params['group']) ? new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List() : new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_GroupList(); if (!is_array($address)) { $address = array($address); } $tmp = array(); foreach ($address as $val) { if ($val instanceof Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Object) { $this->_listob->add($val); } else { $tmp[] = rtrim(trim($val), ','); } } if (!empty($tmp)) { $this->_data = implode(',', $tmp); $this->_datalen = strlen($this->_data); $this->_ptr = 0; $this->_parseAddressList(); } $ret = $this->_listob; unset($this->_listob); return $ret; } /** * Quotes and escapes the given string if necessary using rules contained * in RFC 2822 [3.2.5]. * * @param string $str The string to be quoted and escaped. * @param string $type Either 'address', 'comment' (@since 2.6.0), or * 'personal'. * * @return string The correctly quoted and escaped string. */ public function encode($str, $type = 'address') { switch ($type) { case 'comment': // RFC 5322 [3.2.2]: Filter out non-printable US-ASCII and ( ) \ $filter = "\0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\10\12\13\14\15\16\17\20\21\22\23\24\25\26\27\30\31\32\33\34\35\36\37\50\51\134\177"; break; case 'personal': // RFC 2822 [3.4]: Period not allowed in display name $filter = self::ENCODE_FILTER . '.'; break; case 'address': default: // RFC 2822 [3.4.1]: (HTAB, SPACE) not allowed in address $filter = self::ENCODE_FILTER . "\11\40"; break; } // Strip double quotes if they are around the string already. // If quoted, we know that the contents are already escaped, so // unescape now. $str = trim($str); if ($str && ($str[0] === '"') && (substr($str, -1) === '"')) { $str = stripslashes(substr($str, 1, -1)); } return (strcspn($str, $filter) != strlen($str)) ? '"' . addcslashes($str, '\\"') . '"' : $str; } /** * If an email address has no personal information, get rid of any angle * brackets (<>) around it. * * @param string $address The address to trim. * * @return string The trimmed address. */ public function trimAddress($address) { $address = trim($address); return (($address[0] == '<') && (substr($address, -1) == '>')) ? substr($address, 1, -1) : $address; } /* RFC 822 parsing methods. */ /** * address-list = (address *("," address)) / obs-addr-list */ protected function _parseAddressList() { $limit = $this->_params['limit']; while (($this->_curr() !== false) && ($limit-- !== 0)) { try { $this->_parseAddress(); } catch (Horde_Mail_Exception $e) { if ($this->_params['validate']) { throw $e; } ++$this->_ptr; } switch ($this->_curr()) { case ',': $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); break; case false: // No-op break; default: if ($this->_params['validate']) { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing address list.'); } break; } } } /** * address = mailbox / group */ protected function _parseAddress() { $start = $this->_ptr; if (!$this->_parseGroup()) { $this->_ptr = $start; if ($mbox = $this->_parseMailbox()) { $this->_listob->add($mbox); } } } /** * group = display-name ":" [mailbox-list / CFWS] ";" [CFWS] * display-name = phrase * * @return boolean True if a group was parsed. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _parseGroup() { $this->_rfc822ParsePhrase($groupname); if ($this->_curr(true) != ':') { return false; } $addresses = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_GroupList(); $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); while (($chr = $this->_curr()) !== false) { if ($chr == ';') { ++$this->_ptr; if (count($addresses)) { $this->_listob->add(new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Group($groupname, $addresses)); } return true; } /* mailbox-list = (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list */ $addresses->add($this->_parseMailbox()); switch ($this->_curr()) { case ',': $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); break; case ';': // No-op break; default: break 2; } } throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing group.'); } /** * mailbox = name-addr / addr-spec * * @return mixed Mailbox object if mailbox was parsed, or false. */ protected function _parseMailbox() { $this->_comments = array(); $start = $this->_ptr; if (!($ob = $this->_parseNameAddr())) { $this->_comments = array(); $this->_ptr = $start; $ob = $this->_parseAddrSpec(); } if ($ob) { $ob->comment = $this->_comments; } return $ob; } /** * name-addr = [display-name] angle-addr * display-name = phrase * * @return mixed Mailbox object, or false. */ protected function _parseNameAddr() { $this->_rfc822ParsePhrase($personal); if ($ob = $this->_parseAngleAddr()) { $ob->personal = $personal; return $ob; } return false; } /** * addr-spec = local-part "@" domain * * @return mixed Mailbox object. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _parseAddrSpec() { $ob = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address(); $ob->mailbox = $this->_parseLocalPart(); if ($this->_curr() == '@') { try { $this->_rfc822ParseDomain($host); if (strlen($host)) { $ob->host = $host; } } catch (Horde_Mail_Exception $e) { if (!empty($this->_params['validate'])) { throw $e; } } } if (is_null($ob->host)) { if (!is_null($this->_params['default_domain'])) { $ob->host = $this->_params['default_domain']; } elseif (!empty($this->_params['validate'])) { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Address is missing domain.'); } } return $ob; } /** * local-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part * obs-local-part = word *("." word) * * @return string The local part. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _parseLocalPart() { if (($curr = $this->_curr()) === false) { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing local part.'); } if ($curr == '"') { $this->_rfc822ParseQuotedString($str); } else { $this->_rfc822ParseDotAtom($str, ',;@'); } return $str; } /** * "<" [ "@" route ":" ] local-part "@" domain ">" * * @return mixed Mailbox object, or false. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _parseAngleAddr() { if ($this->_curr() != '<') { return false; } $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); if ($this->_curr() == '@') { // Route information is ignored. $this->_parseDomainList(); if ($this->_curr() != ':') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Invalid route.'); } $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); } $ob = $this->_parseAddrSpec(); if ($this->_curr() != '>') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing angle address.'); } $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); return $ob; } /** * obs-domain-list = "@" domain *(*(CFWS / "," ) [CFWS] "@" domain) * * @return array Routes. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _parseDomainList() { $route = array(); while ($this->_curr() !== false) { $this->_rfc822ParseDomain($str); $route[] = '@' . $str; $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); if ($this->_curr() != ',') { return $route; } ++$this->_ptr; } throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Invalid domain list.'); } /* RFC 822 parsing methods. */ /** * phrase = 1*word / obs-phrase * word = atom / quoted-string * obs-phrase = word *(word / "." / CFWS) * * @param string &$phrase The phrase data. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParsePhrase(&$phrase) { $curr = $this->_curr(); if (($curr === false) || ($curr == '.')) { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing a group.'); } do { if ($curr == '"') { $this->_rfc822ParseQuotedString($phrase); } else { $this->_rfc822ParseAtomOrDot($phrase); } $curr = $this->_curr(); if (($curr != '"') && ($curr != '.') && !$this->_rfc822IsAtext($curr)) { break; } $phrase .= ' '; } while ($this->_ptr < $this->_datalen); $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); } /** * @param string &$phrase The quoted string data. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParseQuotedString(&$str) { if ($this->_curr(true) != '"') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing a quoted string.'); } while (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) !== false) { switch ($chr) { case '"': $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); return; case "\n": /* Folding whitespace, remove the (CR)LF. */ if (substr($str, -1) == "\r") { $str = substr($str, 0, -1); } break; case '\\': if (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) === false) { break 2; } break; } $str .= $chr; } /* Missing trailing '"', or partial quoted character. */ throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing a quoted string.'); } /** * dot-atom = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS] * dot-atom-text = 1*atext *("." 1*atext) * * atext = ; Any character except controls, SP, and specials. * * For RFC-822 compatibility allow LWSP around '.'. * * * @param string &$str The atom/dot data. * @param string $validate Use these characters as delimiter. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParseDotAtom(&$str, $validate = null) { $valid = false; while ($this->_ptr < $this->_datalen) { $chr = $this->_data[$this->_ptr]; /* TODO: Optimize by duplicating rfc822IsAtext code here */ if ($this->_rfc822IsAtext($chr, $validate)) { $str .= $chr; ++$this->_ptr; } elseif (!$valid) { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing dot-atom.'); } else { $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); if ($this->_curr() != '.') { return; } $str .= $chr; $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(true); } $valid = true; } } /** * atom = [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS] * atext = ; Any character except controls, SP, and specials. * * This method doesn't just silently skip over WS. * * @param string &$str The atom/dot data. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParseAtomOrDot(&$str) { while ($this->_ptr < $this->_datalen) { $chr = $this->_data[$this->_ptr]; if (($chr != '.') && /* TODO: Optimize by duplicating rfc822IsAtext code here */ !$this->_rfc822IsAtext($chr, ',<:')) { $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); if (!$this->_params['validate']) { $str = trim($str); } return; } $str .= $chr; ++$this->_ptr; } } /** * domain = dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain * domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dcontent) [FWS] "]" [CFWS] * obs-domain = atom *("." atom) * * @param string &$str The domain string. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParseDomain(&$str) { if ($this->_curr(true) != '@') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing domain.'); } $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); if ($this->_curr() == '[') { $this->_rfc822ParseDomainLiteral($str); } else { $this->_rfc822ParseDotAtom($str, ';,> '); } } /** * domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dcontent) [FWS] "]" [CFWS] * dcontent = dtext / quoted-pair * dtext = NO-WS-CTL / ; Non white space controls * %d33-90 / ; The rest of the US-ASCII * %d94-126 ; characters not including "[", * ; "]", or "\" * * @param string &$str The domain string. * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822ParseDomainLiteral(&$str) { if ($this->_curr(true) != '[') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error parsing domain literal.'); } while (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) !== false) { switch ($chr) { case '\\': if (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) === false) { break 2; } break; case ']': $this->_rfc822SkipLwsp(); return; } $str .= $chr; } throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error parsing domain literal.'); } /** * @param boolean $advance Advance cursor? * * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822SkipLwsp($advance = false) { if ($advance) { ++$this->_ptr; } while (($chr = $this->_curr()) !== false) { switch ($chr) { case ' ': case "\n": case "\r": case "\t": ++$this->_ptr; break; case '(': $this->_rfc822SkipComment(); break; default: return; } } } /** * @throws Horde_Mail_Exception */ protected function _rfc822SkipComment() { if ($this->_curr(true) != '(') { throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing a comment.'); } $comment = ''; $level = 1; while (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) !== false) { switch ($chr) { case '(': ++$level; break; case ')': if (--$level == 0) { $this->_comments[] = $comment; return; } break; case '\\': if (($chr = $this->_curr(true)) === false) { break 2; } break; } $comment .= $chr; } throw new Horde_Mail_Exception('Error when parsing a comment.'); } /** * Check if data is an atom. * * @param string $chr The character to check. * @param string $validate If in non-validate mode, use these characters * as the non-atom delimiters. * * @return boolean True if a valid atom. */ protected function _rfc822IsAtext($chr, $validate = null) { if (!$this->_params['validate'] && !is_null($validate)) { return strcspn($chr, $validate); } $ord = ord($chr); /* UTF-8 characters check. */ if ($ord > 127) { return ($this->_params['validate'] === 'eai'); } /* Check for DISALLOWED characters under both RFCs 5322 and 6532. */ /* Unprintable characters && [SPACE] */ if ($ord <= 32) { return false; } /* "(),:;<>@[\] [DEL] */ switch ($ord) { case 34: case 40: case 41: case 44: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 62: case 64: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 127: return false; } return true; } /* Helper methods. */ /** * Return current character. * * @param boolean $advance If true, advance the cursor. * * @return string The current character (false if EOF reached). */ protected function _curr($advance = false) { return ($this->_ptr >= $this->_datalen) ? false : $this->_data[$advance ? $this->_ptr++ : $this->_ptr]; } /* Other public methods. */ /** * Returns an approximate count of how many addresses are in the string. * This is APPROXIMATE as it only splits based on a comma which has no * preceding backslash. * * @param string $data Addresses to count. * * @return integer Approximate count. */ public function approximateCount($data) { return count(preg_split('/(?@. This can be sufficient for most people. * * Optional stricter mode can be utilized which restricts mailbox * characters allowed to: alphanumeric, full stop, hyphen, and underscore. * * @param string $data Address to check. * @param boolean $strict Strict check? * * @return mixed False if it fails, an indexed array username/domain if * it matches. */ public function isValidInetAddress($data, $strict = false) { $regex = $strict ? '/^([.0-9a-z_+-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,})$/i' : '/^([*+!.&#$|\'\\%\/0-9a-z^_`{}=?~:-]+)@(([0-9a-z-]+\.)+[0-9a-z]{2,})$/i'; return preg_match($regex, trim($data), $matches) ? array($matches[1], $matches[2]) : false; } }