YUI.add('yui2-treeview', function(Y) {
var YAHOO = Y.YUI2;
Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.9.0
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Widget = YAHOO.widget;
* The treeview widget is a generic tree building tool.
* @module treeview
* @title TreeView Widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, event
* @optional animation, json, calendar
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* Contains the tree view state data and the root node.
* @class TreeView
* @uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider
* @constructor
* @param {string|HTMLElement} id The id of the element, or the element itself that the tree will be inserted into.
* Existing markup in this element, if valid, will be used to build the tree
* @param {Array|Object|String} oConfig (optional) If present, it will be used to build the tree via method buildTreeFromObject
YAHOO.widget.TreeView = function(id, oConfig) {
if (id) { this.init(id); }
if (oConfig) {
} else if (Lang.trim(this._el.innerHTML)) {
var TV = Widget.TreeView;
TV.prototype = {
* The id of tree container element
* @property id
* @type String
id: null,
* The host element for this tree
* @property _el
* @private
* @type HTMLelement
_el: null,
* Flat collection of all nodes in this tree. This is a sparse
* array, so the length property can't be relied upon for a
* node count for the tree.
* @property _nodes
* @type Node[]
* @private
_nodes: null,
* We lock the tree control while waiting for the dynamic loader to return
* @property locked
* @type boolean
locked: false,
* The animation to use for expanding children, if any
* @property _expandAnim
* @type string
* @private
_expandAnim: null,
* The animation to use for collapsing children, if any
* @property _collapseAnim
* @type string
* @private
_collapseAnim: null,
* The current number of animations that are executing
* @property _animCount
* @type int
* @private
_animCount: 0,
* The maximum number of animations to run at one time.
* @property maxAnim
* @type int
maxAnim: 2,
* Whether there is any subscriber to dblClickEvent
* @property _hasDblClickSubscriber
* @type boolean
* @private
_hasDblClickSubscriber: false,
* Stores the timer used to check for double clicks
* @property _dblClickTimer
* @type window.timer object
* @private
_dblClickTimer: null,
* A reference to the Node currently having the focus or null if none.
* @property currentFocus
* @type YAHOO.widget.Node
currentFocus: null,
* If true, only one Node can be highlighted at a time
* @property singleNodeHighlight
* @type boolean
* @default false
singleNodeHighlight: false,
* A reference to the Node that is currently highlighted.
* It is only meaningful if singleNodeHighlight is enabled
* @property _currentlyHighlighted
* @type YAHOO.widget.Node
* @default null
* @private
_currentlyHighlighted: null,
* Sets up the animation for expanding children
* @method setExpandAnim
* @param {string} type the type of animation (acceptable values defined
* in YAHOO.widget.TVAnim)
setExpandAnim: function(type) {
this._expandAnim = (Widget.TVAnim.isValid(type)) ? type : null;
* Sets up the animation for collapsing children
* @method setCollapseAnim
* @param {string} type of animation (acceptable values defined in
* YAHOO.widget.TVAnim)
setCollapseAnim: function(type) {
this._collapseAnim = (Widget.TVAnim.isValid(type)) ? type : null;
* Perform the expand animation if configured, or just show the
* element if not configured or too many animations are in progress
* @method animateExpand
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate
* @param node {YAHOO.util.Node} the node that was expanded
* @return {boolean} true if animation could be invoked, false otherwise
animateExpand: function(el, node) {
if (this._expandAnim && this._animCount < this.maxAnim) {
// this.locked = true;
var tree = this;
var a = Widget.TVAnim.getAnim(this._expandAnim, el,
function() { tree.expandComplete(node); });
if (a) {
this.fireEvent("animStart", {
"node": node,
"type": "expand"
return true;
return false;
* Perform the collapse animation if configured, or just show the
* element if not configured or too many animations are in progress
* @method animateCollapse
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate
* @param node {YAHOO.util.Node} the node that was expanded
* @return {boolean} true if animation could be invoked, false otherwise
animateCollapse: function(el, node) {
if (this._collapseAnim && this._animCount < this.maxAnim) {
// this.locked = true;
var tree = this;
var a = Widget.TVAnim.getAnim(this._collapseAnim, el,
function() { tree.collapseComplete(node); });
if (a) {
this.fireEvent("animStart", {
"node": node,
"type": "collapse"
return true;
return false;
* Function executed when the expand animation completes
* @method expandComplete
expandComplete: function(node) {
this.fireEvent("animComplete", {
"node": node,
"type": "expand"
// this.locked = false;
* Function executed when the collapse animation completes
* @method collapseComplete
collapseComplete: function(node) {
this.fireEvent("animComplete", {
"node": node,
"type": "collapse"
// this.locked = false;
* Initializes the tree
* @method init
* @parm {string|HTMLElement} id the id of the element that will hold the tree
* @private
init: function(id) {
this._el = Dom.get(id);
this.id = Dom.generateId(this._el,"yui-tv-auto-id-");
* When animation is enabled, this event fires when the animation
* starts
* @event animStart
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} oArgs.node the node that is expanding/collapsing
* @param {String} oArgs.type the type of animation ("expand" or "collapse")
this.createEvent("animStart", this);
* When animation is enabled, this event fires when the animation
* completes
* @event animComplete
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} oArgs.node the node that is expanding/collapsing
* @param {String} oArgs.type the type of animation ("expand" or "collapse")
this.createEvent("animComplete", this);
* Fires when a node is going to be collapsed. Return false to stop
* the collapse.
* @event collapse
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that is collapsing
this.createEvent("collapse", this);
* Fires after a node is successfully collapsed. This event will not fire
* if the "collapse" event was cancelled.
* @event collapseComplete
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that was collapsed
this.createEvent("collapseComplete", this);
* Fires when a node is going to be expanded. Return false to stop
* the collapse.
* @event expand
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that is expanding
this.createEvent("expand", this);
* Fires after a node is successfully expanded. This event will not fire
* if the "expand" event was cancelled.
* @event expandComplete
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that was expanded
this.createEvent("expandComplete", this);
* Fires when the Enter key is pressed on a node that has the focus
* @event enterKeyPressed
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that has the focus
this.createEvent("enterKeyPressed", this);
* Fires when the label in a TextNode or MenuNode or content in an HTMLNode receives a Click.
* The listener may return false to cancel toggling and focusing on the node.
* @event clickEvent
* @type CustomEvent
* @param oArgs.event {HTMLEvent} The event object
* @param oArgs.node {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that was clicked
this.createEvent("clickEvent", this);
* Fires when the focus receives the focus, when it changes from a Node
* to another Node or when it is completely lost (blurred)
* @event focusChanged
* @type CustomEvent
* @param oArgs.oldNode {YAHOO.widget.Node} Node that had the focus or null if none
* @param oArgs.newNode {YAHOO.widget.Node} Node that receives the focus or null if none
* Fires when the label in a TextNode or MenuNode or content in an HTMLNode receives a double Click
* @event dblClickEvent
* @type CustomEvent
* @param oArgs.event {HTMLEvent} The event object
* @param oArgs.node {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that was clicked
var self = this;
this.createEvent("dblClickEvent", {
onSubscribeCallback: function() {
self._hasDblClickSubscriber = true;
* Custom event that is fired when the text node label is clicked.
* The node clicked is provided as an argument
* @event labelClick
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node clicked
* @deprecated use clickEvent or dblClickEvent
this.createEvent("labelClick", this);
* Custom event fired when the highlight of a node changes.
* The node that triggered the change is provided as an argument:
* The status of the highlight can be checked in
* nodeRef.highlightState.
* Depending on nodeRef.propagateHighlight, other nodes might have changed
* @event highlightEvent
* @type CustomEvent
* @param node {YAHOO.widget.Node} the node that started the change in highlighting state
this._nodes = [];
// store a global reference
TV.trees[this.id] = this;
// Set up the root node
this.root = new Widget.RootNode(this);
var LW = Widget.LogWriter;
if (this._initEditor) {
// YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady(this.id, this.handleAvailable, this, true);
// YAHOO.util.Event.on(this.id, "click", this.handleClick, this, true);
//handleAvailable: function() {
//var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
* Builds the TreeView from an object.
* This is the method called by the constructor to build the tree when it has a second argument.
* A tree can be described by an array of objects, each object corresponding to a node.
* Node descriptions may contain values for any property of a node plus the following extra properties:
* - type: can be one of the following:
* - A shortname for a node type (
* - The name of a Node class under YAHOO.widget (
'TextNode', 'MenuNode', 'DateNode'
, etc)
* - a reference to an actual class:
* - children: an array containing further node definitions
* A string instead of an object will produce a node of type 'text' with the given string as its label.
* @method buildTreeFromObject
* @param oConfig {Array|Object|String} array containing a full description of the tree.
* An object or a string will be turned into an array with the given object or string as its only element.
buildTreeFromObject: function (oConfig) {
var build = function (parent, oConfig) {
var i, item, node, children, type, NodeType, ThisType;
for (i = 0; i < oConfig.length; i++) {
item = oConfig[i];
if (Lang.isString(item)) {
node = new Widget.TextNode(item, parent);
} else if (Lang.isObject(item)) {
children = item.children;
delete item.children;
type = item.type || 'text';
delete item.type;
switch (Lang.isString(type) && type.toLowerCase()) {
case 'text':
node = new Widget.TextNode(item, parent);
case 'menu':
node = new Widget.MenuNode(item, parent);
case 'html':
node = new Widget.HTMLNode(item, parent);
if (Lang.isString(type)) {
NodeType = Widget[type];
} else {
NodeType = type;
if (Lang.isObject(NodeType)) {
for (ThisType = NodeType; ThisType && ThisType !== Widget.Node; ThisType = ThisType.superclass.constructor) {}
if (ThisType) {
node = new NodeType(item, parent);
} else {
} else {
if (children) {
} else {
if (!Lang.isArray(oConfig)) {
oConfig = [oConfig];
* Builds the TreeView from existing markup. Markup should consist of <UL> or <OL> elements containing <LI> elements.
* Each <LI> can have one element used as label and a second optional element which is to be a <UL> or <OL>
* containing nested nodes.
* Depending on what the first element of the <LI> element is, the following Nodes will be created:
* - plain text: a regular TextNode
* - anchor <A>: a TextNode with its
and target
taken from the anchor
* - anything else: an HTMLNode
* Only the first outermost (un-)ordered list in the markup and its children will be parsed.
* Nodes will be collapsed unless an <LI> tag has a className called 'expanded'.
* All other className attributes will be copied over to the Node className property.
* If the <LI> element contains an attribute called yuiConfig
, its contents should be a JSON-encoded object
* as the one used in method buildTreeFromObject.
* @method buildTreeFromMarkup
* @param id {string|HTMLElement} The id of the element that contains the markup or a reference to it.
buildTreeFromMarkup: function (id) {
var build = function (markup) {
var el, child, branch = [], config = {}, label, yuiConfig;
// Dom's getFirstChild and getNextSibling skip over text elements
for (el = Dom.getFirstChild(markup); el; el = Dom.getNextSibling(el)) {
switch (el.tagName.toUpperCase()) {
case 'LI':
label = '';
config = {
expanded: Dom.hasClass(el,'expanded'),
title: el.title || el.alt || null,
className: Lang.trim(el.className.replace(/\bexpanded\b/,'')) || null
// I cannot skip over text elements here because I want them for labels
child = el.firstChild;
if (child.nodeType == 3) {
// nodes with only whitespace, tabs and new lines don't count, they are probably just formatting.
label = Lang.trim(child.nodeValue.replace(/[\n\t\r]*/g,''));
if (label) {
config.type = 'text';
config.label = label;
} else {
child = Dom.getNextSibling(child);
if (!label) {
if (child.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A') {
config.type = 'text';
config.label = child.innerHTML;
config.href = child.href;
config.target = child.target;
config.title = child.title || child.alt || config.title;
} else {
config.type = 'html';
var d = document.createElement('div');
config.html = d.innerHTML;
config.hasIcon = true;
// see if after the label it has a further list which will become children of this node.
child = Dom.getNextSibling(child);
switch (child && child.tagName.toUpperCase()) {
case 'UL':
case 'OL':
config.children = build(child);
// if there are further elements or text, it will be ignored.
if (YAHOO.lang.JSON) {
yuiConfig = el.getAttribute('yuiConfig');
if (yuiConfig) {
yuiConfig = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(yuiConfig);
config = YAHOO.lang.merge(config,yuiConfig);
case 'UL':
case 'OL':
config = {
type: 'text',
label: '',
children: build(child)
return branch;
var markup = Dom.getChildrenBy(Dom.get(id),function (el) {
var tag = el.tagName.toUpperCase();
return tag == 'UL' || tag == 'OL';
if (markup.length) {
} else {
* Returns the TD element where the event has occurred
* @method _getEventTargetTdEl
* @private
_getEventTargetTdEl: function (ev) {
var target = Event.getTarget(ev);
// go up looking for a TD with a className with a ygtv prefix
while (target && !(target.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TD' && Dom.hasClass(target.parentNode,'ygtvrow'))) {
target = Dom.getAncestorByTagName(target,'td');
if (Lang.isNull(target)) { return null; }
// If it is a spacer cell, do nothing
if (/\bygtv(blank)?depthcell/.test(target.className)) { return null;}
// If it has an id, search for the node number and see if it belongs to a node in this tree.
if (target.id) {
var m = target.id.match(/\bygtv([^\d]*)(.*)/);
if (m && m[2] && this._nodes[m[2]]) {
return target;
return null;
* Event listener for click events
* @method _onClickEvent
* @private
_onClickEvent: function (ev) {
var self = this,
td = this._getEventTargetTdEl(ev),
toggle = function (force) {
if (force || !node.href) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// @TODO
// For some reason IE8 is providing an event object with
// most of the fields missing, but only when clicking on
// the node's label, and only when working with inline
// editing. This generates a "Member not found" error
// in that browser. Determine if this is a browser
// bug, or a problem with this code. Already checked to
// see if the problem has to do with access the event
// in the outer scope, and that isn't the problem.
// Maybe the markup for inline editing is broken.
if (!td) {
node = this.getNodeByElement(td);
if (!node) {
// exception to handle deprecated event labelClick
// @TODO take another look at this deprecation. It is common for people to
// only be interested in the label click, so why make them have to test
// the node type to figure out whether the click was on the label?
target = Event.getTarget(ev);
if (Dom.hasClass(target, node.labelStyle) || Dom.getAncestorByClassName(target,node.labelStyle)) {
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528946
// Ensures that any open editor is closed.
// Since the editor is in a separate source which might not be included,
// we first need to ensure we have the _closeEditor method available
if (this._closeEditor) { this._closeEditor(false); }
// If it is a toggle cell, toggle
if (/\bygtv[tl][mp]h?h?/.test(td.className)) {
} else {
if (this._dblClickTimer) {
this._dblClickTimer = null;
} else {
if (this._hasDblClickSubscriber) {
this._dblClickTimer = window.setTimeout(function () {
self._dblClickTimer = null;
if (self.fireEvent('clickEvent', {event:ev,node:node}) !== false) {
}, 200);
} else {
if (self.fireEvent('clickEvent', {event:ev,node:node}) !== false) {
* Event listener for double-click events
* @method _onDblClickEvent
* @private
_onDblClickEvent: function (ev) {
if (!this._hasDblClickSubscriber) { return; }
var td = this._getEventTargetTdEl(ev);
if (!td) {return;}
if (!(/\bygtv[tl][mp]h?h?/.test(td.className))) {
this.fireEvent('dblClickEvent', {event:ev, node:this.getNodeByElement(td)});
if (this._dblClickTimer) {
this._dblClickTimer = null;
* Event listener for mouse over events
* @method _onMouseOverEvent
* @private
_onMouseOverEvent:function (ev) {
var target;
if ((target = this._getEventTargetTdEl(ev)) && (target = this.getNodeByElement(target)) && (target = target.getToggleEl())) {
target.className = target.className.replace(/\bygtv([lt])([mp])\b/gi,'ygtv$1$2h');
* Event listener for mouse out events
* @method _onMouseOutEvent
* @private
_onMouseOutEvent: function (ev) {
var target;
if ((target = this._getEventTargetTdEl(ev)) && (target = this.getNodeByElement(target)) && (target = target.getToggleEl())) {
target.className = target.className.replace(/\bygtv([lt])([mp])h\b/gi,'ygtv$1$2');
* Event listener for key down events
* @method _onKeyDownEvent
* @private
_onKeyDownEvent: function (ev) {
var target = Event.getTarget(ev),
node = this.getNodeByElement(target),
newNode = node,
KEY = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY;
switch(ev.keyCode) {
case KEY.UP:
do {
if (newNode.previousSibling) {
newNode = newNode.previousSibling;
} else {
newNode = newNode.parent;
} while (newNode && !newNode._canHaveFocus());
if (newNode) { newNode.focus(); }
case KEY.DOWN:
do {
if (newNode.nextSibling) {
newNode = newNode.nextSibling;
} else {
newNode = (newNode.children.length || null) && newNode.children[0];
} while (newNode && !newNode._canHaveFocus);
if (newNode) { newNode.focus();}
case KEY.LEFT:
do {
if (newNode.parent) {
newNode = newNode.parent;
} else {
newNode = newNode.previousSibling;
} while (newNode && !newNode._canHaveFocus());
if (newNode) { newNode.focus();}
var self = this,
focusOnExpand = function (newNode) {
moveFocusRight = function (newNode) {
do {
if (newNode.isDynamic() && !newNode.childrenRendered) {
newNode = null;
} else {
if (newNode.children.length) {
newNode = newNode.children[0];
} else {
newNode = newNode.nextSibling;
} while (newNode && !newNode._canHaveFocus());
if (newNode) { newNode.focus();}
if (node.href) {
if (node.target) {
} else {
} else {
case KEY.HOME:
newNode = this.getRoot();
if (newNode.children.length) {newNode = newNode.children[0];}
if (newNode._canHaveFocus()) { newNode.focus(); }
case KEY.END:
newNode = newNode.parent.children;
newNode = newNode[newNode.length -1];
if (newNode._canHaveFocus()) { newNode.focus(); }
// case KEY.PAGE_UP:
// break;
// case KEY.PAGE_DOWN:
// break;
case 107: // plus key
case 187: // plus key
if (ev.shiftKey) {
} else {
case 109: // minus key
case 189: // minus key
if (ev.shiftKey) {
} else {
* Renders the tree boilerplate and visible nodes
* @method render
render: function() {
var html = this.root.getHtml(),
el = this.getEl();
el.innerHTML = html;
if (!this._hasEvents) {
Event.on(el, 'click', this._onClickEvent, this, true);
Event.on(el, 'dblclick', this._onDblClickEvent, this, true);
Event.on(el, 'mouseover', this._onMouseOverEvent, this, true);
Event.on(el, 'mouseout', this._onMouseOutEvent, this, true);
Event.on(el, 'keydown', this._onKeyDownEvent, this, true);
this._hasEvents = true;
* Returns the tree's host element
* @method getEl
* @return {HTMLElement} the host element
getEl: function() {
if (! this._el) {
this._el = Dom.get(this.id);
return this._el;
* Nodes register themselves with the tree instance when they are created.
* @method regNode
* @param node {Node} the node to register
* @private
regNode: function(node) {
this._nodes[node.index] = node;
* Returns the root node of this tree
* @method getRoot
* @return {Node} the root node
getRoot: function() {
return this.root;
* Configures this tree to dynamically load all child data
* @method setDynamicLoad
* @param {function} fnDataLoader the function that will be called to get the data
* @param iconMode {int} configures the icon that is displayed when a dynamic
* load node is expanded the first time without children. By default, the
* "collapse" icon will be used. If set to 1, the leaf node icon will be
* displayed.
setDynamicLoad: function(fnDataLoader, iconMode) {
this.root.setDynamicLoad(fnDataLoader, iconMode);
* Expands all child nodes. Note: this conflicts with the "multiExpand"
* node property. If expand all is called in a tree with nodes that
* do not allow multiple siblings to be displayed, only the last sibling
* will be expanded.
* @method expandAll
expandAll: function() {
if (!this.locked) {
* Collapses all expanded child nodes in the entire tree.
* @method collapseAll
collapseAll: function() {
if (!this.locked) {
* Returns a node in the tree that has the specified index (this index
* is created internally, so this function probably will only be used
* in html generated for a given node.)
* @method getNodeByIndex
* @param {int} nodeIndex the index of the node wanted
* @return {Node} the node with index=nodeIndex, null if no match
getNodeByIndex: function(nodeIndex) {
var n = this._nodes[nodeIndex];
return (n) ? n : null;
* Returns a node that has a matching property and value in the data
* object that was passed into its constructor.
* @method getNodeByProperty
* @param {object} property the property to search (usually a string)
* @param {object} value the value we want to find (usuall an int or string)
* @return {Node} the matching node, null if no match
getNodeByProperty: function(property, value) {
for (var i in this._nodes) {
if (this._nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var n = this._nodes[i];
if ((property in n && n[property] == value) || (n.data && value == n.data[property])) {
return n;
return null;
* Returns a collection of nodes that have a matching property
* and value in the data object that was passed into its constructor.
* @method getNodesByProperty
* @param {object} property the property to search (usually a string)
* @param {object} value the value we want to find (usuall an int or string)
* @return {Array} the matching collection of nodes, null if no match
getNodesByProperty: function(property, value) {
var values = [];
for (var i in this._nodes) {
if (this._nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var n = this._nodes[i];
if ((property in n && n[property] == value) || (n.data && value == n.data[property])) {
return (values.length) ? values : null;
* Returns a collection of nodes that have passed the test function
* passed as its only argument.
* The function will receive a reference to each node to be tested.
* @method getNodesBy
* @param {function} a boolean function that receives a Node instance and returns true to add the node to the results list
* @return {Array} the matching collection of nodes, null if no match
getNodesBy: function(fn) {
var values = [];
for (var i in this._nodes) {
if (this._nodes.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var n = this._nodes[i];
if (fn(n)) {
return (values.length) ? values : null;
* Returns the treeview node reference for an ancestor element
* of the node, or null if it is not contained within any node
* in this tree.
* @method getNodeByElement
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to test
* @return {YAHOO.widget.Node} a node reference or null
getNodeByElement: function(el) {
var p=el, m, re=/ygtv([^\d]*)(.*)/;
do {
if (p && p.id) {
m = p.id.match(re);
if (m && m[2]) {
return this.getNodeByIndex(m[2]);
p = p.parentNode;
if (!p || !p.tagName) {
while (p.id !== this.id && p.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "body");
return null;
* When in singleNodeHighlight it returns the node highlighted
* or null if none. Returns null if singleNodeHighlight is false.
* @method getHighlightedNode
* @return {YAHOO.widget.Node} a node reference or null
getHighlightedNode: function() {
return this._currentlyHighlighted;
* Removes the node and its children, and optionally refreshes the
* branch of the tree that was affected.
* @method removeNode
* @param {Node} node to remove
* @param {boolean} autoRefresh automatically refreshes branch if true
* @return {boolean} False is there was a problem, true otherwise.
removeNode: function(node, autoRefresh) {
// Don't delete the root node
if (node.isRoot()) {
return false;
// Get the branch that we may need to refresh
var p = node.parent;
if (p.parent) {
p = p.parent;
// Delete the node and its children
// Refresh the parent of the parent
if (autoRefresh && p && p.childrenRendered) {
return true;
* wait until the animation is complete before deleting
* to avoid javascript errors
* @method _removeChildren_animComplete
* @param o the custom event payload
* @private
_removeChildren_animComplete: function(o) {
* Deletes this nodes child collection, recursively. Also collapses
* the node, and resets the dynamic load flag. The primary use for
* this method is to purge a node and allow it to fetch its data
* dynamically again.
* @method removeChildren
* @param {Node} node the node to purge
removeChildren: function(node) {
if (node.expanded) {
// wait until the animation is complete before deleting to
// avoid javascript errors
if (this._collapseAnim) {
this._removeChildren_animComplete, this, true);
while (node.children.length) {
if (node.isRoot()) {
node.childrenRendered = false;
node.dynamicLoadComplete = false;
* Deletes the node and recurses children
* @method _deleteNode
* @private
_deleteNode: function(node) {
// Remove all the child nodes first
// Remove the node from the tree
* Removes the node from the tree, preserving the child collection
* to make it possible to insert the branch into another part of the
* tree, or another tree.
* @method popNode
* @param {Node} node to remove
popNode: function(node) {
var p = node.parent;
// Update the parent's collection of children
var a = [];
for (var i=0, len=p.children.length;i
* 0 - not highlighted
* 1 - highlighted
* 2 - some children highlighted
* @property highlightState
* @type integer
* @default 0
highlightState: 0,
* Tells whether highlighting will be propagated up to the parents of the clicked node
* @property propagateHighlightUp
* @type boolean
* @default false
propagateHighlightUp: false,
* Tells whether highlighting will be propagated down to the children of the clicked node
* @property propagateHighlightDown
* @type boolean
* @default false
propagateHighlightDown: false,
* User-defined className to be added to the Node
* @property className
* @type string
* @default null
className: null,
* The node type
* @property _type
* @private
* @type string
* @default "Node"
_type: "Node",
spacerPath: "http://l.yimg.com/a/i/space.gif",
expandedText: "Expanded",
collapsedText: "Collapsed",
loadingText: "Loading",
* Initializes this node, gets some of the properties from the parent
* @method init
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node
* @param oParent {Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state
init: function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
this.data = {};
this.children = [];
this.index = YAHOO.widget.TreeView.nodeCount;
this.contentElId = "ygtvcontentel" + this.index;
if (Lang.isObject(oData)) {
for (var property in oData) {
if (oData.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
if (property.charAt(0) != '_' && !Lang.isUndefined(this[property]) && !Lang.isFunction(this[property]) ) {
this[property] = oData[property];
} else {
this.data[property] = oData[property];
if (!Lang.isUndefined(expanded) ) { this.expanded = expanded; }
* The parentChange event is fired when a parent element is applied
* to the node. This is useful if you need to apply tree-level
* properties to a tree that need to happen if a node is moved from
* one tree to another.
* @event parentChange
* @type CustomEvent
this.createEvent("parentChange", this);
// oParent should never be null except when we create the root node.
if (oParent) {
* Certain properties for the node cannot be set until the parent
* is known. This is called after the node is inserted into a tree.
* the parent is also applied to this node's children in order to
* make it possible to move a branch from one tree to another.
* @method applyParent
* @param {Node} parentNode this node's parent node
* @return {boolean} true if the application was successful
applyParent: function(parentNode) {
if (!parentNode) {
return false;
this.tree = parentNode.tree;
this.parent = parentNode;
this.depth = parentNode.depth + 1;
// @todo why was this put here. This causes new nodes added at the
// root level to lose the menu behavior.
// if (! this.multiExpand) {
// this.multiExpand = parentNode.multiExpand;
// }
parentNode.childrenRendered = false;
// cascade update existing children
for (var i=0, len=this.children.length;i 0 ||
(checkForLazyLoad && this.isDynamic() && !this.dynamicLoadComplete)
* Expands if node is collapsed, collapses otherwise.
* @method toggle
toggle: function() {
if (!this.tree.locked && ( this.hasChildren(true) || this.isDynamic()) ) {
if (this.expanded) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); }
* Returns the markup for this node and its children.
* @method getHtml
* @return {string} the markup for this node and its expanded children.
getHtml: function() {
this.childrenRendered = false;
return ['' ,this.getNodeHtml() , this.getChildrenHtml() ,'
* Called when first rendering the tree. We always build the div that will
* contain this nodes children, but we don't render the children themselves
* unless this node is expanded.
* @method getChildrenHtml
* @return {string} the children container div html and any expanded children
* @private
getChildrenHtml: function() {
var sb = [];
sb[sb.length] = '';
// Don't render the actual child node HTML unless this node is expanded.
if ( (this.hasChildren(true) && this.expanded) ||
(this.renderHidden && !this.isDynamic()) ) {
sb[sb.length] = this.renderChildren();
sb[sb.length] = '
return sb.join("");
* Generates the markup for the child nodes. This is not done until the node
* is expanded.
* @method renderChildren
* @return {string} the html for this node's children
* @private
renderChildren: function() {
var node = this;
if (this.isDynamic() && !this.dynamicLoadComplete) {
this.isLoading = true;
this.tree.locked = true;
if (this.dataLoader) {
function() {
function() {
}, 10);
} else if (this.tree.root.dataLoader) {
function() {
function() {
}, 10);
} else {
return "Error: data loader not found or not specified.";
return "";
} else {
return this.completeRender();
* Called when we know we have all the child data.
* @method completeRender
* @return {string} children html
completeRender: function() {
var sb = [];
for (var i=0; i < this.children.length; ++i) {
// this.children[i].childrenRendered = false;
sb[sb.length] = this.children[i].getHtml();
this.childrenRendered = true;
return sb.join("");
* Load complete is the callback function we pass to the data provider
* in dynamic load situations.
* @method loadComplete
loadComplete: function() {
this.getChildrenEl().innerHTML = this.completeRender();
if (this.propagateHighlightDown) {
if (this.highlightState === 1 && !this.tree.singleNodeHighlight) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
} else if (this.highlightState === 0 || this.tree.singleNodeHighlight) {
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
} // if (highlighState == 2) leave child nodes with whichever highlight state they are set
this.dynamicLoadComplete = true;
this.isLoading = false;
this.tree.locked = false;
* Returns this node's ancestor at the specified depth.
* @method getAncestor
* @param {int} depth the depth of the ancestor.
* @return {Node} the ancestor
getAncestor: function(depth) {
if (depth >= this.depth || depth < 0) {
return null;
var p = this.parent;
while (p.depth > depth) {
p = p.parent;
return p;
* Returns the css class for the spacer at the specified depth for
* this node. If this node's ancestor at the specified depth
* has a next sibling the presentation is different than if it
* does not have a next sibling
* @method getDepthStyle
* @param {int} depth the depth of the ancestor.
* @return {string} the css class for the spacer
getDepthStyle: function(depth) {
return (this.getAncestor(depth).nextSibling) ?
"ygtvdepthcell" : "ygtvblankdepthcell";
* Get the markup for the node. This may be overrided so that we can
* support different types of nodes.
* @method getNodeHtml
* @return {string} The HTML that will render this node.
getNodeHtml: function() {
var sb = [];
sb[sb.length] = '';
for (var i=0;i';
if (this.hasIcon) {
sb[sb.length] = ' | ';
sb[sb.length] = '';
sb[sb.length] = this.getContentHtml();
sb[sb.length] = ' |
return sb.join("");
* Get the markup for the contents of the node. This is designed to be overrided so that we can
* support different types of nodes.
* @method getContentHtml
* @return {string} The HTML that will render the content of this node.
getContentHtml: function () {
return "";
* Regenerates the html for this node and its children. To be used when the
* node is expanded and new children have been added.
* @method refresh
refresh: function() {
// this.loadComplete();
this.getChildrenEl().innerHTML = this.completeRender();
if (this.hasIcon) {
var el = this.getToggleEl();
if (el) {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\bygtv[lt][nmp]h*\b/gi,this.getStyle());
* Node toString
* @method toString
* @return {string} string representation of the node
toString: function() {
return this._type + " (" + this.index + ")";
* array of items that had the focus set on them
* so that they can be cleaned when focus is lost
* @property _focusHighlightedItems
* @type Array of DOM elements
* @private
_focusHighlightedItems: [],
* DOM element that actually got the browser focus
* @property _focusedItem
* @type DOM element
* @private
_focusedItem: null,
* Returns true if there are any elements in the node that can
* accept the real actual browser focus
* @method _canHaveFocus
* @return {boolean} success
* @private
_canHaveFocus: function() {
return this.getEl().getElementsByTagName('a').length > 0;
* Removes the focus of previously selected Node
* @method _removeFocus
* @private
_removeFocus:function () {
if (this._focusedItem) {
this._focusedItem = null;
var el;
while ((el = this._focusHighlightedItems.shift())) { // yes, it is meant as an assignment, really
Dom.removeClass(el,YAHOO.widget.TreeView.FOCUS_CLASS_NAME );
* Sets the focus on the node element.
* It will only be able to set the focus on nodes that have anchor elements in it.
* Toggle or branch icons have anchors and can be focused on.
* If will fail in nodes that have no anchor
* @method focus
* @return {boolean} success
focus: function () {
var focused = false, self = this;
if (this.tree.currentFocus) {
var expandParent = function (node) {
if (node.parent) {
Dom.getElementsBy (
function (el) {
return (/ygtv(([tl][pmn]h?)|(content))/).test(el.className);
} ,
'td' ,
self.getEl().firstChild ,
function (el) {
Dom.addClass(el, YAHOO.widget.TreeView.FOCUS_CLASS_NAME );
if (!focused) {
var aEl = el.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (aEl.length) {
aEl = aEl[0];
self._focusedItem = aEl;
Event.on(aEl,'blur',function () {
self.tree.currentFocus = null;
focused = true;
if (focused) {
this.tree.currentFocus = this;
} else {
this.tree.currentFocus = null;
return focused;
* Count of nodes in a branch
* @method getNodeCount
* @return {int} number of nodes in the branch
getNodeCount: function() {
for (var i = 0, count = 0;i< this.children.length;i++) {
count += this.children[i].getNodeCount();
return count + 1;
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* It will return false if the node or any children loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the tree or false if the node or any children is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
if (this.isDynamic()) { return false; }
var def, defs = Lang.merge(this.data), children = [];
if (this.expanded) {defs.expanded = this.expanded; }
if (!this.multiExpand) { defs.multiExpand = this.multiExpand; }
if (this.renderHidden) { defs.renderHidden = this.renderHidden; }
if (!this.hasIcon) { defs.hasIcon = this.hasIcon; }
if (this.nowrap) { defs.nowrap = this.nowrap; }
if (this.className) { defs.className = this.className; }
if (this.editable) { defs.editable = this.editable; }
if (!this.enableHighlight) { defs.enableHighlight = this.enableHighlight; }
if (this.highlightState) { defs.highlightState = this.highlightState; }
if (this.propagateHighlightUp) { defs.propagateHighlightUp = this.propagateHighlightUp; }
if (this.propagateHighlightDown) { defs.propagateHighlightDown = this.propagateHighlightDown; }
defs.type = this._type;
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length;i++) {
def = this.children[i].getNodeDefinition();
if (def === false) { return false;}
if (children.length) { defs.children = children; }
return defs;
* Generates the link that will invoke this node's toggle method
* @method getToggleLink
* @return {string} the javascript url for toggling this node
getToggleLink: function() {
return 'return false;';
* Sets the value of property for this node and all loaded descendants.
* Only public and defined properties can be set, not methods.
* Values for unknown properties will be assigned to the refNode.data object
* @method setNodesProperty
* @param name {string} Name of the property to be set
* @param value {any} value to be set
* @param refresh {boolean} if present and true, it does a refresh
setNodesProperty: function(name, value, refresh) {
if (name.charAt(0) != '_' && !Lang.isUndefined(this[name]) && !Lang.isFunction(this[name]) ) {
this[name] = value;
} else {
this.data[name] = value;
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length;i++) {
if (refresh) {
* Toggles the highlighted state of a Node
* @method toggleHighlight
toggleHighlight: function() {
if (this.enableHighlight) {
// unhighlights only if fully highligthed. For not or partially highlighted it will highlight
if (this.highlightState == 1) {
} else {
* Turns highlighting on node.
* @method highlight
* @param _silent {boolean} optional, don't fire the highlightEvent
highlight: function(_silent) {
if (this.enableHighlight) {
if (this.tree.singleNodeHighlight) {
if (this.tree._currentlyHighlighted) {
this.tree._currentlyHighlighted = this;
this.highlightState = 1;
if (!this.tree.singleNodeHighlight) {
if (this.propagateHighlightDown) {
for (var i = 0;i < this.children.length;i++) {
if (this.propagateHighlightUp) {
if (this.parent) {
if (!_silent) {
* Turns highlighting off a node.
* @method unhighlight
* @param _silent {boolean} optional, don't fire the highlightEvent
unhighlight: function(_silent) {
if (this.enableHighlight) {
// might have checked singleNodeHighlight but it wouldn't really matter either way
this.tree._currentlyHighlighted = null;
this.highlightState = 0;
if (!this.tree.singleNodeHighlight) {
if (this.propagateHighlightDown) {
for (var i = 0;i < this.children.length;i++) {
if (this.propagateHighlightUp) {
if (this.parent) {
if (!_silent) {
* Checks whether all or part of the children of a node are highlighted and
* sets the node highlight to full, none or partial highlight.
* If set to propagate it will further call the parent
* @method _childrenHighlighted
* @private
_childrenHighlighted: function() {
var yes = false, no = false;
if (this.enableHighlight) {
for (var i = 0;i < this.children.length;i++) {
switch(this.children[i].highlightState) {
case 0:
no = true;
case 1:
yes = true;
case 2:
yes = no = true;
if (yes && no) {
this.highlightState = 2;
} else if (yes) {
this.highlightState = 1;
} else {
this.highlightState = 0;
if (this.propagateHighlightUp) {
if (this.parent) {
* Changes the classNames on the toggle and content containers to reflect the current highlighting
* @method _setHighlightClassName
* @private
_setHighlightClassName: function() {
var el = Dom.get('ygtvtableel' + this.index);
if (el) {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\bygtv-highlight\d\b/gi,'ygtv-highlight' + this.highlightState);
YAHOO.augment(YAHOO.widget.Node, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);
* A custom YAHOO.widget.Node that handles the unique nature of
* the virtual, presentationless root node.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class RootNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Node
* @param oTree {YAHOO.widget.TreeView} The tree instance this node belongs to
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.RootNode = function(oTree) {
// Initialize the node with null params. The root node is a
// special case where the node has no presentation. So we have
// to alter the standard properties a bit.
this.init(null, null, true);
* For the root node, we get the tree reference from as a param
* to the constructor instead of from the parent element.
this.tree = oTree;
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.RootNode, YAHOO.widget.Node, {
* The node type
* @property _type
* @type string
* @private
* @default "RootNode"
_type: "RootNode",
// overrides YAHOO.widget.Node
getNodeHtml: function() {
return "";
toString: function() {
return this._type;
loadComplete: function() {
* Count of nodes in tree.
* It overrides Nodes.getNodeCount because the root node should not be counted.
* @method getNodeCount
* @return {int} number of nodes in the tree
getNodeCount: function() {
for (var i = 0, count = 0;i< this.children.length;i++) {
count += this.children[i].getNodeCount();
return count;
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* Since the RootNode is automatically created by treeView,
* its own definition is excluded from the returned node definition
* which only contains its children.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the tree or false if any child node is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
for (var def, defs = [], i = 0; i < this.children.length;i++) {
def = this.children[i].getNodeDefinition();
if (def === false) { return false;}
return defs;
collapse: function() {},
expand: function() {},
getSiblings: function() { return null; },
focus: function () {}
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
* The default node presentation. The first parameter should be
* either a string that will be used as the node's label, or an object
* that has at least a string property called label. By default, clicking the
* label will toggle the expanded/collapsed state of the node. By
* setting the href property of the instance, this behavior can be
* changed so that the label will go to the specified href.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class TextNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Node
* @constructor
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node.
* Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named label.
* All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
* as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private or functions.
* All attributes are made available in noderef.data, which
* can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty
* can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
* @param oParent {YAHOO.widget.Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
YAHOO.widget.TextNode = function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
if (oData) {
if (Lang.isString(oData)) {
oData = { label: oData };
this.init(oData, oParent, expanded);
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.TextNode, YAHOO.widget.Node, {
* The CSS class for the label href. Defaults to ygtvlabel, but can be
* overridden to provide a custom presentation for a specific node.
* @property labelStyle
* @type string
labelStyle: "ygtvlabel",
* The derived element id of the label for this node
* @property labelElId
* @type string
labelElId: null,
* The text for the label. It is assumed that the oData parameter will
* either be a string that will be used as the label, or an object that
* has a property called "label" that we will use.
* @property label
* @type string
label: null,
* The text for the title (tooltip) for the label element
* @property title
* @type string
title: null,
* The href for the node's label. If one is not specified, the href will
* be set so that it toggles the node.
* @property href
* @type string
href: null,
* The label href target, defaults to current window
* @property target
* @type string
target: "_self",
* The node type
* @property _type
* @private
* @type string
* @default "TextNode"
_type: "TextNode",
* Sets up the node label
* @method setUpLabel
* @param oData string containing the label, or an object with a label property
setUpLabel: function(oData) {
if (Lang.isString(oData)) {
oData = {
label: oData
} else {
if (oData.style) {
this.labelStyle = oData.style;
this.label = oData.label;
this.labelElId = "ygtvlabelel" + this.index;
* Returns the label element
* @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
* @method getLabelEl
* @return {object} the element
getLabelEl: function() {
return Dom.get(this.labelElId);
// overrides YAHOO.widget.Node
getContentHtml: function() {
var sb = [];
sb[sb.length] = this.href ? '';
sb[sb.length] = Lang.escapeHTML(this.label);
sb[sb.length] = this.href?'':'';
return sb.join("");
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* It will return false if the node or any descendant loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the tree or false if this node or any descendant is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
var def = YAHOO.widget.TextNode.superclass.getNodeDefinition.call(this);
if (def === false) { return false; }
// Node specific properties
def.label = this.label;
if (this.labelStyle != 'ygtvlabel') { def.style = this.labelStyle; }
if (this.title) { def.title = this.title; }
if (this.href) { def.href = this.href; }
if (this.target != '_self') { def.target = this.target; }
return def;
toString: function() {
return YAHOO.widget.TextNode.superclass.toString.call(this) + ": " + this.label;
// deprecated
onLabelClick: function() {
return false;
refresh: function() {
var label = this.getLabelEl();
label.innerHTML = this.label;
if (label.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A') {
label.href = this.href;
label.target = this.target;
* A menu-specific implementation that differs from TextNode in that only
* one sibling can be expanded at a time.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class MenuNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.TextNode
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node.
* Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named label.
* All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
* as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private or functions.
* All attributes are made available in noderef.data, which
* can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty
* can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
* @param oParent {YAHOO.widget.Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.MenuNode = function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
* Menus usually allow only one branch to be open at a time.
this.multiExpand = false;
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.MenuNode, YAHOO.widget.TextNode, {
* The node type
* @property _type
* @private
* @default "MenuNode"
_type: "MenuNode"
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
* This implementation takes either a string or object for the
* oData argument. If is it a string, it will use it for the display
* of this node (and it can contain any html code). If the parameter
* is an object,it looks for a parameter called "html" that will be
* used for this node's display.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class HTMLNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Node
* @constructor
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node.
* Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named html.
* All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
* as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private or functions.
* All other attributes are made available in noderef.data, which
* can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty
* can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
* @param oParent {YAHOO.widget.Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
* @param hasIcon {boolean} specifies whether or not leaf nodes should
* be rendered with or without a horizontal line and/or toggle icon. If the icon
* is not displayed, the content fills the space it would have occupied.
* This option operates independently of the leaf node presentation logic
* for dynamic nodes.
* (deprecated; use oData.hasIcon)
var HN = function(oData, oParent, expanded, hasIcon) {
if (oData) {
this.init(oData, oParent, expanded);
this.initContent(oData, hasIcon);
YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode = HN;
YAHOO.extend(HN, YAHOO.widget.Node, {
* The CSS class for the html content container. Defaults to ygtvhtml, but
* can be overridden to provide a custom presentation for a specific node.
* @property contentStyle
* @type string
contentStyle: "ygtvhtml",
* The HTML content to use for this node's display
* @property html
* @type string
html: null,
* The node type
* @property _type
* @private
* @type string
* @default "HTMLNode"
_type: "HTMLNode",
* Sets up the node label
* @method initContent
* @param oData {object} An html string or object containing an html property
* @param hasIcon {boolean} determines if the node will be rendered with an
* icon or not
initContent: function(oData, hasIcon) {
this.contentElId = "ygtvcontentel" + this.index;
if (!Lang.isUndefined(hasIcon)) { this.hasIcon = hasIcon; }
* Synchronizes the node.html, and the node's content
* @method setHtml
* @param o {object |string | HTMLElement } An html string, an object containing an html property or an HTML element
setHtml: function(o) {
this.html = (Lang.isObject(o) && 'html' in o) ? o.html : o;
var el = this.getContentEl();
if (el) {
if (o.nodeType && o.nodeType == 1 && o.tagName) {
el.innerHTML = "";
} else {
el.innerHTML = this.html;
// overrides YAHOO.widget.Node
// If property html is a string, it sets the innerHTML for the node
// If it is an HTMLElement, it defers appending it to the tree until the HTML basic structure is built
getContentHtml: function() {
if (typeof this.html === "string") {
return this.html;
} else {
if (!HN._timer) {
HN._timer = window.setTimeout(function () {
var n;
while((n = HN._deferredNodes.pop())) {
HN._timer = null;
return "";
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* It will return false if any node loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the tree or false if any node is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
var def = HN.superclass.getNodeDefinition.call(this);
if (def === false) { return false; }
def.html = this.html;
return def;
* An array of HTMLNodes created with HTML Elements that had their rendering
* deferred until the basic tree structure is rendered.
* @property _deferredNodes
* @type YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode[]
* @default []
* @private
* @static
HN._deferredNodes = [];
* A system timer value used to mark whether a deferred operation is pending.
* @property _timer
* @type System Timer
* @default null
* @private
* @static
HN._timer = null;
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Calendar = YAHOO.widget.Calendar;
* A Date-specific implementation that differs from TextNode in that it uses
* YAHOO.widget.Calendar as an in-line editor, if available
* If Calendar is not available, it behaves as a plain TextNode.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class DateNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.TextNode
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node.
* Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named label.
* All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
* as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private nor functions.
* All attributes are made available in noderef.data, which
* can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty
* can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
* @param oParent {YAHOO.widget.Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.DateNode = function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.constructor.call(this,oData, oParent, expanded);
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.DateNode, YAHOO.widget.TextNode, {
* The node type
* @property _type
* @type string
* @private
* @default "DateNode"
_type: "DateNode",
* Configuration object for the Calendar editor, if used.
* See http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/calendar/#internationalization
* @property calendarConfig
calendarConfig: null,
* If YAHOO.widget.Calendar is available, it will pop up a Calendar to enter a new date. Otherwise, it falls back to a plain <input> textbox
* @method fillEditorContainer
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return void
fillEditorContainer: function (editorData) {
var cal, container = editorData.inputContainer;
if (Lang.isUndefined(Calendar)) {
YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.fillEditorContainer.call(this, editorData);
if (editorData.nodeType != this._type) {
editorData.nodeType = this._type;
editorData.saveOnEnter = false;
editorData.inputObject = cal = new Calendar(container.appendChild(document.createElement('div')));
if (this.calendarConfig) {
cal.selectEvent.subscribe(function () {
} else {
cal = editorData.inputObject;
editorData.oldValue = this.label;
cal.cfg.setProperty("selected",this.label, false);
var delim = cal.cfg.getProperty('DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER');
var pageDate = this.label.split(delim);
cal.cfg.setProperty('pagedate',pageDate[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_MONTH_POSITION') -1] + delim + pageDate[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_YEAR_POSITION') -1]);
* Returns the value from the input element.
* Overrides Node.getEditorValue.
* @method getEditorValue
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return {string} date entered
getEditorValue: function (editorData) {
if (Lang.isUndefined(Calendar)) {
return editorData.inputElement.value;
} else {
var cal = editorData.inputObject,
date = cal.getSelectedDates()[0],
dd = [];
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_DAY_POSITION') -1] = date.getDate();
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_MONTH_POSITION') -1] = date.getMonth() + 1;
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_YEAR_POSITION') -1] = date.getFullYear();
return dd.join(cal.cfg.getProperty('DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER'));
* Finally displays the newly entered date in the tree.
* Overrides Node.displayEditedValue.
* @method displayEditedValue
* @param value {HTML} date to be displayed and stored in the node.
* This data is added to the node unescaped via the innerHTML property.
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
displayEditedValue: function (value,editorData) {
var node = editorData.node;
node.label = value;
node.getLabelEl().innerHTML = value;
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* It will return false if the node or any descendant loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the node or false if this node or any descendant is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
var def = YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.getNodeDefinition.call(this);
if (def === false) { return false; }
if (this.calendarConfig) { def.calendarConfig = this.calendarConfig; }
return def;
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
TV = YAHOO.widget.TreeView,
TVproto = TV.prototype;
* An object to store information used for in-line editing
* for all Nodes of all TreeViews. It contains:
* - active {boolean}, whether there is an active cell editor
* - whoHasIt {YAHOO.widget.TreeView} TreeView instance that is currently using the editor
* - nodeType {string} value of static Node._type property, allows reuse of input element if node is of the same type.
* - editorPanel {HTMLelement (<div>)} element holding the in-line editor
* - inputContainer {HTMLelement (<div>)} element which will hold the type-specific input element(s) to be filled by the fillEditorContainer method
* - buttonsContainer {HTMLelement (<div>)} element which holds the <button> elements for Ok/Cancel. If you don't want any of the buttons, hide it via CSS styles, don't destroy it
* - node {YAHOO.widget.Node} reference to the Node being edited
* - saveOnEnter {boolean}, whether the Enter key should be accepted as a Save command (Esc. is always taken as Cancel), disable for multi-line input elements
* - oldValue {any} value before editing
* Editors are free to use this object to store additional data.
* @property editorData
* @static
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
TV.editorData = {
whoHasIt:null, // which TreeView has it
node:null, // which Node is being edited
// Each node type is free to add its own properties to this as it sees fit.
* Validator function for edited data, called from the TreeView instance scope,
* receives the arguments (newValue, oldValue, nodeInstance)
* and returns either the validated (or type-converted) value or undefined.
* An undefined return will prevent the editor from closing
* @property validator
* @type function
* @default null
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
TVproto.validator = null;
* Entry point for initializing the editing plug-in.
* TreeView will call this method on initializing if it exists
* @method _initEditor
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
* @private
TVproto._initEditor = function () {
* Fires when the user clicks on the ok button of a node editor
* @event editorSaveEvent
* @type CustomEvent
* @param oArgs.newValue {mixed} the new value just entered
* @param oArgs.oldValue {mixed} the value originally in the tree
* @param oArgs.node {YAHOO.widget.Node} the node that has the focus
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
this.createEvent("editorSaveEvent", this);
* Fires when the user clicks on the cancel button of a node editor
* @event editorCancelEvent
* @type CustomEvent
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that has the focus
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
this.createEvent("editorCancelEvent", this);
* Entry point of the editing plug-in.
* TreeView will call this method if it exists when a node label is clicked
* @method _nodeEditing
* @param node {YAHOO.widget.Node} the node to be edited
* @return {Boolean} true to indicate that the node is editable and prevent any further bubbling of the click.
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
* @private
TVproto._nodeEditing = function (node) {
if (node.fillEditorContainer && node.editable) {
var ed, topLeft, buttons, button, editorData = TV.editorData;
editorData.active = true;
editorData.whoHasIt = this;
if (!editorData.nodeType) {
// Fixes: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528945
editorData.editorPanel = ed = this.getEl().appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
ed.tabIndex = 0;
buttons = editorData.buttonsContainer = ed.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
button = buttons.appendChild(document.createElement('button'));
button.innerHTML = ' ';
button = buttons.appendChild(document.createElement('button'));
button.innerHTML = ' ';
Event.on(buttons, 'click', function (ev) {
var target = Event.getTarget(ev),
editorData = TV.editorData,
node = editorData.node,
self = editorData.whoHasIt;
if (Dom.hasClass(target,'ygtvok')) {
if (Dom.hasClass(target,'ygtvcancel')) {
editorData.inputContainer = ed.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
Event.on(ed,'keydown',function (ev) {
var editorData = TV.editorData,
KEY = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY,
self = editorData.whoHasIt;
switch (ev.keyCode) {
if (editorData.saveOnEnter) {
} else {
ed = editorData.editorPanel;
editorData.node = node;
if (editorData.nodeType) {
Dom.removeClass(ed,'ygtv-edit-' + editorData.nodeType);
Dom.addClass(ed,' ygtv-edit-' + node._type);
// Fixes: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528945
// up to here
return true; // If inline editor available, don't do anything else.
* Method to be associated with an event (clickEvent, dblClickEvent or enterKeyPressed) to pop up the contents editor
* It calls the corresponding node editNode method.
* @method onEventEditNode
* @param oArgs {object} Object passed as arguments to TreeView event listeners
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
TVproto.onEventEditNode = function (oArgs) {
if (oArgs instanceof YAHOO.widget.Node) {
} else if (oArgs.node instanceof YAHOO.widget.Node) {
return false;
* Method to be called when the inline editing is finished and the editor is to be closed
* @method _closeEditor
* @param save {Boolean} true if the edited value is to be saved, false if discarded
* @private
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
TVproto._closeEditor = function (save) {
var ed = TV.editorData,
node = ed.node,
close = true;
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528946
// _closeEditor might now be called at any time, even when there is no label editor open
// so we need to ensure there is one.
if (!node || !ed.active) { return; }
if (save) {
close = ed.node.saveEditorValue(ed) !== false;
} else {
this.fireEvent( 'editorCancelEvent', node);
if (close) {
ed.active = false;
* Entry point for TreeView's destroy method to destroy whatever the editing plug-in has created
* @method _destroyEditor
* @private
* @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
TVproto._destroyEditor = function() {
var ed = TV.editorData;
if (ed && ed.nodeType && (!ed.active || ed.whoHasIt === this)) {
ed.nodeType = ed.editorPanel = ed.inputContainer = ed.buttonsContainer = ed.whoHasIt = ed.node = null;
ed.active = false;
var Nproto = YAHOO.widget.Node.prototype;
* Signals if the label is editable. (Ignored on TextNodes with href set.)
* @property editable
* @type boolean
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.editable = false;
* pops up the contents editor, if there is one and the node is declared editable
* @method editNode
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.editNode = function () {
/** Placeholder for a function that should provide the inline node label editor.
* Leaving it set to null will indicate that this node type is not editable.
* It should be overridden by nodes that provide inline editing.
* The Node-specific editing element (input box, textarea or whatever) should be inserted into editorData.inputContainer.
* @method fillEditorContainer
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return void
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.fillEditorContainer = null;
* Node-specific destroy function to empty the contents of the inline editor panel.
* This function is the worst case alternative that will purge all possible events and remove the editor contents.
* Method Event.purgeElement is somewhat costly so if it can be replaced by specifc Event.removeListeners, it is better to do so.
* @method destroyEditorContents
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.destroyEditorContents = function (editorData) {
// In the worst case, if the input editor (such as the Calendar) has no destroy method
// we can only try to remove all possible events on it.
editorData.inputContainer.innerHTML = '';
* Saves the value entered into the editor.
* @method saveEditorValue
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return {false or none} a return of exactly false will prevent the editor from closing
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.saveEditorValue = function (editorData) {
var node = editorData.node,
validator = node.tree.validator;
value = this.getEditorValue(editorData);
if (Lang.isFunction(validator)) {
value = validator(value,editorData.oldValue,node);
if (Lang.isUndefined(value)) {
return false;
if (this.tree.fireEvent( 'editorSaveEvent', {
}) !== false) {
* Returns the value(s) from the input element(s) .
* Should be overridden by each node type.
* @method getEditorValue
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return {any} value entered
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.getEditorValue = function (editorData) {
* Finally displays the newly edited value(s) in the tree.
* Should be overridden by each node type.
* @method displayEditedValue
* @param value {HTML} value to be displayed and stored in the node
* This data is added to the node unescaped via the innerHTML property.
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @for YAHOO.widget.Node
Nproto.displayEditedValue = function (value,editorData) {
var TNproto = YAHOO.widget.TextNode.prototype;
* Places an <input> textbox in the input container and loads the label text into it.
* @method fillEditorContainer
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return void
* @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
TNproto.fillEditorContainer = function (editorData) {
var input;
// If last node edited is not of the same type as this one, delete it and fill it with our editor
if (editorData.nodeType != this._type) {
editorData.nodeType = this._type;
editorData.saveOnEnter = true;
editorData.inputElement = input = editorData.inputContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
} else {
// if the last node edited was of the same time, reuse the input element.
input = editorData.inputElement;
editorData.oldValue = this.label;
input.value = this.label;
* Returns the value from the input element.
* Overrides Node.getEditorValue.
* @method getEditorValue
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return {string} value entered
* @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
TNproto.getEditorValue = function (editorData) {
return editorData.inputElement.value;
* Finally displays the newly edited value in the tree.
* Overrides Node.displayEditedValue.
* @method displayEditedValue
* @param value {string} value to be displayed and stored in the node
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
TNproto.displayEditedValue = function (value,editorData) {
var node = editorData.node;
node.label = value;
node.getLabelEl().innerHTML = value;
* Destroys the contents of the inline editor panel.
* Overrides Node.destroyEditorContent.
* Since we didn't set any event listeners on this inline editor, it is more efficient to avoid the generic method in Node.
* @method destroyEditorContents
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
TNproto.destroyEditorContents = function (editorData) {
editorData.inputContainer.innerHTML = '';
* A static factory class for tree view expand/collapse animations
* @class TVAnim
* @static
YAHOO.widget.TVAnim = function() {
return {
* Constant for the fade in animation
* @property FADE_IN
* @type string
* @static
FADE_IN: "TVFadeIn",
* Constant for the fade out animation
* @property FADE_OUT
* @type string
* @static
FADE_OUT: "TVFadeOut",
* Returns a ygAnim instance of the given type
* @method getAnim
* @param type {string} the type of animation
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to element (probably the children div)
* @param callback {function} function to invoke when the animation is done.
* @return {YAHOO.util.Animation} the animation instance
* @static
getAnim: function(type, el, callback) {
if (YAHOO.widget[type]) {
return new YAHOO.widget[type](el, callback);
} else {
return null;
* Returns true if the specified animation class is available
* @method isValid
* @param type {string} the type of animation
* @return {boolean} true if valid, false if not
* @static
isValid: function(type) {
return (YAHOO.widget[type]);
} ();
* A 1/2 second fade-in animation.
* @class TVFadeIn
* @constructor
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate
* @param callback {function} function to invoke when the animation is finished
YAHOO.widget.TVFadeIn = function(el, callback) {
* The element to animate
* @property el
* @type HTMLElement
this.el = el;
* the callback to invoke when the animation is complete
* @property callback
* @type function
this.callback = callback;
YAHOO.widget.TVFadeIn.prototype = {
* Performs the animation
* @method animate
animate: function() {
var tvanim = this;
var s = this.el.style;
s.opacity = 0.1;
s.filter = "alpha(opacity=10)";
s.display = "";
var dur = 0.4;
var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {opacity: {from: 0.1, to: 1, unit:""}}, dur);
a.onComplete.subscribe( function() { tvanim.onComplete(); } );
* Clean up and invoke callback
* @method onComplete
onComplete: function() {
* toString
* @method toString
* @return {string} the string representation of the instance
toString: function() {
return "TVFadeIn";
* A 1/2 second fade out animation.
* @class TVFadeOut
* @constructor
* @param el {HTMLElement} the element to animate
* @param callback {Function} function to invoke when the animation is finished
YAHOO.widget.TVFadeOut = function(el, callback) {
* The element to animate
* @property el
* @type HTMLElement
this.el = el;
* the callback to invoke when the animation is complete
* @property callback
* @type function
this.callback = callback;
YAHOO.widget.TVFadeOut.prototype = {
* Performs the animation
* @method animate
animate: function() {
var tvanim = this;
var dur = 0.4;
var a = new YAHOO.util.Anim(this.el, {opacity: {from: 1, to: 0.1, unit:""}}, dur);
a.onComplete.subscribe( function() { tvanim.onComplete(); } );
* Clean up and invoke callback
* @method onComplete
onComplete: function() {
var s = this.el.style;
s.display = "none";
s.opacity = 1;
s.filter = "alpha(opacity=100)";
* toString
* @method toString
* @return {string} the string representation of the instance
toString: function() {
return "TVFadeOut";
YAHOO.register("treeview", YAHOO.widget.TreeView, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});
}, '2.9.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo", "yui2-dom", "yui2-event", "yui2-skin-sam-treeview"], "optional": ["yui2-skin-sam-calendar", "yui2-calendar", "yui2-animation"]});