YUI.add('yui2-yahoo', function(Y) { Y.use('yui2-yuiloader'); }, '3.3.0' ,{});
YUI.add('yui2-get', function(Y) { Y.use('yui2-yuiloader'); }, '3.3.0' ,{"requires": ["yui2-yahoo"]});
YUI.add('yui2-yuiloader', function(Y) {
Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.9.0
* The YAHOO object is the single global object used by YUI Library. It
* contains utility function for setting up namespaces, inheritance, and
* logging. YAHOO.util, YAHOO.widget, and YAHOO.example are namespaces
* created automatically for and used by the library.
* @module yahoo
* @title YAHOO Global
* YAHOO_config is not included as part of the library. Instead it is an
* object that can be defined by the implementer immediately before
* including the YUI library. The properties included in this object
* will be used to configure global properties needed as soon as the
* library begins to load.
* @class YAHOO_config
* @static
* A reference to a function that will be executed every time a YAHOO module
* is loaded. As parameter, this function will receive the version
* information for the module. See
* YAHOO.env.getVersion for the description of the version data structure.
* @property listener
* @type Function
* @static
* @default undefined
* Set to true if the library will be dynamically loaded after window.onload.
* Defaults to false
* @property injecting
* @type boolean
* @static
* @default undefined
* Instructs the yuiloader component to dynamically load yui components and
* their dependencies. See the yuiloader documentation for more information
* about dynamic loading
* @property load
* @static
* @default undefined
* @see yuiloader
* Forces the use of the supplied locale where applicable in the library
* @property locale
* @type string
* @static
* @default undefined
if (typeof YAHOO == "undefined" || !YAHOO) {
* The YAHOO global namespace object. If YAHOO is already defined, the
* existing YAHOO object will not be overwritten so that defined
* namespaces are preserved.
* @class YAHOO
* @static
var YAHOO = {};
* Returns the namespace specified and creates it if it doesn't exist
* YAHOO.namespace("property.package");
* YAHOO.namespace("YAHOO.property.package");
* Either of the above would create YAHOO.property, then
* YAHOO.property.package
* Be careful when naming packages. Reserved words may work in some browsers
* and not others. For instance, the following will fail in Safari:
* YAHOO.namespace("really.long.nested.namespace");
* This fails because "long" is a future reserved word in ECMAScript
* For implementation code that uses YUI, do not create your components
* in the namespaces defined by YUI (
* YAHOO.util
* YAHOO.widget
* YAHOO.lang
* YAHOO.tool
* YAHOO.example
* YAHOO.env
) -- create your own namespace (e.g., 'companyname').
* @method namespace
* @static
* @param {String*} arguments 1-n namespaces to create
* @return {Object} A reference to the last namespace object created
YAHOO.namespace = function() {
var a=arguments, o=null, i, j, d;
for (i=0; i
* name: The name of the module
* version: The version in use
* build: The build number in use
* versions: All versions that were registered
* builds: All builds that were registered.
* mainClass: An object that was was stamped with the
* current version and build. If
* mainClass.VERSION != version or mainClass.BUILD != build,
* multiple versions of pieces of the library have been
* loaded, potentially causing issues.
* @method getVersion
* @static
* @param {String} name the name of the module (event, slider, etc)
* @return {Object} The version info
YAHOO.env.getVersion = function(name) {
return YAHOO.env.modules[name] || null;
* Do not fork for a browser if it can be avoided. Use feature detection when
* you can. Use the user agent as a last resort. YAHOO.env.ua stores a version
* number for the browser engine, 0 otherwise. This value may or may not map
* to the version number of the browser using the engine. The value is
* presented as a float so that it can easily be used for boolean evaluation
* as well as for looking for a particular range of versions. Because of this,
* some of the granularity of the version info may be lost (e.g., Gecko
* reports 1.8).
* @class YAHOO.env.ua
* @static
* parses a user agent string (or looks for one in navigator to parse if
* not supplied).
* @method parseUA
* @since 2.9.0
* @static
YAHOO.env.parseUA = function(agent) {
var numberify = function(s) {
var c = 0;
return parseFloat(s.replace(/\./g, function() {
return (c++ == 1) ? '' : '.';
nav = navigator,
o = {
* Internet Explorer version number or 0. Example: 6
* @property ie
* @type float
* @static
ie: 0,
* Opera version number or 0. Example: 9.2
* @property opera
* @type float
* @static
opera: 0,
* Gecko engine revision number. Will evaluate to 1 if Gecko
* is detected but the revision could not be found. Other browsers
* will be 0. Example: 1.8
* Firefox 1.7.8 <-- Reports 1.7
* Firefox <-- 1.8
* Firefox <-- 1.81
* Firefox 3.0 <-- 1.9
* Firefox 3.5 <-- 1.91
* @property gecko
* @type float
* @static
gecko: 0,
* AppleWebKit version. KHTML browsers that are not WebKit browsers
* will evaluate to 1, other browsers 0. Example: 418.9
* Safari 1.3.2 (312.6): 312.8.1 <-- Reports 312.8 -- currently the
* latest available for Mac OSX 10.3.
* Safari 2.0.2: 416 <-- hasOwnProperty introduced
* Safari 2.0.4: 418 <-- preventDefault fixed
* Safari 2.0.4 (419.3): 418.9.1 <-- One version of Safari may run
* different versions of webkit
* Safari 2.0.4 (419.3): 419 <-- Tiger installations that have been
* updated, but not updated
* to the latest patch.
* Webkit 212 nightly: 522+ <-- Safari 3.0 precursor (with native
* SVG and many major issues fixed).
* Safari 3.0.4 (523.12) 523.12 <-- First Tiger release - automatic
* update from 2.x via the 10.4.11 OS patch.
* Webkit nightly 1/2008:525+ <-- Supports DOMContentLoaded event.
* yahoo.com user agent hack removed.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_version_history
* @property webkit
* @type float
* @static
webkit: 0,
* Chrome will be detected as webkit, but this property will also
* be populated with the Chrome version number
* @property chrome
* @type float
* @static
chrome: 0,
* The mobile property will be set to a string containing any relevant
* user agent information when a modern mobile browser is detected.
* Currently limited to Safari on the iPhone/iPod Touch, Nokia N-series
* devices with the WebKit-based browser, and Opera Mini.
* @property mobile
* @type string
* @static
mobile: null,
* Adobe AIR version number or 0. Only populated if webkit is detected.
* Example: 1.0
* @property air
* @type float
air: 0,
* Detects Apple iPad's OS version
* @property ipad
* @type float
* @static
ipad: 0,
* Detects Apple iPhone's OS version
* @property iphone
* @type float
* @static
iphone: 0,
* Detects Apples iPod's OS version
* @property ipod
* @type float
* @static
ipod: 0,
* General truthy check for iPad, iPhone or iPod
* @property ios
* @type float
* @static
ios: null,
* Detects Googles Android OS version
* @property android
* @type float
* @static
android: 0,
* Detects Palms WebOS version
* @property webos
* @type float
* @static
webos: 0,
* Google Caja version number or 0.
* @property caja
* @type float
caja: nav && nav.cajaVersion,
* Set to true if the page appears to be in SSL
* @property secure
* @type boolean
* @static
secure: false,
* The operating system. Currently only detecting windows or macintosh
* @property os
* @type string
* @static
os: null
ua = agent || (navigator && navigator.userAgent),
loc = window && window.location,
href = loc && loc.href,
o.secure = href && (href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0);
if (ua) {
if ((/windows|win32/i).test(ua)) {
o.os = 'windows';
} else if ((/macintosh/i).test(ua)) {
o.os = 'macintosh';
} else if ((/rhino/i).test(ua)) {
o.os = 'rhino';
// Modern KHTML browsers should qualify as Safari X-Grade
if ((/KHTML/).test(ua)) {
o.webkit = 1;
// Modern WebKit browsers are at least X-Grade
m = ua.match(/AppleWebKit\/([^\s]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.webkit = numberify(m[1]);
// Mobile browser check
if (/ Mobile\//.test(ua)) {
o.mobile = 'Apple'; // iPhone or iPod Touch
m = ua.match(/OS ([^\s]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
m = numberify(m[1].replace('_', '.'));
o.ios = m;
o.ipad = o.ipod = o.iphone = 0;
m = ua.match(/iPad|iPod|iPhone/);
if (m && m[0]) {
o[m[0].toLowerCase()] = o.ios;
} else {
m = ua.match(/NokiaN[^\/]*|Android \d\.\d|webOS\/\d\.\d/);
if (m) {
// Nokia N-series, Android, webOS, ex: NokiaN95
o.mobile = m[0];
if (/webOS/.test(ua)) {
o.mobile = 'WebOS';
m = ua.match(/webOS\/([^\s]*);/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.webos = numberify(m[1]);
if (/ Android/.test(ua)) {
o.mobile = 'Android';
m = ua.match(/Android ([^\s]*);/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.android = numberify(m[1]);
m = ua.match(/Chrome\/([^\s]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.chrome = numberify(m[1]); // Chrome
} else {
m = ua.match(/AdobeAIR\/([^\s]*)/);
if (m) {
o.air = m[0]; // Adobe AIR 1.0 or better
if (!o.webkit) { // not webkit
// @todo check Opera/8.01 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/2.0.4509/1316; fi; U; ssr)
m = ua.match(/Opera[\s\/]([^\s]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.opera = numberify(m[1]);
m = ua.match(/Version\/([^\s]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.opera = numberify(m[1]); // opera 10+
m = ua.match(/Opera Mini[^;]*/);
if (m) {
o.mobile = m[0]; // ex: Opera Mini/2.0.4509/1316
} else { // not opera or webkit
m = ua.match(/MSIE\s([^;]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.ie = numberify(m[1]);
} else { // not opera, webkit, or ie
m = ua.match(/Gecko\/([^\s]*)/);
if (m) {
o.gecko = 1; // Gecko detected, look for revision
m = ua.match(/rv:([^\s\)]*)/);
if (m && m[1]) {
o.gecko = numberify(m[1]);
return o;
YAHOO.env.ua = YAHOO.env.parseUA();
* Initializes the global by creating the default namespaces and applying
* any new configuration information that is detected. This is the setup
* for env.
* @method init
* @static
* @private
(function() {
YAHOO.namespace("util", "widget", "example");
/*global YAHOO_config*/
if ("undefined" !== typeof YAHOO_config) {
var l=YAHOO_config.listener, ls=YAHOO.env.listeners,unique=true, i;
if (l) {
// if YAHOO is loaded multiple times we need to check to see if
// this is a new config object. If it is, add the new component
// load listener to the stack
for (i=0; i': '>',
'"': '"',
"'": ''',
'/': '/',
'`': '`'
// ADD = ["toString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty"],
ADD = ["toString", "valueOf"],
OB = {
* Determines wheather or not the provided object is an array.
* @method isArray
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isArray: function(o) {
return OP.toString.apply(o) === ARRAY_TOSTRING;
* Determines whether or not the provided object is a boolean
* @method isBoolean
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isBoolean: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'boolean';
* Determines whether or not the provided object is a function.
* Note: Internet Explorer thinks certain functions are objects:
* var obj = document.createElement("object");
* YAHOO.lang.isFunction(obj.getAttribute) // reports false in IE
* var input = document.createElement("input"); // append to body
* YAHOO.lang.isFunction(input.focus) // reports false in IE
* You will have to implement additional tests if these functions
* matter to you.
* @method isFunction
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isFunction: function(o) {
return (typeof o === 'function') || OP.toString.apply(o) === FUNCTION_TOSTRING;
* Determines whether or not the provided object is null
* @method isNull
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isNull: function(o) {
return o === null;
* Determines whether or not the provided object is a legal number
* @method isNumber
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isNumber: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'number' && isFinite(o);
* Determines whether or not the provided object is of type object
* or function
* @method isObject
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isObject: function(o) {
return (o && (typeof o === 'object' || L.isFunction(o))) || false;
* Determines whether or not the provided object is a string
* @method isString
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isString: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'string';
* Determines whether or not the provided object is undefined
* @method isUndefined
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @return {boolean} the result
isUndefined: function(o) {
return typeof o === 'undefined';
* IE will not enumerate native functions in a derived object even if the
* function was overridden. This is a workaround for specific functions
* we care about on the Object prototype.
* @property _IEEnumFix
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @static
* @private
_IEEnumFix: (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) ? function(r, s) {
var i, fname, f;
for (i=0;i
* Returns a copy of the specified string with special HTML characters
* escaped. The following characters will be converted to their
* corresponding character entities:
* & < > " ' / `
* This implementation is based on the
* HTML escaping recommendations. In addition to the characters
* in the OWASP recommendation, we also escape the `
* character, since IE interprets it as an attribute delimiter when used in
* innerHTML.
* @method escapeHTML
* @param {String} html String to escape.
* @return {String} Escaped string.
* @static
* @since 2.9.0
escapeHTML: function (html) {
return html.replace(/[&<>"'\/`]/g, function (match) {
return HTML_CHARS[match];
* Utility to set up the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to
* support an inheritance strategy that can chain constructors and methods.
* Static members will not be inherited.
* @method extend
* @static
* @param {Function} subc the object to modify
* @param {Function} superc the object to inherit
* @param {Object} overrides additional properties/methods to add to the
* subclass prototype. These will override the
* matching items obtained from the superclass
* if present.
extend: function(subc, superc, overrides) {
if (!superc||!subc) {
throw new Error("extend failed, please check that " +
"all dependencies are included.");
var F = function() {}, i;
subc.prototype=new F();
if (superc.prototype.constructor == OP.constructor) {
if (overrides) {
for (i in overrides) {
if (L.hasOwnProperty(overrides, i)) {
L._IEEnumFix(subc.prototype, overrides);
* Applies all properties in the supplier to the receiver if the
* receiver does not have these properties yet. Optionally, one or
* more methods/properties can be specified (as additional
* parameters). This option will overwrite the property if receiver
* has it already. If true is passed as the third parameter, all
* properties will be applied and _will_ overwrite properties in
* the receiver.
* @method augmentObject
* @static
* @since 2.3.0
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param {String*|boolean} arguments zero or more properties methods
* to augment the receiver with. If none specified, everything
* in the supplier will be used unless it would
* overwrite an existing property in the receiver. If true
* is specified as the third parameter, all properties will
* be applied and will overwrite an existing property in
* the receiver
augmentObject: function(r, s) {
if (!s||!r) {
throw new Error("Absorb failed, verify dependencies.");
var a=arguments, i, p, overrideList=a[2];
if (overrideList && overrideList!==true) { // only absorb the specified properties
for (i=2; i 0) ? L.dump(o[i], d-1) : OBJ);
} else {
if (s.length > 1) {
// objects {k1 => v1, k2 => v2}
} else {
for (i in o) {
if (L.hasOwnProperty(o, i)) {
s.push(i + ARROW);
if (L.isObject(o[i])) {
s.push((d > 0) ? L.dump(o[i], d-1) : OBJ);
} else {
if (s.length > 1) {
return s.join("");
* Does variable substitution on a string. It scans through the string
* looking for expressions enclosed in { } braces. If an expression
* is found, it is used a key on the object. If there is a space in
* the key, the first word is used for the key and the rest is provided
* to an optional function to be used to programatically determine the
* value (the extra information might be used for this decision). If
* the value for the key in the object, or what is returned from the
* function has a string value, number value, or object value, it is
* substituted for the bracket expression and it repeats. If this
* value is an object, it uses the Object's toString() if this has
* been overridden, otherwise it does a shallow dump of the key/value
* pairs.
* By specifying the recurse option, the string is rescanned after
* every replacement, allowing for nested template substitutions.
* The side effect of this option is that curly braces in the
* replacement content must be encoded.
* @method substitute
* @since 2.3.0
* @param s {String} The string that will be modified.
* @param o {Object} An object containing the replacement values
* @param f {Function} An optional function that can be used to
* process each match. It receives the key,
* value, and any extra metadata included with
* the key inside of the braces.
* @param recurse {boolean} default true - if not false, the replaced
* string will be rescanned so that nested substitutions are possible.
* @return {String} the substituted string
substitute: function (s, o, f, recurse) {
var i, j, k, key, v, meta, saved=[], token, lidx=s.length,
DUMP='dump', SPACE=' ', LBRACE='{', RBRACE='}',
dump, objstr;
for (;;) {
i = s.lastIndexOf(LBRACE, lidx);
if (i < 0) {
j = s.indexOf(RBRACE, i);
if (i + 1 > j) {
//Extract key and meta info
token = s.substring(i + 1, j);
key = token;
meta = null;
k = key.indexOf(SPACE);
if (k > -1) {
meta = key.substring(k + 1);
key = key.substring(0, k);
// lookup the value
v = o[key];
// if a substitution function was provided, execute it
if (f) {
v = f(key, v, meta);
if (L.isObject(v)) {
if (L.isArray(v)) {
v = L.dump(v, parseInt(meta, 10));
} else {
meta = meta || "";
// look for the keyword 'dump', if found force obj dump
dump = meta.indexOf(DUMP);
if (dump > -1) {
meta = meta.substring(4);
objstr = v.toString();
// use the toString if it is not the Object toString
// and the 'dump' meta info was not found
if (objstr === OBJECT_TOSTRING || dump > -1) {
v = L.dump(v, parseInt(meta, 10));
} else {
v = objstr;
} else if (!L.isString(v) && !L.isNumber(v)) {
// This {block} has no replace string. Save it for later.
v = "~-" + saved.length + "-~";
saved[saved.length] = token;
// break;
s = s.substring(0, i) + v + s.substring(j + 1);
if (recurse === false) {
lidx = i-1;
// restore saved {block}s
for (i=saved.length-1; i>=0; i=i-1) {
s = s.replace(new RegExp("~-" + i + "-~"), "{" + saved[i] + "}", "g");
return s;
* Returns a string without any leading or trailing whitespace. If
* the input is not a string, the input will be returned untouched.
* @method trim
* @since 2.3.0
* @param s {string} the string to trim
* @return {string} the trimmed string
trim: function(s){
try {
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
} catch(e) {
return s;
* Returns a new object containing all of the properties of
* all the supplied objects. The properties from later objects
* will overwrite those in earlier objects.
* @method merge
* @since 2.3.0
* @param arguments {Object*} the objects to merge
* @return the new merged object
merge: function() {
var o={}, a=arguments, l=a.length, i;
for (i=0; i
* var A = function() {};
* A.prototype.foo = 'foo';
* var a = new A();
* a.foo = 'foo';
* alert(a.hasOwnProperty('foo')); // true
* alert(YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(a, 'foo')); // false when using fallback
* @method hasOwnProperty
* @param {any} o The object being testing
* @param prop {string} the name of the property to test
* @return {boolean} the result
L.hasOwnProperty = (OP.hasOwnProperty) ?
function(o, prop) {
return o && o.hasOwnProperty && o.hasOwnProperty(prop);
} : function(o, prop) {
return !L.isUndefined(o[prop]) &&
o.constructor.prototype[prop] !== o[prop];
// new lang wins
OB.augmentObject(L, OB, true);
* An alias for YAHOO.lang
* @class YAHOO.util.Lang
YAHOO.util.Lang = L;
* Same as YAHOO.lang.augmentObject, except it only applies prototype
* properties. This is an alias for augmentProto.
* @see YAHOO.lang.augmentObject
* @method augment
* @static
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param {String*|boolean} arguments zero or more properties methods to
* augment the receiver with. If none specified, everything
* in the supplier will be used unless it would
* overwrite an existing property in the receiver. if true
* is specified as the third parameter, all properties will
* be applied and will overwrite an existing property in
* the receiver
L.augment = L.augmentProto;
* An alias for YAHOO.lang.augment
* @for YAHOO
* @method augment
* @static
* @param {Function} r the object to receive the augmentation
* @param {Function} s the object that supplies the properties to augment
* @param {String*} arguments zero or more properties methods to
* augment the receiver with. If none specified, everything
* in the supplier will be used unless it would
* overwrite an existing property in the receiver
YAHOO.augment = L.augmentProto;
* An alias for YAHOO.lang.extend
* @method extend
* @static
* @param {Function} subc the object to modify
* @param {Function} superc the object to inherit
* @param {Object} overrides additional properties/methods to add to the
* subclass prototype. These will override the
* matching items obtained from the superclass if present.
YAHOO.extend = L.extend;
YAHOO.register("yahoo", YAHOO, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});
* Provides a mechanism to fetch remote resources and
* insert them into a document
* This utility can fetch JavaScript and CSS files, inserting script
* tags for script and link tags for CSS. Note, this
* is done via the normal browser mechanisms for inserting
* these resources and making the content available to
* code that would access it. Be careful when retreiving
* remote resources. Only use this utility to fetch
* files from sites you trust.
* @module get
* @requires yahoo
* Fetches and inserts one or more script or link nodes into the document.
* This utility can fetch JavaScript and CSS files, inserting script
* tags for script and link tags for CSS. Note, this
* is done via the normal browser mechanisms for inserting
* these resources and making the content available to
* code that would access it. Be careful when retreiving
* remote resources. Only use this utility to fetch
* files from sites you trust.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class YAHOO.util.Get
YAHOO.util.Get = function() {
* hash of queues to manage multiple requests
* @property queues
* @private
var queues={},
* queue index used to generate transaction ids
* @property qidx
* @type int
* @private
* node index used to generate unique node ids
* @property nidx
* @type int
* @private
* interal property used to prevent multiple simultaneous purge
* processes
* @property purging
* @type boolean
* @private
* Generates an HTML element, this is not appended to a document
* @method _node
* @param type {string} the type of element
* @param attr {string} the attributes
* @param win {Window} optional window to create the element in
* @return {HTMLElement} the generated node
* @private
_node = function(type, attr, win) {
var w = win || window, d=w.document, n=d.createElement(type), i;
for (i in attr) {
if (attr.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
n.setAttribute(i, attr[i]);
return n;
* Generates a link node
* @method _linkNode
* @param url {string} the url for the css file
* @param win {Window} optional window to create the node in
* @return {HTMLElement} the generated node
* @private
_linkNode = function(url, win, attributes) {
var o = {
id: "yui__dyn_" + (nidx++),
type: "text/css",
rel: "stylesheet",
href: url
if (attributes) {
lang.augmentObject(o, attributes);
return _node("link", o, win);
* Generates a script node
* @method _scriptNode
* @param url {string} the url for the script file
* @param win {Window} optional window to create the node in
* @return {HTMLElement} the generated node
* @private
_scriptNode = function(url, win, attributes) {
var o = {
id: "yui__dyn_" + (nidx++),
type: "text/javascript",
src: url
if (attributes) {
lang.augmentObject(o, attributes);
return _node("script", o, win);
* Returns the data payload for callback functions
* @method _returnData
* @private
_returnData = function(q, msg) {
return {
tId: q.tId,
win: q.win,
data: q.data,
nodes: q.nodes,
msg: msg,
purge: function() {
_get = function(nId, tId) {
var q = queues[tId],
n = (lang.isString(nId)) ? q.win.document.getElementById(nId) : nId;
if (!n) {
_fail(tId, "target node not found: " + nId);
return n;
* The request is complete, so executing the requester's callback
* @method _finish
* @param id {string} the id of the request
* @private
_finish = function(id) {
YAHOO.log("Finishing transaction " + id);
var q = queues[id], msg, context;
q.finished = true;
if (q.aborted) {
msg = "transaction " + id + " was aborted";
_fail(id, msg);
// execute success callback
if (q.onSuccess) {
context = q.scope || q.win;
q.onSuccess.call(context, _returnData(q));
* Timeout detected
* @method _timeout
* @param id {string} the id of the request
* @private
_timeout = function(id) {
YAHOO.log("Timeout " + id, "info", "get");
var q = queues[id], context;
if (q.onTimeout) {
context = q.scope || q;
q.onTimeout.call(context, _returnData(q));
* Loads the next item for a given request
* @method _next
* @param id {string} the id of the request
* @param loaded {string} the url that was just loaded, if any
* @private
_next = function(id, loaded) {
YAHOO.log("_next: " + id + ", loaded: " + loaded, "info", "Get");
var q = queues[id], w=q.win, d=w.document, h=d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
n, msg, url, s, extra;
if (q.timer) {
// Y.log('cancel timer');
if (q.aborted) {
msg = "transaction " + id + " was aborted";
_fail(id, msg);
if (loaded) {
if (q.varName) {
} else {
// This is the first pass: make sure the url is an array
q.url = (lang.isString(q.url)) ? [q.url] : q.url;
if (q.varName) {
q.varName = (lang.isString(q.varName)) ? [q.varName] : q.varName;
if (q.url.length === 0) {
// Safari 2.x workaround - There is no way to know when
// a script is ready in versions of Safari prior to 3.x.
// Adding an extra node reduces the problem, but doesn't
// eliminate it completely because the browser executes
// them asynchronously.
if (q.type === "script" && ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 420 &&
!q.finalpass && !q.varName) {
// Add another script node. This does not guarantee that the
// scripts will execute in order, but it does appear to fix the
// problem on fast connections more effectively than using an
// arbitrary timeout. It is possible that the browser does
// block subsequent script execution in this case for a limited
// time.
extra = _scriptNode(null, q.win, q.attributes);
extra.innerHTML='YAHOO.util.Get._finalize("' + id + '");';
q.nodes.push(extra); h.appendChild(extra);
} else {
url = q.url[0];
// if the url is undefined, this is probably a trailing comma problem in IE
if (!url) {
YAHOO.log('skipping empty url');
return _next(id);
YAHOO.log("attempting to load " + url, "info", "Get");
if (q.timeout) {
// Y.log('create timer');
q.timer = lang.later(q.timeout, q, _timeout, id);
if (q.type === "script") {
n = _scriptNode(url, w, q.attributes);
} else {
n = _linkNode(url, w, q.attributes);
// track this node's load progress
_track(q.type, n, id, url, w, q.url.length);
// add the node to the queue so we can return it to the user supplied callback
// add it to the head or insert it before 'insertBefore'
if (q.insertBefore) {
s = _get(q.insertBefore, id);
if (s) {
s.parentNode.insertBefore(n, s);
} else {
YAHOO.log("Appending node: " + url, "info", "Get");
// FireFox does not support the onload event for link nodes, so there is
// no way to make the css requests synchronous. This means that the css
// rules in multiple files could be applied out of order in this browser
// if a later request returns before an earlier one. Safari too.
if ((ua.webkit || ua.gecko) && q.type === "css") {
_next(id, url);
* Removes processed queues and corresponding nodes
* @method _autoPurge
* @private
_autoPurge = function() {
if (_purging) {
_purging = true;
var i, q;
for (i in queues) {
if (queues.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
q = queues[i];
if (q.autopurge && q.finished) {
delete queues[i];
_purging = false;
* Saves the state for the request and begins loading
* the requested urls
* @method queue
* @param type {string} the type of node to insert
* @param url {string} the url to load
* @param opts the hash of options for this request
* @private
_queue = function(type, url, opts) {
var id = "q" + (qidx++), q;
opts = opts || {};
if (qidx % YAHOO.util.Get.PURGE_THRESH === 0) {
queues[id] = lang.merge(opts, {
tId: id,
type: type,
url: url,
finished: false,
aborted: false,
nodes: []
q = queues[id];
q.win = q.win || window;
q.scope = q.scope || q.win;
q.autopurge = ("autopurge" in q) ? q.autopurge :
(type === "script") ? true : false;
q.attributes = q.attributes || {};
q.attributes.charset = opts.charset || q.attributes.charset || 'utf-8';
lang.later(0, q, _next, id);
return {
tId: id
* Detects when a node has been loaded. In the case of
* script nodes, this does not guarantee that contained
* script is ready to use.
* @method _track
* @param type {string} the type of node to track
* @param n {HTMLElement} the node to track
* @param id {string} the id of the request
* @param url {string} the url that is being loaded
* @param win {Window} the targeted window
* @param qlength the number of remaining items in the queue,
* including this one
* @param trackfn {Function} function to execute when finished
* the default is _next
* @private
_track = function(type, n, id, url, win, qlength, trackfn) {
var f = trackfn || _next, rs, q, a, freq, w, l, i, msg;
// IE supports the readystatechange event for script and css nodes
if (ua.ie) {
n.onreadystatechange = function() {
rs = this.readyState;
if ("loaded" === rs || "complete" === rs) {
YAHOO.log(id + " onload " + url, "info", "Get");
n.onreadystatechange = null;
f(id, url);
// webkit prior to 3.x is problemmatic
} else if (ua.webkit) {
if (type === "script") {
// Safari 3.x supports the load event for script nodes (DOM2)
if (ua.webkit >= 420) {
n.addEventListener("load", function() {
YAHOO.log(id + " DOM2 onload " + url, "info", "Get");
f(id, url);
// Nothing can be done with Safari < 3.x except to pause and hope
// for the best, particularly after last script is inserted. The
// scripts will always execute in the order they arrive, not
// necessarily the order in which they were inserted. To support
// script nodes with complete reliability in these browsers, script
// nodes either need to invoke a function in the window once they
// are loaded or the implementer needs to provide a well-known
// property that the utility can poll for.
} else {
// Poll for the existence of the named variable, if it
// was supplied.
q = queues[id];
if (q.varName) {
freq = YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ;
YAHOO.log("Polling for " + q.varName[0]);
q.maxattempts = YAHOO.util.Get.TIMEOUT/freq;
q.attempts = 0;
q._cache = q.varName[0].split(".");
q.timer = lang.later(freq, q, function(o) {
a = this._cache;
l = a.length;
w = this.win;
for (i=0; i this.maxattempts) {
msg = "Over retry limit, giving up";
_fail(id, msg);
} else {
YAHOO.log(a[i] + " failed, retrying");
YAHOO.log("Safari poll complete");
f(id, url);
}, null, true);
} else {
lang.later(YAHOO.util.Get.POLL_FREQ, null, f, [id, url]);
// FireFox and Opera support onload (but not DOM2 in FF) handlers for
// script nodes. Opera, but not FF, supports the onload event for link
// nodes.
} else {
n.onload = function() {
YAHOO.log(id + " onload " + url, "info", "Get");
f(id, url);
* The request failed, execute fail handler with whatever
* was accomplished. There isn't a failure case at the
* moment unless you count aborted transactions
* @method _fail
* @param id {string} the id of the request
* @private
_fail = function(id, msg) {
YAHOO.log("get failure: " + msg, "warn", "Get");
var q = queues[id], context;
// execute failure callback
if (q.onFailure) {
context = q.scope || q.win;
q.onFailure.call(context, _returnData(q, msg));
* Removes the nodes for the specified queue
* @method _purge
* @private
_purge = function(tId) {
if (queues[tId]) {
var q = queues[tId],
nodes = q.nodes,
l = nodes.length,
d = q.win.document,
h = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
sib, i, node, attr;
if (q.insertBefore) {
sib = _get(q.insertBefore, tId);
if (sib) {
h = sib.parentNode;
for (i=0; i
* onSuccess
* callback to execute when the script(s) are finished loading
* The callback receives an object back with the following
* data:
* - win
* - the window the script(s) were inserted into
* - data
* - the data object passed in when the request was made
* - nodes
* - An array containing references to the nodes that were
* inserted
* - purge
* - A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes
* that were inserted
* -
* onFailure
* callback to execute when the script load operation fails
* The callback receives an object back with the following
* data:
* - win
* - the window the script(s) were inserted into
* - data
* - the data object passed in when the request was made
* - nodes
* - An array containing references to the nodes that were
* inserted successfully
* - purge
* - A function that, when executed, will remove any nodes
* that were inserted
* -
* onTimeout
* callback to execute when a timeout occurs.
* The callback receives an object back with the following
* data:
* - win
* - the window the script(s) were inserted into
* - data
* - the data object passed in when the request was made
* - nodes
* - An array containing references to the nodes that were
* inserted
* - purge
* - A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes
* that were inserted
* -
* scope
* the execution context for the callbacks
* win
* a window other than the one the utility occupies
* autopurge
* setting to true will let the utilities cleanup routine purge
* the script once loaded
* data
* data that is supplied to the callback when the script(s) are
* loaded.
* varName
* variable that should be available when a script is finished
* loading. Used to help Safari 2.x and below with script load
* detection. The type of this property should match what was
* passed into the url parameter: if loading a single url, a
* string can be supplied. If loading multiple scripts, you
* must supply an array that contains the variable name for
* each script.
* insertBefore
* node or node id that will become the new node's nextSibling
* charset
* Node charset, deprecated, use 'attributes'
* attributes
* A hash of attributes to apply to dynamic nodes.
* timeout
* Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting and firing the timeout event
* // assumes yahoo, dom, and event are already on the page
* YAHOO.util.Get.script(
* ["http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/dragdrop/dragdrop-min.js",
* "http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/animation/animation-min.js"], {
* onSuccess: function(o) {
* YAHOO.log(o.data); // foo
* new YAHOO.util.DDProxy("dd1"); // also new o.reference("dd1"); would work
* this.log("won't cause error because YAHOO is the scope");
* this.log(o.nodes.length === 2) // true
* // o.purge(); // optionally remove the script nodes immediately
* },
* onFailure: function(o) {
* YAHOO.log("transaction failed");
* },
* data: "foo",
* timeout: 10000, // 10 second timeout
* scope: YAHOO,
* // win: otherframe // target another window/frame
* autopurge: true // allow the utility to choose when to remove the nodes
* });
* @return {tId: string} an object containing info about the transaction
script: function(url, opts) { return _queue("script", url, opts); },
* Fetches and inserts one or more css link nodes into the
* head of the current document or the document in a specified
* window.
* @method css
* @static
* @param url {string} the url or urls to the css file(s)
* @param opts Options:
* - onSuccess
* -
* callback to execute when the css file(s) are finished loading
* The callback receives an object back with the following
* data:
* - the window the link nodes(s) were inserted into
* - data
* - the data object passed in when the request was made
* - nodes
* - An array containing references to the nodes that were
* inserted
* - purge
* - A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes
* that were inserted
* -
* scope
* the execution context for the callbacks
* win
* a window other than the one the utility occupies
* data
* data that is supplied to the callbacks when the nodes(s) are
* loaded.
* insertBefore
* node or node id that will become the new node's nextSibling
* charset
* Node charset, deprecated, use 'attributes'
* attributes
* A hash of attributes to apply to dynamic nodes.
* YAHOO.util.Get.css("http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/menu/assets/skins/sam/menu.css");
* YAHOO.util.Get.css(["http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/menu/assets/skins/sam/menu.css",
* "http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/logger/assets/skins/sam/logger.css"]);
* @return {tId: string} an object containing info about the transaction
css: function(url, opts) {
return _queue("css", url, opts);
YAHOO.register("get", YAHOO.util.Get, {version: "2.9.0", build: "2800"});
/*jslint evil: true, strict: false, regexp: false*/
* Provides dynamic loading for the YUI library. It includes the dependency
* info for the library, and will automatically pull in dependencies for
* the modules requested. It supports rollup files (such as utilities.js
* and yahoo-dom-event.js), and will automatically use these when
* appropriate in order to minimize the number of http connections
* required to load all of the dependencies.
* @module yuiloader
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* YUILoader provides dynamic loading for YUI.
* @class YAHOO.util.YUILoader
* @todo
* version management, automatic sandboxing
(function() {
var Y = YAHOO,
util = Y.util,
lang = Y.lang,
env = Y.env,
PROV = "_provides",
SUPER = "_supersedes",
REQ = "expanded",
AFTER = "_after",
VERSION = "2.9.0";
// version hack for cdn testing
// if (/VERSION/.test(VERSION)) {
// VERSION = "2.8.2";
// }
var YUI = {
dupsAllowed: {'yahoo': true, 'get': true},
* The library metadata for the current release The is the default
* value for YAHOO.util.YUILoader.moduleInfo
* @property YUIInfo
* @static
info: {
// 'root': '2.5.2/build/',
// 'base': 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.5.2/build/',
'root': VERSION + '/build/',
'base': 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/' + VERSION + '/build/',
'comboBase': 'http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?',
'skin': {
'defaultSkin': 'sam',
'base': 'assets/skins/',
'path': 'skin.css',
'after': ['reset', 'fonts', 'grids', 'base'],
'rollup': 3
dupsAllowed: ['yahoo', 'get'],
'moduleInfo': {
'animation': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'animation/animation-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event']
'autocomplete': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'autocomplete/autocomplete-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event', 'datasource'],
'optional': ['connection', 'animation'],
'skinnable': true
'base': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'base/base-min.css',
'after': ['reset', 'fonts', 'grids']
'button': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'button/button-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['menu'],
'skinnable': true
'calendar': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'calendar/calendar-min.js',
'requires': ['event', 'dom'],
supersedes: ['datemath'],
'skinnable': true
'carousel': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'carousel/carousel-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['animation'],
'skinnable': true
'charts': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'charts/charts-min.js',
'requires': ['element', 'json', 'datasource', 'swf']
'colorpicker': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'colorpicker/colorpicker-min.js',
'requires': ['slider', 'element'],
'optional': ['animation'],
'skinnable': true
'connection': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'connection/connection-min.js',
'requires': ['event'],
'supersedes': ['connectioncore']
'connectioncore': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'connection/connection_core-min.js',
'requires': ['event'],
'pkg': 'connection'
'container': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'container/container-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event'],
// button is also optional, but this creates a circular
// dependency when loadOptional is specified. button
// optionally includes menu, menu requires container.
'optional': ['dragdrop', 'animation', 'connection'],
'supersedes': ['containercore'],
'skinnable': true
'containercore': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'container/container_core-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event'],
'pkg': 'container'
'cookie': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'cookie/cookie-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'datasource': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'datasource/datasource-min.js',
'requires': ['event'],
'optional': ['connection']
'datatable': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'datatable/datatable-min.js',
'requires': ['element', 'datasource'],
'optional': ['calendar', 'dragdrop', 'paginator'],
'skinnable': true
datemath: {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'datemath/datemath-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'dom': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'dom/dom-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'dragdrop': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'dragdrop/dragdrop-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event']
'editor': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'editor/editor-min.js',
'requires': ['menu', 'element', 'button'],
'optional': ['animation', 'dragdrop'],
'supersedes': ['simpleeditor'],
'skinnable': true
'element': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'element/element-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event'],
'optional': ['event-mouseenter', 'event-delegate']
'element-delegate': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'element-delegate/element-delegate-min.js',
'requires': ['element']
'event': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'event/event-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'event-simulate': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'event-simulate/event-simulate-min.js',
'requires': ['event']
'event-delegate': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'event-delegate/event-delegate-min.js',
'requires': ['event'],
'optional': ['selector']
'event-mouseenter': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'event-mouseenter/event-mouseenter-min.js',
'requires': ['dom', 'event']
'fonts': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'fonts/fonts-min.css'
'get': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'get/get-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'grids': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'grids/grids-min.css',
'requires': ['fonts'],
'optional': ['reset']
'history': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'history/history-min.js',
'requires': ['event']
'imagecropper': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'imagecropper/imagecropper-min.js',
'requires': ['dragdrop', 'element', 'resize'],
'skinnable': true
'imageloader': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'imageloader/imageloader-min.js',
'requires': ['event', 'dom']
'json': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'json/json-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'layout': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'layout/layout-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['animation', 'dragdrop', 'resize', 'selector'],
'skinnable': true
'logger': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'logger/logger-min.js',
'requires': ['event', 'dom'],
'optional': ['dragdrop'],
'skinnable': true
'menu': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'menu/menu-min.js',
'requires': ['containercore'],
'skinnable': true
'paginator': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'paginator/paginator-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'skinnable': true
'profiler': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'profiler/profiler-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'profilerviewer': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'profilerviewer/profilerviewer-min.js',
'requires': ['profiler', 'yuiloader', 'element'],
'skinnable': true
'progressbar': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'progressbar/progressbar-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['animation'],
'skinnable': true
'reset': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'reset/reset-min.css'
'reset-fonts-grids': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css',
'supersedes': ['reset', 'fonts', 'grids', 'reset-fonts'],
'rollup': 4
'reset-fonts': {
'type': 'css',
'path': 'reset-fonts/reset-fonts.css',
'supersedes': ['reset', 'fonts'],
'rollup': 2
'resize': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'resize/resize-min.js',
'requires': ['dragdrop', 'element'],
'optional': ['animation'],
'skinnable': true
'selector': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'selector/selector-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo', 'dom']
'simpleeditor': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'editor/simpleeditor-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['containercore', 'menu', 'button', 'animation', 'dragdrop'],
'skinnable': true,
'pkg': 'editor'
'slider': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'slider/slider-min.js',
'requires': ['dragdrop'],
'optional': ['animation'],
'skinnable': true
'storage': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'storage/storage-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo', 'event', 'cookie'],
'optional': ['swfstore']
'stylesheet': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'stylesheet/stylesheet-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'swf': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'swf/swf-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'supersedes': ['swfdetect']
'swfdetect': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'swfdetect/swfdetect-min.js',
'requires': ['yahoo']
'swfstore': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'swfstore/swfstore-min.js',
'requires': ['element', 'cookie', 'swf']
'tabview': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'tabview/tabview-min.js',
'requires': ['element'],
'optional': ['connection'],
'skinnable': true
'treeview': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'treeview/treeview-min.js',
'requires': ['event', 'dom'],
'optional': ['json', 'animation', 'calendar'],
'skinnable': true
'uploader': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'uploader/uploader-min.js',
'requires': ['element']
'utilities': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'utilities/utilities.js',
'supersedes': ['yahoo', 'event', 'dragdrop', 'animation', 'dom', 'connection', 'element', 'yahoo-dom-event', 'get', 'yuiloader', 'yuiloader-dom-event'],
'rollup': 8
'yahoo': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'yahoo/yahoo-min.js'
'yahoo-dom-event': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js',
'supersedes': ['yahoo', 'event', 'dom'],
'rollup': 3
'yuiloader': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'yuiloader/yuiloader-min.js',
'supersedes': ['yahoo', 'get']
'yuiloader-dom-event': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'yuiloader-dom-event/yuiloader-dom-event.js',
'supersedes': ['yahoo', 'dom', 'event', 'get', 'yuiloader', 'yahoo-dom-event'],
'rollup': 5
'yuitest': {
'type': 'js',
'path': 'yuitest/yuitest-min.js',
'requires': ['logger'],
'optional': ['event-simulate'],
'skinnable': true
ObjectUtil: {
appendArray: function(o, a) {
if (a) {
for (var i=0; i
* Selects the debug versions of the library (e.g., event-debug.js).
* This option will automatically include the logger widget
* Selects the non-minified version of the library (e.g., event.js).
* You can also define a custom filter, which must be an object literal
* containing a search expression and a replace string:
* myFilter: {
* 'searchExp': "-min\\.js",
* 'replaceStr': "-debug.js"
* }
* @property filter
* @type string|{searchExp: string, replaceStr: string}
this.filter = null;
* The list of requested modules
* @property required
* @type {string: boolean}
this.required = {};
* The library metadata
* @property moduleInfo
this.moduleInfo = lang.merge(YUI.info.moduleInfo);
* List of rollup files found in the library metadata
* @property rollups
this.rollups = null;
* Whether or not to load optional dependencies for
* the requested modules
* @property loadOptional
* @type boolean
* @default false
this.loadOptional = false;
* All of the derived dependencies in sorted order, which
* will be populated when either calculate() or insert()
* is called
* @property sorted
* @type string[]
this.sorted = [];
* Set when beginning to compute the dependency tree.
* Composed of what YAHOO reports to be loaded combined
* with what has been loaded by the tool
* @propery loaded
* @type {string: boolean}
this.loaded = {};
* Flag to indicate the dependency tree needs to be recomputed
* if insert is called again.
* @property dirty
* @type boolean
* @default true
this.dirty = true;
* List of modules inserted by the utility
* @property inserted
* @type {string: boolean}
this.inserted = {};
* Provides the information used to skin the skinnable components.
* The following skin definition would result in 'skin1' and 'skin2'
* being loaded for calendar (if calendar was requested), and
* 'sam' for all other skinnable components:
* skin: {
* // The default skin, which is automatically applied if not
* // overriden by a component-specific skin definition.
* // Change this in to apply a different skin globally
* defaultSkin: 'sam',
* // This is combined with the loader base property to get
* // the default root directory for a skin. ex:
* // http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.3.0/build/assets/skins/sam/
* base: 'assets/skins/',
* // The name of the rollup css file for the skin
* path: 'skin.css',
* // The number of skinnable components requested that are
* // required before using the rollup file rather than the
* // individual component css files
* rollup: 3,
* // Any component-specific overrides can be specified here,
* // making it possible to load different skins for different
* // components. It is possible to load more than one skin
* // for a given component as well.
* overrides: {
* calendar: ['skin1', 'skin2']
* }
* }
* @property skin
var self = this;
env.listeners.push(function(m) {
if (self._useYahooListener) {
//Y.log("YAHOO listener: " + m.name);
this.skin = lang.merge(YUI.info.skin);
Y.util.YUILoader.prototype = {
RAW: {
'searchExp': "-min\\.js",
'replaceStr': ".js"
'searchExp': "-min\\.js",
'replaceStr': "-debug.js"
SKIN_PREFIX: "skin-",
_config: function(o) {
// apply config values
if (o) {
for (var i in o) {
if (lang.hasOwnProperty(o, i)) {
if (i == "require") {
} else {
this[i] = o[i];
// fix filter
var f = this.filter;
if (lang.isString(f)) {
f = f.toUpperCase();
// the logger must be available in order to use the debug
// versions of the library
if (f === "DEBUG") {
// hack to handle a a bug where LogWriter is being instantiated
// at load time, and the loader has no way to sort above it
// at the moment.
if (!Y.widget.LogWriter) {
Y.widget.LogWriter = function() {
return Y;
this.filter = this.FILTERS[f];
/** Add a new module to the component metadata.
* - name:
- required, the component name
* - type:
- required, the component type (js or css)
* - path:
- required, the path to the script from "base"
* - requires:
- array of modules required by this component
* - optional:
- array of optional modules for this component
* - supersedes:
- array of the modules this component replaces
* - after:
- array of modules the components which, if present, should be sorted above this one
* - rollup:
- the number of superseded modules required for automatic rollup
* - fullpath:
- If fullpath is specified, this is used instead of the configured base + path
* - skinnable:
- flag to determine if skin assets should automatically be pulled in
* @method addModule
* @param o An object containing the module data
* @return {boolean} true if the module was added, false if
* the object passed in did not provide all required attributes
addModule: function(o) {
if (!o || !o.name || !o.type || (!o.path && !o.fullpath)) {
return false;
o.ext = ('ext' in o) ? o.ext : true;
o.requires = o.requires || [];
this.moduleInfo[o.name] = o;
this.dirty = true;
return true;
* Add a requirement for one or more module
* @method require
* @param what {string[] | string*} the modules to load
require: function(what) {
var a = (typeof what === "string") ? arguments : what;
this.dirty = true;
YUI.ObjectUtil.appendArray(this.required, a);
* Adds the skin def to the module info
* @method _addSkin
* @param skin {string} the name of the skin
* @param mod {string} the name of the module
* @return {string} the module name for the skin
* @private
_addSkin: function(skin, mod) {
// Add a module definition for the skin rollup css
var name = this.formatSkin(skin), info = this.moduleInfo,
sinf = this.skin, ext = info[mod] && info[mod].ext;
// Y.log('ext? ' + mod + ": " + ext);
if (!info[name]) {
// Y.log('adding skin ' + name);
'name': name,
'type': 'css',
'path': sinf.base + skin + '/' + sinf.path,
//'supersedes': '*',
'after': sinf.after,
'rollup': sinf.rollup,
'ext': ext
// Add a module definition for the module-specific skin css
if (mod) {
name = this.formatSkin(skin, mod);
if (!info[name]) {
var mdef = info[mod], pkg = mdef.pkg || mod;
// Y.log('adding skin ' + name);
'name': name,
'type': 'css',
'after': sinf.after,
'path': pkg + '/' + sinf.base + skin + '/' + mod + '.css',
'ext': ext
return name;
* Returns an object containing properties for all modules required
* in order to load the requested module
* @method getRequires
* @param mod The module definition from moduleInfo
getRequires: function(mod) {
if (!mod) {
return [];
if (!this.dirty && mod.expanded) {
return mod.expanded;
mod.requires=mod.requires || [];
var i, d=[], r=mod.requires, o=mod.optional, info=this.moduleInfo, m;
for (i=0; iformatSkin, providing the skin name and
* module name if the string matches the pattern for skins.
* @method parseSkin
* @param mod {string} the module name to parse
* @return {skin: string, module: string} the parsed skin name
* and module name, or null if the supplied string does not match
* the skin pattern
parseSkin: function(mod) {
if (mod.indexOf(this.SKIN_PREFIX) === 0) {
var a = mod.split("-");
return {skin: a[1], module: a[2]};
return null;
* Look for rollup packages to determine if all of the modules a
* rollup supersedes are required. If so, include the rollup to
* help reduce the total number of connections required. Called
* by calculate()
* @method _rollup
* @private
_rollup: function() {
var i, j, m, s, rollups={}, r=this.required, roll,
info = this.moduleInfo;
// find and cache rollup modules
if (this.dirty || !this.rollups) {
for (i in info) {
if (lang.hasOwnProperty(info, i)) {
m = info[i];
//if (m && m.rollup && m.supersedes) {
if (m && m.rollup) {
rollups[i] = m;
this.rollups = rollups;
// make as many passes as needed to pick up rollup rollups
for (;;) {
var rolled = false;
// go through the rollup candidates
for (i in rollups) {
// there can be only one
if (!r[i] && !this.loaded[i]) {
m =info[i]; s = m.supersedes; roll=false;
if (!m.rollup) {
var skin = (m.ext) ? false : this.parseSkin(i), c = 0;
// Y.log('skin? ' + i + ": " + skin);
if (skin) {
for (j in r) {
if (lang.hasOwnProperty(r, j)) {
if (i !== j && this.parseSkin(j)) {
roll = (c >= m.rollup);
if (roll) {
// Y.log("skin rollup " + lang.dump(r));
} else {
// check the threshold
for (j=0;j= m.rollup);
if (roll) {
// Y.log("over thresh " + c + ", " + lang.dump(r));
if (roll) {
// Y.log("rollup: " + i + ", " + lang.dump(this, 1));
// add the rollup
r[i] = true;
rolled = true;
// expand the rollup's dependencies
// if we made it here w/o rolling up something, we are done
if (!rolled) {
* Remove superceded modules and loaded modules. Called by
* calculate() after we have the mega list of all dependencies
* @method _reduce
* @private
_reduce: function() {
var i, j, s, m, r=this.required;
for (i in r) {
// remove if already loaded
if (i in this.loaded) {
delete r[i];
// remove anything this module supersedes
} else {
var skinDef = this.parseSkin(i);
if (skinDef) {
//YAHOO.log("skin found in reduce: " + skinDef.skin + ", " + skinDef.module);
// the skin rollup will not have a module name
if (!skinDef.module) {
var skin_pre = this.SKIN_PREFIX + skinDef.skin;
//YAHOO.log("skin_pre: " + skin_pre);
for (j in r) {
if (lang.hasOwnProperty(r, j)) {
m = this.moduleInfo[j];
var ext = m && m.ext;
if (!ext && j !== i && j.indexOf(skin_pre) > -1) {
// Y.log ("removing component skin: " + j);
delete r[j];
} else {
m = this.moduleInfo[i];
s = m && m.supersedes;
if (s) {
for (j=0; j -1) {
return true;
// check if this module should be sorted after the other
if (after && YUI.ArrayUtil.indexOf(after, bb) > -1) {
return true;
// if loadOptional is not specified, optional dependencies still
// must be sorted correctly when present.
if (checkOptional && optional && YUI.ArrayUtil.indexOf(optional, bb) > -1) {
return true;
// check if this module requires one the other supersedes
var ss=info[bb] && info[bb].supersedes;
if (ss) {
for (ii=0; ii startLen) {
YAHOO.util.Get.script(self._filter(js), {
data: self._loading,
onSuccess: callback,
onFailure: self._onFailure,
onTimeout: self._onTimeout,
insertBefore: self.insertBefore,
charset: self.charset,
timeout: self.timeout,
scope: self
} else {
// load the css first
// YAHOO.log('combining css: ' + css);
if (css.length > startLen) {
YAHOO.util.Get.css(this._filter(css), {
data: this._loading,
onSuccess: loadScript,
onFailure: this._onFailure,
onTimeout: this._onTimeout,
insertBefore: this.insertBefore,
charset: this.charset,
timeout: this.timeout,
scope: self
} else {
} else {
// this._combineComplete = true;
* inserts the requested modules and their dependencies.
* type
can be "js" or "css". Both script and
* css are inserted if type is not provided.
* @method insert
* @param o optional options object
* @param type {string} the type of dependency to insert
insert: function(o, type) {
// if (o) {
// Y.log("insert: " + lang.dump(o, 1) + ", " + type);
// } else {
// Y.log("insert: " + this.toString() + ", " + type);
// }
// build the dependency list
// set a flag to indicate the load has started
this._loading = true;
// flag to indicate we are done with the combo service
// and any additional files will need to be loaded
// individually
// this._combineComplete = false;
// keep the loadType (js, css or undefined) cached
this.loadType = type;
if (this.combine) {
return this._combine();
if (!type) {
// Y.log("trying to load css first");
var self = this;
this._internalCallback = function() {
self._internalCallback = null;
self.insert(null, "js");
this.insert(null, "css");
// start the load
* Interns the script for the requested modules. The callback is
* provided a reference to the sandboxed YAHOO object. This only
* applies to the script: css can not be sandboxed; css will be
* loaded into the page normally if specified.
* @method sandbox
* @param callback {Function} the callback to exectued when the load is
* complete.
sandbox: function(o, type) {
// if (o) {
// YAHOO.log("sandbox: " + lang.dump(o, 1) + ", " + type);
// } else {
// YAHOO.log("sandbox: " + this.toString() + ", " + type);
// }
var self = this,
success = function(o) {
var idx=o.argument[0], name=o.argument[2];
// store the response in the position it was requested
self._scriptText[idx] = o.responseText;
// YAHOO.log("received: " + o.responseText.substr(0, 100) + ", " + idx);
if (self.onProgress) {
self.onProgress.call(self.scope, {
name: name,
scriptText: o.responseText,
xhrResponse: o,
data: self.data
// only generate the sandbox once everything is loaded
if (self._loadCount >= self._stopCount) {
// the variable to find
var v = self.varName || "YAHOO";
// wrap the contents of the requested modules in an anonymous function
var t = "(function() {\n";
// return the locally scoped reference.
var b = "\nreturn " + v + ";\n})();";
var ref = eval(t + self._scriptText.join("\n") + b);
if (ref) {
self.onSuccess.call(self.scope, {
reference: ref,
data: self.data
} else {
self._onFailure.call(self.varName + " reference failure");
failure = function(o) {
self.onFailure.call(self.scope, {
msg: "XHR failure",
xhrResponse: o,
data: self.data
if (!self.onSuccess) {
throw new Error("You must supply an onSuccess handler for your sandbox");
self._sandbox = true;
// take care of any css first (this can't be sandboxed)
if (!type || type !== "js") {
self._internalCallback = function() {
self._internalCallback = null;
self.sandbox(null, "js");
self.insert(null, "css");
// get the connection manager if not on the page
if (!util.Connect) {
// get a new loader instance to load connection.
var ld = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader();
base: self.base,
filter: self.filter,
require: "connection",
insertBefore: self.insertBefore,
charset: self.charset,
onSuccess: function() {
self.sandbox(null, "js");
scope: self
}, "js");
self._scriptText = [];
self._loadCount = 0;
self._stopCount = self.sorted.length;
self._xhr = [];
var s=self.sorted, l=s.length, i, m, url;
for (i=0; i