/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('align-plugin', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides advanced positioning support for Node via a Plugin * for centering and alignment. * @module align-plugin */ var OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth', OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight', undefined = undefined; /** * Node plugin which can be used to align a node with another node, * region, or the viewport. * * @class Plugin.Align * @param {Object} User configuration object */ function Align(config) { if (config.host) { this._host = config.host; } } Align.prototype = { /** * Aligns node with a point on another node or region. * Possible alignment points are: *
top left
top right
bottom left
bottom right
top center
bottom center
right center
left center
center center
* @method to * @param region {String|Node|HTMLElement|Object} The node or * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region. * @param regionPoint {String} The point of the region to align with. * @param point {String} The point of the node aligned to the region. * @param resize {Boolean} Whether or not the node should re-align when * the window is resized. Defaults to false. */ to: function(region, regionPoint, point, syncOnResize) { // cache original args for syncing this._syncArgs = Y.Array(arguments); if (region.top === undefined) { region = Y.one(region).get('region'); } if (region) { var xy = [region.left, region.top], offxy = [region.width, region.height], points = Align.points, node = this._host, NULL = null, size = node.getAttrs([OFFSET_HEIGHT, OFFSET_WIDTH]), nodeoff = [0 - size[OFFSET_WIDTH], 0 - size[OFFSET_HEIGHT]], // reverse offsets regionFn0 = regionPoint ? points[regionPoint.charAt(0)]: NULL, regionFn1 = (regionPoint && regionPoint !== 'cc') ? points[regionPoint.charAt(1)] : NULL, nodeFn0 = point ? points[point.charAt(0)] : NULL, nodeFn1 = (point && point !== 'cc') ? points[point.charAt(1)] : NULL; if (regionFn0) { xy = regionFn0(xy, offxy, regionPoint); } if (regionFn1) { xy = regionFn1(xy, offxy, regionPoint); } if (nodeFn0) { xy = nodeFn0(xy, nodeoff, point); } if (nodeFn1) { xy = nodeFn1(xy, nodeoff, point); } if (xy && node) { node.setXY(xy); } this._resize(syncOnResize); } return this; }, sync: function() { this.to.apply(this, this._syncArgs); return this; }, _resize: function(add) { var handle = this._handle; if (add && !handle) { this._handle = Y.on('resize', this._onresize, window, this); } else if (!add && handle) { handle.detach(); } }, _onresize: function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { // for performance self.sync(); }); }, /** * Aligns the center of a node to the center of another node or region. * @method center * @param region {Node|HTMLElement|Object} optional The node or * region to align with. Defaults to the viewport region. * the window is resized. If centering to viewport, this defaults * to true, otherwise default is false. */ center: function(region, resize) { this.to(region, 'cc', 'cc', resize); return this; }, /** * Removes the resize handler, if any. This is called automatically * when unplugged from the host node. * @method destroy */ destroy: function() { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { handle.detach(); } } }; Align.points = { 't': function(xy, off) { return xy; }, 'r': function(xy, off) { return [xy[0] + off[0], xy[1]]; }, 'b': function(xy, off) { return [xy[0], xy[1] + off[1]]; }, 'l': function(xy, off) { return xy; }, 'c': function(xy, off, point) { var axis = (point[0] === 't' || point[0] === 'b') ? 0 : 1, ret, val; if (point === 'cc') { ret = [xy[0] + off[0] / 2, xy[1] + off[1] / 2]; } else { val = xy[axis] + off[axis] / 2; ret = (axis) ? [xy[0], val] : [val, xy[1]]; } return ret; } }; Align.NAME = 'Align'; Align.NS = 'align'; Align.prototype.constructor = Align; Y.namespace('Plugin'); Y.Plugin.Align = Align; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["node-screen", "node-pluginhost"]});