/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('autocomplete-list', function (Y, NAME) { /** Traditional autocomplete dropdown list widget, just like Mom used to make. @module autocomplete @submodule autocomplete-list **/ /** Traditional autocomplete dropdown list widget, just like Mom used to make. @class AutoCompleteList @extends Widget @uses AutoCompleteBase @uses WidgetPosition @uses WidgetPositionAlign @constructor @param {Object} config Configuration object. **/ var Lang = Y.Lang, Node = Y.Node, YArray = Y.Array, // Whether or not we need an iframe shim. useShim = Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 7, // keyCode constants. KEY_TAB = 9, // String shorthand. _CLASS_ITEM = '_CLASS_ITEM', _CLASS_ITEM_ACTIVE = '_CLASS_ITEM_ACTIVE', _CLASS_ITEM_HOVER = '_CLASS_ITEM_HOVER', _SELECTOR_ITEM = '_SELECTOR_ITEM', ACTIVE_ITEM = 'activeItem', ALWAYS_SHOW_LIST = 'alwaysShowList', CIRCULAR = 'circular', HOVERED_ITEM = 'hoveredItem', ID = 'id', ITEM = 'item', LIST = 'list', RESULT = 'result', RESULTS = 'results', VISIBLE = 'visible', WIDTH = 'width', // Event names. EVT_SELECT = 'select', List = Y.Base.create('autocompleteList', Y.Widget, [ Y.AutoCompleteBase, Y.WidgetPosition, Y.WidgetPositionAlign ], { // -- Prototype Properties ------------------------------------------------- ARIA_TEMPLATE: '