/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('axis-base', function (Y, NAME) { /** * The Charts widget provides an api for displaying data * graphically. * * @module charts * @main charts */ /** * Provides functionality for the handling of axis data in a chart. * * @module charts * @submodule axis-base */ var Y_Lang = Y.Lang; /** * The Renderer class is a base class for chart components that use the `styles` * attribute. * * @module charts * @class Renderer * @constructor */ function Renderer(){} Renderer.ATTRS = { /** * Style properties for class * * @attribute styles * @type Object */ styles: { getter: function() { this._styles = this._styles || this._getDefaultStyles(); return this._styles; }, setter: function(val) { this._styles = this._setStyles(val); } }, /** * The graphic in which drawings will be rendered. * * @attribute graphic * @type Graphic */ graphic: {} }; Renderer.NAME = "renderer"; Renderer.prototype = { /** * Storage for `styles` attribute. * * @property _styles * @type Object * @private */ _styles: null, /** * Method used by `styles` setter. * * @method _setStyles * @param {Object} newStyles Hash of properties to update. * @return Object * @protected */ _setStyles: function(newstyles) { var styles = this.get("styles"); return this._mergeStyles(newstyles, styles); }, /** * Merges to object literals so that only specified properties are * overwritten. * * @method _mergeStyles * @param {Object} a Hash of new styles * @param {Object} b Hash of original styles * @return Object * @protected */ _mergeStyles: function(a, b) { if(!b) { b = {}; } var newstyles = Y.merge(b, {}); Y.Object.each(a, function(value, key) { if(b.hasOwnProperty(key) && Y_Lang.isObject(value) && !Y_Lang.isFunction(value) && !Y_Lang.isArray(value)) { newstyles[key] = this._mergeStyles(value, b[key]); } else { newstyles[key] = value; } }, this); return newstyles; }, /** * Copies an object literal. * * @method _copyObject * @param {Object} obj Object literal to be copied. * @return Object * @private */ _copyObject: function(obj) { var newObj = {}, key, val; for(key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = obj[key]; if(typeof val === "object" && !Y_Lang.isArray(val)) { newObj[key] = this._copyObject(val); } else { newObj[key] = val; } } } return newObj; }, /** * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object * @protected */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { return {padding:{ top:0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }}; } }; Y.augment(Renderer, Y.Attribute); Y.Renderer = Renderer; /** * The axis-base submodule contains functionality for the handling of axis data in a chart. * * @module charts * @submodule axis-base */ /** * An abstract class that provides the core functionality used by the following classes: * * * @class AxisBase * @constructor * @extends Base * @uses Renderer * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule axis-base */ Y.AxisBase = Y.Base.create("axisBase", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], { /** * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function() { this.after("minimumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this)); this.after("maximumChange", Y.bind(this._keyChangeHandler, this)); this.after("keysChange", this._keyChangeHandler); this.after("dataProviderChange", this._dataProviderChangeHandler); }, /** * Returns the value corresponding to the origin on the axis. * * @method getOrigin * @return Number */ getOrigin: function() { return this.get("minimum"); }, /** * Handles changes to `dataProvider`. * * @method _dataProviderChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _dataProviderChangeHandler: function() { var keyCollection = this.get("keyCollection").concat(), keys = this.get("keys"), i; if(keys) { for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { delete keys[i]; } } } if(keyCollection && keyCollection.length) { this.set("keys", keyCollection); } }, /** * Calculates the maximum and minimum values for the `Data`. * * @method _updateMinAndMax * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { }, /** * Constant used to generate unique id. * * @property GUID * @type String * @private */ GUID: "yuibaseaxis", /** * Type of data used in `Axis`. * * @property _type * @type String * @readOnly * @private */ _type: null, /** * Storage for `setMaximum` attribute. * * @property _setMaximum * @type Object * @private */ _setMaximum: null, /** * Storage for `setMinimum` attribute. * * @property _setMinimum * @type Object * @private */ _setMinimum: null, /** * Reference to data array. * * @property _data * @type Array * @private */ _data: null, /** * Indicates whether the all data is up to date. * * @property _updateTotalDataFlag * @type Boolean * @private */ _updateTotalDataFlag: true, /** * Storage for `dataReady` attribute. * * @property _dataReady * @type Boolean * @readOnly * @private */ _dataReady: false, /** * Adds an array to the key hash. * * @method addKey * @param value Indicates what key to use in retrieving * the array. */ addKey: function (value) { this.set("keys", value); }, /** * Gets an array of values based on a key. * * @method _getKeyArray * @param {String} key Value key associated with the data array. * @param {Array} data Array in which the data resides. * @return Array * @private */ _getKeyArray: function(key, data) { var i = 0, obj, keyArray = [], len = data.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { obj = data[i]; keyArray[i] = obj[key]; } return keyArray; }, /** * Updates the total data array. * * @method _updateTotalData * @private */ _updateTotalData: function() { var keys = this.get("keys"), i; this._data = []; for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._data = this._data.concat(keys[i]); } } this._updateTotalDataFlag = false; }, /** * Removes an array from the key hash. * * @method removeKey * @param {String} value Indicates what key to use in removing from * the hash. */ removeKey: function(value) { var keys = this.get("keys"); if(keys.hasOwnProperty(value)) { delete keys[value]; this._keyChangeHandler(); } }, /** * Returns a value based of a key value and an index. * * @method getKeyValueAt * @param {String} key value used to look up the correct array * @param {Number} index within the array * @return Number */ getKeyValueAt: function(key, index) { var value = NaN, keys = this.get("keys"); if(keys[key] && Y_Lang.isNumber(parseFloat(keys[key][index]))) { value = keys[key][index]; } return parseFloat(value); }, /** * Returns values based on key identifiers. When a string is passed as an argument, an array of values is returned. * When an array of keys is passed as an argument, an object literal with an array of values mapped to each key is * returned. * * @method getDataByKey * @param {String|Array} value value used to identify the array * @return Array|Object */ getDataByKey: function (value) { var obj, i, len, key, keys = this.get("keys"); if(Y_Lang.isArray(value)) { obj = {}; len = value.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { key = value[i]; if(keys[key]) { obj[key] = this.getDataByKey(key); } } } else if(keys[value]) { obj = keys[value]; } else { obj = null; } return obj; }, /** * Returns the total number of majorUnits that will appear on an axis. * * @method getTotalMajorUnits * @return Number */ getTotalMajorUnits: function() { var units, majorUnit = this.get("styles").majorUnit; units = majorUnit.count; return units; }, /** * Gets the distance that the first and last ticks are offset from there respective * edges. * * @method getEdgeOffset * @param {Number} ct Number of ticks on the axis. * @param {Number} l Length (in pixels) of the axis. * @return Number */ getEdgeOffset: function(ct, l) { var edgeOffset; if(this.get("calculateEdgeOffset")) { edgeOffset = (l/ct)/2; } else { edgeOffset = 0; } return edgeOffset; }, /** * Updates the `Axis` after a change in keys. * * @method _keyChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _keyChangeHandler: function() { this._updateMinAndMax(); this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; this.fire("dataUpdate"); }, /** * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object * @protected */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var axisstyles = { majorUnit: { determinant:"count", count:11, distance:75 } }; return axisstyles; }, /** * Getter method for maximum attribute. * * @method _maximumGetter * @return Number * @private */ _maximumGetter: function () { var max = this.get("dataMaximum"), min = this.get("minimum"); //If all values are zero, force a range so that the Axis and related series //will still render. if(min === 0 && max === 0) { max = 10; } if(Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMaximum)) { max = this._setMaximum; } return parseFloat(max); }, /** * Setter method for maximum attribute. * * @method _maximumSetter * @param {Object} value * @private */ _maximumSetter: function (value) { this._setMaximum = parseFloat(value); return value; }, /** * Getter method for minimum attribute. * * @method _minimumGetter * @return Number * @private */ _minimumGetter: function () { var min = this.get("dataMinimum"); if(Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMinimum)) { min = this._setMinimum; } return parseFloat(min); }, /** * Setter method for minimum attribute. * * @method _minimumSetter * @param {Object} value * @private */ _minimumSetter: function(val) { this._setMinimum = parseFloat(val); return val; }, /** * Indicates whether or not the maximum attribute has been explicitly set. * * @method _getSetMax * @return Boolean * @private */ _getSetMax: function() { return Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMaximum); }, /** * Returns and array of coordinates corresponding to an array of data values. * * @method _getCoordsFromValues * @param {Number} min The minimum for the axis. * @param {Number} max The maximum for the axis. * @param {Number} length The distance that the axis spans. * @param {Array} dataValues An array of values. * @param {Number} offset Value in which to offset the coordinates. * @param {Boolean} reverse Indicates whether the coordinates should start from * the end of an axis. Only used in the numeric implementation. * @return Array * @private */ _getCoordsFromValues: function(min, max, length, dataValues, offset, reverse) { var i, valuecoords = [], len = dataValues.length; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { valuecoords.push(this._getCoordFromValue.apply(this, [min, max, length, dataValues[i], offset, reverse])); } return valuecoords; }, /** * Returns and array of data values based on the axis' range and number of values. * * @method _getDataValuesByCount * @param {Number} count The number of values to be used. * @param {Number} min The minimum value of the axis. * @param {Number} max The maximum value of the axis. * @return Array * @private */ _getDataValuesByCount: function(count, min, max) { var dataValues = [], dataValue = min, len = count - 1, range = max - min, increm = range/len, i; for(i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) { dataValues.push(dataValue); dataValue = dataValue + increm; } dataValues.push(max); return dataValues; }, /** * Indicates whether or not the minimum attribute has been explicitly set. * * @method _getSetMin * @return Boolean * @private */ _getSetMin: function() { return Y_Lang.isNumber(this._setMinimum); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Determines whether and offset is automatically calculated for the edges of the axis. * * @attribute calculateEdgeOffset * @type Boolean */ calculateEdgeOffset: { value: false }, labelFunction: { valueFn: function() { return this.formatLabel; } }, /** * Hash of array identifed by a string value. * * @attribute keys * @type Object */ keys: { value: {}, setter: function(val) { var keys = {}, i, len, data = this.get("dataProvider"); if(Y_Lang.isArray(val)) { len = val.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { keys[val[i]] = this._getKeyArray(val[i], data); } } else if(Y_Lang.isString(val)) { keys = this.get("keys"); keys[val] = this._getKeyArray(val, data); } else { for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keys[i] = this._getKeyArray(i, data); } } } this._updateTotalDataFlag = true; return keys; } }, /** *Returns the type of axis data *
Manages time data
Manages stacked numeric data
Manages numeric data
Manages categorical data
* * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { readOnly: true, getter: function () { return this._type; } }, /** * Instance of `ChartDataProvider` that the class uses * to build its own data. * * @attribute dataProvider * @type Array */ dataProvider:{ setter: function (value) { return value; } }, /** * The maximum value contained in the `data` array. Used for * `maximum` when `autoMax` is true. * * @attribute dataMaximum * @type Number */ dataMaximum: { getter: function () { if(!Y_Lang.isNumber(this._dataMaximum)) { this._updateMinAndMax(); } return this._dataMaximum; } }, /** * The maximum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute maximum * @type Number */ maximum: { lazyAdd: false, getter: "_maximumGetter", setter: "_maximumSetter" }, /** * The minimum value contained in the `data` array. Used for * `minimum` when `autoMin` is true. * * @attribute dataMinimum * @type Number */ dataMinimum: { getter: function () { if(!Y_Lang.isNumber(this._dataMinimum)) { this._updateMinAndMax(); } return this._dataMinimum; } }, /** * The minimum value that will appear on an axis. * * @attribute minimum * @type Number */ minimum: { lazyAdd: false, getter: "_minimumGetter", setter: "_minimumSetter" }, /** * Determines whether the maximum is calculated or explicitly * set by the user. * * @attribute setMax * @type Boolean */ setMax: { readOnly: true, getter: "_getSetMax" }, /** * Determines whether the minimum is calculated or explicitly * set by the user. * * @attribute setMin * @type Boolean */ setMin: { readOnly: true, getter: "_getSetMin" }, /** * Array of axis data * * @attribute data * @type Array */ data: { getter: function () { if(!this._data || this._updateTotalDataFlag) { this._updateTotalData(); } return this._data; } }, /** * Array containing all the keys in the axis. * @attribute keyCollection * @type Array */ keyCollection: { getter: function() { var keys = this.get("keys"), i, col = []; for(i in keys) { if(keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { col.push(i); } } return col; }, readOnly: true }, /** * Object which should have by the labelFunction * * @attribute labelFunctionScope * @type Object */ labelFunctionScope: {} } }); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["classnamemanager", "datatype-number", "datatype-date", "base", "event-custom"]});