/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('dd-gestures', function (Y, NAME) { /** * This module is the conditional loaded `dd` module to support gesture events * in the event that `dd` is loaded onto a device that support touch based events. * * This module is loaded and over rides 2 key methods on `DD.Drag` and `DD.DDM` to * attach the gesture events. Overrides `DD.Drag._prep` and `DD.DDM._setupListeners` * methods as well as set's the property `DD.Drag.START_EVENT` to `gesturemovestart` * to enable gesture movement instead of mouse based movement. * @module dd * @submodule dd-gestures */ Y.DD.Drag.START_EVENT = 'gesturemovestart'; Y.DD.Drag.prototype._prep = function() { this._dragThreshMet = false; var node = this.get('node'), DDM = Y.DD.DDM; node.addClass(DDM.CSS_PREFIX + '-draggable'); node.on(Y.DD.Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleMouseDownEvent, this), { minDistance: this.get('clickPixelThresh'), minTime: this.get('clickTimeThresh') }); node.on('gesturemoveend', Y.bind(this._handleMouseUp, this), { standAlone: true }); node.on('dragstart', Y.bind(this._fixDragStart, this)); }; var _unprep = Y.DD.Drag.prototype._unprep; Y.DD.Drag.prototype._unprep = function() { var node = this.get('node'); _unprep.call(this); node.detachAll('gesturemoveend'); }; Y.DD.DDM._setupListeners = function() { var DDM = Y.DD.DDM; this._createPG(); this._active = true; Y.one(Y.config.doc).on('gesturemove', Y.throttle(Y.bind(DDM._move, DDM), DDM.get('throttleTime')), { standAlone: true }); }; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["dd-drag", "event-synthetic", "event-gestures"]});