/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('event-flick', function (Y, NAME) { /** * The gestures module provides gesture events such as "flick", which normalize user interactions * across touch and mouse or pointer based input devices. This layer can be used by application developers * to build input device agnostic components which behave the same in response to either touch or mouse based * interaction. * *

Documentation for events added by this module can be found in the event document for the YUI global.

* * @example YUI().use('event-flick', function (Y) { Y.one('#myNode').on('flick', function (e) { }); }); * * @module event-gestures */ /** * Adds support for a "flick" event, which is fired at the end of a touch or mouse based flick gesture, and provides * velocity of the flick, along with distance and time information. * *

Documentation for the flick event can be found on the YUI global, * along with the other supported events.

* * @module event-gestures * @submodule event-flick */ var GESTURE_MAP = Y.Event._GESTURE_MAP, EVENT = { start: GESTURE_MAP.start, end: GESTURE_MAP.end, move: GESTURE_MAP.move }, START = "start", END = "end", MOVE = "move", OWNER_DOCUMENT = "ownerDocument", MIN_VELOCITY = "minVelocity", MIN_DISTANCE = "minDistance", PREVENT_DEFAULT = "preventDefault", _FLICK_START = "_fs", _FLICK_START_HANDLE = "_fsh", _FLICK_END_HANDLE = "_feh", _FLICK_MOVE_HANDLE = "_fmh", NODE_TYPE = "nodeType"; /** * Sets up a "flick" event, that is fired whenever the user initiates a flick gesture on the node * where the listener is attached. The subscriber can specify a minimum distance or velocity for * which the event is to be fired. The subscriber can also specify if there is a particular axis which * they are interested in - "x" or "y". If no axis is specified, the axis along which there was most distance * covered is used. * *

It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, * however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to "on", * you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("flick", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)

* * @event flick * @for YUI * @param type {string} "flick" * @param fn {function} The method the event invokes. It receives an event facade with an e.flick object containing the flick related properties: e.flick.time, e.flick.distance, e.flick.velocity and e.flick.axis, e.flick.start. * @param cfg {Object} Optional. An object which specifies any of the following: *
minDistance (in pixels, defaults to 10)
The minimum distance between start and end points, which would qualify the gesture as a flick.
minVelocity (in pixels/ms, defaults to 0)
The minimum velocity which would qualify the gesture as a flick.
preventDefault (defaults to false)
Can be set to true/false to prevent default behavior as soon as the touchstart/touchend or mousedown/mouseup is received so that things like scrolling or text selection can be * prevented. This property can also be set to a function, which returns true or false, based on the event facade passed to it.
axis (no default)
Can be set to "x" or "y" if you want to constrain the flick velocity and distance to a single axis. If not * defined, the axis along which the maximum distance was covered is used.
* @return {EventHandle} the detach handle */ Y.Event.define('flick', { on: function (node, subscriber, ce) { var startHandle = node.on(EVENT[START], this._onStart, this, node, subscriber, ce); subscriber[_FLICK_START_HANDLE] = startHandle; }, detach: function (node, subscriber, ce) { var startHandle = subscriber[_FLICK_START_HANDLE], endHandle = subscriber[_FLICK_END_HANDLE]; if (startHandle) { startHandle.detach(); subscriber[_FLICK_START_HANDLE] = null; } if (endHandle) { endHandle.detach(); subscriber[_FLICK_END_HANDLE] = null; } }, processArgs: function(args) { var params = (args.length > 3) ? Y.merge(args.splice(3, 1)[0]) : {}; if (!(MIN_VELOCITY in params)) { params[MIN_VELOCITY] = this.MIN_VELOCITY; } if (!(MIN_DISTANCE in params)) { params[MIN_DISTANCE] = this.MIN_DISTANCE; } if (!(PREVENT_DEFAULT in params)) { params[PREVENT_DEFAULT] = this.PREVENT_DEFAULT; } return params; }, _onStart: function(e, node, subscriber, ce) { var start = true, // always true for mouse endHandle, moveHandle, doc, preventDefault = subscriber._extra.preventDefault, origE = e; if (e.touches) { start = (e.touches.length === 1); e = e.touches[0]; } if (start) { if (preventDefault) { // preventDefault is a boolean or function if (!preventDefault.call || preventDefault(e)) { origE.preventDefault(); } } e.flick = { time : new Date().getTime() }; subscriber[_FLICK_START] = e; endHandle = subscriber[_FLICK_END_HANDLE]; doc = (node.get(NODE_TYPE) === 9) ? node : node.get(OWNER_DOCUMENT); if (!endHandle) { endHandle = doc.on(EVENT[END], Y.bind(this._onEnd, this), null, node, subscriber, ce); subscriber[_FLICK_END_HANDLE] = endHandle; } subscriber[_FLICK_MOVE_HANDLE] = doc.once(EVENT[MOVE], Y.bind(this._onMove, this), null, node, subscriber, ce); } }, _onMove: function(e, node, subscriber, ce) { var start = subscriber[_FLICK_START]; // Start timing from first move. if (start && start.flick) { start.flick.time = new Date().getTime(); } }, _onEnd: function(e, node, subscriber, ce) { var endTime = new Date().getTime(), start = subscriber[_FLICK_START], valid = !!start, endEvent = e, startTime, time, preventDefault, params, xyDistance, distance, velocity, axis, moveHandle = subscriber[_FLICK_MOVE_HANDLE]; if (moveHandle) { moveHandle.detach(); delete subscriber[_FLICK_MOVE_HANDLE]; } if (valid) { if (e.changedTouches) { if (e.changedTouches.length === 1 && e.touches.length === 0) { endEvent = e.changedTouches[0]; } else { valid = false; } } if (valid) { params = subscriber._extra; preventDefault = params[PREVENT_DEFAULT]; if (preventDefault) { // preventDefault is a boolean or function if (!preventDefault.call || preventDefault(e)) { e.preventDefault(); } } startTime = start.flick.time; endTime = new Date().getTime(); time = endTime - startTime; xyDistance = [ endEvent.pageX - start.pageX, endEvent.pageY - start.pageY ]; if (params.axis) { axis = params.axis; } else { axis = (Math.abs(xyDistance[0]) >= Math.abs(xyDistance[1])) ? 'x' : 'y'; } distance = xyDistance[(axis === 'x') ? 0 : 1]; velocity = (time !== 0) ? distance/time : 0; if (isFinite(velocity) && (Math.abs(distance) >= params[MIN_DISTANCE]) && (Math.abs(velocity) >= params[MIN_VELOCITY])) { e.type = "flick"; e.flick = { time:time, distance: distance, velocity:velocity, axis: axis, start : start }; ce.fire(e); } subscriber[_FLICK_START] = null; } } }, MIN_VELOCITY : 0, MIN_DISTANCE : 0, PREVENT_DEFAULT : false }); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["node-base", "event-touch", "event-synthetic"]});