/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('handlebars-compiler', function (Y, NAME) { /*! Handlebars.js - Copyright (C) 2011 Yehuda Katz https://raw.github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/master/LICENSE */ // This file contains code that will be inserted at the beginning of the // handlebars-compiler module. // This is necessary because the Y.Handlebars object is created in the // handlebars-base module, but the native Handlebars code expects to use a local // Handlebars reference. var Handlebars = Y.Handlebars; /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY A BUILD SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT! */ /* Jison generated parser */ var handlebars = (function(){ var parser = {trace: function trace() { }, yy: {}, symbols_: {"error":2,"root":3,"program":4,"EOF":5,"simpleInverse":6,"statements":7,"statement":8,"openInverse":9,"closeBlock":10,"openBlock":11,"mustache":12,"partial":13,"CONTENT":14,"COMMENT":15,"OPEN_BLOCK":16,"inMustache":17,"CLOSE":18,"OPEN_INVERSE":19,"OPEN_ENDBLOCK":20,"path":21,"OPEN":22,"OPEN_UNESCAPED":23,"CLOSE_UNESCAPED":24,"OPEN_PARTIAL":25,"partialName":26,"params":27,"hash":28,"dataName":29,"param":30,"STRING":31,"INTEGER":32,"BOOLEAN":33,"hashSegments":34,"hashSegment":35,"ID":36,"EQUALS":37,"DATA":38,"pathSegments":39,"SEP":40,"$accept":0,"$end":1}, terminals_: {2:"error",5:"EOF",14:"CONTENT",15:"COMMENT",16:"OPEN_BLOCK",18:"CLOSE",19:"OPEN_INVERSE",20:"OPEN_ENDBLOCK",22:"OPEN",23:"OPEN_UNESCAPED",24:"CLOSE_UNESCAPED",25:"OPEN_PARTIAL",31:"STRING",32:"INTEGER",33:"BOOLEAN",36:"ID",37:"EQUALS",38:"DATA",40:"SEP"}, productions_: [0,[3,2],[4,2],[4,3],[4,2],[4,1],[4,1],[4,0],[7,1],[7,2],[8,3],[8,3],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[11,3],[9,3],[10,3],[12,3],[12,3],[13,3],[13,4],[6,2],[17,3],[17,2],[17,2],[17,1],[17,1],[27,2],[27,1],[30,1],[30,1],[30,1],[30,1],[30,1],[28,1],[34,2],[34,1],[35,3],[35,3],[35,3],[35,3],[35,3],[26,1],[26,1],[26,1],[29,2],[21,1],[39,3],[39,1]], performAction: function anonymous(yytext,yyleng,yylineno,yy,yystate,$$,_$) { var $0 = $$.length - 1; switch (yystate) { case 1: return $$[$0-1]; break; case 2: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode([], $$[$0]); break; case 3: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode($$[$0-2], $$[$0]); break; case 4: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode($$[$0-1], []); break; case 5: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode($$[$0]); break; case 6: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode([], []); break; case 7: this.$ = new yy.ProgramNode([]); break; case 8: this.$ = [$$[$0]]; break; case 9: $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 10: this.$ = new yy.BlockNode($$[$0-2], $$[$0-1].inverse, $$[$0-1], $$[$0]); break; case 11: this.$ = new yy.BlockNode($$[$0-2], $$[$0-1], $$[$0-1].inverse, $$[$0]); break; case 12: this.$ = $$[$0]; break; case 13: this.$ = $$[$0]; break; case 14: this.$ = new yy.ContentNode($$[$0]); break; case 15: this.$ = new yy.CommentNode($$[$0]); break; case 16: this.$ = new yy.MustacheNode($$[$0-1][0], $$[$0-1][1]); break; case 17: this.$ = new yy.MustacheNode($$[$0-1][0], $$[$0-1][1]); break; case 18: this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 19: // Parsing out the '&' escape token at this level saves ~500 bytes after min due to the removal of one parser node. this.$ = new yy.MustacheNode($$[$0-1][0], $$[$0-1][1], $$[$0-2][2] === '&'); break; case 20: this.$ = new yy.MustacheNode($$[$0-1][0], $$[$0-1][1], true); break; case 21: this.$ = new yy.PartialNode($$[$0-1]); break; case 22: this.$ = new yy.PartialNode($$[$0-2], $$[$0-1]); break; case 23: break; case 24: this.$ = [[$$[$0-2]].concat($$[$0-1]), $$[$0]]; break; case 25: this.$ = [[$$[$0-1]].concat($$[$0]), null]; break; case 26: this.$ = [[$$[$0-1]], $$[$0]]; break; case 27: this.$ = [[$$[$0]], null]; break; case 28: this.$ = [[$$[$0]], null]; break; case 29: $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 30: this.$ = [$$[$0]]; break; case 31: this.$ = $$[$0]; break; case 32: this.$ = new yy.StringNode($$[$0]); break; case 33: this.$ = new yy.IntegerNode($$[$0]); break; case 34: this.$ = new yy.BooleanNode($$[$0]); break; case 35: this.$ = $$[$0]; break; case 36: this.$ = new yy.HashNode($$[$0]); break; case 37: $$[$0-1].push($$[$0]); this.$ = $$[$0-1]; break; case 38: this.$ = [$$[$0]]; break; case 39: this.$ = [$$[$0-2], $$[$0]]; break; case 40: this.$ = [$$[$0-2], new yy.StringNode($$[$0])]; break; case 41: this.$ = [$$[$0-2], new yy.IntegerNode($$[$0])]; break; case 42: this.$ = [$$[$0-2], new yy.BooleanNode($$[$0])]; break; case 43: this.$ = [$$[$0-2], $$[$0]]; break; case 44: this.$ = new yy.PartialNameNode($$[$0]); break; case 45: this.$ = new yy.PartialNameNode(new yy.StringNode($$[$0])); break; case 46: this.$ = new yy.PartialNameNode(new yy.IntegerNode($$[$0])); break; case 47: this.$ = new yy.DataNode($$[$0]); break; case 48: this.$ = new yy.IdNode($$[$0]); break; case 49: $$[$0-2].push({part: $$[$0], separator: $$[$0-1]}); this.$ = $$[$0-2]; break; case 50: this.$ = [{part: $$[$0]}]; break; } }, table: [{3:1,4:2,5:[2,7],6:3,7:4,8:6,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,5],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{1:[3]},{5:[1,17]},{5:[2,6],7:18,8:6,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,19],20:[2,6],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{5:[2,5],6:20,8:21,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,5],20:[2,5],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{17:23,18:[1,22],21:24,29:25,36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{5:[2,8],14:[2,8],15:[2,8],16:[2,8],19:[2,8],20:[2,8],22:[2,8],23:[2,8],25:[2,8]},{4:29,6:3,7:4,8:6,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,5],20:[2,7],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{4:30,6:3,7:4,8:6,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,5],20:[2,7],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{5:[2,12],14:[2,12],15:[2,12],16:[2,12],19:[2,12],20:[2,12],22:[2,12],23:[2,12],25:[2,12]},{5:[2,13],14:[2,13],15:[2,13],16:[2,13],19:[2,13],20:[2,13],22:[2,13],23:[2,13],25:[2,13]},{5:[2,14],14:[2,14],15:[2,14],16:[2,14],19:[2,14],20:[2,14],22:[2,14],23:[2,14],25:[2,14]},{5:[2,15],14:[2,15],15:[2,15],16:[2,15],19:[2,15],20:[2,15],22:[2,15],23:[2,15],25:[2,15]},{17:31,21:24,29:25,36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{17:32,21:24,29:25,36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{17:33,21:24,29:25,36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{21:35,26:34,31:[1,36],32:[1,37],36:[1,28],39:26},{1:[2,1]},{5:[2,2],8:21,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,19],20:[2,2],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{17:23,21:24,29:25,36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{5:[2,4],7:38,8:6,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,19],20:[2,4],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{5:[2,9],14:[2,9],15:[2,9],16:[2,9],19:[2,9],20:[2,9],22:[2,9],23:[2,9],25:[2,9]},{5:[2,23],14:[2,23],15:[2,23],16:[2,23],19:[2,23],20:[2,23],22:[2,23],23:[2,23],25:[2,23]},{18:[1,39]},{18:[2,27],21:44,24:[2,27],27:40,28:41,29:48,30:42,31:[1,45],32:[1,46],33:[1,47],34:43,35:49,36:[1,50],38:[1,27],39:26},{18:[2,28],24:[2,28]},{18:[2,48],24:[2,48],31:[2,48],32:[2,48],33:[2,48],36:[2,48],38:[2,48],40:[1,51]},{21:52,36:[1,28],39:26},{18:[2,50],24:[2,50],31:[2,50],32:[2,50],33:[2,50],36:[2,50],38:[2,50],40:[2,50]},{10:53,20:[1,54]},{10:55,20:[1,54]},{18:[1,56]},{18:[1,57]},{24:[1,58]},{18:[1,59],21:60,36:[1,28],39:26},{18:[2,44],36:[2,44]},{18:[2,45],36:[2,45]},{18:[2,46],36:[2,46]},{5:[2,3],8:21,9:7,11:8,12:9,13:10,14:[1,11],15:[1,12],16:[1,13],19:[1,19],20:[2,3],22:[1,14],23:[1,15],25:[1,16]},{14:[2,17],15:[2,17],16:[2,17],19:[2,17],20:[2,17],22:[2,17],23:[2,17],25:[2,17]},{18:[2,25],21:44,24:[2,25],28:61,29:48,30:62,31:[1,45],32:[1,46],33:[1,47],34:43,35:49,36:[1,50],38:[1,27],39:26},{18:[2,26],24:[2,26]},{18:[2,30],24:[2,30],31:[2,30],32:[2,30],33:[2,30],36:[2,30],38:[2,30]},{18:[2,36],24:[2,36],35:63,36:[1,64]},{18:[2,31],24:[2,31],31:[2,31],32:[2,31],33:[2,31],36:[2,31],38:[2,31]},{18:[2,32],24:[2,32],31:[2,32],32:[2,32],33:[2,32],36:[2,32],38:[2,32]},{18:[2,33],24:[2,33],31:[2,33],32:[2,33],33:[2,33],36:[2,33],38:[2,33]},{18:[2,34],24:[2,34],31:[2,34],32:[2,34],33:[2,34],36:[2,34],38:[2,34]},{18:[2,35],24:[2,35],31:[2,35],32:[2,35],33:[2,35],36:[2,35],38:[2,35]},{18:[2,38],24:[2,38],36:[2,38]},{18:[2,50],24:[2,50],31:[2,50],32:[2,50],33:[2,50],36:[2,50],37:[1,65],38:[2,50],40:[2,50]},{36:[1,66]},{18:[2,47],24:[2,47],31:[2,47],32:[2,47],33:[2,47],36:[2,47],38:[2,47]},{5:[2,10],14:[2,10],15:[2,10],16:[2,10],19:[2,10],20:[2,10],22:[2,10],23:[2,10],25:[2,10]},{21:67,36:[1,28],39:26},{5:[2,11],14:[2,11],15:[2,11],16:[2,11],19:[2,11],20:[2,11],22:[2,11],23:[2,11],25:[2,11]},{14:[2,16],15:[2,16],16:[2,16],19:[2,16],20:[2,16],22:[2,16],23:[2,16],25:[2,16]},{5:[2,19],14:[2,19],15:[2,19],16:[2,19],19:[2,19],20:[2,19],22:[2,19],23:[2,19],25:[2,19]},{5:[2,20],14:[2,20],15:[2,20],16:[2,20],19:[2,20],20:[2,20],22:[2,20],23:[2,20],25:[2,20]},{5:[2,21],14:[2,21],15:[2,21],16:[2,21],19:[2,21],20:[2,21],22:[2,21],23:[2,21],25:[2,21]},{18:[1,68]},{18:[2,24],24:[2,24]},{18:[2,29],24:[2,29],31:[2,29],32:[2,29],33:[2,29],36:[2,29],38:[2,29]},{18:[2,37],24:[2,37],36:[2,37]},{37:[1,65]},{21:69,29:73,31:[1,70],32:[1,71],33:[1,72],36:[1,28],38:[1,27],39:26},{18:[2,49],24:[2,49],31:[2,49],32:[2,49],33:[2,49],36:[2,49],38:[2,49],40:[2,49]},{18:[1,74]},{5:[2,22],14:[2,22],15:[2,22],16:[2,22],19:[2,22],20:[2,22],22:[2,22],23:[2,22],25:[2,22]},{18:[2,39],24:[2,39],36:[2,39]},{18:[2,40],24:[2,40],36:[2,40]},{18:[2,41],24:[2,41],36:[2,41]},{18:[2,42],24:[2,42],36:[2,42]},{18:[2,43],24:[2,43],36:[2,43]},{5:[2,18],14:[2,18],15:[2,18],16:[2,18],19:[2,18],20:[2,18],22:[2,18],23:[2,18],25:[2,18]}], defaultActions: {17:[2,1]}, parseError: function parseError(str, hash) { throw new Error(str); }, parse: function parse(input) { var self = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1; this.lexer.setInput(input); this.lexer.yy = this.yy; this.yy.lexer = this.lexer; this.yy.parser = this; if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == "undefined") this.lexer.yylloc = {}; var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; lstack.push(yyloc); var ranges = this.lexer.options && this.lexer.options.ranges; if (typeof this.yy.parseError === "function") this.parseError = this.yy.parseError; function popStack(n) { stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n; vstack.length = vstack.length - n; lstack.length = lstack.length - n; } function lex() { var token; token = self.lexer.lex() || 1; if (typeof token !== "number") { token = self.symbols_[token] || token; } return token; } var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p, len, newState, expected; while (true) { state = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (this.defaultActions[state]) { action = this.defaultActions[state]; } else { if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") { symbol = lex(); } action = table[state] && table[state][symbol]; } if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) { var errStr = ""; if (!recovering) { expected = []; for (p in table[state]) if (this.terminals_[p] && p > 2) { expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p] + "'"); } if (this.lexer.showPosition) { errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + this.lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"; } else { errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == 1?"end of input":"'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"); } this.parseError(errStr, {text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected: expected}); } } if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) { throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol); } switch (action[0]) { case 1: stack.push(symbol); vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext); lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc); stack.push(action[1]); symbol = null; if (!preErrorSymbol) { yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; yytext = this.lexer.yytext; yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; if (recovering > 0) recovering--; } else { symbol = preErrorSymbol; preErrorSymbol = null; } break; case 2: len = this.productions_[action[1]][1]; yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; yyval._$ = {first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line, last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line, first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column, last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column}; if (ranges) { yyval._$.range = [lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].range[0], lstack[lstack.length - 1].range[1]]; } r = this.performAction.call(yyval, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack); if (typeof r !== "undefined") { return r; } if (len) { stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2); vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len); lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len); } stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); vstack.push(yyval.$); lstack.push(yyval._$); newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]]; stack.push(newState); break; case 3: return true; } } return true; } }; /* Jison generated lexer */ var lexer = (function(){ var lexer = ({EOF:1, parseError:function parseError(str, hash) { if (this.yy.parser) { this.yy.parser.parseError(str, hash); } else { throw new Error(str); } }, setInput:function (input) { this._input = input; this._more = this._less = this.done = false; this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0; this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = ''; this.conditionStack = ['INITIAL']; this.yylloc = {first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0}; if (this.options.ranges) this.yylloc.range = [0,0]; this.offset = 0; return this; }, input:function () { var ch = this._input[0]; this.yytext += ch; this.yyleng++; this.offset++; this.match += ch; this.matched += ch; var lines = ch.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g); if (lines) { this.yylineno++; this.yylloc.last_line++; } else { this.yylloc.last_column++; } if (this.options.ranges) this.yylloc.range[1]++; this._input = this._input.slice(1); return ch; }, unput:function (ch) { var len = ch.length; var lines = ch.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); this._input = ch + this._input; this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length-len-1); //this.yyleng -= len; this.offset -= len; var oldLines = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g); this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length-1); this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length-1); if (lines.length-1) this.yylineno -= lines.length-1; var r = this.yylloc.range; this.yylloc = {first_line: this.yylloc.first_line, last_line: this.yylineno+1, first_column: this.yylloc.first_column, last_column: lines ? (lines.length === oldLines.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + oldLines[oldLines.length - lines.length].length - lines[0].length: this.yylloc.first_column - len }; if (this.options.ranges) { this.yylloc.range = [r[0], r[0] + this.yyleng - len]; } return this; }, more:function () { this._more = true; return this; }, less:function (n) { this.unput(this.match.slice(n)); }, pastInput:function () { var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); return (past.length > 20 ? '...':'') + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, upcomingInput:function () { var next = this.match; if (next.length < 20) { next += this._input.substr(0, 20-next.length); } return (next.substr(0,20)+(next.length > 20 ? '...':'')).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, showPosition:function () { var pre = this.pastInput(); var c = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-"); return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c+"^"; }, next:function () { if (this.done) { return this.EOF; } if (!this._input) this.done = true; var token, match, tempMatch, index, col, lines; if (!this._more) { this.yytext = ''; this.match = ''; } var rules = this._currentRules(); for (var i=0;i < rules.length; i++) { tempMatch = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i]]); if (tempMatch && (!match || tempMatch[0].length > match[0].length)) { match = tempMatch; index = i; if (!this.options.flex) break; } } if (match) { lines = match[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g); if (lines) this.yylineno += lines.length; this.yylloc = {first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, last_line: this.yylineno+1, first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length-1].length-lines[lines.length-1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + match[0].length}; this.yytext += match[0]; this.match += match[0]; this.matches = match; this.yyleng = this.yytext.length; if (this.options.ranges) { this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng]; } this._more = false; this._input = this._input.slice(match[0].length); this.matched += match[0]; token = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, rules[index],this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]); if (this.done && this._input) this.done = false; if (token) return token; else return; } if (this._input === "") { return this.EOF; } else { return this.parseError('Lexical error on line '+(this.yylineno+1)+'. Unrecognized text.\n'+this.showPosition(), {text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno}); } }, lex:function lex() { var r = this.next(); if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { return r; } else { return this.lex(); } }, begin:function begin(condition) { this.conditionStack.push(condition); }, popState:function popState() { return this.conditionStack.pop(); }, _currentRules:function _currentRules() { return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules; }, topState:function () { return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-2]; }, pushState:function begin(condition) { this.begin(condition); }}); lexer.options = {}; lexer.performAction = function anonymous(yy,yy_,$avoiding_name_collisions,YY_START) { var YYSTATE=YY_START switch($avoiding_name_collisions) { case 0: yy_.yytext = "\\"; return 14; break; case 1: if(yy_.yytext.slice(-1) !== "\\") this.begin("mu"); if(yy_.yytext.slice(-1) === "\\") yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(0,yy_.yyleng-1), this.begin("emu"); if(yy_.yytext) return 14; break; case 2: return 14; break; case 3: if(yy_.yytext.slice(-1) !== "\\") this.popState(); if(yy_.yytext.slice(-1) === "\\") yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(0,yy_.yyleng-1); return 14; break; case 4: yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(0, yy_.yyleng-4); this.popState(); return 15; break; case 5: return 25; break; case 6: return 16; break; case 7: return 20; break; case 8: return 19; break; case 9: return 19; break; case 10: return 23; break; case 11: return 22; break; case 12: this.popState(); this.begin('com'); break; case 13: yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(3,yy_.yyleng-5); this.popState(); return 15; break; case 14: return 22; break; case 15: return 37; break; case 16: return 36; break; case 17: return 36; break; case 18: return 40; break; case 19: /*ignore whitespace*/ break; case 20: this.popState(); return 24; break; case 21: this.popState(); return 18; break; case 22: yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(1,yy_.yyleng-2).replace(/\\"/g,'"'); return 31; break; case 23: yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(1,yy_.yyleng-2).replace(/\\'/g,"'"); return 31; break; case 24: return 38; break; case 25: return 33; break; case 26: return 33; break; case 27: return 32; break; case 28: return 36; break; case 29: yy_.yytext = yy_.yytext.substr(1, yy_.yyleng-2); return 36; break; case 30: return 'INVALID'; break; case 31: return 5; break; } }; lexer.rules = [/^(?:\\\\(?=(\{\{)))/,/^(?:[^\x00]*?(?=(\{\{)))/,/^(?:[^\x00]+)/,/^(?:[^\x00]{2,}?(?=(\{\{|$)))/,/^(?:[\s\S]*?--\}\})/,/^(?:\{\{>)/,/^(?:\{\{#)/,/^(?:\{\{\/)/,/^(?:\{\{\^)/,/^(?:\{\{\s*else\b)/,/^(?:\{\{\{)/,/^(?:\{\{&)/,/^(?:\{\{!--)/,/^(?:\{\{![\s\S]*?\}\})/,/^(?:\{\{)/,/^(?:=)/,/^(?:\.(?=[}\/ ]))/,/^(?:\.\.)/,/^(?:[\/.])/,/^(?:\s+)/,/^(?:\}\}\})/,/^(?:\}\})/,/^(?:"(\\["]|[^"])*")/,/^(?:'(\\[']|[^'])*')/,/^(?:@)/,/^(?:true(?=[}\s]))/,/^(?:false(?=[}\s]))/,/^(?:-?[0-9]+(?=[}\s]))/,/^(?:[^\s!"#%-,\.\/;->@\[-\^`\{-~]+(?=[=}\s\/.]))/,/^(?:\[[^\]]*\])/,/^(?:.)/,/^(?:$)/]; lexer.conditions = {"mu":{"rules":[5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31],"inclusive":false},"emu":{"rules":[3],"inclusive":false},"com":{"rules":[4],"inclusive":false},"INITIAL":{"rules":[0,1,2,31],"inclusive":true}}; return lexer;})() parser.lexer = lexer; function Parser () { this.yy = {}; }Parser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser; return new Parser; })(); /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY A BUILD SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT! */ Handlebars.Parser = handlebars; Handlebars.parse = function(input) { // Just return if an already-compile AST was passed in. if(input.constructor === Handlebars.AST.ProgramNode) { return input; } Handlebars.Parser.yy = Handlebars.AST; return Handlebars.Parser.parse(input); }; /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY A BUILD SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT! */ Handlebars.AST = {}; Handlebars.AST.ProgramNode = function(statements, inverse) { this.type = "program"; this.statements = statements; if(inverse) { this.inverse = new Handlebars.AST.ProgramNode(inverse); } }; Handlebars.AST.MustacheNode = function(rawParams, hash, unescaped) { this.type = "mustache"; this.escaped = !unescaped; this.hash = hash; var id = this.id = rawParams[0]; var params = this.params = rawParams.slice(1); // a mustache is an eligible helper if: // * its id is simple (a single part, not `this` or `..`) var eligibleHelper = this.eligibleHelper = id.isSimple; // a mustache is definitely a helper if: // * it is an eligible helper, and // * it has at least one parameter or hash segment this.isHelper = eligibleHelper && (params.length || hash); // if a mustache is an eligible helper but not a definite // helper, it is ambiguous, and will be resolved in a later // pass or at runtime. }; Handlebars.AST.PartialNode = function(partialName, context) { this.type = "partial"; this.partialName = partialName; this.context = context; }; Handlebars.AST.BlockNode = function(mustache, program, inverse, close) { var verifyMatch = function(open, close) { if(open.original !== close.original) { throw new Handlebars.Exception(open.original + " doesn't match " + close.original); } }; verifyMatch(mustache.id, close); this.type = "block"; this.mustache = mustache; this.program = program; this.inverse = inverse; if (this.inverse && !this.program) { this.isInverse = true; } }; Handlebars.AST.ContentNode = function(string) { this.type = "content"; this.string = string; }; Handlebars.AST.HashNode = function(pairs) { this.type = "hash"; this.pairs = pairs; }; Handlebars.AST.IdNode = function(parts) { this.type = "ID"; var original = "", dig = [], depth = 0; for(var i=0,l=parts.length; i 0) { throw new Handlebars.Exception("Invalid path: " + original); } else if (part === "..") { depth++; } else { this.isScoped = true; } } else { dig.push(part); } } this.original = original; this.parts = dig; this.string = dig.join('.'); this.depth = depth; // an ID is simple if it only has one part, and that part is not // `..` or `this`. this.isSimple = parts.length === 1 && !this.isScoped && depth === 0; this.stringModeValue = this.string; }; Handlebars.AST.PartialNameNode = function(name) { this.type = "PARTIAL_NAME"; this.name = name.original; }; Handlebars.AST.DataNode = function(id) { this.type = "DATA"; this.id = id; }; Handlebars.AST.StringNode = function(string) { this.type = "STRING"; this.original = this.string = this.stringModeValue = string; }; Handlebars.AST.IntegerNode = function(integer) { this.type = "INTEGER"; this.original = this.integer = integer; this.stringModeValue = Number(integer); }; Handlebars.AST.BooleanNode = function(bool) { this.type = "BOOLEAN"; this.bool = bool; this.stringModeValue = bool === "true"; }; Handlebars.AST.CommentNode = function(comment) { this.type = "comment"; this.comment = comment; }; /* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY A BUILD SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT! */ /*jshint eqnull:true*/ var Compiler = Handlebars.Compiler = function() {}; var JavaScriptCompiler = Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler = function() {}; // the foundHelper register will disambiguate helper lookup from finding a // function in a context. This is necessary for mustache compatibility, which // requires that context functions in blocks are evaluated by blockHelperMissing, // and then proceed as if the resulting value was provided to blockHelperMissing. Compiler.prototype = { compiler: Compiler, disassemble: function() { var opcodes = this.opcodes, opcode, out = [], params, param; for (var i=0, l=opcodes.length; i 0) { this.source[1] = this.source[1] + ", " + locals.join(", "); } // Generate minimizer alias mappings if (!this.isChild) { for (var alias in this.context.aliases) { if (this.context.aliases.hasOwnProperty(alias)) { this.source[1] = this.source[1] + ', ' + alias + '=' + this.context.aliases[alias]; } } } if (this.source[1]) { this.source[1] = "var " + this.source[1].substring(2) + ";"; } // Merge children if (!this.isChild) { this.source[1] += '\n' + this.context.programs.join('\n') + '\n'; } if (!this.environment.isSimple) { this.source.push("return buffer;"); } var params = this.isChild ? ["depth0", "data"] : ["Handlebars", "depth0", "helpers", "partials", "data"]; for(var i=0, l=this.environment.depths.list.length; i this.stackVars.length) { this.stackVars.push("stack" + this.stackSlot); } return this.topStackName(); }, topStackName: function() { return "stack" + this.stackSlot; }, flushInline: function() { var inlineStack = this.inlineStack; if (inlineStack.length) { this.inlineStack = []; for (var i = 0, len = inlineStack.length; i < len; i++) { var entry = inlineStack[i]; if (entry instanceof Literal) { this.compileStack.push(entry); } else { this.pushStack(entry); } } } }, isInline: function() { return this.inlineStack.length; }, popStack: function(wrapped) { var inline = this.isInline(), item = (inline ? this.inlineStack : this.compileStack).pop(); if (!wrapped && (item instanceof Literal)) { return item.value; } else { if (!inline) { this.stackSlot--; } return item; } }, topStack: function(wrapped) { var stack = (this.isInline() ? this.inlineStack : this.compileStack), item = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (!wrapped && (item instanceof Literal)) { return item.value; } else { return item; } }, quotedString: function(str) { return '"' + str .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/"/g, '\\"') .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') .replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028') // Per Ecma-262 7.3 + 7.8.4 .replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029') + '"'; }, setupHelper: function(paramSize, name, missingParams) { var params = []; this.setupParams(paramSize, params, missingParams); var foundHelper = this.nameLookup('helpers', name, 'helper'); return { params: params, name: foundHelper, callParams: ["depth0"].concat(params).join(", "), helperMissingParams: missingParams && ["depth0", this.quotedString(name)].concat(params).join(", ") }; }, // the params and contexts arguments are passed in arrays // to fill in setupParams: function(paramSize, params, useRegister) { var options = [], contexts = [], types = [], param, inverse, program; options.push("hash:" + this.popStack()); inverse = this.popStack(); program = this.popStack(); // Avoid setting fn and inverse if neither are set. This allows // helpers to do a check for `if (options.fn)` if (program || inverse) { if (!program) { this.context.aliases.self = "this"; program = "self.noop"; } if (!inverse) { this.context.aliases.self = "this"; inverse = "self.noop"; } options.push("inverse:" + inverse); options.push("fn:" + program); } for(var i=0; i "The pie of the day is Maple Custard!" @method render @param {String} string Handlebars template string to render. @param {Object} context Context object to pass to the template. @param {Object} [options] Compile/render options. @param {Object} [options.helpers] Helper functions. @param {Object} [options.partials] Partials. @param {Object} [options.data] Data. @return {String} Rendered template string. */ Handlebars.render = function (string, context, options) { return Handlebars.compile(string)(context, options); }; // The rest of this file is just API docs for methods defined in Handlebars // itself. /** Compiles a Handlebars template string into a function. To render the template, call the function and pass in a context object. @example var template = Y.Handlebars.compile('The pie of the day is {{pie}}!.'); template({pie: 'Pecan'}); // => "The pie of the day is Pecan!" @method compile @param {String} string Handlebars template string to compile. @param {Object} [options] Compiler options. @return {Function} Compiled template function. */ /** Precompiles a Handlebars template string into a string of JavaScript code. This can be used to precompile a template at build time or on the server, and the resulting template can then be rendered at runtime or on the client without needing to go through a compile step. To render a precompiled template, evaluate the code and then pass the resulting function to `Y.Handlebars.template()` to get back an executable template function. @method precompile @param {String} string Handlebars template string to compile. @param {Object} [options] Compiler options. @return {String} Precompiled template code. */ }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["handlebars-base"]});