/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('series-curve-util', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides functionality for drawing curves in a series. * * @module charts * @submodule series-curve-util */ /** * Utility class used for calculating curve points. * * @class CurveUtil * @constructor * @submodule series-curve-util */ function CurveUtil() { } CurveUtil.prototype = { /** * Creates an array of start, end and control points for splines. * * @method getCurveControlPoints * @param {Array} xcoords Collection of x-coordinates used for calculate the curves * @param {Array} ycoords Collection of y-coordinates used for calculate the curves * @return Object * @protected */ getCurveControlPoints: function(xcoords, ycoords) { var outpoints = [], i = 1, l = xcoords.length - 1, xvals = [], yvals = []; // Too few points, need at least two if (l < 1) { return null; } outpoints[0] = { startx: xcoords[0], starty: ycoords[0], endx: xcoords[1], endy: ycoords[1] }; // Special case, the Bezier should be a straight line if (l === 1) { outpoints[0].ctrlx1 = (2.0*xcoords[0] + xcoords[1])/3.0; outpoints[0].ctrly2 = (2.0*ycoords[0] + ycoords[1])/3.0; outpoints[0].ctrlx2 = 2.0*outpoints[0].ctrlx1 - xcoords[0]; outpoints[0].ctrly2 = 2.0*outpoints[0].ctrly1 - ycoords[0]; return outpoints; } for (; i < l; ++i) { outpoints.push({ startx: Math.round(xcoords[i]), starty: Math.round(ycoords[i]), endx: Math.round(xcoords[i+1]), endy: Math.round(ycoords[i+1]) }); xvals[i] = 4.0 * xcoords[i] + 2*xcoords[i+1]; yvals[i] = 4.0*ycoords[i] + 2*ycoords[i+1]; } xvals[0] = xcoords[0] + (2.0 * xcoords[1]); xvals[l-1] = (8.0 * xcoords[l-1] + xcoords[l]) / 2.0; xvals = this.getControlPoints(xvals.concat()); yvals[0] = ycoords[0] + (2.0 * ycoords[1]); yvals[l-1] = (8.0 * ycoords[l-1] + ycoords[l]) / 2.0; yvals = this.getControlPoints(yvals.concat()); for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) { outpoints[i].ctrlx1 = Math.round(xvals[i]); outpoints[i].ctrly1 = Math.round(yvals[i]); if (i < l-1) { outpoints[i].ctrlx2 = Math.round(2*xcoords[i+1] - xvals[i+1]); outpoints[i].ctrly2 = Math.round(2*ycoords[i+1] - yvals[i+1]); } else { outpoints[i].ctrlx2 = Math.round((xcoords[l] + xvals[l-1])/2); outpoints[i].ctrly2 = Math.round((ycoords[l] + yvals[l-1])/2); } } return outpoints; }, /** * Gets the control points for the curve. * * @method getControlPoints * @param {Array} vals Collection of values coords used to generate control points. * @return Array * @private */ getControlPoints: function(vals) { var l = vals.length, x = [], tmp = [], b = 2.0, i = 1; x[0] = vals[0] / b; for (; i < l; ++i) { tmp[i] = 1/b; b = (i < l-1 ? 4.0 : 3.5) - tmp[i]; x[i] = (vals[i] - x[i-1]) / b; } for (i = 1; i < l; ++i) { x[l-i-1] -= tmp[l-i] * x[l-i]; } return x; } }; Y.CurveUtil = CurveUtil; }, '3.17.2');