/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('swf', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Embed a Flash applications in a standard manner and communicate with it * via External Interface. * @module swf * @deprecated The swf module is deprecated and will not be replaced. YUI has * no plans for providing a utility for embedding Flash into HTML pages. */ var Event = Y.Event, SWFDetect = Y.SWFDetect, Lang = Y.Lang, uA = Y.UA, Node = Y.Node, Escape = Y.Escape, // private FLASH_CID = "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000", FLASH_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash", FLASH_VER = "10.0.22", EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL = "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?" + Math.random(), EVENT_HANDLER = "SWF.eventHandler", possibleAttributes = {align:"", allowFullScreen:"", allowNetworking:"", allowScriptAccess:"", base:"", bgcolor:"", loop:"", menu:"", name:"", play: "", quality:"", salign:"", scale:"", tabindex:"", wmode:""}; /** * The SWF utility is a tool for embedding Flash applications in HTML pages. * @module swf * @title SWF Utility * @requires event-custom, node, swfdetect */ /** * Creates the SWF instance and keeps the configuration data * * @class SWF * @deprecated * @uses Y.Event.Target * @constructor * @param {String|HTMLElement} id The id of the element, or the element itself that the SWF will be inserted into. * The width and height of the SWF will be set to the width and height of this container element. * @param {String} swfURL The URL of the SWF to be embedded into the page. * @param {Object} p_oAttributes (optional) Configuration parameters for the Flash application and values for Flashvars * to be passed to the SWF. The p_oAttributes object allows the following additional properties: *
version : String
The minimum version of Flash required on the user's machine.
fixedAttributes : Object
An object literal containing one or more of the following String keys and their values: align, * allowFullScreen, allowNetworking, allowScriptAccess, base, bgcolor, menu, name, quality, salign, scale, * tabindex, wmode. event from the thumb
*/ Y.log("The swf module is deprecated as of v3.13.0. YUI has no plans for providing a utility for embedding Flash into HTML pages.", "warn"); function SWF (p_oElement /*:String*/, swfURL /*:String*/, p_oAttributes /*:Object*/ ) { this._id = Y.guid("yuiswf"); var _id = this._id; var oElement = Node.one(p_oElement); var p_oAttributes = p_oAttributes || {}; var flashVersion = p_oAttributes.version || FLASH_VER; var flashVersionSplit = (flashVersion + '').split("."); var isFlashVersionRight = SWFDetect.isFlashVersionAtLeast(parseInt(flashVersionSplit[0], 10), parseInt(flashVersionSplit[1], 10), parseInt(flashVersionSplit[2], 10)); var canExpressInstall = (SWFDetect.isFlashVersionAtLeast(8,0,0)); var shouldExpressInstall = canExpressInstall && !isFlashVersionRight && p_oAttributes.useExpressInstall; var flashURL = (shouldExpressInstall)?EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL:swfURL; var objstring = ''; if (uA.ie) { objstring += ''; } for (var attribute in p_oAttributes.fixedAttributes) { if (possibleAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) { objstring += ''; } } for (var flashvar in p_oAttributes.flashVars) { var fvar = p_oAttributes.flashVars[flashvar]; if (Lang.isString(fvar)) { flashvarstring += "&" + Escape.html(flashvar) + "=" + Escape.html(encodeURIComponent(fvar)); } } if (flashvarstring) { objstring += ''; } objstring += ""; //using innerHTML as setHTML/setContent causes some issues with ExternalInterface for IE versions of the player oElement.set("innerHTML", objstring); this._swf = Node.one("#" + _id); } else { /** * Fired when the Flash player version on the user's machine is * below the required value. * * @event wrongflashversion */ var event = {}; event.type = "wrongflashversion"; this.publish("wrongflashversion", {fireOnce:true}); this.fire("wrongflashversion", event); } } /** * @private * The static collection of all instances of the SWFs on the page. * @property _instances * @type Object */ SWF._instances = SWF._instances || {}; /** * @private * Handles an event coming from within the SWF and delegate it * to a specific instance of SWF. * @method eventHandler * @param swfid {String} the id of the SWF dispatching the event * @param event {Object} the event being transmitted. */ SWF.eventHandler = function (swfid, event) { SWF._instances[swfid]._eventHandler(event); }; SWF.prototype = { /** * @private * Propagates a specific event from Flash to JS. * @method _eventHandler * @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash. */ _eventHandler: function(event) { if (event.type === "swfReady") { this.publish("swfReady", {fireOnce:true}); this.fire("swfReady", event); } else if(event.type === "log") { Y.log(event.message, event.category, this.toString()); } else { this.fire(event.type, event); } }, /** * Calls a specific function exposed by the SWF's * ExternalInterface. * @method callSWF * @param func {String} the name of the function to call * @param args {Array} the set of arguments to pass to the function. */ callSWF: function (func, args) { if (!args) { args= []; } if (this._swf._node[func]) { return(this._swf._node[func].apply(this._swf._node, args)); } else { return null; } }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWF instance. * * @method toString * @return {String} Unique name of the SWF instance. */ toString: function() { return "SWF " + this._id; } }; Y.augment(SWF, Y.EventTarget); Y.SWF = SWF; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["event-custom", "node", "swfdetect", "escape"]});