/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('swfdetect', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Utility for Flash version detection * @module swfdetect */ // Shortcuts and helper methods var version = 0, uA = Y.UA, lG = Y.Lang, sF = "ShockwaveFlash", mF, eP, vS, ax6, ax; function makeInt(n) { return parseInt(n, 10); } function parseFlashVersion (flashVer) { if (lG.isNumber(makeInt(flashVer[0]))) { uA.flashMajor = flashVer[0]; } if (lG.isNumber(makeInt(flashVer[1]))) { uA.flashMinor = flashVer[1]; } if (lG.isNumber(makeInt(flashVer[2]))) { uA.flashRev = flashVer[2]; } } if (uA.gecko || uA.webkit || uA.opera) { if ((mF = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'])) { if ((eP = mF.enabledPlugin)) { vS = eP.description.replace(/\s[rd]/g, '.').replace(/[A-Za-z\s]+/g, '').split('.'); parseFlashVersion(vS); } } } else if(uA.ie) { try { ax6 = new ActiveXObject(sF + "." + sF + ".6"); ax6.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; } catch (e) { if(ax6 !== null) { version = 6.0; } } if (version === 0) { try { ax = new ActiveXObject(sF + "." + sF); vS = ax.GetVariable("$version").replace(/[A-Za-z\s]+/g, '').split(','); parseFlashVersion(vS); } catch (e2) {} } } /** Create a calendar view to represent a single or multiple * month range of dates, rendered as a grid with date and * weekday labels. * * @class SWFDetect * @constructor */ Y.SWFDetect = { /** * Returns the version of either the Flash Player plugin (in Mozilla/WebKit/Opera browsers), * or the Flash Player ActiveX control (in IE), as a String of the form "MM.mm.rr", where * MM is the major version, mm is the minor version, and rr is the revision. * @method getFlashVersion */ getFlashVersion : function () { return (String(uA.flashMajor) + "." + String(uA.flashMinor) + "." + String(uA.flashRev)); }, /** * Checks whether the version of the Flash player installed on the user's machine is greater * than or equal to the one specified. If it is, this method returns true; it is false otherwise. * @method isFlashVersionAtLeast * @return {Boolean} Whether the Flash player version is greater than or equal to the one specified. * @param flashMajor {Number} The Major version of the Flash player to compare against. * @param flashMinor {Number} The Minor version of the Flash player to compare against. * @param flashRev {Number} The Revision version of the Flash player to compare against. */ isFlashVersionAtLeast : function (flashMajor, flashMinor, flashRev) { var uaMajor = makeInt(uA.flashMajor), uaMinor = makeInt(uA.flashMinor), uaRev = makeInt(uA.flashRev); flashMajor = makeInt(flashMajor || 0); flashMinor = makeInt(flashMinor || 0); flashRev = makeInt(flashRev || 0); if (flashMajor === uaMajor) { if (flashMinor === uaMinor) { return flashRev <= uaRev; } return flashMinor < uaMinor; } return flashMajor < uaMajor; } }; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["yui-base"]});