/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('test-console', function (Y, NAME) { /** Provides a specialized log console widget that's pre-configured to display YUI Test output with no extra configuration. @example
@module test-console @namespace Test @class Console @extends Console @constructor @param {Object} [config] Config attributes. @param {Object} [config.filters] Category filter configuration. @since 3.5.0 **/ function TestConsole() { TestConsole.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Y.namespace('Test').Console = Y.extend(TestConsole, Y.Console, { initializer: function (config) { this.on('entry', this._onEntry); this.plug(Y.Plugin.ConsoleFilters, { category: Y.merge({ info : true, pass : false, fail : true, status: false }, (config && config.filters) || {}), defaultVisibility: false, source: { TestRunner: true } }); Y.Test.Runner.on('complete', Y.bind(this._parseCoverage, this)); }, // -- Protected Coverage Parser --------------------------------------------- /** * Scans the coverage data to determine if it's an Istanbul coverage object. * @method _isIstanbul * @param {Object} json The coverage data to scan * @return {Boolean} True if this is Istanbul Coverage */ _isIstanbul: function(json) { var first = Y.Object.keys(json)[0], ret = false; if (json[first].s !== undefined && json[first].fnMap !== undefined) { ret = true; } if (json.s !== undefined && json.fnMap !== undefined) { ret = true; } return ret; }, /** * Parses and logs a summary of YUITest coverage data. * @method parseYUITest * @param {Object} coverage The YUITest Coverage JSON data */ parseYUITestCoverage: function (coverage) { var cov = { lines: { hit: 0, miss: 0, total: 0, percent: 0 }, functions: { hit: 0, miss: 0, total: 0, percent: 0 } }, coverageLog; Y.Object.each(coverage, function(info) { cov.lines.total += info.coveredLines; cov.lines.hit += info.calledLines; cov.lines.miss += (info.coveredLines - info.calledLines); cov.lines.percent = Math.floor((cov.lines.hit / cov.lines.total) * 100); cov.functions.total += info.coveredFunctions; cov.functions.hit += info.calledFunctions; cov.functions.miss += (info.coveredFunctions - info.calledFunctions); cov.functions.percent = Math.floor((cov.functions.hit / cov.functions.total) * 100); }); coverageLog = 'Lines: Hit:' + cov.lines.hit + ' Missed:' + cov.lines.miss + ' Total:' + cov.lines.total + ' Percent:' + cov.lines.percent + '%\n'; coverageLog += 'Functions: Hit:' + cov.functions.hit + ' Missed:' + cov.functions.miss + ' Total:' + cov.functions.total + ' Percent:' + cov.functions.percent + '%'; this.log('Coverage: ' + coverageLog, 'info', 'TestRunner'); }, /** * Generates a generic summary object used for Istanbul conversions. * @method _blankSummary * @return {Object} Generic summary object */ _blankSummary: function () { return { lines: { total: 0, covered: 0, pct: 'Unknown' }, statements: { total: 0, covered: 0, pct: 'Unknown' }, functions: { total: 0, covered: 0, pct: 'Unknown' }, branches: { total: 0, covered: 0, pct: 'Unknown' } }; }, /** * Calculates line numbers from statement coverage * @method _addDerivedInfoForFile * @private * @param {Object} fileCoverage JSON coverage data */ _addDerivedInfoForFile: function (fileCoverage) { var statementMap = fileCoverage.statementMap, statements = fileCoverage.s, lineMap; if (!fileCoverage.l) { fileCoverage.l = lineMap = {}; Y.Object.each(statements, function (value, st) { var line = statementMap[st].start.line, count = statements[st], prevVal = lineMap[line]; if (typeof prevVal === 'undefined' || prevVal < count) { lineMap[line] = count; } }); } }, /** * Generic percent calculator * @method _percent * @param {Number} covered The covered amount * @param {Number} total The total * @private */ _percent: function (covered, total) { var tmp, pct = 100.00; if (total > 0) { tmp = 1000 * 100 * covered / total + 5; pct = Math.floor(tmp / 10) / 100; } return pct; }, /** * Summarize simple properties in the coverage data * @method _computSimpleTotals * @private * @param {Object} fileCoverage JSON coverage data * @param {String} property The property to summarize */ _computeSimpleTotals: function (fileCoverage, property) { var stats = fileCoverage[property], ret = { total: 0, covered: 0 }; Y.Object.each(stats, function(val) { ret.total += 1; if (val) { ret.covered += 1; } }); ret.pct = this._percent(ret.covered, ret.total); return ret; }, /** * Noramlizes branch data from Istanbul * @method _computeBranchTotals * @private * @param {Object} fileCoverage JSON coverage data */ _computeBranchTotals: function (fileCoverage) { var stats = fileCoverage.b, ret = { total: 0, covered: 0 }; Y.Object.each(stats, function (branches) { var covered = Y.Array.filter(branches, function (num) { return num > 0; }); ret.total += branches.length; ret.covered += covered.length; }); ret.pct = this._percent(ret.covered, ret.total); return ret; }, /** * Takes an Istanbul coverage object, normalizes it and prints a log with a summary * @method parseInstanbul * @param {Object} coverage The coverage object to normalize and log */ parseIstanbul: function (coverage) { var self = this, str = 'Coverage Report:\n'; Y.Object.each(coverage, function(fileCoverage, file) { var ret = self._blankSummary(); self._addDerivedInfoForFile(fileCoverage); ret.lines = self._computeSimpleTotals(fileCoverage, 'l'); ret.functions = self._computeSimpleTotals(fileCoverage, 'f'); ret.statements = self._computeSimpleTotals(fileCoverage, 's'); ret.branches = self._computeBranchTotals(fileCoverage); str += file + ':\n'; Y.Array.each(['lines','functions','statements','branches'], function(key) { str += ' ' + key +': ' + ret[key].covered + '/' + ret[key].total + ' : ' + ret[key].pct + '%\n'; }); }); this.log(str, 'info', 'TestRunner'); }, /** * Parses YUITest or Istanbul coverage results if they are available and logs them. * @method _parseCoverage * @private */ _parseCoverage: function() { var coverage = Y.Test.Runner.getCoverage(); if (!coverage) { return; } if (this._isIstanbul(coverage)) { this.parseIstanbul(coverage); } else { this.parseYUITestCoverage(coverage); } }, // -- Protected Event Handlers --------------------------------------------- _onEntry: function (e) { var msg = e.message; if (msg.category === 'info' && /\s(?:case|suite)\s|yuitests\d+|began/.test(msg.message)) { msg.category = 'status'; } else if (msg.category === 'fail') { this.printBuffer(); } } }, { NAME: 'testConsole', ATTRS: { entryTemplate: { value: '
' + '
' + '
' }, height: { value: '350px' }, newestOnTop: { value: false }, style: { value: 'block' }, width: { value: Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 9 ? '100%' : 'inherit' } } }); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["console-filters", "test", "array-extras"], "skinnable": true});