. /** * Author vault class. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace mod_forum\local\vaults; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Author vault class. * * This should be the only place that accessed the database. * * This uses the repository pattern. See: * https://designpatternsphp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/More/Repository/README.html * * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class author extends db_table_vault { /** The table for this vault */ private const TABLE = 'user'; /** * Get the table alias. * * @return string */ protected function get_table_alias() : string { return 'a'; } /** * Build the SQL to be used in get_records_sql. * * @param string|null $wheresql Where conditions for the SQL * @param string|null $sortsql Order by conditions for the SQL * @param int|null $userid The user ID * @return string */ protected function generate_get_records_sql(string $wheresql = null, string $sortsql = null, ?int $userid = null) : string { $selectsql = 'SELECT * FROM {' . self::TABLE . '} ' . $this->get_table_alias(); $selectsql .= $wheresql ? ' WHERE ' . $wheresql : ''; $selectsql .= $sortsql ? ' ORDER BY ' . $sortsql : ''; return $selectsql; } /** * Convert the DB records into author entities. * * @param array $results The DB records * @return author_entity[] */ protected function from_db_records(array $results) { $entityfactory = $this->get_entity_factory(); return array_map(function(array $result) use ($entityfactory) { [ 'record' => $record, ] = $result; return $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdclass($record); }, $results); } /** * Get the authors for the given posts. * * Returns a distinct list of authors indexed by author id. * * @param post_entity[] $posts The list of posts * @return author_entity[] */ public function get_authors_for_posts(array $posts) : array { $authorids = array_reduce($posts, function($carry, $post) { $carry[$post->get_author_id()] = true; return $carry; }, []); $authorids = array_keys($authorids); return $this->get_from_ids($authorids); } /** * Get the context ids for a set of author ids. The results are indexed * by the author id. * * @param int[] $authorids The list of author ids to fetch. * @return int[] Results indexed by author id. */ public function get_context_ids_for_author_ids(array $authorids) : array { $db = $this->get_db(); [$insql, $params] = $db->get_in_or_equal($authorids); $sql = "SELECT instanceid, id FROM {context} WHERE contextlevel = ? AND instanceid {$insql}"; $records = $db->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge([CONTEXT_USER], $params)); return array_reduce($authorids, function($carry, $id) use ($records) { $carry[$id] = isset($records[$id]) ? (int) $records[$id]->id : null; return $carry; }, []); } }