. /** * Abstract class for loading records from the DB. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace mod_forum\local\vaults; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use mod_forum\local\factories\entity as entity_factory; use moodle_database; /** * Abstract class for loading records from the DB. * * @copyright 2019 Ryan Wyllie * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class db_table_vault { /** @var moodle_database $db A moodle database */ private $db; /** @var entity_factory $entityfactory Entity factory */ private $entityfactory; /** @var object $legacyfactory Entity->legacy factory */ private $legacyfactory; /** * Constructor. * * @param moodle_database $db A moodle database * @param entity_factory $entityfactory Entity factory * @param object $legacyfactory Legacy factory */ public function __construct( moodle_database $db, entity_factory $entityfactory, $legacyfactory ) { $this->db = $db; $this->entityfactory = $entityfactory; $this->legacyfactory = $legacyfactory; } /** * Get the table alias. * * @return string */ abstract protected function get_table_alias() : string; /** * Build the SQL to be used in get_records_sql. * * @param string|null $wheresql Where conditions for the SQL * @param string|null $sortsql Order by conditions for the SQL * @param object|null $user The user object * @return string */ abstract protected function generate_get_records_sql(string $wheresql = null, string $sortsql = null, ?int $userid = null) : string; /** * Convert the DB records into entities. The list of records will have been * passed through any preprocessors that may be defined before being given to * this function. * * Each result will from the list will be an associative array where the key * is set to the identifier given to the preprocessor and the result is the value * generated by the preprocessor. * * All results will have a 'record' key who's value is the original DB record. * * @param array $results The DB records */ abstract protected function from_db_records(array $results); /** * Get the list of preprocessors to run on the DB record results. The preprocessors * should be defined using an associative array. The key used to identify the * preprocessor in this list will be used to identify the value of that preprocessor * in the list of results when passed to the from_db_records function. * * @return array */ protected function get_preprocessors() : array { return []; } /** * Get the moodle database. * * @return moodle_database */ protected function get_db() : moodle_database { return $this->db; } /** * Get the entity factory. * * @return entity_factory */ protected function get_entity_factory() : entity_factory { return $this->entityfactory; } /** * Get the legacy factory * * @return object */ protected function get_legacy_factory() { return $this->legacyfactory; } /** * Execute the defined preprocessors on the DB record results and then convert * them into entities. * * @param stdClass[] $records List of DB results * @return array */ protected function transform_db_records_to_entities(array $records) { $preprocessors = $this->get_preprocessors(); $result = array_map(function($record) { return ['record' => $record]; }, $records); $result = array_reduce(array_keys($preprocessors), function($carry, $preprocessor) use ($records, $preprocessors) { $step = $preprocessors[$preprocessor]; $dependencies = $step->execute($records); foreach ($dependencies as $index => $dependency) { // Add the new dependency to the list. $carry[$index] = array_merge($carry[$index], [$preprocessor => $dependency]); } return $carry; }, $result); return $this->from_db_records($result); } /** * Get the entity for the given id. * * @param int $id Identifier for the entity * @return object|null */ public function get_from_id(int $id) { $records = $this->get_from_ids([$id]); return count($records) ? array_shift($records) : null; } /** * Get the list of entities for the given ids. * * @param int[] $ids Identifiers * @return array */ public function get_from_ids(array $ids) { $alias = $this->get_table_alias(); list($insql, $params) = $this->get_db()->get_in_or_equal($ids); $wheresql = $alias . '.id ' . $insql; $sql = $this->generate_get_records_sql($wheresql); $records = $this->get_db()->get_records_sql($sql, $params); return $this->transform_db_records_to_entities($records); } }