. /** * Strings for component 'ltiservice_gradebookservices', language 'en' * * @package ltiservice_gradebookservices * @copyright 2017 Cengage Learning http://www.cengage.com * @author Dirk Singels, Diego del Blanco, Claude Vervoort * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['alwaysgs'] = 'Use this service for grade sync and column management '; $string['grade_synchronization'] = 'IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services'; $string['grade_synchronization_help'] = 'Whether to use the IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services to synchronise grades instead of the Basic Outcomes service. * **Do not use this service** - Basic Outcomes features and configuration will be used * **Use this service for grade sync only** - The service will populate the grades in an already existing gradebook column, but it will not be able to create new columns * **Use this service for grade sync and column management** - The service will be able to create and update gradebook columns and manage the grades.'; $string['ltiservice_gradebookservices'] = 'IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services'; $string['modulename'] = 'LTI Grades'; $string['nevergs'] = 'Do not use this service'; $string['partialgs'] = 'Use this service for grade sync only'; $string['pluginname'] = 'LTI Assignment and Grade Services'; $string['privacy:metadata:externalpurpose'] = 'This information is sent to an external LTI provider.'; $string['privacy:metadata:feedback'] = 'The feedback the user received for this LTI activity.'; $string['privacy:metadata:grade'] = 'The grade the user received in Moodle for this LTI activity.'; $string['privacy:metadata:maxgrade'] = 'The max grade that can be achieved for this LTI activity.'; $string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'The last time the grade was updated'; $string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of the user using the LTI consumer.'; $string['taskcleanup'] = 'LTI Assignment and Grade Services table cleanup';