. /** * This file contains a class definition for the Tool Consumer Profile resource * * @package ltiservice_profile * @copyright 2014 Vital Source Technologies http://vitalsource.com * @author Stephen Vickers * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace ltiservice_profile\local\resources; use \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * A resource implementing the Tool Consumer Profile. * * @package ltiservice_profile * @since Moodle 2.8 * @copyright 2014 Vital Source Technologies http://vitalsource.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class profile extends \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base { /** * Class constructor. * * @param service_base $service Service instance */ public function __construct($service) { parent::__construct($service); $this->id = 'ToolConsumerProfile'; $this->template = '/profile/{tool_proxy_id}'; $this->variables[] = 'ToolConsumerProfile.url'; $this->formats[] = 'application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolconsumerprofile+json'; $this->methods[] = 'GET'; } /** * Get the path for this resource. * * @return string */ public function get_path() { $path = $this->template; $toolproxy = $this->get_service()->get_tool_proxy(); if (!empty($toolproxy)) { $path = str_replace('{tool_proxy_id}', $toolproxy->guid, $path); } return $path; } /** * Execute the request for this resource. * * @param \mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response $response Response object for this request. */ public function execute($response) { global $CFG; $version = service_base::LTI_VERSION2P0; $params = $this->parse_template(); if (optional_param('lti_version', service_base::LTI_VERSION2P0, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT) != $version) { $ok = false; $response->set_code(400); } else { $toolproxy = lti_get_tool_proxy_from_guid($params['tool_proxy_id']); $ok = $toolproxy !== false; } if ($ok) { $this->get_service()->set_tool_proxy($toolproxy); $response->set_content_type($this->formats[0]); $servicepath = $this->get_service()->get_service_path(); $id = $servicepath . $this->get_path(); $now = date('Y-m-d\TH:iO'); $capabilityofferedarr = explode("\n", $toolproxy->capabilityoffered); $serviceofferedarr = explode("\n", $toolproxy->serviceoffered); $serviceoffered = ''; $sep = ''; $services = \core_component::get_plugin_list('ltiservice'); foreach ($services as $name => $location) { if (in_array($name, $serviceofferedarr)) { $classname = "\\ltiservice_{$name}\\local\\service\\{$name}"; /** @var service_base $service */ $service = new $classname(); $service->set_tool_proxy($toolproxy); $resources = $service->get_resources(); foreach ($resources as $resource) { $formats = implode("\", \"", $resource->get_formats()); $methods = implode("\", \"", $resource->get_methods()); $capabilityofferedarr = array_merge($capabilityofferedarr, $resource->get_variables()); $template = $resource->get_path(); if (!empty($template)) { $path = $servicepath . preg_replace('/[\(\)]/', '', $template); } else { $path = $resource->get_endpoint(); } $serviceoffered .= <<< EOD {$sep} { "@type":"{$resource->get_type()}", "@id":"tcp:{$resource->get_id()}", "endpoint":"{$path}", "format":["{$formats}"], "action":["{$methods}"] } EOD; $sep = ','; } } } $capabilityoffered = implode("\",\n \"", $capabilityofferedarr); if (strlen($capabilityoffered) > 0) { $capabilityoffered = "\n \"{$capabilityoffered}\""; } $urlparts = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot); $orgid = $urlparts['host']; $name = 'Moodle'; $code = 'moodle'; $vendorname = 'Moodle.org'; $vendorcode = 'mdl'; $prodversion = strval($CFG->version); if (!empty($CFG->mod_lti_institution_name)) { $consumername = $CFG->mod_lti_institution_name; $consumerdesc = ''; } else { $consumername = get_site()->fullname; $consumerdesc = strip_tags(get_site()->summary); } $profile = <<< EOD { "@context":[ "http://purl.imsglobal.org/ctx/lti/v2/ToolConsumerProfile", { "tcp":"{$id}#" } ], "@type":"ToolConsumerProfile", "@id":"{$id}", "lti_version":"{$version}", "guid":"{$toolproxy->guid}", "product_instance":{ "guid":"{$orgid}", "product_info":{ "product_name":{ "default_value":"{$name}", "key":"product.name" }, "product_version":"{$prodversion}", "product_family":{ "code":"{$code}", "vendor":{ "code":"{$vendorcode}", "vendor_name":{ "default_value":"{$vendorname}", "key":"product.vendor.name" }, "timestamp":"{$now}" } } }, "service_owner":{ "@id":"ServiceOwner", "service_owner_name":{ "default_value":"{$consumername}", "key":"service_owner.name" }, "description":{ "default_value":"{$consumerdesc}", "key":"service_owner.description" } } }, "capability_offered":[{$capabilityoffered} ], "service_offered":[{$serviceoffered} ] } EOD; $response->set_body($profile); } } /** * Parse a value for custom parameter substitution variables. * * @param string $value String to be parsed * * @return string */ public function parse_value($value) { if (!empty($this->get_service()->get_tool_proxy()) && (strpos($value, '$ToolConsumerProfile.url') !== false)) { $value = str_replace('$ToolConsumerProfile.url', $this->get_endpoint(), $value); } return $value; } }