@mod @mod_lti Feature: Create/edit tool configuration that has Content-Item support In order to provide external tools that support the Content-Item Message type for teachers and learners As an admin I need to be able to configure external tool registrations that support the Content-Item Message type. Background: Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Plugins > Activity modules > External tool > Manage tools" in site administration Scenario: Verifying ContentItemSelectionRequest selection support in external tool registration When I follow "Manage external tool registrations" And I follow "Configure a new external tool registration" Then I should see "ContentItemSelectionRequest" in the "Capabilities" "select" @javascript Scenario: Creating and editing tool configuration that has Content-Item support When I follow "configure a tool manually" And I set the field "Tool name" to "Test tool" And I set the field "Tool URL" to local url "/mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php" And I set the field "Tool configuration usage" to "Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool" And I expand all fieldsets And I set the field "Content-Item Message" to "1" And I press "Save changes" And I follow "Edit" And I expand all fieldsets Then the field "Content-Item Message" matches value "1" And I set the field "Content-Item Message" to "0" And I press "Save changes" And I follow "Edit" And I expand all fieldsets And the field "Content-Item Message" matches value "0"