. /** * This file defines the quiz manual grading report class. * * @package quiz_grading * @copyright 2006 Gustav Delius * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/grading/gradingsettings_form.php'); /** * Quiz report to help teachers manually grade questions that need it. * * This report basically provides two screens: * - List question that might need manual grading (or optionally all questions). * - Provide an efficient UI to grade all attempts at a particular question. * * @copyright 2006 Gustav Delius * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class quiz_grading_report extends quiz_default_report { const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 5; const DEFAULT_ORDER = 'random'; protected $viewoptions = array(); protected $questions; protected $cm; protected $quiz; protected $context; /** @var renderer_base Renderer of Quiz Grading. */ private $renderer; public function display($quiz, $cm, $course) { $this->quiz = $quiz; $this->cm = $cm; $this->course = $course; // Get the URL options. $slot = optional_param('slot', null, PARAM_INT); $questionid = optional_param('qid', null, PARAM_INT); $grade = optional_param('grade', null, PARAM_ALPHA); $includeauto = optional_param('includeauto', false, PARAM_BOOL); if (!in_array($grade, array('all', 'needsgrading', 'autograded', 'manuallygraded'))) { $grade = null; } $pagesize = optional_param('pagesize', self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, PARAM_INT); $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); $order = optional_param('order', self::DEFAULT_ORDER, PARAM_ALPHA); // Assemble the options requried to reload this page. $optparams = array('includeauto', 'page'); foreach ($optparams as $param) { if ($$param) { $this->viewoptions[$param] = $$param; } } if ($pagesize != self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE) { $this->viewoptions['pagesize'] = $pagesize; } if ($order != self::DEFAULT_ORDER) { $this->viewoptions['order'] = $order; } // Check permissions. $this->context = context_module::instance($cm->id); require_capability('mod/quiz:grade', $this->context); $shownames = has_capability('quiz/grading:viewstudentnames', $this->context); $showidnumbers = has_capability('quiz/grading:viewidnumber', $this->context); // Validate order. if (!in_array($order, array('random', 'date', 'studentfirstname', 'studentlastname', 'idnumber'))) { $order = self::DEFAULT_ORDER; } else if (!$shownames && ($order == 'studentfirstname' || $order == 'studentlastname')) { $order = self::DEFAULT_ORDER; } else if (!$showidnumbers && $order == 'idnumber') { $order = self::DEFAULT_ORDER; } if ($order == 'random') { $page = 0; } // Get the list of questions in this quiz. $this->questions = quiz_report_get_significant_questions($quiz); if ($slot && !array_key_exists($slot, $this->questions)) { throw new moodle_exception('unknownquestion', 'quiz_grading'); } // Process any submitted data. if ($data = data_submitted() && confirm_sesskey() && $this->validate_submitted_marks()) { $this->process_submitted_data(); redirect($this->grade_question_url($slot, $questionid, $grade, $page + 1)); } // Get the group, and the list of significant users. $this->currentgroup = $this->get_current_group($cm, $course, $this->context); if ($this->currentgroup == self::NO_GROUPS_ALLOWED) { $this->userssql = array(); } else { $this->userssql = get_enrolled_sql($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), $this->currentgroup); } $hasquestions = quiz_has_questions($quiz->id); $counts = null; if ($slot && $hasquestions) { // Make sure there is something to do. $statecounts = $this->get_question_state_summary(array($slot)); foreach ($statecounts as $record) { if ($record->questionid == $questionid) { $counts = $record; break; } } // If not, redirect back to the list. if (!$counts || $counts->$grade == 0) { redirect($this->list_questions_url(), get_string('alldoneredirecting', 'quiz_grading')); } } // Start output. $this->print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, 'grading'); // What sort of page to display? if (!$hasquestions) { echo $this->renderer->render_quiz_no_question_notification($quiz, $cm, $this->context); } else if (!$slot) { echo $this->display_index($includeauto); } else { echo $this->display_grading_interface($slot, $questionid, $grade, $pagesize, $page, $shownames, $showidnumbers, $order, $counts); } return true; } protected function get_qubaids_condition() { $where = "quiza.quiz = :mangrquizid AND quiza.preview = 0 AND quiza.state = :statefinished"; $params = array('mangrquizid' => $this->cm->instance, 'statefinished' => quiz_attempt::FINISHED); $usersjoin = ''; $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($this->cm, true); $enrolleduserscount = count_enrolled_users($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), $currentgroup); if ($currentgroup) { $userssql = get_enrolled_sql($this->context, array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), $currentgroup); if ($enrolleduserscount < 1) { $where .= ' AND quiza.userid = 0'; } else { $usersjoin = "JOIN ({$userssql[0]}) AS enr ON quiza.userid = enr.id"; $params += $userssql[1]; } } return new qubaid_join("{quiz_attempts} quiza $usersjoin ", 'quiza.uniqueid', $where, $params); } protected function load_attempts_by_usage_ids($qubaids) { global $DB; list($asql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($qubaids); $params[] = quiz_attempt::FINISHED; $params[] = $this->quiz->id; $fields = 'quiza.*, u.idnumber, '; $fields .= get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u'); $attemptsbyid = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT $fields FROM {quiz_attempts} quiza JOIN {user} u ON u.id = quiza.userid WHERE quiza.uniqueid $asql AND quiza.state = ? AND quiza.quiz = ?", $params); $attempts = array(); foreach ($attemptsbyid as $attempt) { $attempts[$attempt->uniqueid] = $attempt; } return $attempts; } /** * Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions. * @param $includeauto if not given, use the current setting, otherwise, * force a paricular value of includeauto in the URL. * @return string the URL. */ protected function base_url() { return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id, 'mode' => 'grading')); } /** * Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions. * @param $includeauto if not given, use the current setting, otherwise, * force a paricular value of includeauto in the URL. * @return string the URL. */ protected function list_questions_url($includeauto = null) { $url = $this->base_url(); $url->params($this->viewoptions); if (!is_null($includeauto)) { $url->param('includeauto', $includeauto); } return $url; } /** * @param int $slot * @param int $questionid * @param string $grade * @param mixed $page = true, link to current page. false = omit page. * number = link to specific page. */ protected function grade_question_url($slot, $questionid, $grade, $page = true) { $url = $this->base_url(); $url->params(array('slot' => $slot, 'qid' => $questionid, 'grade' => $grade)); $url->params($this->viewoptions); $options = $this->viewoptions; if (!$page) { $url->remove_params('page'); } else if (is_integer($page)) { $url->param('page', $page); } return $url; } protected function format_count_for_table($counts, $type, $gradestring) { $result = $counts->$type; if ($counts->$type > 0) { $gradeurl = $this->grade_question_url($counts->slot, $counts->questionid, $type); $result .= $this->renderer->render_grade_link($counts, $type, $gradestring, $gradeurl); } return $result; } protected function display_index($includeauto) { global $PAGE; $output = ''; if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm)) { // Groups is being used. groups_print_activity_menu($this->cm, $this->list_questions_url()); } $statecounts = $this->get_question_state_summary(array_keys($this->questions)); if ($includeauto) { $linktext = get_string('hideautomaticallygraded', 'quiz_grading'); } else { $linktext = get_string('alsoshowautomaticallygraded', 'quiz_grading'); } $output .= $this->renderer->render_display_index_heading($linktext, $this->list_questions_url(!$includeauto)); $data = array(); $header = []; $header[] = get_string('qno', 'quiz_grading'); $header[] = get_string('qtypeveryshort', 'question'); $header[] = get_string('questionname', 'quiz_grading'); $header[] = get_string('tograde', 'quiz_grading'); $header[] = get_string('alreadygraded', 'quiz_grading'); if ($includeauto) { $header[] = get_string('automaticallygraded', 'quiz_grading'); } $header[] = get_string('total', 'quiz_grading'); foreach ($statecounts as $counts) { if ($counts->all == 0) { continue; } if (!$includeauto && $counts->needsgrading == 0 && $counts->manuallygraded == 0) { continue; } $row = array(); $row[] = $this->questions[$counts->slot]->number; $row[] = $PAGE->get_renderer('question', 'bank')->qtype_icon($this->questions[$counts->slot]->type); $row[] = format_string($counts->name); $row[] = $this->format_count_for_table($counts, 'needsgrading', 'grade'); $row[] = $this->format_count_for_table($counts, 'manuallygraded', 'updategrade'); if ($includeauto) { $row[] = $this->format_count_for_table($counts, 'autograded', 'updategrade'); } $row[] = $this->format_count_for_table($counts, 'all', 'gradeall'); $data[] = $row; } $output .= $this->renderer->render_questions_table($includeauto, $data, $header); return $output; } protected function display_grading_interface($slot, $questionid, $grade, $pagesize, $page, $shownames, $showidnumbers, $order, $counts) { $output = ''; if ($pagesize * $page >= $counts->$grade) { $page = 0; } list($qubaids, $count) = $this->get_usage_ids_where_question_in_state( $grade, $slot, $questionid, $order, $page, $pagesize); $attempts = $this->load_attempts_by_usage_ids($qubaids); // Prepare the form. $hidden = array( 'id' => $this->cm->id, 'mode' => 'grading', 'slot' => $slot, 'qid' => $questionid, 'page' => $page, ); if (array_key_exists('includeauto', $this->viewoptions)) { $hidden['includeauto'] = $this->viewoptions['includeauto']; } $mform = new quiz_grading_settings_form($hidden, $counts, $shownames, $showidnumbers); // Tell the form the current settings. $settings = new stdClass(); $settings->grade = $grade; $settings->pagesize = $pagesize; $settings->order = $order; $mform->set_data($settings); // Question info. $questioninfo = new stdClass(); $questioninfo->number = $this->questions[$slot]->number; $questioninfo->questionname = format_string($counts->name); // Paging info. $paginginfo = new stdClass(); $paginginfo->from = $page * $pagesize + 1; $paginginfo->to = min(($page + 1) * $pagesize, $count); $paginginfo->of = $count; $qubaidlist = implode(',', $qubaids); $gradequestioncontent = ''; foreach ($qubaids as $qubaid) { $attempt = $attempts[$qubaid]; $quba = question_engine::load_questions_usage_by_activity($qubaid); $displayoptions = quiz_get_review_options($this->quiz, $attempt, $this->context); $displayoptions->hide_all_feedback(); $displayoptions->rightanswer = question_display_options::VISIBLE; $displayoptions->history = question_display_options::HIDDEN; $displayoptions->manualcomment = question_display_options::EDITABLE; $gradequestioncontent .= $this->renderer->render_grade_question( $quba, $slot, $displayoptions, $this->questions[$slot]->number, $this->get_question_heading($attempt, $shownames, $showidnumbers) ); } $pagingbar = new stdClass(); $pagingbar->count = $count; $pagingbar->page = $page; $pagingbar->pagesize = $pagesize; $pagingbar->pagesize = $pagesize; $pagingbar->order = $order; $pagingbar->pagingurl = $this->grade_question_url($slot, $questionid, $grade, false); $hiddeninputs = [ 'qubaids' => $qubaidlist, 'slots' => $slot, 'sesskey' => sesskey() ]; $output .= $this->renderer->render_grading_interface( $questioninfo, $this->list_questions_url(), $mform, $paginginfo, $pagingbar, $this->grade_question_url($slot, $questionid, $grade, $page), $hiddeninputs, $gradequestioncontent ); return $output; } protected function validate_submitted_marks() { $qubaids = optional_param('qubaids', null, PARAM_SEQUENCE); if (!$qubaids) { return false; } $qubaids = clean_param_array(explode(',', $qubaids), PARAM_INT); $slots = optional_param('slots', '', PARAM_SEQUENCE); if (!$slots) { $slots = array(); } else { $slots = explode(',', $slots); } foreach ($qubaids as $qubaid) { foreach ($slots as $slot) { if (!question_engine::is_manual_grade_in_range($qubaid, $slot)) { return false; } } } return true; } protected function process_submitted_data() { global $DB; $qubaids = optional_param('qubaids', null, PARAM_SEQUENCE); $assumedslotforevents = optional_param('slot', null, PARAM_INT); if (!$qubaids) { return; } $qubaids = clean_param_array(explode(',', $qubaids), PARAM_INT); $attempts = $this->load_attempts_by_usage_ids($qubaids); $events = array(); $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); foreach ($qubaids as $qubaid) { $attempt = $attempts[$qubaid]; $attemptobj = new quiz_attempt($attempt, $this->quiz, $this->cm, $this->course); $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions(time()); // Add the event we will trigger later. $params = array( 'objectid' => $attemptobj->get_question_attempt($assumedslotforevents)->get_question()->id, 'courseid' => $attemptobj->get_courseid(), 'context' => context_module::instance($attemptobj->get_cmid()), 'other' => array( 'quizid' => $attemptobj->get_quizid(), 'attemptid' => $attemptobj->get_attemptid(), 'slot' => $assumedslotforevents ) ); $events[] = \mod_quiz\event\question_manually_graded::create($params); } $transaction->allow_commit(); // Trigger events for all the questions we manually marked. foreach ($events as $event) { $event->trigger(); } } /** * Load information about the number of attempts at various questions in each * summarystate. * * The results are returned as an two dimensional array $qubaid => $slot => $dataobject * * @param array $slots A list of slots for the questions you want to konw about. * @return array The array keys are slot,qestionid. The values are objects with * fields $slot, $questionid, $inprogress, $name, $needsgrading, $autograded, * $manuallygraded and $all. */ protected function get_question_state_summary($slots) { $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); return $dm->load_questions_usages_question_state_summary( $this->get_qubaids_condition(), $slots); } /** * Get a list of usage ids where the question with slot $slot, and optionally * also with question id $questionid, is in summary state $summarystate. Also * return the total count of such states. * * Only a subset of the ids can be returned by using $orderby, $limitfrom and * $limitnum. A special value 'random' can be passed as $orderby, in which case * $limitfrom is ignored. * * @param int $slot The slot for the questions you want to konw about. * @param int $questionid (optional) Only return attempts that were of this specific question. * @param string $summarystate 'all', 'needsgrading', 'autograded' or 'manuallygraded'. * @param string $orderby 'random', 'date', 'student' or 'idnumber'. * @param int $page implements paging of the results. * Ignored if $orderby = random or $pagesize is null. * @param int $pagesize implements paging of the results. null = all. */ protected function get_usage_ids_where_question_in_state($summarystate, $slot, $questionid = null, $orderby = 'random', $page = 0, $pagesize = null) { global $CFG, $DB; $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); if ($pagesize && $orderby != 'random') { $limitfrom = $page * $pagesize; } else { $limitfrom = 0; } $qubaids = $this->get_qubaids_condition(); $params = array(); if ($orderby == 'date') { list($statetest, $params) = $dm->in_summary_state_test( 'manuallygraded', false, 'mangrstate'); $orderby = "( SELECT MAX(sortqas.timecreated) FROM {question_attempt_steps} sortqas WHERE sortqas.questionattemptid = qa.id AND sortqas.state $statetest )"; } else if ($orderby == 'studentfirstname' || $orderby == 'studentlastname' || $orderby == 'idnumber') { $qubaids->from .= " JOIN {user} u ON quiza.userid = u.id "; // For name sorting, map orderby form value to // actual column names; 'idnumber' maps naturally switch ($orderby) { case "studentlastname": $orderby = "u.lastname, u.firstname"; break; case "studentfirstname": $orderby = "u.firstname, u.lastname"; break; } } return $dm->load_questions_usages_where_question_in_state($qubaids, $summarystate, $slot, $questionid, $orderby, $params, $limitfrom, $pagesize); } /** * Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output. * * @param object $cm the course_module information. * @param object $course the course settings. * @param object $quiz the quiz settings. * @param string $reportmode the report name. */ public function print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode = 'overview') { global $PAGE; $this->renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('quiz_grading'); parent::print_header_and_tabs($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode); } /** * Get question heading. * * @param object $attempt an instance of quiz_attempt. * @param bool $shownames True to show the question name. * @param bool $showidnumbers True to show the question id number. * @return string The string text for the question heading. * @throws coding_exception */ protected function get_question_heading($attempt, $shownames, $showidnumbers) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->attempt = $attempt->attempt; $a->fullname = fullname($attempt); $a->idnumber = $attempt->idnumber; $showidnumbers = $showidnumbers && !empty($attempt->idnumber); if ($shownames && $showidnumbers) { return get_string('gradingattemptwithidnumber', 'quiz_grading', $a); } else if ($shownames) { return get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a); } else if ($showidnumbers) { $a->fullname = $attempt->idnumber; return get_string('gradingattempt', 'quiz_grading', $a); } else { return ''; } } }