. /** * Strings for component 'quiz_responses', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package quiz_responses * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['cannotloadoptions'] = 'Could not load question options'; $string['include'] = 'Include the'; $string['mustselectcols'] = 'You must include something.'; $string['pagesize'] = 'Page size'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Responses'; $string['privacy:preference:qtext'] = 'Whether to show the question text columns.'; $string['privacy:preference:resp'] = 'Whether to show the students\' response columns.'; $string['privacy:preference:right'] = 'Whether to show the correct response columns.'; $string['privacy:preference:which_tries'] = 'Which tries to show responses from.'; $string['privacy:preference:which_tries:first'] = 'The first try at a question during an attempt by a user.'; $string['privacy:preference:which_tries:last'] = 'The last try at a question during an attempt by a user.'; $string['privacy:preference:which_tries:all'] = 'All tries at a question during an attempt by a user.'; $string['questiontext'] = 'question text'; $string['reportresponses'] = 'Responses'; $string['response'] = 'response'; $string['responses'] = 'Responses'; $string['responsesdownload'] = 'Responses download'; $string['responsesfilename'] = 'responses'; $string['responsesoptions'] = 'Responses options'; $string['responsesreport'] = 'Responses report'; $string['responsestitle'] = 'Responses'; $string['responsex'] = 'Response {$a}'; $string['rightanswer'] = 'right answer'; $string['rightanswerx'] = 'Right answer {$a}'; $string['showattempts'] = 'Only show / download attempts'; $string['showthe'] = 'Show the'; $string['summaryofquestiontext'] = 'Summary of the question'; $string['summaryofresponse'] = 'Summary of the response given'; $string['summaryofrightanswer'] = 'Summary of the right answer';