. /** * Solr schema manipulation manager. * * @package search_solr * @copyright 2015 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace search_solr; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/filelib.php'); /** * Schema class to interact with Solr schema. * * At the moment it only implements create which should be enough for a basic * moodle configuration in Solr. * * @package search_solr * @copyright 2015 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class schema { /** * @var stdClass */ protected $config = null; /** * cUrl instance. * @var \curl */ protected $curl = null; /** * An engine instance. * @var engine */ protected $engine = null; /** * Constructor. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @return void */ public function __construct() { if (!$this->config = get_config('search_solr')) { throw new \moodle_exception('missingconfig', 'search_solr'); } if (empty($this->config->server_hostname) || empty($this->config->indexname)) { throw new \moodle_exception('missingconfig', 'search_solr'); } $this->engine = new engine(); $this->curl = $this->engine->get_curl_object(); // HTTP headers. $this->curl->setHeader('Content-type: application/json'); } /** * Can setup be executed against the configured server. * * @return true|string True or error message. */ public function can_setup_server() { $status = $this->engine->is_server_configured(); if ($status !== true) { return $status; } // At this stage we know that the server is properly configured with a valid host:port and indexname. // We're not too concerned about repeating the SolrClient::system() call (already called in // is_server_configured) because this is just a setup script. if ($this->engine->get_solr_major_version() < 5) { // Schema setup script only available for 5.0 onwards. return get_string('schemasetupfromsolr5', 'search_solr'); } return true; } /** * Setup solr stuff required by moodle. * * @param bool $checkexisting Whether to check if the fields already exist or not * @return bool */ public function setup($checkexisting = true) { $fields = \search_solr\document::get_default_fields_definition(); // Field id is already there. unset($fields['id']); $this->check_index(); $return = $this->add_fields($fields, $checkexisting); // Tell the engine we are now using the latest schema version. $this->engine->record_applied_schema_version(document::SCHEMA_VERSION); return $return; } /** * Checks the schema is properly set up. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @return void */ public function validate_setup() { $fields = \search_solr\document::get_default_fields_definition(); // Field id is already there. unset($fields['id']); $this->check_index(); $this->validate_fields($fields, true); } /** * Checks if the index is ready, triggers an exception otherwise. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @return void */ protected function check_index() { // Check that the server is available and the index exists. $url = $this->engine->get_connection_url('/select?wt=json'); $result = $this->curl->get($url); if ($this->curl->error) { throw new \moodle_exception('connectionerror', 'search_solr'); } if ($this->curl->info['http_code'] === 404) { throw new \moodle_exception('connectionerror', 'search_solr'); } } /** * Adds the provided fields to Solr schema. * * Intentionally separated from create(), it can be called to add extra fields. * fields separately. * * @throws \coding_exception * @throws \moodle_exception * @param array $fields \core_search\document::$requiredfields format * @param bool $checkexisting Whether to check if the fields already exist or not * @return bool */ protected function add_fields($fields, $checkexisting = true) { if ($checkexisting) { // Check that non of them exists. $this->validate_fields($fields, false); } $url = $this->engine->get_connection_url('/schema'); // Add all fields. foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $data) { if (!isset($data['type']) || !isset($data['stored']) || !isset($data['indexed'])) { throw new \coding_exception($fieldname . ' does not define all required field params: type, stored and indexed.'); } $type = $this->doc_field_to_solr_field($data['type']); // Changing default multiValued value to false as we want to match values easily. $params = array( 'add-field' => array( 'name' => $fieldname, 'type' => $type, 'stored' => $data['stored'], 'multiValued' => false, 'indexed' => $data['indexed'] ) ); $results = $this->curl->post($url, json_encode($params)); // We only validate if we are interested on it. if ($checkexisting) { if ($this->curl->error) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $this->curl->error); } $this->validate_add_field_result($results); } } return true; } /** * Checks if the schema existing fields are properly set, triggers an exception otherwise. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param array $fields * @param bool $requireexisting Require the fields to exist, otherwise exception. * @return void */ protected function validate_fields(&$fields, $requireexisting = false) { global $CFG; foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $data) { $url = $this->engine->get_connection_url('/schema/fields/' . $fieldname); $results = $this->curl->get($url); if ($this->curl->error) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $this->curl->error); } if (!$results) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', get_string('nodatafromserver', 'search_solr')); } $results = json_decode($results); if ($requireexisting && !empty($results->error) && $results->error->code === 404) { $a = new \stdClass(); $a->fieldname = $fieldname; $a->setupurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/search/engine/solr/setup_schema.php'; throw new \moodle_exception('errorvalidatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $a); } // The field should not exist so we only accept 404 errors. if (empty($results->error) || (!empty($results->error) && $results->error->code !== 404)) { if (!empty($results->error)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $results->error->msg); } else { // All these field attributes are set when fields are added through this script and should // be returned and match the defined field's values. $expectedsolrfield = $this->doc_field_to_solr_field($data['type']); if (empty($results->field) || !isset($results->field->type) || !isset($results->field->multiValued) || !isset($results->field->indexed) || !isset($results->field->stored)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', get_string('schemafieldautocreated', 'search_solr', $fieldname)); } else if ($results->field->type !== $expectedsolrfield || $results->field->multiValued !== false || $results->field->indexed !== $data['indexed'] || $results->field->stored !== $data['stored']) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', get_string('schemafieldautocreated', 'search_solr', $fieldname)); } else { // The field already exists and it is properly defined, no need to create it. unset($fields[$fieldname]); } } } } } /** * Checks that the field results do not contain errors. * * @throws \moodle_exception * @param string $results curl response body * @return void */ protected function validate_add_field_result($result) { if (!$result) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', get_string('nodatafromserver', 'search_solr')); } $results = json_decode($result); if (!$results) { if (is_scalar($result)) { $errormsg = $result; } else { $errormsg = json_encode($result); } throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $errormsg); } // It comes as error when fetching fields data. if (!empty($results->error)) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $results->error); } // It comes as errors when adding fields. if (!empty($results->errors)) { // We treat this error separately. $errorstr = ''; foreach ($results->errors as $error) { $errorstr .= implode(', ', $error->errorMessages); } throw new \moodle_exception('errorcreatingschema', 'search_solr', '', $errorstr); } } /** * Returns the solr field type from the document field type string. * * @param string $datatype * @return string */ private function doc_field_to_solr_field($datatype) { $type = $datatype; $solrversion = $this->engine->get_solr_major_version(); switch($datatype) { case 'text': $type = 'text_general'; break; case 'int': if ($solrversion >= 7) { $type = 'pint'; } break; case 'tdate': if ($solrversion >= 7) { $type = 'pdate'; } break; } return $type; } }