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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('app-transitions-native', function (Y, NAME) {
Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
@module app
@submodule app-transitions-native
@since 3.5.0
var AppTransitions = Y.App.Transitions;
Provides the implementation of view transitions for `Y.App.Transitions` in
browsers which support native CSS3 transitions.
When this module is used, `Y.App.TransitionsNative` will automatically mix
itself in to `Y.App`.
@class App.TransitionsNative
@extensionfor App
@since 3.5.0
function AppTransitionsNative() {}
AppTransitionsNative.prototype = {
// -- Protected Properties -------------------------------------------------
Whether this app is currently transitioning its `activeView`.
@property _transitioning
@type Boolean
@default false
@since 3.5.0
A queue that holds pending calls to this app's `_uiTransitionActiveView()`
@property _viewTransitionQueue
@type Array
@default []
@since 3.5.0
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function () {
this._transitioning = false;
this._viewTransitionQueue = [];
// TODO: Consider the AOP approach that `Plugin.WidgetAnim` uses.
Y.Do.before(this._queueActiveView, this, '_uiSetActiveView');
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Dequeues any pending calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()`.
**Note:** When there is more than one queued transition, only the most
recent `activeView` change will be visually transitioned, while the others
will have their `transition` option overridden to `false`.
@method _dequeueActiveView
@since 3.5.0
_dequeueActiveView: function () {
var queue = this._viewTransitionQueue,
transition = queue.shift(),
if (transition) {
// When items are still left in the queue, override the transition
// so it does not run.
if (queue.length) {
// Overrides `transition` option and splices in the new options.
options = Y.merge(transition[2], {transition: false});
transition.splice(2, 1, options);
this._uiTransitionActiveView.apply(this, transition);
Returns an object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and `viewOut`
based on the relationship between the specified `newView` and `oldView`.
@method _getFx
@param {View} newView The view being transitioned-in.
@param {View} oldView The view being transitioned-out.
@param {String} [transition] The preferred transition to use.
@return {Object} An object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and
@since 3.5.0
_getFx: function (newView, oldView, transition) {
var fx = AppTransitions.FX,
transitions = this.get('transitions');
if (transition === false || !transitions) {
return null;
if (transition) {
return fx[transition];
if (this._isChildView(newView, oldView)) {
return fx[transitions.toChild];
if (this._isParentView(newView, oldView)) {
return fx[transitions.toParent];
return fx[transitions.navigate];
Queues calls to `_uiTransitionActiveView()` to make sure a currently running
transition isn't interrupted.
**Note:** This method prevents the default `_uiSetActiveView()` method from
@method _queueActiveView
@since 3.5.0
_queueActiveView: function () {
var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true);
if (!this._transitioning) {
return new Y.Do.Prevent();
Performs the actual change of this app's `activeView` by visually
transitioning between the `newView` and `oldView` using any specified
The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
and making this app a bubble target of its events.
The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
`viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
**Note:** This method overrides `_uiSetActiveView()` and provides all of its
functionality plus supports visual transitions. Also, the `activeView`
attribute is read-only and can be changed by calling the `showView()`
@method _uiTransitionActiveView
@param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
@param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
@param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
@param {Function} [options.callback] Optional callback function to call
after new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
@param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the new
@param {Boolean} [options.prepend=false] Whether the `view` should be
prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
@param {Boolean} [options.render] Whether the `view` should be rendered.
**Note:** If no value is specified, a view instance will only be
rendered if it's newly created by this method.
@param {Boolean|String} [options.transition] Optional transition override.
A transition can be specified which will override the default, or
`false` for no transition.
@param {Boolean} [options.update=false] Whether an existing view should
have its attributes updated by passing the `config` object to its
`setAttrs()` method. **Note:** This option does not have an effect if
the `view` instance is created as a result of calling this method.
@since 3.5.0
_uiTransitionActiveView: function (newView, oldView, options) {
options || (options = {});
var callback = options.callback,
container, transitioning, isChild, isParent, prepend,
fx, fxConfig, transitions;
// Quits early when to new and old views are the same.
if (newView === oldView) {
callback &&, newView);
this._transitioning = false;
return this._dequeueActiveView();
fx = this._getFx(newView, oldView, options.transition);
isChild = this._isChildView(newView, oldView);
isParent = !isChild && this._isParentView(newView, oldView);
prepend = !!options.prepend || isParent;
// Preforms simply attach/detach of the new and old view respectively
// when there's no transition to perform.
if (!fx) {
this._attachView(newView, prepend);
callback &&, newView);
this._transitioning = false;
return this._dequeueActiveView();
this._transitioning = true;
container = this.get('container');
transitioning = Y.App.CLASS_NAMES.transitioning;
this._attachView(newView, prepend);
// Called when view transitions completed, if none were added this will
// run right away.
function complete() {
callback &&, newView);
this._transitioning = false;
return this._dequeueActiveView();
// Setup a new stack to run the view transitions in parallel.
transitions = new Y.Parallel({context: this});
fxConfig = {
crossView: !!oldView && !!newView,
prepended: prepend
// Transition the new view first to prevent a gap when sliding.
if (newView && fx.viewIn) {
.transition(fx.viewIn, fxConfig, transitions.add());
if (oldView && fx.viewOut) {
.transition(fx.viewOut, fxConfig, transitions.add());
// -- Transition fx ------------------------------------------------------------
Y.mix(Y.Transition.fx, {
'app:fadeIn': {
opacity : 1,
duration: 0.3,
on: {
start: function (data) {
var styles = {opacity: 0},
config = data.config;
if (config.crossView && !config.prepended) {
styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
end: function () {
this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
'app:fadeOut': {
opacity : 0,
duration: 0.3,
on: {
start: function (data) {
var styles = {opacity: 1},
config = data.config;
if (config.crossView && config.prepended) {
styles.transform = 'translateX(-100%)';
end: function () {
this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
'app:slideLeft': {
duration : 0.3,
transform: 'translateX(-100%)',
on: {
start: function () {
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translateX(0%)'
end: function () {
this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
'app:slideRight': {
duration : 0.3,
transform: 'translateX(0)',
on: {
start: function () {
opacity : 1,
transform: 'translateX(-100%)'
end: function () {
this.setStyle('transform', 'translateX(0)');
// -- Namespacae ---------------------------------------------------------------
Y.App.TransitionsNative = AppTransitionsNative;
Y.Base.mix(Y.App, [AppTransitionsNative]);
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["app-transitions", "app-transitions-css", "parallel", "transition"]});