You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
913 lines
24 KiB
913 lines
24 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('autocomplete-list', function (Y, NAME) {
Traditional autocomplete dropdown list widget, just like Mom used to make.
@module autocomplete
@submodule autocomplete-list
Traditional autocomplete dropdown list widget, just like Mom used to make.
@class AutoCompleteList
@extends Widget
@uses AutoCompleteBase
@uses WidgetPosition
@uses WidgetPositionAlign
@param {Object} config Configuration object.
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Node = Y.Node,
YArray = Y.Array,
// Whether or not we need an iframe shim.
useShim = && < 7,
// keyCode constants.
KEY_TAB = 9,
// String shorthand.
ACTIVE_ITEM = 'activeItem',
ALWAYS_SHOW_LIST = 'alwaysShowList',
CIRCULAR = 'circular',
HOVERED_ITEM = 'hoveredItem',
ID = 'id',
ITEM = 'item',
LIST = 'list',
RESULT = 'result',
RESULTS = 'results',
VISIBLE = 'visible',
WIDTH = 'width',
// Event names.
EVT_SELECT = 'select',
List = Y.Base.create('autocompleteList', Y.Widget, [
], {
// -- Prototype Properties -------------------------------------------------
ARIA_TEMPLATE: '<div/>',
// Widget automatically attaches delegated event handlers to everything in
// Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS, including synthetic events. Since Widget's event
// delegation won't work for the synthetic valuechange event, and since
// it creates a name collision between the backcompat "valueChange" synth
// event alias and AutoCompleteList's "valueChange" event for the "value"
// attr, this hack is necessary in order to prevent Widget from attaching
// valuechange handlers.
UI_EVENTS: (function () {
var uiEvents = Y.merge(Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS);
delete uiEvents.valuechange;
delete uiEvents.valueChange;
return uiEvents;
// -- Lifecycle Prototype Methods ------------------------------------------
initializer: function () {
var inputNode = this.get('inputNode');
if (!inputNode) {
Y.error('No inputNode specified.');
this._inputNode = inputNode;
this._listEvents = [];
// This ensures that the list is rendered inside the same parent as the
// input node by default, which is necessary for proper ARIA support.
this.DEF_PARENT_NODE = inputNode.get('parentNode');
// Cache commonly used classnames and selectors for performance.
this[_CLASS_ITEM] = this.getClassName(ITEM);
this[_CLASS_ITEM_ACTIVE] = this.getClassName(ITEM, 'active');
this[_CLASS_ITEM_HOVER] = this.getClassName(ITEM, 'hover');
this[_SELECTOR_ITEM] = '.' + this[_CLASS_ITEM];
Fires when an autocomplete suggestion is selected from the list,
typically via a keyboard action or mouse click.
@event select
@param {Node} itemNode List item node that was selected.
@param {Object} result AutoComplete result object.
@preventable _defSelectFn
this.publish(EVT_SELECT, {
defaultFn: this._defSelectFn
destructor: function () {
while (this._listEvents.length) {
if (this._ariaNode) {
bindUI: function () {
renderUI: function () {
var ariaNode = this._createAriaNode(),
boundingBox = this.get('boundingBox'),
contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
inputNode = this._inputNode,
listNode = this._createListNode(),
parentNode = inputNode.get('parentNode');
'aria-autocomplete': LIST,
'aria-expanded' : false,
'aria-owns' : listNode.get('id')
// ARIA node must be outside the widget or announcements won't be made
// when the widget is hidden.
// Add an iframe shim for IE6.
if (useShim) {
this._ariaNode = ariaNode;
this._boundingBox = boundingBox;
this._contentBox = contentBox;
this._listNode = listNode;
this._parentNode = parentNode;
syncUI: function () {
// No need to call _syncPosition() here; the other _sync methods will
// call it when necessary.
// -- Public Prototype Methods ---------------------------------------------
Hides the list, unless the `alwaysShowList` attribute is `true`.
@method hide
@see show
hide: function () {
return this.get(ALWAYS_SHOW_LIST) ? this : this.set(VISIBLE, false);
Selects the specified _itemNode_, or the current `activeItem` if _itemNode_
is not specified.
@method selectItem
@param {Node} [itemNode] Item node to select.
@param {EventFacade} [originEvent] Event that triggered the selection, if
selectItem: function (itemNode, originEvent) {
if (itemNode) {
if (!itemNode.hasClass(this[_CLASS_ITEM])) {
return this;
} else {
itemNode = this.get(ACTIVE_ITEM);
if (!itemNode) {
return this;
|, {
itemNode : itemNode,
originEvent: originEvent || null,
result : itemNode.getData(RESULT)
return this;
// -- Protected Prototype Methods ------------------------------------------
Activates the next item after the currently active item. If there is no next
item and the `circular` attribute is `true`, focus will wrap back to the
input node.
@method _activateNextItem
_activateNextItem: function () {
var item = this.get(ACTIVE_ITEM),
if (item) {
nextItem =[_SELECTOR_ITEM]) ||
(this.get(CIRCULAR) ? null : item);
} else {
nextItem = this._getFirstItemNode();
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, nextItem);
return this;
Activates the item previous to the currently active item. If there is no
previous item and the `circular` attribute is `true`, focus will wrap back
to the input node.
@method _activatePrevItem
_activatePrevItem: function () {
var item = this.get(ACTIVE_ITEM),
prevItem = item ? item.previous(this[_SELECTOR_ITEM]) :
this.get(CIRCULAR) && this._getLastItemNode();
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, prevItem || null);
return this;
Appends the specified result _items_ to the list inside a new item node.
@method _add
@param {Array|Node|HTMLElement|String} items Result item or array of
result items.
@return {NodeList} Added nodes.
_add: function (items) {
var itemNodes = [];
YArray.each(Lang.isArray(items) ? items : [items], function (item) {
itemNodes.push(this._createItemNode(item).setData(RESULT, item));
}, this);
itemNodes = Y.all(itemNodes);
return itemNodes;
Updates the ARIA live region with the specified message.
@method _ariaSay
@param {String} stringId String id (from the `strings` attribute) of the
message to speak.
@param {Object} [subs] Substitutions for placeholders in the string.
_ariaSay: function (stringId, subs) {
var message = this.get('strings.' + stringId);
this._ariaNode.set('text', subs ? Lang.sub(message, subs) : message);
Binds `inputNode` events and behavior.
@method _bindInput
_bindInput: function () {
var inputNode = this._inputNode,
alignNode, alignWidth, tokenInput;
// Null align means we can auto-align. Set align to false to prevent
// auto-alignment, or a valid alignment config to customize the
// alignment.
if (this.get('align') === null) {
// If this is a tokenInput, align with its bounding box.
// Otherwise, align with the inputNode. Bit of a cheat.
tokenInput = this.get('tokenInput');
alignNode = (tokenInput && tokenInput.get('boundingBox')) || inputNode;
this.set('align', {
node : alignNode,
points: ['tl', 'bl']
// If no width config is set, attempt to set the list's width to the
// width of the alignment node. If the alignment node's width is
// falsy, do nothing.
if (!this.get(WIDTH) && (alignWidth = alignNode.get('offsetWidth'))) {
this.set(WIDTH, alignWidth);
// Attach inputNode events.
this._listEvents = this._listEvents.concat([
inputNode.after('blur', this._afterListInputBlur, this),
inputNode.after('focus', this._afterListInputFocus, this)
Binds list events.
@method _bindList
_bindList: function () {
this._listEvents = this._listEvents.concat([
|'doc').after('click', this._afterDocClick, this),
|'win').after('windowresize', this._syncPosition, this),
mouseover: this._afterMouseOver,
mouseout : this._afterMouseOut,
activeItemChange : this._afterActiveItemChange,
alwaysShowListChange: this._afterAlwaysShowListChange,
hoveredItemChange : this._afterHoveredItemChange,
resultsChange : this._afterResultsChange,
visibleChange : this._afterVisibleChange
this._listNode.delegate('click', this._onItemClick,
this[_SELECTOR_ITEM], this)
Clears the contents of the tray.
@method _clear
_clear: function () {
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, null);
this._set(HOVERED_ITEM, null);
Creates and returns an ARIA live region node.
@method _createAriaNode
@return {Node} ARIA node.
_createAriaNode: function () {
var ariaNode = Node.create(this.ARIA_TEMPLATE);
return ariaNode.addClass(this.getClassName('aria')).setAttrs({
'aria-live': 'polite',
role : 'status'
Creates and returns an item node with the specified _content_.
@method _createItemNode
@param {Object} result Result object.
@return {Node} Item node.
_createItemNode: function (result) {
var itemNode = Node.create(this.ITEM_TEMPLATE);
return itemNode.addClass(this[_CLASS_ITEM]).setAttrs({
id : Y.stamp(itemNode),
role: 'option'
}).setAttribute('data-text', result.text).append(result.display);
Creates and returns a list node. If the `listNode` attribute is already set
to an existing node, that node will be used.
@method _createListNode
@return {Node} List node.
_createListNode: function () {
var listNode = this.get('listNode') || Node.create(this.LIST_TEMPLATE);
id : Y.stamp(listNode),
role: 'listbox'
this._set('listNode', listNode);
return listNode;
Gets the first item node in the list, or `null` if the list is empty.
@method _getFirstItemNode
@return {Node|null}
_getFirstItemNode: function () {
Gets the last item node in the list, or `null` if the list is empty.
@method _getLastItemNode
@return {Node|null}
_getLastItemNode: function () {
return[_SELECTOR_ITEM] + ':last-child');
Synchronizes the result list's position and alignment.
@method _syncPosition
_syncPosition: function () {
// Force WidgetPositionAlign to refresh its alignment.
// Resize the IE6 iframe shim to match the list's dimensions.
Synchronizes the results displayed in the list with those in the _results_
argument, or with the `results` attribute if an argument is not provided.
@method _syncResults
@param {Array} [results] Results.
_syncResults: function (results) {
if (!results) {
results = this.get(RESULTS);
if (results.length) {
if (this.get('activateFirstItem') && !this.get(ACTIVE_ITEM)) {
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, this._getFirstItemNode());
Synchronizes the size of the iframe shim used for IE6 and lower. In other
browsers, this method is a noop.
@method _syncShim
_syncShim: useShim ? function () {
var shim = this._boundingBox.shim;
if (shim) {
} : function () {},
Synchronizes the visibility of the tray with the _visible_ argument, or with
the `visible` attribute if an argument is not provided.
@method _syncVisibility
@param {Boolean} [visible] Visibility.
_syncVisibility: function (visible) {
if (this.get(ALWAYS_SHOW_LIST)) {
visible = true;
this.set(VISIBLE, visible);
if (typeof visible === 'undefined') {
visible = this.get(VISIBLE);
this._inputNode.set('aria-expanded', visible);
this._boundingBox.set('aria-hidden', !visible);
if (visible) {
} else {
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, null);
this._set(HOVERED_ITEM, null);
// Force a reflow to work around a glitch in IE6 and 7 where some of
// the contents of the list will sometimes remain visible after the
// container is hidden.
// In some pages, IE7 fails to repaint the contents of the list after it
// becomes visible. Toggling a bogus class on the body forces a repaint
// that fixes the issue.
if ( === 7) {
// Note: We don't actually need to use ClassNameManager here. This
// class isn't applying any actual styles; it's just frobbing the
// body element to force a repaint. The actual class name doesn't
// really matter.
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
Handles `activeItemChange` events.
@method _afterActiveItemChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterActiveItemChange: function (e) {
var inputNode = this._inputNode,
newVal = e.newVal,
prevVal = e.prevVal,
// The previous item may have disappeared by the time this handler runs,
// so we need to be careful.
if (prevVal && prevVal._node) {
if (newVal) {
inputNode.set('aria-activedescendant', newVal.get(ID));
} else {
if (this.get('scrollIntoView')) {
node = newVal || inputNode;
if (!node.inRegion(Y.DOM.viewportRegion(), true)
|| !node.inRegion(this._contentBox, true)) {
Handles `alwaysShowListChange` events.
@method _afterAlwaysShowListChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterAlwaysShowListChange: function (e) {
this.set(VISIBLE, e.newVal || this.get(RESULTS).length > 0);
Handles click events on the document. If the click is outside both the
input node and the bounding box, the list will be hidden.
@method _afterDocClick
@param {EventFacade} e
@since 3.5.0
_afterDocClick: function (e) {
var boundingBox = this._boundingBox,
target =;
if (target !== this._inputNode && target !== boundingBox &&
!target.ancestor('#' + boundingBox.get('id'), true)){
Handles `hoveredItemChange` events.
@method _afterHoveredItemChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterHoveredItemChange: function (e) {
var newVal = e.newVal,
prevVal = e.prevVal;
if (prevVal) {
if (newVal) {
Handles `inputNode` blur events.
@method _afterListInputBlur
_afterListInputBlur: function () {
this._listInputFocused = false;
if (this.get(VISIBLE) &&
!this._mouseOverList &&
(this._lastInputKey !== KEY_TAB ||
!this.get('tabSelect') ||
!this.get(ACTIVE_ITEM))) {
Handles `inputNode` focus events.
@method _afterListInputFocus
_afterListInputFocus: function () {
this._listInputFocused = true;
Handles `mouseover` events.
@method _afterMouseOver
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterMouseOver: function (e) {
var itemNode =[_SELECTOR_ITEM], true);
this._mouseOverList = true;
if (itemNode) {
this._set(HOVERED_ITEM, itemNode);
Handles `mouseout` events.
@method _afterMouseOut
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterMouseOut: function () {
this._mouseOverList = false;
this._set(HOVERED_ITEM, null);
Handles `resultsChange` events.
@method _afterResultsChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterResultsChange: function (e) {
if (!this.get(ALWAYS_SHOW_LIST)) {
this.set(VISIBLE, !!e.newVal.length);
Handles `visibleChange` events.
@method _afterVisibleChange
@param {EventFacade} e
_afterVisibleChange: function (e) {
Delegated event handler for item `click` events.
@method _onItemClick
@param {EventFacade} e
_onItemClick: function (e) {
var itemNode = e.currentTarget;
this.set(ACTIVE_ITEM, itemNode);
this.selectItem(itemNode, e);
// -- Protected Default Event Handlers -------------------------------------
Default `select` event handler.
@method _defSelectFn
@param {EventFacade} e
_defSelectFn: function (e) {
var text = e.result.text;
// TODO: support typeahead completion, etc.
this._ariaSay('item_selected', {item: text});
}, {
If `true`, the first item in the list will be activated by default when
the list is initially displayed and when results change.
@attribute activateFirstItem
@type Boolean
@default false
activateFirstItem: {
value: false
Item that's currently active, if any. When the user presses enter, this
is the item that will be selected.
@attribute activeItem
@type Node
activeItem: {
value: null
If `true`, the list will remain visible even when there are no results
to display.
@attribute alwaysShowList
@type Boolean
@default false
alwaysShowList: {
value: false
If `true`, keyboard navigation will wrap around to the opposite end of
the list when navigating past the first or last item.
@attribute circular
@type Boolean
@default true
circular: {
value: true
Item currently being hovered over by the mouse, if any.
@attribute hoveredItem
@type Node|null
hoveredItem: {
readOnly: true,
value: null
Node that will contain result items.
@attribute listNode
@type Node|null
listNode: {
writeOnce: 'initOnly',
value: null
If `true`, the viewport will be scrolled to ensure that the active list
item is visible when necessary.
@attribute scrollIntoView
@type Boolean
@default false
scrollIntoView: {
value: false
Translatable strings used by the AutoCompleteList widget.
@attribute strings
@type Object
strings: {
valueFn: function () {
return Y.Intl.get('autocomplete-list');
If `true`, pressing the tab key while the list is visible will select
the active item, if any.
@attribute tabSelect
@type Boolean
@default true
tabSelect: {
value: true
// The "visible" attribute is documented in Widget.
visible: {
value: false
CSS_PREFIX: Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('aclist')
Y.AutoCompleteList = List;
Alias for <a href="AutoCompleteList.html">`AutoCompleteList`</a>. See that class
for API docs.
@class AutoComplete
Y.AutoComplete = List;
}, '3.17.2', {
"lang": [
"requires": [
"skinnable": true