You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1720 lines
59 KiB
1720 lines
59 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('calendar-base', function (Y, NAME) {
* The CalendarBase submodule is a basic UI calendar view that displays
* a range of dates in a two-dimensional month grid, with one or more
* months visible at a single time. CalendarBase supports custom date
* rendering, multiple calendar panes, and selection.
* @module calendar
* @submodule calendar-base
var getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
CALENDAR = 'calendar',
CAL_GRID = getCN(CALENDAR, 'grid'),
CAL_LEFT_GRID = getCN(CALENDAR, 'left-grid'),
CAL_RIGHT_GRID = getCN(CALENDAR, 'right-grid'),
CAL_BODY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'body'),
CAL_HD = getCN(CALENDAR, 'header'),
CAL_HD_LABEL = getCN(CALENDAR, 'header-label'),
CAL_WDAYROW = getCN(CALENDAR, 'weekdayrow'),
CAL_WDAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'weekday'),
CAL_COL_HIDDEN = getCN(CALENDAR, 'column-hidden'),
CAL_DAY_SELECTED = getCN(CALENDAR, 'day-selected'),
SELECTION_DISABLED = getCN(CALENDAR, 'selection-disabled'),
CAL_ROW = getCN(CALENDAR, 'row'),
CAL_DAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'day'),
CAL_PREVMONTH_DAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'prevmonth-day'),
CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY = getCN(CALENDAR, 'nextmonth-day'),
CAL_ANCHOR = getCN(CALENDAR, 'anchor'),
CAL_PANE = getCN(CALENDAR, 'pane'),
CAL_STATUS = getCN(CALENDAR, 'status'),
L = Y.Lang,
substitute = L.sub,
arrayEach = Y.Array.each,
objEach = Y.Object.each,
iOf = Y.Array.indexOf,
hasKey = Y.Object.hasKey,
setVal = Y.Object.setValue,
isEmpty = Y.Object.isEmpty,
ydate = Y.DataType.Date;
/** Create a calendar view to represent a single or multiple
* month range of dates, rendered as a grid with date and
* weekday labels.
* @class CalendarBase
* @extends Widget
* @param config {Object} Configuration object (see Configuration
* attributes)
* @constructor
function CalendarBase() {
CalendarBase.superclass.constructor.apply ( this, arguments );
Y.CalendarBase = Y.extend( CalendarBase, Y.Widget, {
* A storage for various properties of individual month
* panes.
* @property _paneProperties
* @type Object
* @private
_paneProperties : {},
* The number of month panes in the calendar, deduced
* from the CONTENT_TEMPLATE's number of {calendar_grid}
* tokens.
* @property _paneNumber
* @type Number
* @private
_paneNumber : 1,
* The unique id used to prefix various elements of this
* calendar instance.
* @property _calendarId
* @type String
* @private
_calendarId : null,
* The hash map of selected dates, populated with
* selectDates() and deselectDates() methods
* @property _selectedDates
* @type Object
* @private
_selectedDates : {},
* A private copy of the rules object, populated
* by setting the customRenderer attribute.
* @property _rules
* @type Object
* @private
_rules : {},
* A private copy of the filterFunction, populated
* by setting the customRenderer attribute.
* @property _filterFunction
* @type Function
* @private
_filterFunction : null,
* Storage for calendar cells modified by any custom
* formatting. The storage is cleared, used to restore
* cells to the original state, and repopulated accordingly
* when the calendar is rerendered.
* @property _storedDateCells
* @type Object
* @private
_storedDateCells : {},
* Designated initializer
* Initializes instance-level properties of
* calendar.
* @method initializer
initializer : function () {
this._paneProperties = {};
this._calendarId = Y.guid('calendar');
this._selectedDates = {};
if (isEmpty(this._rules)) {
this._rules = {};
this._storedDateCells = {};
* renderUI implementation
* Creates a visual representation of the calendar based on existing parameters.
* @method renderUI
renderUI : function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox');
if (this.get('showPrevMonth')) {
if (this.get('showNextMonth')) {
this.get("boundingBox").setAttribute("aria-labelledby", this._calendarId + "_header");
* bindUI implementation
* Assigns listeners to relevant events that change the state
* of the calendar.
* @method bindUI
bindUI : function () {
this.after('dateChange', this._afterDateChange);
this.after('showPrevMonthChange', this._afterShowPrevMonthChange);
this.after('showNextMonthChange', this._afterShowNextMonthChange);
this.after('headerRendererChange', this._afterHeaderRendererChange);
this.after('customRendererChange', this._afterCustomRendererChange);
this.after('enabledDatesRuleChange', this._afterCustomRendererChange);
this.after('disabledDatesRuleChange', this._afterCustomRendererChange);
this.after('focusedChange', this._afterFocusedChange);
this.after('selectionChange', this._renderSelectedDates);
* An internal utility method that generates a list of selected dates
* from the hash storage.
* @method _getSelectedDatesList
* @protected
* @return {Array} The array of `Date`s that are currently selected.
_getSelectedDatesList : function () {
var output = [];
objEach (this._selectedDates, function (year) {
objEach (year, function (month) {
objEach (month, function (day) {
output.push (day);
}, this);
}, this);
}, this);
return output;
* A utility method that returns all dates selected in a specific month.
* @method _getSelectedDatesInMonth
* @param {Date} oDate corresponding to the month for which selected dates
* are requested.
* @protected
* @return {Array} The array of `Date`s in a given month that are currently selected.
_getSelectedDatesInMonth : function (oDate) {
var year = oDate.getFullYear(),
month = oDate.getMonth();
if (hasKey(this._selectedDates, year) && hasKey(this._selectedDates[year], month)) {
return Y.Object.values(this._selectedDates[year][month]);
} else {
return [];
* An internal parsing method that receives a String list of numbers
* and number ranges (of the form "1,2,3,4-6,7-9,10,11" etc.) and checks
* whether a specific number is included in this list. Used for looking
* up dates in the customRenderer rule set.
* @method _isNumInList
* @param {Number} num The number to look for in a list.
* @param {String} strList The list of numbers of the form "1,2,3,4-6,7-8,9", etc.
* @private
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the given number is in the given list.
_isNumInList : function (num, strList) {
if (strList === "all") {
return true;
} else {
var elements = strList.split(","),
i = elements.length,
while (i--) {
range = elements[i].split("-");
if (range.length === 2 && num >= parseInt(range[0], 10) && num <= parseInt(range[1], 10)) {
return true;
else if (range.length === 1 && (parseInt(elements[i], 10) === num)) {
return true;
return false;
* Given a specific date, returns an array of rules (from the customRenderer rule set)
* that the given date matches.
* @method _getRulesForDate
* @param {Date} oDate The date for which an array of rules is needed
* @private
* @return {Array} Returns an array of `String`s, each containg the name of
* a rule that the given date matches.
_getRulesForDate : function (oDate) {
var year = oDate.getFullYear(),
month = oDate.getMonth(),
date = oDate.getDate(),
wday = oDate.getDay(),
rules = this._rules,
outputRules = [],
years, months, dates, days;
for (years in rules) {
if (this._isNumInList(year, years)) {
if (L.isString(rules[years])) {
else {
for (months in rules[years]) {
if (this._isNumInList(month, months)) {
if (L.isString(rules[years][months])) {
else {
for (dates in rules[years][months]) {
if (this._isNumInList(date, dates)) {
if (L.isString(rules[years][months][dates])) {
else {
for (days in rules[years][months][dates]) {
if (this._isNumInList(wday, days)) {
if (L.isString(rules[years][months][dates][days])) {
return outputRules;
* A utility method which, given a specific date and a name of the rule,
* checks whether the date matches the given rule.
* @method _matchesRule
* @param {Date} oDate The date to check
* @param {String} rule The name of the rule that the date should match.
* @private
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the date matches the given rule.
_matchesRule : function (oDate, rule) {
return (iOf(this._getRulesForDate(oDate), rule) >= 0);
* A utility method which checks whether a given date matches the `enabledDatesRule`
* or does not match the `disabledDatesRule` and therefore whether it can be selected.
* @method _canBeSelected
* @param {Date} oDate The date to check
* @private
* @return {boolean} Returns true if the date can be selected; false otherwise.
_canBeSelected : function (oDate) {
var enabledDatesRule = this.get("enabledDatesRule"),
disabledDatesRule = this.get("disabledDatesRule");
if (enabledDatesRule) {
return this._matchesRule(oDate, enabledDatesRule);
} else if (disabledDatesRule) {
return !this._matchesRule(oDate, disabledDatesRule);
} else {
return true;
* Selects a given date or array of dates.
* @method selectDates
* @param {Date|Array} dates A `Date` or `Array` of `Date`s.
* @return {CalendarBase} A reference to this object
* @chainable
selectDates : function (dates) {
if (ydate.isValidDate(dates)) {
else if (L.isArray(dates)) {
return this;
* Deselects a given date or array of dates, or deselects
* all dates if no argument is specified.
* @method deselectDates
* @param {Date|Array} [dates] A `Date` or `Array` of `Date`s, or no
* argument if all dates should be deselected.
* @return {CalendarBase} A reference to this object
* @chainable
deselectDates : function (dates) {
if (!dates) {
else if (ydate.isValidDate(dates)) {
else if (L.isArray(dates)) {
return this;
* A utility method that adds a given date to selection..
* @method _addDateToSelection
* @param {Date} oDate The date to add to selection.
* @param {Number} [index] An optional parameter that is used
* to differentiate between individual date selections and multiple
* date selections.
* @private
_addDateToSelection : function (oDate, index) {
oDate = this._normalizeTime(oDate);
if (this._canBeSelected(oDate)) {
var year = oDate.getFullYear(),
month = oDate.getMonth(),
day = oDate.getDate();
if (hasKey(this._selectedDates, year)) {
if (hasKey(this._selectedDates[year], month)) {
this._selectedDates[year][month][day] = oDate;
} else {
this._selectedDates[year][month] = {};
this._selectedDates[year][month][day] = oDate;
} else {
this._selectedDates[year] = {};
this._selectedDates[year][month] = {};
this._selectedDates[year][month][day] = oDate;
this._selectedDates = setVal(this._selectedDates, [year, month, day], oDate);
if (!index) {
* A utility method that adds a given list of dates to selection.
* @method _addDatesToSelection
* @param {Array} datesArray The list of dates to add to selection.
* @private
_addDatesToSelection : function (datesArray) {
arrayEach(datesArray, this._addDateToSelection, this);
* A utility method that adds a given range of dates to selection.
* @method _addDateRangeToSelection
* @param {Date} startDate The first date of the given range.
* @param {Date} endDate The last date of the given range.
* @private
_addDateRangeToSelection : function (startDate, endDate) {
var timezoneDifference = (endDate.getTimezoneOffset() - startDate.getTimezoneOffset())*60000,
startTime = startDate.getTime(),
endTime = endDate.getTime(),
if (startTime > endTime) {
tempTime = startTime;
startTime = endTime;
endTime = tempTime + timezoneDifference;
} else {
endTime = endTime - timezoneDifference;
for (time = startTime; time <= endTime; time += 86400000) {
addedDate = new Date(time);
this._addDateToSelection(addedDate, time);
* A utility method that removes a given date from selection..
* @method _removeDateFromSelection
* @param {Date} oDate The date to remove from selection.
* @param {Number} [index] An optional parameter that is used
* to differentiate between individual date selections and multiple
* date selections.
* @private
_removeDateFromSelection : function (oDate, index) {
var year = oDate.getFullYear(),
month = oDate.getMonth(),
day = oDate.getDate();
if (hasKey(this._selectedDates, year) &&
hasKey(this._selectedDates[year], month) &&
hasKey(this._selectedDates[year][month], day)
) {
delete this._selectedDates[year][month][day];
if (!index) {
* A utility method that removes a given list of dates from selection.
* @method _removeDatesFromSelection
* @param {Array} datesArray The list of dates to remove from selection.
* @private
_removeDatesFromSelection : function (datesArray) {
arrayEach(datesArray, this._removeDateFromSelection, this);
* A utility method that removes a given range of dates from selection.
* @method _removeDateRangeFromSelection
* @param {Date} startDate The first date of the given range.
* @param {Date} endDate The last date of the given range.
* @private
_removeDateRangeFromSelection : function (startDate, endDate) {
var startTime = startDate.getTime(),
endTime = endDate.getTime(),
for (time = startTime; time <= endTime; time += 86400000) {
this._removeDateFromSelection(new Date(time), time);
* A utility method that removes all dates from selection.
* @method _clearSelection
* @param {boolean} noevent A Boolean specifying whether a selectionChange
* event should be fired. If true, the event is not fired.
* @private
_clearSelection : function (noevent) {
this._selectedDates = {};
this.get("contentBox").all("." + CAL_DAY_SELECTED).removeClass(CAL_DAY_SELECTED).setAttribute("aria-selected", false);
if (!noevent) {
* A utility method that fires a selectionChange event.
* @method _fireSelectionChange
* @private
_fireSelectionChange : function () {
* Fired when the set of selected dates changes. Contains a payload with
* a `newSelection` property with an array of selected dates.
* @event selectionChange
|"selectionChange", {newSelection: this._getSelectedDatesList()});
* A utility method that restores cells modified by custom formatting.
* @method _restoreModifiedCells
* @private
_restoreModifiedCells : function () {
var contentbox = this.get("contentBox"),
for (id in this._storedDateCells) {
|"#" + id).replace(this._storedDateCells[id]);
delete this._storedDateCells[id];
* A rendering assist method that renders all cells modified by the customRenderer
* rules, as well as the enabledDatesRule and disabledDatesRule.
* @method _renderCustomRules
* @private
_renderCustomRules : function () {
this.get("contentBox").all("." + CAL_DAY + ",." + CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY).removeClass(SELECTION_DISABLED).setAttribute("aria-disabled", false);
if (!isEmpty(this._rules)) {
var paneNum,
for (paneNum = 0; paneNum < this._paneNumber; paneNum++) {
paneDate = ydate.addMonths(this.get("date"), paneNum);
dateArray = ydate.listOfDatesInMonth(paneDate);
arrayEach(dateArray, Y.bind(this._renderCustomRulesHelper, this));
* A handler for a date selection event (either a click or a keyboard
* selection) that adds the appropriate CSS class to a specific DOM
* node corresponding to the date and sets its aria-selected
* attribute to true.
* @method _renderCustomRulesHelper
* @private
_renderCustomRulesHelper: function (date) {
var enRule = this.get("enabledDatesRule"),
disRule = this.get("disabledDatesRule"),
matchingRules = this._getRulesForDate(date);
if (matchingRules.length > 0) {
if ((enRule && iOf(matchingRules, enRule) < 0) || (!enRule && disRule && iOf(matchingRules, disRule) >= 0)) {
if (L.isFunction(this._filterFunction)) {
dateNode = this._dateToNode(date);
this._storedDateCells[dateNode.get("id")] = dateNode.cloneNode(true);
this._filterFunction (date, dateNode, matchingRules);
} else if (enRule) {
* A rendering assist method that renders all cells that are currently selected.
* @method _renderSelectedDates
* @private
_renderSelectedDates : function () {
this.get("contentBox").all("." + CAL_DAY_SELECTED).removeClass(CAL_DAY_SELECTED).setAttribute("aria-selected", false);
var paneNum,
for (paneNum = 0; paneNum < this._paneNumber; paneNum++) {
paneDate = ydate.addMonths(this.get("date"), paneNum);
dateArray = this._getSelectedDatesInMonth(paneDate);
arrayEach(dateArray, Y.bind(this._renderSelectedDatesHelper, this));
* Takes in a date and determines whether that date has any rules
* matching it in the customRenderer; then calls the specified
* filterFunction if that's the case and/or disables the date
* if the rule is specified as a disabledDatesRule.
* @method _renderSelectedDatesHelper
* @private
_renderSelectedDatesHelper: function (date) {
this._dateToNode(date).addClass(CAL_DAY_SELECTED).setAttribute("aria-selected", true);
* Add the selection-disabled class and aria-disabled attribute to a node corresponding
* to a given date.
* @method _disableDate
* @param {Date} date The date to disable
* @private
_disableDate: function (date) {
this._dateToNode(date).addClass(SELECTION_DISABLED).setAttribute("aria-disabled", true);
* A utility method that converts a date to the node wrapping the calendar cell
* the date corresponds to..
* @method _dateToNode
* @param {Date} oDate The date to convert to Node
* @protected
* @return {Node} The node wrapping the DOM element of the cell the date
* corresponds to.
_dateToNode : function (oDate) {
var day = oDate.getDate(),
col = 0,
daymod = day%7,
paneNum = (12 + oDate.getMonth() - this.get("date").getMonth()) % 12,
paneId = this._calendarId + "_pane_" + paneNum,
cutoffCol = this._paneProperties[paneId].cutoffCol;
switch (daymod) {
case (0):
if (cutoffCol >= 6) {
col = 12;
} else {
col = 5;
case (1):
col = 6;
case (2):
if (cutoffCol > 0) {
col = 7;
} else {
col = 0;
case (3):
if (cutoffCol > 1) {
col = 8;
} else {
col = 1;
case (4):
if (cutoffCol > 2) {
col = 9;
} else {
col = 2;
case (5):
if (cutoffCol > 3) {
col = 10;
} else {
col = 3;
case (6):
if (cutoffCol > 4) {
col = 11;
} else {
col = 4;
return(this.get("contentBox").one("#" + this._calendarId + "_pane_" + paneNum + "_" + col + "_" + day));
* A utility method that converts a node corresponding to the DOM element of
* the cell for a particular date to that date.
* @method _nodeToDate
* @param {Node} oNode The Node wrapping the DOM element of a particular date cell.
* @protected
* @return {Date} The date corresponding to the DOM element that the given node wraps.
_nodeToDate : function (oNode) {
var idParts = oNode.get("id").split("_").reverse(),
paneNum = parseInt(idParts[2], 10),
day = parseInt(idParts[0], 10),
shiftedDate = ydate.addMonths(this.get("date"), paneNum),
year = shiftedDate.getFullYear(),
month = shiftedDate.getMonth();
return new Date(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0, 0);
* A placeholder method, called from bindUI, to bind the Calendar events.
* @method _bindCalendarEvents
* @protected
_bindCalendarEvents : function () {},
* A utility method that normalizes a given date by converting it to the 1st
* day of the month the date is in, with the time set to noon.
* @method _normalizeDate
* @param {Date} oDate The date to normalize
* @protected
* @return {Date} The normalized date, set to the first of the month, with time
* set to noon.
_normalizeDate : function (date) {
if (date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1, 12, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
return null;
* A utility method that normalizes a given date by setting its time to noon.
* @method _normalizeTime
* @param {Date} oDate The date to normalize
* @protected
* @return {Date} The normalized date
* set to noon.
_normalizeTime : function (date) {
if (date) {
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 12, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
return null;
* A render assist utility method that computes the cutoff column for the calendar
* rendering mask.
* @method _getCutoffColumn
* @param {Date} date The date of the month grid to compute the cutoff column for.
* @param {Number} firstday The first day of the week (modified by internationalized calendars)
* @private
* @return {Number} The number of the cutoff column.
_getCutoffColumn : function (date, firstday) {
var distance = this._normalizeDate(date).getDay() - firstday,
cutOffColumn = 6 - (distance + 7) % 7;
return cutOffColumn;
* A render assist method that turns on the view of the previous month's dates
* in a given calendar pane.
* @method _turnPrevMonthOn
* @param {Node} pane The calendar pane that needs its previous month's dates view
* modified.
* @protected
_turnPrevMonthOn : function (pane) {
var pane_id = pane.get("id"),
pane_date = this._paneProperties[pane_id].paneDate,
daysInPrevMonth = ydate.daysInMonth(ydate.addMonths(pane_date, -1)),
if (!this._paneProperties[pane_id].hasOwnProperty("daysInPrevMonth")) {
this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInPrevMonth = 0;
if (daysInPrevMonth !== this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInPrevMonth) {
this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInPrevMonth = daysInPrevMonth;
for (cell = 5; cell >= 0; cell--) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell-5)).set('text', daysInPrevMonth--);
* A render assist method that turns off the view of the previous month's dates
* in a given calendar pane.
* @method _turnPrevMonthOff
* @param {Node} pane The calendar pane that needs its previous month's dates view
* modified.
* @protected
_turnPrevMonthOff : function (pane) {
var pane_id = pane.get("id"),
this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInPrevMonth = 0;
for (cell = 5; cell >= 0; cell--) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell-5)).setContent(" ");
* A render assist method that cleans up the last few cells in the month grid
* when the number of days in the month changes.
* @method _cleanUpNextMonthCells
* @param {Node} pane The calendar pane that needs the last date cells cleaned up.
* @private
_cleanUpNextMonthCells : function (pane) {
var pane_id = pane.get("id");
|"#" + pane_id + "_6_29").removeClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
|"#" + pane_id + "_7_30").removeClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
|"#" + pane_id + "_8_31").removeClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
|"#" + pane_id + "_0_30").removeClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
|"#" + pane_id + "_1_31").removeClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
* A render assist method that turns on the view of the next month's dates
* in a given calendar pane.
* @method _turnNextMonthOn
* @param {Node} pane The calendar pane that needs its next month's dates view
* modified.
* @protected
_turnNextMonthOn : function (pane) {
var dayCounter = 1,
pane_id = pane.get("id"),
daysInMonth = this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInMonth,
cutoffCol = this._paneProperties[pane_id].cutoffCol,
for (cell = daysInMonth - 22; cell < cutoffCol + 7; cell++) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell+23)).set("text", dayCounter++).addClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
startingCell = cutoffCol;
if (daysInMonth === 31 && (cutoffCol <= 1)) {
startingCell = 2;
} else if (daysInMonth === 30 && cutoffCol === 0) {
startingCell = 1;
for (cell = startingCell ; cell < cutoffCol + 7; cell++) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell+30)).set("text", dayCounter++).addClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
* A render assist method that turns off the view of the next month's dates
* in a given calendar pane.
* @method _turnNextMonthOff
* @param {Node} pane The calendar pane that needs its next month's dates view
* modified.
* @protected
_turnNextMonthOff : function (pane) {
var pane_id = pane.get("id"),
daysInMonth = this._paneProperties[pane_id].daysInMonth,
cutoffCol = this._paneProperties[pane_id].cutoffCol,
for (cell = daysInMonth - 22; cell <= 12; cell++) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell+23)).setContent(" ").addClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
startingCell = 0;
if (daysInMonth === 31 && (cutoffCol <= 1)) {
startingCell = 2;
} else if (daysInMonth === 30 && cutoffCol === 0) {
startingCell = 1;
for (cell = startingCell ; cell <= 12; cell++) {
|"#" + pane_id + "_" + cell + "_" + (cell+30)).setContent(" ").addClass(CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY);
* The handler for the change in the showNextMonth attribute.
* @method _afterShowNextMonthChange
* @private
_afterShowNextMonthChange : function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
lastPane ="#" + this._calendarId + "_pane_" + (this._paneNumber - 1));
if (this.get('showNextMonth')) {
} else {
* The handler for the change in the showPrevMonth attribute.
* @method _afterShowPrevMonthChange
* @private
_afterShowPrevMonthChange : function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
firstPane ="#" + this._calendarId + "_pane_" + 0);
if (this.get('showPrevMonth')) {
} else {
* The handler for the change in the headerRenderer attribute.
* @method _afterHeaderRendererChange
* @private
_afterHeaderRendererChange : function () {
var headerCell = this.get("contentBox").one("." + CAL_HD_LABEL);
* The handler for the change in the customRenderer attribute.
* @method _afterCustomRendererChange
* @private
_afterCustomRendererChange : function () {
* The handler for the change in the date attribute. Modifies the calendar
* view by shifting the calendar grid mask and running custom rendering and
* selection rendering as necessary.
* @method _afterDateChange
* @private
_afterDateChange : function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
headerCell ="." + CAL_HD).one("." + CAL_HD_LABEL),
calendarPanes = contentBox.all("." + CAL_GRID),
currentDate = this.get("date"),
counter = 0;
contentBox.setStyle("visibility", "hidden");
calendarPanes.each(function (curNode) {
this._rerenderCalendarPane(ydate.addMonths(currentDate, counter++), curNode);
}, this);
contentBox.setStyle("visibility", "inherit");
* A rendering assist method that initializes the HTML for a single
* calendar pane.
* @method _initCalendarPane
* @param {Date} baseDate The date corresponding to the month of the given
* calendar pane.
* @param {String} pane_id The id of the pane, to be used as a prefix for
* element ids in the given pane.
* @private
_initCalendarPane : function (baseDate, pane_id) {
// Get a list of short weekdays from the internationalization package, or else use default English ones.
var shortWeekDays = this.get('strings.very_short_weekdays') || ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
weekDays = Y.Intl.get('datatype-date-format').A,
// Get the first day of the week from the internationalization package, or else use Sunday as default.
firstday = this.get('strings.first_weekday') || 0,
// Compute the cutoff column of the masked calendar table, based on the start date and the first day of week.
cutoffCol = this._getCutoffColumn(baseDate, firstday),
// Compute the number of days in the month based on starting date
daysInMonth = ydate.daysInMonth(baseDate),
// Initialize the array of individual row HTML strings
row_array = ['','','','','',''],
// Initialize the partial templates object
partials = {},
// Initialize the partial template for the weekday row cells.
partials.weekday_row = '';
// Populate the partial template for the weekday row cells with weekday names
for (day = firstday; day <= firstday + 6; day++) {
partials.weekday_row +=
substitute(CalendarBase.WEEKDAY_TEMPLATE, {
short_weekdayname: shortWeekDays[day%7],
weekdayname: weekDays[day%7]
// Populate the partial template for the weekday row container with the weekday row cells
partials.weekday_row_template = substitute(CalendarBase.WEEKDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE, partials);
// Populate the array of individual row HTML strings
for (row = 0; row <= 5; row++) {
for (column = 0; column <= 12; column++) {
// Compute the value of the date that needs to populate the cell
date = 7*row - 5 + column;
// Compose the value of the unique id of the current calendar cell
id_date = pane_id + "_" + column + "_" + date;
// Set the calendar day class to one of three possible values
calendar_day_class = CAL_DAY;
if (date < 1) {
calendar_day_class = CAL_PREVMONTH_DAY;
} else if (date > daysInMonth) {
calendar_day_class = CAL_NEXTMONTH_DAY;
// Cut off dates that fall before the first and after the last date of the month
if (date < 1 || date > daysInMonth) {
date = " ";
// Decide on whether a column in the masked table is visible or not based on the value of the cutoff column.
column_visibility = (column >= cutoffCol && column < (cutoffCol + 7)) ? '' : CAL_COL_HIDDEN;
// Substitute the values into the partial calendar day template and add it to the current row HTML string
row_array[row] += substitute (CalendarBase.CALDAY_TEMPLATE, {
day_content: date,
calendar_col_class: "calendar_col" + column,
calendar_col_visibility_class: column_visibility,
calendar_day_class: calendar_day_class,
calendar_day_id: id_date
// Instantiate the partial calendar pane body template
partials.body_template = '';
// Populate the body template with the rows templates
arrayEach (row_array, function (v) {
partials.body_template += substitute(CalendarBase.CALDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE, {calday_row: v});
// Populate the calendar grid id
partials.calendar_pane_id = pane_id;
// Populate the calendar pane tabindex
partials.calendar_pane_tabindex = this.get("tabIndex");
partials.pane_arialabel = ydate.format(baseDate, { format: "%B %Y" });
// Generate final output by substituting class names.
output = substitute(substitute (CalendarBase.CALENDAR_GRID_TEMPLATE, partials),
// Store the initialized pane information
this._paneProperties[pane_id] = {cutoffCol: cutoffCol, daysInMonth: daysInMonth, paneDate: baseDate};
return output;
* A rendering assist method that rerenders a specified calendar pane, based
* on a new Date.
* @method _rerenderCalendarPane
* @param {Date} newDate The date corresponding to the month of the given
* calendar pane.
* @param {Node} pane The node corresponding to the calendar pane to be rerenders.
* @private
_rerenderCalendarPane : function (newDate, pane) {
// Get the first day of the week from the internationalization package, or else use Sunday as default.
var firstday = this.get('strings.first_weekday') || 0,
// Compute the cutoff column of the masked calendar table, based on the start date and the first day of week.
cutoffCol = this._getCutoffColumn(newDate, firstday),
// Compute the number of days in the month based on starting date
daysInMonth = ydate.daysInMonth(newDate),
// Get pane id for easier reference
paneId = pane.get("id"),
// Hide the pane before making DOM changes to speed them up
pane.setStyle("visibility", "hidden");
pane.setAttribute("aria-label", ydate.format(newDate, {format:"%B %Y"}));
// Go through all columns, and flip their visibility setting based on whether they are within the unmasked range.
for (column = 0; column <= 12; column++) {
currentColumn = pane.all("." + "calendar_col" + column);
if (column < cutoffCol || column >= (cutoffCol + 7)) {
} else {
// Clean up dates in visible columns to account for the correct number of days in a month
switch(column) {
case 0:
curCell ="#" + paneId + "_0_30");
if (daysInMonth >= 30) {
curCell.set("text", "30");
} else {
curCell.setContent(" ");
case 1:
curCell ="#" + paneId + "_1_31");
if (daysInMonth >= 31) {
curCell.set("text", "31");
} else {
curCell.setContent(" ");
case 6:
curCell ="#" + paneId + "_6_29");
if (daysInMonth >= 29) {
curCell.set("text", "29");
} else {
curCell.setContent(" ");
case 7:
curCell ="#" + paneId + "_7_30");
if (daysInMonth >= 30) {
curCell.set("text", "30");
} else {
curCell.setContent(" ");
case 8:
curCell ="#" + paneId + "_8_31");
if (daysInMonth >= 31) {
curCell.set("text", "31");
} else {
curCell.setContent(" ");
// Update stored pane properties
this._paneProperties[paneId].cutoffCol = cutoffCol;
this._paneProperties[paneId].daysInMonth = daysInMonth;
this._paneProperties[paneId].paneDate = newDate;
// Bring the pane visibility back after all DOM changes are done
pane.setStyle("visibility", "inherit");
* A rendering assist method that updates the calendar header based
* on a given date and potentially the provided headerRenderer.
* @method _updateCalendarHeader
* @param {Date} baseDate The date with which to update the calendar header.
* @private
_updateCalendarHeader : function (baseDate) {
var headerString = "",
headerRenderer = this.get("headerRenderer");
if (Y.Lang.isString(headerRenderer)) {
headerString = ydate.format(baseDate, {format:headerRenderer});
} else if (headerRenderer instanceof Function) {
headerString =, baseDate);
return headerString;
* A rendering assist method that initializes the calendar header HTML
* based on a given date and potentially the provided headerRenderer.
* @method _initCalendarHeader
* @param {Date} baseDate The date with which to initialize the calendar header.
* @private
_initCalendarHeader : function (baseDate) {
return substitute(substitute(CalendarBase.HEADER_TEMPLATE, {
calheader: this._updateCalendarHeader(baseDate),
calendar_id: this._calendarId
}), CalendarBase.CALENDAR_STRINGS );
* A rendering assist method that initializes the calendar HTML
* based on a given date.
* @method _initCalendarHTML
* @param {Date} baseDate The date with which to initialize the calendar.
* @private
_initCalendarHTML : function (baseDate) {
// Instantiate the partials holder
var partials = {},
// Counter for iterative template replacement.
counter = 0,
// Generate the template for the header
partials.header_template = this._initCalendarHeader(baseDate);
partials.calendar_id = this._calendarId;
partials.body_template = substitute(substitute (CalendarBase.CONTENT_TEMPLATE, partials),
// Instantiate the iterative template replacer function
function paneReplacer () {
singlePane = this._initCalendarPane(ydate.addMonths(baseDate, counter), partials.calendar_id + "_pane_" + counter);
return singlePane;
// Go through all occurrences of the calendar_grid_template token and replace it with an appropriate calendar grid.
output = partials.body_template.replace(/\{calendar_grid_template\}/g, Y.bind(paneReplacer, this));
// Update the paneNumber count
this._paneNumber = counter;
return output;
}, {
* The CSS classnames for the calendar templates.
* @type Object
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
calendar_grid_class : CAL_GRID,
calendar_body_class : CAL_BODY,
calendar_hd_class : CAL_HD,
calendar_hd_label_class : CAL_HD_LABEL,
calendar_weekdayrow_class : CAL_WDAYROW,
calendar_weekday_class : CAL_WDAY,
calendar_row_class : CAL_ROW,
calendar_day_class : CAL_DAY,
calendar_dayanchor_class : CAL_ANCHOR,
calendar_pane_class : CAL_PANE,
calendar_right_grid_class : CAL_RIGHT_GRID,
calendar_left_grid_class : CAL_LEFT_GRID,
calendar_status_class : CAL_STATUS
ARIA_STATUS_TEMPLATE: '<div role="status" aria-atomic="true" class="{calendar_status_class}"></div>',
AriaStatus : null,
updateStatus : function (statusString) {
if (!CalendarBase.AriaStatus) {
CalendarBase.AriaStatus = create(
substitute (CalendarBase.ARIA_STATUS_TEMPLATE,
CalendarBase.AriaStatus.set("text", statusString);
* The main content template for calendar.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
CONTENT_TEMPLATE: '<div class="yui3-g {calendar_pane_class}" id="{calendar_id}">' +
'{header_template}' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
* A single pane template for calendar (same as default CONTENT_TEMPLATE)
* @type String
* @protected
* @readOnly
* @static
ONE_PANE_TEMPLATE: '<div class="yui3-g {calendar_pane_class}" id="{calendar_id}">' +
'{header_template}' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
* A two pane template for calendar.
* @type String
* @protected
* @readOnly
* @static
TWO_PANE_TEMPLATE: '<div class="yui3-g {calendar_pane_class}" id="{calendar_id}">' +
'{header_template}' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1-2">'+
'<div class = "{calendar_left_grid_class}">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1-2">' +
'<div class = "{calendar_right_grid_class}">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
* A three pane template for calendar.
* @type String
* @protected
* @readOnly
* @static
THREE_PANE_TEMPLATE: '<div class="yui3-g {calendar_pane_class}" id="{calendar_id}">' +
'{header_template}' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1-3">' +
'<div class="{calendar_left_grid_class}">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1-3">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="yui3-u-1-3">' +
'<div class="{calendar_right_grid_class}">' +
'{calendar_grid_template}' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
* A template for the calendar grid.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
CALENDAR_GRID_TEMPLATE: '<table class="{calendar_grid_class}" id="{calendar_pane_id}" role="grid" aria-readonly="true" ' +
'aria-label="{pane_arialabel}" tabindex="{calendar_pane_tabindex}">' +
'<thead>' +
'{weekday_row_template}' +
'</thead>' +
'<tbody>' +
'{body_template}' +
'</tbody>' +
* A template for the calendar header.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
HEADER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="yui3-g {calendar_hd_class}">' +
'<div class="yui3-u {calendar_hd_label_class}" id="{calendar_id}_header" aria-role="heading">' +
'{calheader}' +
'</div>' +
* A template for the row of weekday names.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
WEEKDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE: '<tr class="{calendar_weekdayrow_class}" role="row">' +
'{weekday_row}' +
* A template for a single row of calendar days.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
CALDAY_ROW_TEMPLATE: '<tr class="{calendar_row_class}" role="row">' +
'{calday_row}' +
* A template for a single cell with a weekday name.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
WEEKDAY_TEMPLATE: '<th class="{calendar_weekday_class}" role="columnheader" aria-label="{weekdayname}">{short_weekdayname}</th>',
* A template for a single cell with a calendar day.
* @type String
* @protected
* @static
CALDAY_TEMPLATE: '<td class="{calendar_col_class} {calendar_day_class} {calendar_col_visibility_class}" id="{calendar_day_id}" ' +
'role="gridcell" tabindex="-1">' +
'{day_content}' +
* The identity of the widget.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @default 'calendarBase'
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
NAME: 'calendarBase',
* Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
* the Widget.
* @property ATTRS
* @type {Object}
* @protected
* @static
tabIndex: {
value: 1
* The date corresponding to the current calendar view. Always
* normalized to the first of the month that contains the date
* at assignment time. Used as the first date visible in the
* calendar.
* @attribute date
* @type Date
* @default The first of the month containing today's date, as
* set on the end user's system.
date: {
value: new Date(),
setter: function (val) {
var newDate = this._normalizeDate(val);
if (ydate.areEqual(newDate, this.get('date'))) {
return this.get('date');
} else {
return newDate;
* A setting specifying whether to shows days from the previous
* month in the visible month's grid, if there are empty preceding
* cells available.
* @attribute showPrevMonth
* @type boolean
* @default false
showPrevMonth: {
value: false
* A setting specifying whether to shows days from the next
* month in the visible month's grid, if there are empty
* cells available at the end.
* @attribute showNextMonth
* @type boolean
* @default false
showNextMonth: {
value: false
* Strings and properties derived from the internationalization packages
* for the calendar.
* @attribute strings
* @type Object
* @protected
strings : {
valueFn: function() { return Y.Intl.get("calendar-base"); }
* Custom header renderer for the calendar.
* @attribute headerRenderer
* @type String | Function
headerRenderer: {
value: "%B %Y"
* The name of the rule which all enabled dates should match.
* Either disabledDatesRule or enabledDatesRule should be specified,
* or neither, but not both.
* @attribute enabledDatesRule
* @type String
* @default null
enabledDatesRule: {
value: null
* The name of the rule which all disabled dates should match.
* Either disabledDatesRule or enabledDatesRule should be specified,
* or neither, but not both.
* @attribute disabledDatesRule
* @type String
* @default null
disabledDatesRule: {
value: null
* A read-only attribute providing a list of currently selected dates.
* @attribute selectedDates
* @readOnly
* @type Array
selectedDates : {
readOnly: true,
getter: function () {
return (this._getSelectedDatesList());
* An object of the form {rules:Object, filterFunction:Function},
* providing set of rules and a custom rendering function for
* customizing specific calendar cells.
* @attribute customRenderer
* @type Object
* @default {}
customRenderer : {
lazyAdd: false,
value: {},
setter: function (val) {
this._rules = val.rules;
this._filterFunction = val.filterFunction;
}, '3.17.2', {
"requires": [
"lang": [
"skinnable": true