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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('datatable-table', function (Y, NAME) {
View class responsible for rendering a `<table>` from provided data. Used as
the default `view` for `Y.DataTable.Base` and `Y.DataTable` classes.
@module datatable
@submodule datatable-table
@since 3.6.0
var toArray = Y.Array,
YLang = Y.Lang,
fromTemplate = YLang.sub,
isArray = YLang.isArray,
isFunction = YLang.isFunction;
View class responsible for rendering a `<table>` from provided data. Used as
the default `view` for `Y.DataTable.Base` and `Y.DataTable` classes.
@class TableView
@namespace DataTable
@extends View
@since 3.6.0
Y.namespace('DataTable').TableView = Y.Base.create('table', Y.View, [], {
The HTML template used to create the caption Node if the `caption`
attribute is set.
@type {String}
@default '<caption class="{className}"></caption>'
@since 3.6.0
CAPTION_TEMPLATE: '<caption class="{className}"></caption>',
The HTML template used to create the table Node.
@type {String}
@default '<table cellspacing="0" class="{className}"></table>'
@since 3.6.0
TABLE_TEMPLATE : '<table cellspacing="0" class="{className}"></table>',
The object or instance of the class assigned to `bodyView` that is
responsible for rendering and managing the table's `<tbody>`(s) and its
@property body
@type {Object}
@default undefined (initially unset)
@since 3.5.0
//body: null,
The object or instance of the class assigned to `footerView` that is
responsible for rendering and managing the table's `<tfoot>` and its
@property foot
@type {Object}
@default undefined (initially unset)
@since 3.5.0
//foot: null,
The object or instance of the class assigned to `headerView` that is
responsible for rendering and managing the table's `<thead>` and its
@property head
@type {Object}
@default undefined (initially unset)
@since 3.5.0
//head: null,
// Public methods
Returns the `<td>` Node from the given row and column index. Alternately,
the `seed` can be a Node. If so, the nearest ancestor cell is returned.
If the `seed` is a cell, it is returned. If there is no cell at the given
coordinates, `null` is returned.
Optionally, include an offset array or string to return a cell near the
cell identified by the `seed`. The offset can be an array containing the
number of rows to shift followed by the number of columns to shift, or one
of "above", "below", "next", or "previous".
<pre><code>// Previous cell in the previous row
var cell = table.getCell(, [-1, -1]);
// Next cell
var cell = table.getCell(, 'next');
var cell = table.getCell(e.taregt, [0, 1];</pre></code>
This is actually just a pass through to the `bodyView` instance's method
by the same name.
@method getCell
@param {Number[]|Node} seed Array of row and column indexes, or a Node that
is either the cell itself or a descendant of one.
@param {Number[]|String} [shift] Offset by which to identify the returned
cell Node
@return {Node}
@since 3.5.0
getCell: function (/* seed, shift */) {
return this.body && this.body.getCell &&
this.body.getCell.apply(this.body, arguments);
Returns the generated CSS classname based on the input. If the `host`
attribute is configured, it will attempt to relay to its `getClassName`
or use its static `NAME` property as a string base.
If `host` is absent or has neither method nor `NAME`, a CSS classname
will be generated using this class's `NAME`.
@method getClassName
@param {String} token* Any number of token strings to assemble the
classname from.
@return {String}
getClassName: function () {
// TODO: add attr with setter for host?
var host =,
NAME = (host && host.constructor.NAME) ||
if (host && host.getClassName) {
return host.getClassName.apply(host, arguments);
} else {
return Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName
[NAME].concat(toArray(arguments, 0, true)));
Relays call to the `bodyView`'s `getRecord` method if it has one.
@method getRecord
@param {String|Node} seed Node or identifier for a row or child element
@return {Model}
@since 3.6.0
getRecord: function () {
return this.body && this.body.getRecord &&
this.body.getRecord.apply(this.body, arguments);
Returns the `<tr>` Node from the given row index, Model, or Model's
`clientId`. If the rows haven't been rendered yet, or if the row can't be
found by the input, `null` is returned.
This is actually just a pass through to the `bodyView` instance's method
by the same name.
@method getRow
@param {Number|String|Model} id Row index, Model instance, or clientId
@return {Node}
@since 3.5.0
getRow: function (/* id */) {
return this.body && this.body.getRow &&
this.body.getRow.apply(this.body, arguments);
// Protected and private methods
Updates the table's `summary` attribute.
@method _afterSummaryChange
@param {EventHandle} e The change event
@since 3.6.0
_afterSummaryChange: function (e) {
Updates the table's `<caption>`.
@method _afterCaptionChange
@param {EventHandle} e The change event
@since 3.6.0
_afterCaptionChange: function (e) {
Updates the table's width.
@method _afterWidthChange
@param {EventHandle} e The change event
@since 3.6.0
_afterWidthChange: function (e) {
Attaches event subscriptions to relay attribute changes to the child Views.
@method _bindUI
@since 3.6.0
_bindUI: function () {
var relay;
if (!this._eventHandles) {
relay = Y.bind('_relayAttrChange', this);
this._eventHandles = this.after({
columnsChange : relay,
modelListChange: relay,
summaryChange : Y.bind('_afterSummaryChange', this),
captionChange : Y.bind('_afterCaptionChange', this),
widthChange : Y.bind('_afterWidthChange', this)
Creates the `<table>`.
@method _createTable
@return {Node} The `<table>` node
@since 3.5.0
_createTable: function () {
return Y.Node.create(fromTemplate(this.TABLE_TEMPLATE, {
className: this.getClassName('table')
Calls `render()` on the `bodyView` class instance.
@method _defRenderBodyFn
@param {EventFacade} e The renderBody event
@since 3.5.0
_defRenderBodyFn: function (e) {
Calls `render()` on the `footerView` class instance.
@method _defRenderFooterFn
@param {EventFacade} e The renderFooter event
@since 3.5.0
_defRenderFooterFn: function (e) {
Calls `render()` on the `headerView` class instance.
@method _defRenderHeaderFn
@param {EventFacade} e The renderHeader event
@since 3.5.0
_defRenderHeaderFn: function (e) {
Renders the `<table>` and, if there are associated Views, the `<thead>`,
`<tfoot>`, and `<tbody>` (empty until `syncUI`).
Assigns the generated table nodes to the `tableNode`, `_theadNode`,
`_tfootNode`, and `_tbodyNode` properties. Assigns the instantiated Views
to the `head`, `foot`, and `body` properties.
@method _defRenderTableFn
@param {EventFacade} e The renderTable event
@since 3.5.0
_defRenderTableFn: function (e) {
var container = this.get('container'),
attrs = this.getAttrs();
if (!this.tableNode) {
this.tableNode = this._createTable();
| = this.get('host') || this;
attrs.table = this;
attrs.container = this.tableNode;
if (this.head || e.headerView) {
if (!this.head) {
this.head = new e.headerView(Y.merge(attrs, e.headerConfig));
|'renderHeader', { view: this.head });
if (this.foot || e.footerView) {
if (!this.foot) {
this.foot = new e.footerView(Y.merge(attrs, e.footerConfig));
|'renderFooter', { view: this.foot });
attrs.columns = this.displayColumns;
if (this.body || e.bodyView) {
if (!this.body) {
this.body = new e.bodyView(Y.merge(attrs, e.bodyConfig));
|'renderBody', { view: this.body });
if (!container.contains(this.tableNode)) {
Cleans up state, destroys child views, etc.
@method destructor
destructor: function () {
if (this.head && this.head.destroy) {
delete this.head;
if (this.foot && this.foot.destroy) {
delete this.foot;
if (this.body && this.body.destroy) {
delete this.body;
if (this._eventHandles) {
delete this._eventHandles;
if (this.tableNode) {
Processes the full column array, distilling the columns down to those that
correspond to cell data columns.
@method _extractDisplayColumns
_extractDisplayColumns: function () {
var columns = this.get('columns'),
displayColumns = [];
function process(cols) {
var i, len, col;
for (i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = cols[i];
if (isArray(col.children)) {
} else {
if (columns) {
Array of the columns that correspond to those with value cells in the
data rows. Excludes colspan header columns (configured with `children`).
@property displayColumns
@type {Object[]}
@since 3.6.0
this.displayColumns = displayColumns;
Publishes core events.
@method _initEvents
@since 3.5.0
_initEvents: function () {
// Y.bind used to allow late binding for method override support
renderTable : { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderTableFn', this) },
renderHeader: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderHeaderFn', this) },
renderBody : { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderBodyFn', this) },
renderFooter: { defaultFn: Y.bind('_defRenderFooterFn', this) }
Constructor logic.
@method intializer
@param {Object} config Configuration object passed to the constructor
@since 3.6.0
initializer: function (config) {
| =;
this.after('columnsChange', this._extractDisplayColumns, this);
Relays attribute changes to the child Views.
@method _relayAttrChange
@param {EventHandle} e The change event
@since 3.6.0
_relayAttrChange: function (e) {
var attr = e.attrName,
val = e.newVal;
if (this.head) {
this.head.set(attr, val);
if (this.foot) {
this.foot.set(attr, val);
if (this.body) {
if (attr === 'columns') {
val = this.displayColumns;
this.body.set(attr, val);
Creates the UI in the configured `container`.
@method render
render: function () {
if (this.get('container')) {
|'renderTable', {
headerView : this.get('headerView'),
headerConfig: this.get('headerConfig'),
bodyView : this.get('bodyView'),
bodyConfig : this.get('bodyConfig'),
footerView : this.get('footerView'),
footerConfig: this.get('footerConfig')
return this;
Creates, removes, or updates the table's `<caption>` element per the input
value. Empty values result in the caption being removed.
@method _uiSetCaption
@param {String} htmlContent The content to populate the table caption
@since 3.5.0
_uiSetCaption: function (htmlContent) {
var table = this.tableNode,
caption = this.captionNode;
if (htmlContent) {
if (!caption) {
this.captionNode = caption = Y.Node.create(
fromTemplate(this.CAPTION_TEMPLATE, {
className: this.getClassName('caption')
} else if (caption) {
delete this.captionNode;
Updates the table's `summary` attribute with the input value.
@method _uiSetSummary
@since 3.5.0
_uiSetSummary: function (summary) {
if (summary) {
this.tableNode.setAttribute('summary', summary);
} else {
Sets the `boundingBox` and table width per the input value.
@method _uiSetWidth
@param {Number|String} width The width to make the table
@since 3.5.0
_uiSetWidth: function (width) {
var table = this.tableNode;
// Table width needs to account for borders
table.setStyle('width', !width ? '' :
(this.get('container').get('offsetWidth') -
(parseInt(table.getComputedStyle('borderLeftWidth'), 10)||0) -
(parseInt(table.getComputedStyle('borderLeftWidth'), 10)||0)) +
table.setStyle('width', width);
Ensures that the input is a View class or at least has a `render` method.
@method _validateView
@param {View|Function} val The View class
@return {Boolean}
_validateView: function (val) {
return isFunction(val) && val.prototype.render;
}, {
Content for the `<table summary="ATTRIBUTE VALUE HERE">`. Values
assigned to this attribute will be HTML escaped for security.
@attribute summary
@type {String}
@default '' (empty string)
@since 3.5.0
//summary: {},
HTML content of an optional `<caption>` element to appear above the
table. Leave this config unset or set to a falsy value to remove the
@attribute caption
@type HTML
@default undefined (initially unset)
@since 3.6.0
//caption: {},
Columns to include in the rendered table.
This attribute takes an array of objects. Each object is considered a
data column or header cell to be rendered. How the objects are
translated into markup is delegated to the `headerView`, `bodyView`,
and `footerView`.
The raw value is passed to the `headerView` and `footerView`. The
`bodyView` receives the instance's `displayColumns` array, which is
parsed from the columns array. If there are no nested columns (columns
configured with a `children` array), the `displayColumns` is the same
as the raw value.
@attribute columns
@type {Object[]}
@since 3.6.0
columns: {
validator: isArray
Width of the table including borders. This value requires units, so
`200` is invalid, but `'200px'` is valid. Setting the empty string
(the default) will allow the browser to set the table width.
@attribute width
@type {String}
@default ''
@since 3.6.0
width: {
value: '',
validator: YLang.isString
An instance of this class is used to render the contents of the
`<thead>`—the column headers for the table.
The instance of this View will be assigned to the instance's `head`
It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
a View subclass. It must however have a `render()` method.
@attribute headerView
@type {Function|Object}
@default Y.DataTable.HeaderView
@since 3.6.0
headerView: {
value: Y.DataTable.HeaderView,
validator: '_validateView'
Configuration overrides used when instantiating the `headerView`
@attribute headerConfig
@type {Object}
@since 3.6.0
//headerConfig: {},
An instance of this class is used to render the contents of the
`<tfoot>` (if appropriate).
The instance of this View will be assigned to the instance's `foot`
It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
a View subclass. It must however have a `render()` method.
@attribute footerView
@type {Function|Object}
@since 3.6.0
footerView: {
validator: '_validateView'
Configuration overrides used when instantiating the `footerView`
@attribute footerConfig
@type {Object}
@since 3.6.0
//footerConfig: {},
An instance of this class is used to render the contents of the table's
`<tbody>`—the data cells in the table.
The instance of this View will be assigned to the instance's `body`
It is not strictly necessary that the class function assigned here be
a View subclass. It must however have a `render()` method.
@attribute bodyView
@type {Function|Object}
@default Y.DataTable.BodyView
@since 3.6.0
bodyView: {
value: Y.DataTable.BodyView,
validator: '_validateView'
Configuration overrides used when instantiating the `bodyView`
@attribute bodyConfig
@type {Object}
@since 3.6.0
//bodyConfig: {}
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["datatable-core", "datatable-head", "datatable-body", "view", "classnamemanager"]});