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1334 lines
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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('dial', function (Y, NAME) {
* Create a circular dial value range input visualized as a draggable handle on a
* background element.
* @module dial
var supportsVML = false;
if ( && < 9){
supportsVML = true;
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Widget = Y.Widget,
Node = Y.Node;
* Create a dial to represent an input control capable of representing a
* series of intermediate states based on the position of the Dial's handle.
* These states are typically aligned to a value algorithm whereby the angle of the handle's
* position corresponds to a given value.
* @class Dial
* @extends Widget
* @param config {Object} Configuration object
* @constructor
function Dial(config) {
Dial.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// Y.Dial static properties
* The identity of the widget.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @default 'dial'
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
Dial.NAME = "dial";
* Static property used to define the default attribute configuration of
* the Widget.
* @property ATTRS
* @type {Object}
* @protected
* @static
Dial.ATTRS = {
* minimum value allowed
* @attribute min
* @type {Number}
* @default -220
min : {
* maximum value allowed
* @attribute max
* @type {Number}
* @default 220
max : {
* diameter of the circular background object.
* Other objects scale accordingly.
* Set this only before rendering.
* @attribute diameter
* @type {Number} the number of px in diameter
* @default 100
* @writeOnce
diameter : {
* diameter of the handle object which users drag to change the value.
* Dial sets the pixel dimension of the handle equal to handleDiameter * diameter.
* Set this only before rendering.
* @attribute handleDiameter
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.2
* @writeOnce
handleDiameter : {
* diameter of the marker object which follows the angle of the handle during value changes.
* Dial sets the pixel dimension of the marker equal to markerDiameter * diameter.
* Set this only before rendering.
* @attribute markerDiameter
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.1
* @writeOnce
markerDiameter : {
* diameter of the center button object.
* Dial sets the pixel dimension of the centerButton equal to centerButtonDiameter * diameter.
* Set this only before rendering.
* @attribute centerButtonDiameter
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.1
* @writeOnce
centerButtonDiameter : {
* initial value of the Dial
* @attribute value
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
value : {
validator: function(val) {
return this._validateValue(val);
* amount to increment/decrement the dial value
* when the arrow up/down/left/right keys are pressed
* @attribute minorStep
* @type {Number}
* @default 1
minorStep : {
* amount to increment/decrement the dial value
* when the page up/down keys are pressed
* @attribute majorStep
* @type {Number}
* @default 10
majorStep : {
* number of value increments in one 360 degree revolution
* of the handle around the dial
* @attribute stepsPerRevolution
* @type {Number}
* @default 100
stepsPerRevolution : {
* number of decimal places of accuracy in the value
* @attribute decimalPlaces
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
decimalPlaces : {
* visible strings for the dial UI. This attribute is
* defined by the base Widget class but has an empty value. The
* Dial is simply providing a default value for the attribute.
* Gets localized strings in the current language
* @attribute strings
* @type {Object} the values are HTML strings
* @default {label: 'My label', resetStr: 'Reset', tooltipHandle: 'Drag to set value'}
strings: {
valueFn: function () {
return Y.Intl.get('dial');
* distance from the center of the dial to the
* center of the marker and handle, when at rest.
* The value is a percent of the radius of the dial.
* @attribute handleDistance
* @type {number}
* @default 0.75
* returns a properly formed yui class name
* @method
* @param {String} string to be appended at the end of class name
* @return
* @private
function makeClassName(str) {
return Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName(Dial.NAME, str);
/** array of static constants used to identify the classname applied to the Dial DOM objects
* @property CSS_CLASSES
* @type {Array}
* @private
* @static
label : makeClassName("label"),
labelString : makeClassName("label-string"),
valueString : makeClassName("value-string"),
northMark : makeClassName("north-mark"),
ring : makeClassName('ring'),
ringVml : makeClassName('ring-vml'),
marker : makeClassName("marker"),
markerVml : makeClassName("marker-vml"),
markerMaxMin : makeClassName("marker-max-min"),
centerButton : makeClassName("center-button"),
centerButtonVml : makeClassName('center-button-vml'),
resetString : makeClassName("reset-string"),
handle : makeClassName("handle"),
handleVml : makeClassName("handle-vml"),
hidden : makeClassName("hidden"),
dragging : Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName("dd-dragging")
/* Static constants used to define the markup templates used to create Dial DOM elements */
* template that will contain the Dial's label.
* @property LABEL_TEMPLATE
* @type {String}
* @default <div class="[...-label]"><span id="" class="[...-label-string]">{label}</span><span class="[...-value-string]"></span></div>
* @protected
Dial.LABEL_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.label + '"><span id="" class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.labelString + '">{label}</span><span class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.valueString + '"></span></div>';
if(supportsVML === false){
* template that will contain the Dial's background ring.
* @property RING_TEMPLATE
* @type {String}
* @default <div class="[...-ring]"><div class="[...-northMark]"></div></div>
* @protected
Dial.RING_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring + '"><div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.northMark + '"></div></div>';
* template that will contain the Dial's current angle marker.
* @type {String}
* @default <div class="[...-marker] [...-marker-hidden]"><div class="[...-markerUser]"></div></div>
* @protected
Dial.MARKER_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.marker + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.hidden + '"></div>';
* template that will contain the Dial's center button.
* @type {String}
* @default <div class="[...-centerButton]"><div class="[...-resetString]">' + Y.Lang.sub('{resetStr}', Dial.ATTRS.strings.value) + '</div></div>
* @protected
Dial.CENTER_BUTTON_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.centerButton + '"><div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.resetString + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.hidden + '">{resetStr}</div></div>';
* template that will contain the Dial's handle.
* @type {String}
* @default <div class="[...-handle]"><div class="[...-handleUser]" aria-labelledby="" aria-valuetext="" aria-valuemax="" aria-valuemin="" aria-valuenow="" role="slider" tabindex="0"></div></div>';// title="{tooltipHandle}"
* @protected
Dial.HANDLE_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.handle + '" aria-labelledby="" aria-valuetext="" aria-valuemax="" aria-valuemin="" aria-valuenow="" role="slider" tabindex="0" title="{tooltipHandle}">';
}else{ // VML case
Dial.RING_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ringVml + '">'+
'<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.northMark + '"></div>'+
'<v:oval strokecolor="#ceccc0" strokeweight="1px"><v:fill type=gradient color="#8B8A7F" color2="#EDEDEB" angle="45"/></v:oval>'+
Dial.MARKER_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.markerVml + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.hidden + '">'+
'<v:oval stroked="false">'+
'<v:fill opacity="20%" color="#000"/>'+
Dial.CENTER_BUTTON_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.centerButton + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.centerButtonVml + '">'+
'<v:oval strokecolor="#ceccc0" strokeweight="1px">'+
'<v:fill type=gradient color="#C7C5B9" color2="#fefcf6" colors="35% #d9d7cb, 65% #fefcf6" angle="45"/>'+
'<v:shadow on="True" color="#000" opacity="10%" offset="2px, 2px"/>'+
'<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.resetString + ' ' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.hidden + '">{resetStr}</div>'+
Dial.HANDLE_TEMPLATE = '<div class="' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.handleVml + '" aria-labelledby="" aria-valuetext="" aria-valuemax="" aria-valuemin="" aria-valuenow="" role="slider" tabindex="0" title="{tooltipHandle}">'+
'<v:oval stroked="false">'+
'<v:fill opacity="20%" color="#6C3A3A"/>'+
/* Dial extends the base Widget class */
Y.extend(Dial, Widget, {
* creates the DOM structure for the Dial.
* @method renderUI
* @protected
renderUI : function() {
// object handles
this.contentBox = this.get("contentBox");
// constants
this._originalValue = this.get('value');
this._minValue = this.get('min'); // saves doing a .get many times, but we need to remember to update this if/when we allow changing min or max after instantiation
this._maxValue = this.get('max');
this._stepsPerRevolution = this.get('stepsPerRevolution');
this._minTimesWrapped = (Math.floor(this._minValue / this._stepsPerRevolution - 1));
this._maxTimesWrapped = (Math.floor(this._maxValue / this._stepsPerRevolution + 1));
// variables
this._timesWrapped = 0;
this._angle = this._getAngleFromValue(this.get('value'));
this._prevAng = this._angle;
// init
this._handleNode.set('aria-valuemin', this._minValue);
this._handleNode.set('aria-valuemax', this._maxValue);
* Sets -webkit-border-radius to 50% of width/height of the ring, handle, marker, and center-button.
* This is needed for iOS 3.x.
* The objects render square if the radius is > 50% of the width/height
* @method _setBorderRadius
* @private
_setBorderRadius : function(){
this._ringNode.setStyles({'WebkitBorderRadius':this._ringNodeRadius + 'px',
'MozBorderRadius':this._ringNodeRadius + 'px',
'borderRadius':this._ringNodeRadius + 'px'
this._handleNode.setStyles({'WebkitBorderRadius':this._handleNodeRadius + 'px',
'MozBorderRadius':this._handleNodeRadius + 'px',
'borderRadius':this._handleNodeRadius + 'px'
this._markerNode.setStyles({'WebkitBorderRadius':this._markerNodeRadius + 'px',
'MozBorderRadius':this._markerNodeRadius + 'px',
'borderRadius':this._markerNodeRadius + 'px'
this._centerButtonNode.setStyles({'WebkitBorderRadius':this._centerButtonNodeRadius + 'px',
'MozBorderRadius':this._centerButtonNodeRadius + 'px',
'borderRadius':this._centerButtonNodeRadius + 'px'
* Handles the mouseenter on the centerButton
* @method _handleCenterButtonEnter
* @protected
_handleCenterButtonEnter : function(){
* Handles the mouseleave on the centerButton
* @method _handleCenterButtonLeave
* @protected
_handleCenterButtonLeave : function(){
* Creates the Y.DD.Drag instance used for the handle movement and
* binds Dial interaction to the configured value model.
* @method bindUI
* @protected
bindUI : function() {
this.after("valueChange", this._afterValueChange);
var boundingBox = this.get("boundingBox"),
// Looking for a key event which will fire continously across browsers while the key is held down.
keyEvent = (!Y.UA.opera) ? "down:" : "press:",
// 38, 40 = arrow up/down, 33, 34 = page up/down, 35 , 36 = end/home
keyEventSpec = keyEvent + "38,40,33,34,35,36",
// 37 , 39 = arrow left/right
keyLeftRightSpec = keyEvent + "37,39",
// 37 , 39 = arrow left/right + meta (command/apple key) for mac
keyLeftRightSpecMeta = keyEvent + "37+meta,39+meta",
Drag = Y.DD.Drag;
Y.on("key", Y.bind(this._onDirectionKey, this), boundingBox, keyEventSpec);
Y.on("key", Y.bind(this._onLeftRightKey, this), boundingBox, keyLeftRightSpec);
boundingBox.on("key", this._onLeftRightKeyMeta, keyLeftRightSpecMeta, this);
Y.on('mouseenter', Y.bind(this._handleCenterButtonEnter, this), this._centerButtonNode);
Y.on('mouseleave', Y.bind(this._handleCenterButtonLeave, this), this._centerButtonNode);
// Needed to replace mousedown/up with gesturemovestart/end to make behavior on touch devices work the same.
Y.on('gesturemovestart', Y.bind(this._resetDial, this), this._centerButtonNode); //[#2530441]
Y.on('gesturemoveend', Y.bind(this._handleCenterButtonMouseup, this), this._centerButtonNode);
Y.on(Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleHandleMousedown, this), this._handleNode);
Y.on(Drag.START_EVENT, Y.bind(this._handleMousedown, this), this._ringNode); // [#2530766]
//TODO: Can this be merged this into the drag:end event listener to avoid another registration?
Y.on('gesturemoveend', Y.bind(this._handleRingMouseup, this), this._ringNode);
this._dd1 = new Drag({ //// [#2530206] changed global this._dd1 from just var dd1 = new Y.DD.drag so
node: this._handleNode,
on : {
'drag:drag' : Y.bind(this._handleDrag, this),
'drag:start' : Y.bind(this._handleDragStart, this),
'drag:end' : Y.bind(this._handleDragEnd, this) //,
Y.bind(this._dd1.addHandle(this._ringNode), this); // [#2530206] added the ring as a handle to the dd1 (the dd of the handleNode)
* Sets _timesWrapped based on Dial value
* to net integer revolutions the user dragged the handle around the Dial
* @method _setTimesWrappedFromValue
* @param val {Number} current value of the Dial
* @private
_setTimesWrappedFromValue : function(val){
if(val % this._stepsPerRevolution === 0){
this._timesWrapped = (val / this._stepsPerRevolution);
this._timesWrapped = Math.floor(val / this._stepsPerRevolution);
* gets the angle of the line from the center of the Dial to the center of the handle
* @method _getAngleFromHandleCenter
* @param handleCenterX {number}
* @param handleCenterY {number}
* @return ang {number} the angle
* @protected
_getAngleFromHandleCenter : function(handleCenterX, handleCenterY){
var ang = Math.atan( (this._dialCenterY - handleCenterY) / (this._dialCenterX - handleCenterX) ) * (180 / Math.PI);
ang = ((this._dialCenterX - handleCenterX) < 0) ? ang + 90 : ang + 90 + 180; // Compensate for neg angles from Math.atan
return ang;
* calculates the XY of the center of the dial relative to the ring node.
* This is needed for calculating the angle of the handle
* @method _calculateDialCenter
* @protected
_calculateDialCenter : function(){ // #2531111 value, and marker don't track handle when dial position changes on page (resize when inline)
this._dialCenterX = this._ringNode.get('offsetWidth') / 2;
this._dialCenterY = this._ringNode.get('offsetHeight') / 2;
* Handles the mouseup on the ring
* @method _handleRingMouseup
* @protected
_handleRingMouseup : function(){
this._handleNode.focus(); // need to re-focus on the handle so keyboard is accessible [#2530206]
* Handles the mouseup on the centerButton
* @method _handleCenterButtonMouseup
* @protected
_handleCenterButtonMouseup : function(){
this._handleNode.focus(); // need to re-focus on the handle so keyboard is accessible [#2530206]
* Handles the mousedown on the handle
* @method _handleHandleMousedown
* @protected
_handleHandleMousedown : function(){
this._handleNode.focus(); // need to re-focus on the handle so keyboard is accessible [#2530206]
// this is better done here instead of on _handleDragEnd
// because we should make the keyboard accessible after a click of the handle
* handles the user dragging the handle around the Dial, gets the angle,
* checks for wrapping around top center.
* Sets the new value of the Dial
* @method _handleDrag
* @param e {DOMEvent} the drag event object
* @protected
_handleDrag : function(e){
var handleCenterX,
// The event was emitted from drag:drag of handle.
// The center of the handle is top left position of the handle node + radius of handle.
// This is different than a mousedown on the ring.
handleCenterX = (parseInt(this._handleNode.getStyle('left'),10) + this._handleNodeRadius);
handleCenterY = (parseInt(this._handleNode.getStyle('top'),10) + this._handleNodeRadius);
ang = this._getAngleFromHandleCenter(handleCenterX, handleCenterY);
// check for need to set timesWrapped
if((this._prevAng > 270) && (ang < 90)){ // If wrapping, clockwise
if(this._timesWrapped < this._maxTimesWrapped){
this._timesWrapped = (this._timesWrapped + 1);
}else if((this._prevAng < 90) && (ang > 270)){ // if un-wrapping, counter-clockwise
if(this._timesWrapped > this._minTimesWrapped){
this._timesWrapped = (this._timesWrapped - 1);
newValue = this._getValueFromAngle(ang); // This function needs the current _timesWrapped value. That's why it comes after the _timesWrapped code above
// If you've gone past max more than one full revolution, we decrement the _timesWrapped value
// This gives the effect of a ratchet mechanism.
// It feels like you are never more than one revolution past max
// The effect is the same for min, only in reverse.
// We can't reset the _timesWrapped to the max or min here.
// If we did, the next (continuous) drag would reset the value incorrectly.
if(newValue > (this._maxValue + this._stepsPerRevolution) ){
this._timesWrapped --;
}else if(newValue < (this._minValue - this._stepsPerRevolution) ){
this._timesWrapped ++;
this._prevAng = ang; // need to keep the previous angle in order to check for wrapping on the next drag, click, or keypress
this._handleValuesBeyondMinMax(e, newValue);
* handles a mousedown or gesturemovestart event on the ring node
* @method _handleMousedown
* @param e {DOMEvent} the event object
* @private
_handleMousedown : function(e){ // #2530306
if (this._ringNode.compareTo( {
var minAng = this._getAngleFromValue(this._minValue),
maxAng = this._getAngleFromValue(this._maxValue),
newValue, oppositeMidRangeAngle,
handleCenterX, handleCenterY,
// The event was emitted from mousedown on the ring node,
// so the center of the handle should be the XY of mousedown.
if(Y.UA.ios){ // ios adds the scrollLeft and top onto clientX and Y in a native click
handleCenterX = (e.clientX - this._ringNode.getX());
handleCenterY = (e.clientY - this._ringNode.getY());
handleCenterX = (e.clientX +'document').get('scrollLeft') - this._ringNode.getX());
handleCenterY = (e.clientY +'document').get('scrollTop') - this._ringNode.getY());
ang = this._getAngleFromHandleCenter(handleCenterX, handleCenterY);
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* The next sections of logic
* set this._timesWrapped in the different cases of value range
* and value range position,
* then the Dial value is set at the end of this method
*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(this._maxValue - this._minValue > this._stepsPerRevolution){
// Case: range min-to-max is greater than stepsPerRevolution (one revolution)
// This checks the shortest way around the dial between the prevAng and this ang.
if(Math.abs(this._prevAng - ang) > 180){ // this crossed a wrapping
// Only change the _timesWrapped if it's between minTimesWrapped and maxTimesWrapped
if((this._timesWrapped > this._minTimesWrapped) &&
(this._timesWrapped < this._maxTimesWrapped)
// this checks which direction, clock wise or CCW and incr or decr _timesWrapped
this._timesWrapped = ((this._prevAng - ang) > 0) ? (this._timesWrapped + 1) : (this._timesWrapped - 1);
// special case of getting un-stuck from a min value case
// where timesWrapped is minTimesWrapped but new ang won't trigger a cross wrap boundry
// because prevAng is set to 0 or > 0
}else if(
(this._timesWrapped === this._minTimesWrapped) &&
(ang - this._prevAng < 180)
this._timesWrapped ++;
} //it didn't cross a wrapping boundary
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(this._maxValue - this._minValue === this._stepsPerRevolution){
// Case: range min-to-max === stepsPerRevolution (one revolution)
// This means min and max will be at same angle
// This does not mean they are at "north"
if(ang < minAng){ // if mousedown angle is < minAng (and maxAng, because they're the same)
// The only way it can be, is if min and max are not at north
this._timesWrapped = 1;
this._timesWrapped = 0;
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
else if(minAng > maxAng){
// Case: range includes the wrap point (north)
// Because of "else if"...
// range is < stepsPerRevolution
(this._prevAng >= minAng) && // if prev angle was greater than angle of min and...
(ang <= (minAng + maxAng) / 2) // the angle of this click is less than
// the angle opposite the mid-range angle, then...
this._timesWrapped ++;
}else if(
(this._prevAng <= maxAng) &&
// if prev angle is < max angle and...
(ang > (minAng + maxAng) / 2)
// the angle of this click is greater than,
// the angle opposite the mid-range angle and...
this._timesWrapped --;
} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// "else" Case: min-to-max range doesn't include the wrap point
// Because of "else if"...
// range is still < stepsPerRevolution
if ((ang < minAng) || (ang > maxAng)){ // angle is out of range
oppositeMidRangeAngle = (((minAng + maxAng) / 2) + 180) % 360;
// This is the bisection of the min-to-max range + 180. (opposite the bisection)
if(oppositeMidRangeAngle > 180){
newValue = ((maxAng < ang) && (ang < oppositeMidRangeAngle)) ? this.get('max') : this.get('min');
}else{ //oppositeMidRangeAngle <= 180
newValue = ((minAng > ang) && (ang > oppositeMidRangeAngle)) ? this.get('min') : this.get('max');
this._prevAng = this._getAngleFromValue(newValue);
this.set('value', newValue);
// Now that _timesWrapped is set, set newValue .......................................................................
newValue = this._getValueFromAngle(ang); // This function needs the correct, current _timesWrapped value.
/* updating _prevAng (previous angle)
* When past min or max, _prevAng is set to the angle of min or max
* Don't do this in a drag method, or it will affect wrapping,
* causing the marker to stick at min, when min is 0 degrees (north)
* #2532878
if (newValue > this._maxValue) {
this._prevAng = this._getAngleFromValue(this._maxValue); // #2530766 need for mousedown on the ring; causes prob for drag
} else if (newValue < this._minValue) {
this._prevAng = this._getAngleFromValue(this._minValue);
} else {
this._prevAng = ang;
this._handleValuesBeyondMinMax(e, newValue);
* handles the case where the value is less than min or greater than max
* This is used both when handle is dragged and when the ring is clicked
* @method _handleValuesBeyondMinMax
* @param e {DOMEvent} the event object
* @param newValue {number} current value of the dial
* @protected
_handleValuesBeyondMinMax : function(e, newValue){ // #2530306
// If _getValueFromAngle() is passed 0, it increments the _timesWrapped value.
// handle hitting max and min and going beyond, stops at max or min
if((newValue >= this._minValue) && (newValue <= this._maxValue)) {
this.set('value', newValue);
// [#2530206] transfer the mousedown event from the _ringNode to the _handleNode drag, so we can mousedown, then continue dragging
if(e.currentTarget === this._ringNode){
// Delegate to DD's natural behavior
} else if (newValue > this._maxValue) {
this.set('value', this._maxValue);
} else if (newValue < this._minValue) {
this.set('value', this._minValue);
* handles the user starting to drag the handle around the Dial
* @method _handleDragStart
* @param e {DOMEvent} the drag event object
* @protected
_handleDragStart : function(e){
* When handle is handleDragEnd, this animates the return to the fixed dial
* handles the end of a user dragging the handle, animates the handle returning to
* resting position.
* @method _handleDragEnd
* @protected
_handleDragEnd : function(){
var node = this._handleNode;
duration: 0.08, // seconds
easing: 'ease-in',
left: this._setNodeToFixedRadius(this._handleNode, true)[0] + 'px',
top: this._setNodeToFixedRadius(this._handleNode, true)[1] + 'px'
}, Y.bind(function(){
var value = this.get('value');
//[#2530206] only hide marker if not at max or min
// more persistant user visibility of when the dial is at max or min
if((value > this._minValue) && (value < this._maxValue)){
this._setTimesWrappedFromValue(value); //#2530766 secondary bug when drag past max + cross wrapping boundry
this._prevAng = this._getAngleFromValue(value); //#2530766 secondary bug when drag past max + cross wrapping boundry
}, this)
* returns the XY of the fixed position, handleDistance, from the center of the Dial (resting position).
* The XY also represents the angle related to the current value.
* If typeArray is true, [X,Y] is returned.
* If typeArray is false, the XY of the obj node passed in is set.
* @method _setNodeToFixedRadius
* @param obj {Node}
* @param typeArray {Boolean} true returns an array [X,Y]
* @protected
* @return {Array} an array of [XY] is optionally returned
_setNodeToFixedRadius : function(obj, typeArray){
var thisAngle = (this._angle - 90),
rad = (Math.PI / 180),
newY = Math.round(Math.sin(thisAngle * rad) * this._handleDistance),
newX = Math.round(Math.cos(thisAngle * rad) * this._handleDistance),
dia = obj.get('offsetWidth'); //Ticket #2529852
newY = newY - (dia * 0.5);
newX = newX - (dia * 0.5);
if(typeArray){ // just need the style for css transform left and top to animate the handle drag:end
return [(this._ringNodeRadius + newX), (this._ringNodeRadius + newY)];
obj.setStyle('left', (this._ringNodeRadius + newX) + 'px');
obj.setStyle('top', (this._ringNodeRadius + newY) + 'px');
* Synchronizes the DOM state with the attribute settings.
* @method syncUI
syncUI : function() {
// Make the marker and the resetString display so their placement and borderRadius can be calculated, then hide them again.
// We would have used visibility:hidden in the css of this class,
// but IE8 VML never returns to visible after applying visibility:hidden then removing it.
this._calculateDialCenter(); // #2531111 initialize center of dial
* sets the sizes of ring, center-button, marker, handle, and VML ovals in pixels.
* Needed only because some IE versions
* ignore CSS percent sizes/offsets.
* so these must be set in pixels.
* Normally these are set in % of the ring.
* @method _setSizes
* @protected
_setSizes : function(){
var dia = this.get('diameter'),
offset, offsetResetX, offsetResetY,
setSize = function(node, dia, percent){
var suffix = 'px';
node.getElementsByTagName('oval').setStyle('width', (dia * percent) + suffix);
node.getElementsByTagName('oval').setStyle('height', (dia * percent) + suffix);
node.setStyle('width', (dia * percent) + suffix);
node.setStyle('height', (dia * percent) + suffix);
setSize(this._ringNode, dia, 1.0);
setSize(this._handleNode, dia, this.get('handleDiameter'));
setSize(this._markerNode, dia, this.get('markerDiameter'));
setSize(this._centerButtonNode, dia, this.get('centerButtonDiameter'));
// Set these (used for trig) this way instead of relative to dia,
// in case they have borders, have images etc.
this._ringNodeRadius = this._ringNode.get('offsetWidth') * 0.5;
this._handleNodeRadius = this._handleNode.get('offsetWidth') * 0.5;
this._markerNodeRadius = this._markerNode.get('offsetWidth') * 0.5;
this._centerButtonNodeRadius = this._centerButtonNode.get('offsetWidth') * 0.5;
this._handleDistance = this._ringNodeRadius * this.get('handleDistance');
// place the centerButton
offset = (this._ringNodeRadius - this._centerButtonNodeRadius);
this._centerButtonNode.setStyle('left', offset + 'px');
this._centerButtonNode.setStyle('top', offset + 'px');
Place the resetString
This seems like it should be able to be done with CSS,
But since there is also a VML oval in IE that is absolute positioned,
The resetString ends up behind the VML oval.
offsetResetX = (this._centerButtonNodeRadius - (this._resetString.get('offsetWidth') * 0.5));
offsetResetY = (this._centerButtonNodeRadius - (this._resetString.get('offsetHeight') * 0.5));
this._resetString.setStyles({'left':offsetResetX + 'px', 'top':offsetResetY + 'px'});
* renders the DOM object for the Dial's label
* @method _renderLabel
* @protected
_renderLabel : function() {
var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
label ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.label);
if (!label) {
label = Node.create(Y.Lang.sub(Dial.LABEL_TEMPLATE, this.get('strings')));
this._labelNode = label;
this._valueStringNode ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.valueString);
* renders the DOM object for the Dial's background ring
* @method _renderRing
* @protected
_renderRing : function() {
var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
ring ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring);
if (!ring) {
ring = contentBox.appendChild(Dial.RING_TEMPLATE);
ring.setStyles({width:this.get('diameter') + 'px', height:this.get('diameter') + 'px'});
this._ringNode = ring;
* renders the DOM object for the Dial's background marker which
* tracks the angle of the user dragging the handle
* @method _renderMarker
* @protected
_renderMarker : function() {
var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
marker ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.marker);
if (!marker) {
marker ='.' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring).appendChild(Dial.MARKER_TEMPLATE);
this._markerNode = marker;
* renders the DOM object for the Dial's center
* @method _renderCenterButton
* @protected
_renderCenterButton : function() {
var contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
centerButton ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.centerButton);
if (!centerButton) {
centerButton = Node.create(Y.Lang.sub(Dial.CENTER_BUTTON_TEMPLATE, this.get('strings')));
|'.' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring).append(centerButton);
this._centerButtonNode = centerButton;
this._resetString ='.' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.resetString);
* renders the DOM object for the Dial's user draggable handle
* @method _renderHandle
* @protected
_renderHandle : function() {
var labelId = Dial.CSS_CLASSES.label + Y.guid(), //get this unique id once then use for handle and label for ARIA
contentBox = this.get("contentBox"),
handle ="." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.handle);
if (!handle) {
handle = Node.create(Y.Lang.sub(Dial.HANDLE_TEMPLATE, this.get('strings')));
handle.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', labelId); // get unique id for specifying a label & handle for ARIA
|'.' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.labelString).setAttribute('id', labelId); // When handle gets focus, screen reader will include label text when reading the value.
|'.' + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.ring).append(handle);
this._handleNode = handle;
* sets the visible UI label HTML string
* @method _setLabelString
* @param str {String}
* @protected
* @deprecated Use DialObjName.set('strings',{'label':'My new label'}); before DialObjName.render();
_setLabelString : function(str) {
this.get("contentBox").one("." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.labelString).setHTML(str);
* sets the visible UI label HTML string
* @method _setResetString
* @param str {String}
* @protected
* @deprecated Use DialObjName.set('strings',{'resetStr':'My new reset string'}); before DialObjName.render();
_setResetString : function(str) {
this.get("contentBox").one("." + Dial.CSS_CLASSES.resetString).setHTML(str);
// this._setXYResetString(); // This used to recenter the string in the button. Done with CSS now. Method has been removed.
// this._resetString.setHTML(''); //We no longer show/hide the reset string with setHTML but by addClass and removeClass .yui3-dial-reset-string-hidden
* sets the tooltip HTML string in the Dial's handle
* @method _setTooltipString
* @param str {String}
* @protected
* @deprecated Use DialObjName.set('strings',{'tooltipHandle':'My new tooltip'}); before DialObjName.render();
_setTooltipString : function(str) {
this._handleNode.set('title', str);
* sets the Dial's value in response to key events.
* Left and right keys are in a separate method
* in case an implementation wants to increment values
* but needs left and right arrow keys for other purposes.
* @method _onDirectionKey
* @param e {Event} the key event
* @protected
_onDirectionKey : function(e) {
switch (e.charCode) {
case 38: // up
case 40: // down
case 36: // home
case 35: // end
case 33: // page up
case 34: // page down
* sets the Dial's value in response to left or right key events
* @method _onLeftRightKey
* @param e {Event} the key event
* @protected
_onLeftRightKey : function(e) {
switch (e.charCode) {
case 37: // left
case 39: // right
* sets the Dial's value in response to left or right key events when a meta (mac command/apple) key is also pressed
* @method _onLeftRightKeyMeta
* @param e {Event} the key event
* @protected
_onLeftRightKeyMeta : function(e) {
switch (e.charCode) {
case 37: // left + meta
case 39: // right + meta
* increments Dial value by a minor increment
* @method _incrMinor
* @protected
_incrMinor : function(){
var newVal = (this.get('value') + this.get("minorStep"));
newVal = Math.min(newVal, this.get("max"));
// [#2530045] .toFixed returns a string.
// Dial's value needs a number. -0 makes it a number, but removes trailing zeros.
// Added toFixed(...) again in _uiSetValue where content of yui3-dial-value-string is set.
// Removing the toFixed here, loses the feature of "snap-to" when for example, stepsPerRevolution is 10 and decimalPlaces is 0.
this.set('value', newVal.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces')) - 0);
* decrements Dial value by a minor increment
* @method _decrMinor
* @protected
_decrMinor : function(){
var newVal = (this.get('value') - this.get("minorStep"));
newVal = Math.max(newVal, this.get("min"));
this.set('value', newVal.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces')) - 0);
* increments Dial value by a major increment
* @method _incrMajor
* @protected
_incrMajor : function(){
var newVal = (this.get('value') + this.get("majorStep"));
newVal = Math.min(newVal, this.get("max"));
this.set('value', newVal.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces')) - 0);
* decrements Dial value by a major increment
* @method _decrMajor
* @protected
_decrMajor : function(){
var newVal = (this.get('value') - this.get("majorStep"));
newVal = Math.max(newVal, this.get("min"));
this.set('value', newVal.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces')) - 0);
* sets Dial value to dial's max attr
* @method _setToMax
* @protected
_setToMax : function(){
this.set('value', this.get("max"));
* sets Dial value to dial's min attr
* @method _setToMin
* @protected
_setToMin : function(){
this.set('value', this.get("min"));
* resets Dial value to the orignal initial value.
* @method _resetDial
* @protected
_resetDial : function(e){
e.stopPropagation(); //[#2530206] need to add so mousedown doesn't propagate to ring and move the handle
this.set('value', this._originalValue);
this._resetString.addClass(Dial.CSS_CLASSES.hidden); //[#2530441]
* returns the handle angle associated with the current value of the Dial.
* Returns a number between 0 and 360.
* @method _getAngleFromValue
* @param newVal {Number} the current value of the Dial
* @return {Number} the angle associated with the current Dial value
* @protected
_getAngleFromValue : function(newVal){
var nonWrappedPartOfValue = newVal % this._stepsPerRevolution,
angleFromValue = nonWrappedPartOfValue / this._stepsPerRevolution * 360;
return (angleFromValue < 0) ? (angleFromValue + 360) : angleFromValue;
* returns the value of the Dial calculated from the current handle angle
* @method _getValueFromAngle
* @param angle {Number} the current angle of the Dial's handle
* @return {Number} the current Dial value corresponding to the handle position
* @protected
_getValueFromAngle : function(angle){
if(angle < 0){
angle = (360 + angle);
}else if(angle === 0){
angle = 360;
var value = (angle / 360) * this._stepsPerRevolution;
value = (value + (this._timesWrapped * this._stepsPerRevolution));
//return Math.round(value * 100) / 100;
return value.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces')) - 0;
* calls the method to update the UI whenever the Dial value changes
* @method _afterValueChange
* @param e {Event}
* @protected
_afterValueChange : function(e) {
* Changes a value to have the correct decimal places per the attribute decimalPlaces
* @method _valueToDecimalPlaces
* @param val {Number} a raw value to set to the Dial
* @return {Number} the input val changed to have the correct decimal places
* @protected
_valueToDecimalPlaces : function(val) { // [#2530206] cleaned up and better user feedback of when it's max or min.
* Updates the UI display value of the Dial to reflect
* the value passed in.
* Makes all other needed UI display changes
* @method _uiSetValue
* @param val {Number} value of the Dial
* @protected
_uiSetValue : function(val) { // [#2530206] cleaned up and better user feedback of when it's max or min.
this._angle = this._getAngleFromValue(val);
if(this._handleNode.hasClass(Dial.CSS_CLASSES.dragging) === false){
this._setNodeToFixedRadius(this._handleNode, false);
this._prevAng = this._getAngleFromValue(this.get('value'));
this._valueStringNode.setHTML(val.toFixed(this.get('decimalPlaces'))); // [#2530045]
this._handleNode.set('aria-valuenow', val);
this._handleNode.set('aria-valuetext', val);
this._setNodeToFixedRadius(this._markerNode, false);
if((val === this._maxValue) || (val === this._minValue)){
if(supportsVML === true){
this._markerNode.getElementsByTagName('fill').set('color', '#AB3232');
}else{ // not max or min
if(supportsVML === true){
this._markerNode.getElementsByTagName('fill').set('color', '#000');
if(this._handleNode.hasClass(Dial.CSS_CLASSES.dragging) === false){ // if not max || min, and not dragging handle, hide the marker
* value attribute default validator. Verifies that
* the value being set lies between the min/max value
* @method _validateValue
* @param val {Number} value of the Dial
* @protected
_validateValue: function(val) {
var min = this.get("min"),
max = this.get("max");
return (Lang.isNumber(val) && val >= min && val <= max);
Y.Dial = Dial;
}, '3.17.2', {
"requires": [
"lang": [
"skinnable": true