You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1050 lines
36 KiB
1050 lines
36 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('editor-selection', function (Y, NAME) {
* Wraps some common Selection/Range functionality into a simple object
* @class EditorSelection
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule selection
//TODO This shouldn't be there, Y.Node doesn't normalize getting textnode content.
var textContent = 'textContent',
FONT_FAMILY = 'fontFamily';
if ( && < 11) {
textContent = 'nodeValue';
Y.EditorSelection = function(domEvent) {
var sel, par, ieNode, nodes, rng, i,
comp, moved = 0, n, id, root = Y.EditorSelection.ROOT;
if ( && (! || < 9 || > 10)) {
sel =;
} else if (Y.config.doc.selection) {
sel = Y.config.doc.selection.createRange();
this._selection = sel;
if (!sel) {
return false;
if (sel.pasteHTML) {
this.isCollapsed = (sel.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', sel)) ? false : true;
if (this.isCollapsed) {
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode =;
if (domEvent) {
ieNode = Y.config.doc.elementFromPoint(domEvent.clientX, domEvent.clientY);
rng = sel.duplicate();
if (!ieNode) {
par = sel.parentElement();
nodes = par.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
//This causes IE to not allow a selection on a doubleclick
if (rng.inRange(sel)) {
if (!ieNode) {
ieNode = nodes[i];
this.ieNode = ieNode;
if (ieNode) {
if (ieNode.nodeType !== 3) {
if (ieNode.firstChild) {
ieNode = ieNode.firstChild;
if (root.compareTo(ieNode)) {
if (ieNode.firstChild) {
ieNode = ieNode.firstChild;
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = Y.EditorSelection.resolve(ieNode);
comp = sel.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', rng);
if (comp) {
//We are not at the beginning of the selection.
//Setting the move to something large, may need to increase it later
moved = this.getEditorOffset(root);
sel.move('character', -(moved));
this.anchorOffset = this.focusOffset = moved;
this.anchorTextNode = this.focusTextNode =;
} else {
//This helps IE deal with a selection and nodeChange events
if (sel.htmlText && sel.htmlText !== '') {
n = Y.Node.create(sel.htmlText);
if (n && n.get('id')) {
id = n.get('id');
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode ='#' + id);
} else if (n) {
n = n.get('childNodes');
this.anchorNode = this.focusNode = n.item(0);
//var self = this;
} else {
this.isCollapsed = sel.isCollapsed;
this.anchorNode = Y.EditorSelection.resolve(sel.anchorNode);
this.focusNode = Y.EditorSelection.resolve(sel.focusNode);
this.anchorOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
this.focusOffset = sel.focusOffset;
this.anchorTextNode = || this.anchorNode);
this.focusTextNode = || this.focusNode);
if (Y.Lang.isString(sel.text)) {
this.text = sel.text;
} else {
if (sel.toString) {
this.text = sel.toString();
} else {
this.text = '';
* Utility method to remove dead font-family styles from an element.
* @static
* @method removeFontFamily
Y.EditorSelection.removeFontFamily = function(n) {
var s = n.getAttribute('style').toLowerCase();
if (s === '' || (s === 'font-family: ')) {
if (s.match(Y.EditorSelection.REG_FONTFAMILY)) {
s = s.replace(Y.EditorSelection.REG_FONTFAMILY, '');
n.setAttribute('style', s);
* Performs a prefilter on all nodes in the editor. Looks for nodes with a style: fontFamily or font face
* It then creates a dynamic class assigns it and removed the property. This is so that we don't lose
* the fontFamily when selecting nodes.
* @static
* @method filter
Y.EditorSelection.filter = function(blocks) {
Y.log('Filtering nodes', 'info', 'editor-selection');
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime(),
editorSelection = Y.EditorSelection,
root = editorSelection.ROOT,
nodes = root.all(editorSelection.ALL),
baseNodes = root.all('strong,em'),
doc = Y.config.doc, hrs,
classNames = {}, cssString = '',
ls, startTime1 = (new Date()).getTime(),
nodes.each(function(n) {
var raw = Y.Node.getDOMNode(n);
if ([FONT_FAMILY]) {
classNames['.' + n._yuid] =[FONT_FAMILY];
endTime1 = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('Node Filter Timer: ' + (endTime1 - startTime1) + 'ms', 'info', 'editor-selection');
if ( {
hrs = Y.Node.getDOMNode(root).getElementsByTagName('hr');
Y.each(hrs, function(hr) {
var el = doc.createElement('div'),
s =;
el.className = 'hr yui-non yui-skip';
el.setAttribute('readonly', true);
el.setAttribute('contenteditable', false); //Keep it from being Edited
if (hr.parentNode) {
hr.parentNode.replaceChild(el, hr);
//Had to move to inline style. writes for ie's < 8. They don't render el.setAttribute('style');
s.border = '1px solid #ccc';
s.lineHeight = '0';
s.height = '0';
s.fontSize = '0';
s.marginTop = '5px';
s.marginBottom = '5px';
s.marginLeft = '0px';
s.marginRight = '0px';
s.padding = '0';
Y.each(classNames, function(v, k) {
cssString += k + ' { font-family: ' + v.replace(/"/gi, '') + '; }';
Y.StyleSheet(cssString, 'editor');
//Not sure about this one?
baseNodes.each(function(n, k) {
var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase(),
newTag = 'i';
if (t === 'strong') {
newTag = 'b';
editorSelection.prototype._swap(baseNodes.item(k), newTag);
//Filter out all the empty UL/OL's
ls = root.all('ol,ul');
ls.each(function(v) {
var lis = v.all('li');
if (!lis.size()) {
if (blocks) {
endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('Filter Timer: ' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms', 'info', 'editor-selection');
* Method attempts to replace all "orphined" text nodes in the main body by wrapping them with a <p>. Called from filter.
* @static
* @method filterBlocks
Y.EditorSelection.filterBlocks = function() {
Y.log('RAW filter blocks', 'info', 'editor-selection');
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime(), endTime,
childs = Y.Node.getDOMNode(Y.EditorSelection.ROOT).childNodes, i, node, wrapped = false, doit = true,
sel, single, br, c, s, html;
if (childs) {
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
node =[i]);
if (!node.test(Y.EditorSelection.BLOCKS)) {
doit = true;
if (childs[i].nodeType === 3) {
c = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.EditorSelection.REG_CHAR);
s = childs[i][textContent].match(Y.EditorSelection.REG_NON);
if (c === null && s) {
doit = false;
if (doit) {
if (!wrapped) {
wrapped = [];
} else {
wrapped = Y.EditorSelection._wrapBlock(wrapped);
wrapped = Y.EditorSelection._wrapBlock(wrapped);
single = Y.all(Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG);
if (single.size() === 1) {
Y.log('Only One default block tag (' + Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '), focus it..', 'info', 'editor-selection');
br = single.item(0).all('br');
if (br.size() === 1) {
if (!br.item(0).test('.yui-cursor')) {
html = single.item(0).get('innerHTML');
if (html === '' || html === ' ') {
Y.log('Paragraph empty, focusing cursor', 'info', 'editor-selection');
single.set('innerHTML', Y.EditorSelection.CURSOR);
sel = new Y.EditorSelection();
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
if (br.item(0).test('.yui-cursor') && {
} else {
single.each(function(p) {
var html = p.get('innerHTML');
if (html === '') {
Y.log('Empty Paragraph Tag Found, Removing It', 'info', 'editor-selection');
endTime = (new Date()).getTime();
Y.log('FilterBlocks Timer: ' + (endTime - startTime) + 'ms', 'info', 'editor-selection');
* Regular Expression used to find dead font-family styles
* @static
* @property REG_FONTFAMILY
Y.EditorSelection.REG_FONTFAMILY = /font-family:\s*;/;
* Regular Expression to determine if a string has a character in it
* @static
* @property REG_CHAR
Y.EditorSelection.REG_CHAR = /[a-zA-Z-0-9_!@#\$%\^&*\(\)-=_+\[\]\\{}|;':",.\/<>\?]/gi;
* Regular Expression to determine if a string has a non-character in it
* @static
* @property REG_NON
Y.EditorSelection.REG_NON = /[\s|\n|\t]/gi;
* Regular Expression to remove all HTML from a string
* @static
* @property REG_NOHTML
Y.EditorSelection.REG_NOHTML = /<\S[^><]*>/g;
* Wraps an array of elements in a Block level tag
* @static
* @private
* @method _wrapBlock
Y.EditorSelection._wrapBlock = function(wrapped) {
if (wrapped) {
var newChild = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '></' + Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG + '>'),
firstChild =[0]), i;
for (i = 1; i < wrapped.length; i++) {
return false;
* Undoes what filter does enough to return the HTML from the Editor, then re-applies the filter.
* @static
* @method unfilter
* @return {String} The filtered HTML
Y.EditorSelection.unfilter = function() {
var root = Y.EditorSelection.ROOT,
nodes = root.all('[class]'),
html = '', nons, ids,
body = root;
Y.log('UnFiltering nodes', 'info', 'editor-selection');
nodes.each(function(n) {
if (n.hasClass(n._yuid)) {
//One of ours
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY));
if (n.getAttribute('class') === '') {
nons = root.all('.yui-non');
nons.each(function(n) {
if (!n.hasClass('yui-skip') && n.get('innerHTML') === '') {
} else {
ids = root.all('[id]');
ids.each(function(n) {
if (n.get('id').indexOf('yui_3_') === 0) {
if (body) {
html = body.get('innerHTML');
nodes.each(function(n) {
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, '');
if (n.getAttribute('style') === '') {
return html;
* Resolve a node from the selection object and return a Node instance
* @static
* @method resolve
* @param {HTMLElement} n The HTMLElement to resolve. Might be a TextNode, gives parentNode.
* @return {Node} The Resolved node
Y.EditorSelection.resolve = function(n) {
if (!n) {
return Y.EditorSelection.ROOT;
if (n && n.nodeType === 3) {
//Adding a try/catch here because in rare occasions IE will
//Throw a error accessing the parentNode of a stranded text node.
//In the case of Ctrl+Z (Undo)
try {
n = n.parentNode;
} catch (re) {
n = Y.EditorSelection.ROOT;
* Returns the innerHTML of a node with all HTML tags removed.
* @static
* @method getText
* @param {Node} node The Node instance to remove the HTML from
* @return {String} The string of text
Y.EditorSelection.getText = function(node) {
var txt = node.get('innerHTML').replace(Y.EditorSelection.REG_NOHTML, '');
//Clean out the cursor subs to see if the Node is empty
txt = txt.replace('<span><br></span>', '').replace('<br>', '');
return txt;
//Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'div';
Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG = 'p';
* The selector to use when looking for Nodes to cache the value of: [style],font[face]
* @static
* @property ALL
Y.EditorSelection.ALL = '[style],font[face]';
* The selector to use when looking for block level items.
* @static
* @property BLOCKS
Y.EditorSelection.BLOCKS = 'p,div,ul,ol,table,style';
* The temporary fontname applied to a selection to retrieve their values: yui-tmp
* @static
* @property TMP
Y.EditorSelection.TMP = 'yui-tmp';
* The default tag to use when creating elements: span
* @static
* @property DEFAULT_TAG
Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_TAG = 'span';
* The id of the outer cursor wrapper
* @static
* @property CURID
Y.EditorSelection.CURID = 'yui-cursor';
* The id used to wrap the inner space of the cursor position
* @static
* @property CUR_WRAPID
Y.EditorSelection.CUR_WRAPID = 'yui-cursor-wrapper';
* The default HTML used to focus the cursor..
* @static
* @property CURSOR
Y.EditorSelection.CURSOR = '<span><br class="yui-cursor"></span>';
* The default HTML element from which data will be retrieved. Default: body
* @static
* @property ROOT
Y.EditorSelection.ROOT ='body');
Y.EditorSelection.hasCursor = function() {
var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.EditorSelection.CUR_WRAPID);
Y.log('Has Cursor: ' + cur.size(), 'info', 'editor-selection');
return cur.size();
* Called from Editor keydown to remove the "extra" space before the cursor.
* @static
* @method cleanCursor
Y.EditorSelection.cleanCursor = function() {
//Y.log('Cleaning Cursor', 'info', 'Selection');
var cur, sel = 'br.yui-cursor';
cur = Y.all(sel);
if (cur.size()) {
cur.each(function(b) {
var c = b.get('parentNode.parentNode.childNodes'), html;
if (c.size()) {
} else {
html = Y.EditorSelection.getText(c.item(0));
if (html !== '') {
var cur = Y.all('#' + Y.EditorSelection.CUR_WRAPID);
if (cur.size()) {
cur.each(function(c) {
var html = c.get('innerHTML');
if (html == ' ' || html == '<br>') {
if (c.previous() || {
Y.EditorSelection.prototype = {
* Range text value
* @property text
* @type String
text: null,
* Flag to show if the range is collapsed or not
* @property isCollapsed
* @type Boolean
isCollapsed: null,
* A Node instance of the parentNode of the anchorNode of the range
* @property anchorNode
* @type Node
anchorNode: null,
* The offset from the range object
* @property anchorOffset
* @type Number
anchorOffset: null,
* A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range.
* @property anchorTextNode
* @type Node
anchorTextNode: null,
* A Node instance of the parentNode of the focusNode of the range
* @property focusNode
* @type Node
focusNode: null,
* The offset from the range object
* @property focusOffset
* @type Number
focusOffset: null,
* A Node instance of the actual textNode of the range.
* @property focusTextNode
* @type Node
focusTextNode: null,
* The actual Selection/Range object
* @property _selection
* @private
_selection: null,
* Wrap an element, with another element
* @private
* @method _wrap
* @param {HTMLElement} n The node to wrap
* @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The wrapped node
_wrap: function(n, tag) {
var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML));
n.set(INNER_HTML, '');
return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp);
* Swap an element, with another element
* @private
* @method _swap
* @param {HTMLElement} n The node to swap
* @param {String} tag The tag to use when creating the new element.
* @return {HTMLElement} The new node
_swap: function(n, tag) {
var tmp = Y.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
tmp.set(INNER_HTML, n.get(INNER_HTML));
n.replace(tmp, n);
return Y.Node.getDOMNode(tmp);
* Get all the nodes in the current selection. This method will actually perform a filter first.
* Then it calls doc.execCommand('fontname', null, 'yui-tmp') to touch all nodes in the selection.
* The it compiles a list of all nodes affected by the execCommand and builds a NodeList to return.
* @method getSelected
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection.
getSelected: function() {
var editorSelection = Y.EditorSelection,
root = editorSelection.ROOT,
items = [];
Y.config.doc.execCommand('fontname', null, editorSelection.TMP);
nodes = root.all(editorSelection.ALL);
nodes.each(function(n, k) {
if (n.getStyle(FONT_FAMILY) === editorSelection.TMP) {
n.setStyle(FONT_FAMILY, '');
if (!n.compareTo(root)) {
return Y.all(items);
* Insert HTML at the current cursor position and return a Node instance of the newly inserted element.
* @method insertContent
* @param {String} html The HTML to insert.
* @return {Node} The inserted Node.
insertContent: function(html) {
return this.insertAtCursor(html, this.anchorTextNode, this.anchorOffset, true);
* Insert HTML at the current cursor position, this method gives you control over the text node to insert into and the offset where to put it.
* @method insertAtCursor
* @param {String} html The HTML to insert.
* @param {Node} node The text node to break when inserting.
* @param {Number} offset The left offset of the text node to break and insert the new content.
* @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false
* @return {Node} The inserted Node.
insertAtCursor: function(html, node, offset, collapse) {
var cur = Y.Node.create('<' + Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_TAG + ' class="yui-non"></' + Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_TAG + '>'),
inHTML, txt, txt2, newNode, range = this.createRange(), b, root = Y.EditorSelection.ROOT;
if (root.compareTo(node)) {
b = Y.Node.create('<span></span>');
node = b;
if (range.pasteHTML) {
if (offset === 0 && node && !node.previous() && node.get('nodeType') === 3) {
* For some strange reason, range.pasteHTML fails if the node is a textNode and
* the offset is 0. (The cursor is at the beginning of the line)
* It will always insert the new content at position 1 instead of
* position 0. Here we test for that case and do it the hard way.
node.insert(html, 'before');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
//Move the cursor after the new node
return node.previous();
} else {
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
try {
range.pasteHTML('<span id="rte-insert"></span>');
} catch (e) {}
inHTML ='#rte-insert');
if (inHTML) {
inHTML.set('id', '');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
return newNode;
} else {
Y.on('available', function() {
inHTML.set('id', '');
if (range.moveToElementText) {
}, '#rte-insert');
} else {
//TODO using Y.Node.create here throws warnings & strips first white space character
//txt =, offset)));
//txt2 =;
if (offset > 0) {
inHTML = node.get(textContent);
txt =, offset)));
txt2 =;
node.replace(txt, node);
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
if (newNode.get('nodeType') === 11) {
b = Y.Node.create('<span></span>');
newNode = b;
txt.insert(newNode, 'after');
//if (txt2 && txt2.get('length')) {
if (txt2) {
newNode.insert(cur, 'after');
cur.insert(txt2, 'after');
this.selectNode(cur, collapse);
} else {
if (node.get('nodeType') === 3) {
node = node.get('parentNode') || root;
newNode = Y.Node.create(html);
html = node.get('innerHTML').replace(/\n/gi, '');
if (html === '' || html === '<br>') {
} else {
if (newNode.get('parentNode')) {
node.insert(newNode, 'before');
} else {
if (node.get('firstChild').test('br')) {
return newNode;
* Get all elements inside a selection and wrap them with a new element and return a NodeList of all elements touched.
* @method wrapContent
* @param {String} tag The tag to wrap all selected items with.
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList of all items in the selection.
wrapContent: function(tag) {
tag = (tag) ? tag : Y.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_TAG;
if (!this.isCollapsed) {
Y.log('Wrapping selection with: ' + tag, 'info', 'editor-selection');
var items = this.getSelected(),
changed = [], range, last, first, range2;
items.each(function(n, k) {
var t = n.get('tagName').toLowerCase();
if (t === 'font') {
changed.push(this._swap(items.item(k), tag));
} else {
changed.push(this._wrap(items.item(k), tag));
}, this);
range = this.createRange();
first = changed[0];
last = changed[changed.length - 1];
if (this._selection.removeAllRanges) {
range.setStart(changed[0], 0);
range.setEnd(last, last.childNodes.length);
} else {
if (range.moveToElementText) {
range2 = this.createRange();
range.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', range2);
changed = Y.all(changed);
Y.log('Returning NodeList with (' + changed.size() + ') item(s)' , 'info', 'editor-selection');
return changed;
} else {
Y.log('Can not wrap a collapsed selection, use insertContent', 'error', 'editor-selection');
return Y.all([]);
* Find and replace a string inside a text node and replace it with HTML focusing the node after
* to allow you to continue to type.
* @method replace
* @param {String} se The string to search for.
* @param {String} re The string of HTML to replace it with.
* @return {Node} The node inserted.
replace: function(se,re) {
Y.log('replacing (' + se + ') with (' + re + ')');
var range = this.createRange(), node, txt, index, newNode;
if (range.getBookmark) {
index = range.getBookmark();
txt = this.anchorNode.get('innerHTML').replace(se, re);
this.anchorNode.set('innerHTML', txt);
newNode =;
} else {
node = this.anchorTextNode;
txt = node.get(textContent);
index = txt.indexOf(se);
txt = txt.replace(se, '');
node.set(textContent, txt);
newNode = this.insertAtCursor(re, node, index, true);
return newNode;
* Destroy the range.
* @method remove
* @chainable
* @return {EditorSelection}
remove: function() {
if (this._selection && this._selection.removeAllRanges) {
return this;
* Wrapper for the different range creation methods.
* @method createRange
* @return {Range}
createRange: function() {
if (Y.config.doc.selection) {
return Y.config.doc.selection.createRange();
} else {
return Y.config.doc.createRange();
* Select a Node (hilighting it).
* @method selectNode
* @param {Node} node The node to select
* @param {Boolean} collapse Should the range be collapsed after insertion. default: false
* @chainable
* @return {EditorSelection}
selectNode: function(node, collapse, end) {
if (!node) {
Y.log('Node passed to selectNode is null', 'error', 'editor-selection');
end = end || 0;
node = Y.Node.getDOMNode(node);
var range = this.createRange();
if (range.selectNode) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// Ignore selection errors like INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR
if (collapse) {
try {
this._selection.collapse(node, end);
} catch (err) {
this._selection.collapse(node, 0);
} else {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
node = node.parentNode;
try {
} catch(e) {}
if (collapse) {
range.collapse(((end) ? false : true));
return this;
* Put a placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position.
* @method setCursor
* @return {Node}
setCursor: function() {
return this.insertContent(Y.EditorSelection.CURSOR);
* Get the placeholder in the DOM at the current cursor position.
* @method getCursor
* @return {Node}
getCursor: function() {
return Y.EditorSelection.ROOT.all('.' + Y.EditorSelection.CURID);
* Remove the cursor placeholder from the DOM.
* @method removeCursor
* @param {Boolean} keep Setting this to true will keep the node, but remove the unique parts that make it the cursor.
* @return {Node}
removeCursor: function(keep) {
var cur = this.getCursor();
if (cur) {
if (keep) {
cur.set('innerHTML', '<br class="yui-cursor">');
} else {
return cur;
* Gets a stored cursor and focuses it for editing, must be called sometime after setCursor
* @method focusCursor
* @return {Node}
focusCursor: function(collapse, end) {
if (collapse !== false) {
collapse = true;
if (end !== false) {
end = true;
var cur = this.removeCursor(true);
if (cur) {
cur.each(function(c) {
this.selectNode(c, collapse, end);
}, this);
* Generic toString for logging.
* @method toString
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
return 'EditorSelection Object';
Gets the offset of the selection for the selection within the current
@method getEditorOffset
@param {Y.Node} [node] Element used to measure the offset to
@return Number Number of characters the selection is from the beginning
@since 3.13.0
getEditorOffset: function(node) {
var container = (node || Y.EditorSelection.ROOT).getDOMNode(),
caretOffset = 0,
doc = Y.config.doc,
win =,
if (typeof win.getSelection !== "undefined") {
range = win.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
preCaretRange = range.cloneRange();
preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
caretOffset = preCaretRange.toString().length;
} else {
sel = doc.selection;
if ( sel && sel.type !== "Control") {
range = sel.createRange();
preCaretRange = doc.body.createTextRange();
preCaretRange.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", range);
caretOffset = preCaretRange.text.length;
return caretOffset;
//TODO Remove this alias in 3.6.0
Y.Selection = Y.EditorSelection;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["node"]});