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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('event-base', function (Y, NAME) {
* DOM event listener abstraction layer
* @module event
* @submodule event-base
* The domready event fires at the moment the browser's DOM is
* usable. In most cases, this is before images are fully
* downloaded, allowing you to provide a more responsive user
* interface.
* In YUI 3, domready subscribers will be notified immediately if
* that moment has already passed when the subscription is created.
* One exception is if the yui.js file is dynamically injected into
* the page. If this is done, you must tell the YUI instance that
* you did this in order for DOMReady (and window load events) to
* fire normally. That configuration option is 'injected' -- set
* it to true if the yui.js script is not included inline.
* This method is part of the 'event-ready' module, which is a
* submodule of 'event'.
* @event domready
* @for YUI
Y.publish('domready', {
fireOnce: true,
async: true
if (YUI.Env.DOMReady) {
} else {
Y.Do.before(function() {'domready'); }, YUI.Env, '_ready');
* Custom event engine, DOM event listener abstraction layer, synthetic DOM
* events.
* @module event
* @submodule event-base
* Wraps a DOM event, properties requiring browser abstraction are
* fixed here. Provids a security layer when required.
* @class DOMEventFacade
* @param ev {Event} the DOM event
* @param currentTarget {HTMLElement} the element the listener was attached to
* @param wrapper {CustomEvent} the custom event wrapper for this DOM event
var ua = Y.UA,
EMPTY = {},
* webkit key remapping required for Safari < 3.1
* @property webkitKeymap
* @private
webkitKeymap = {
63232: 38, // up
63233: 40, // down
63234: 37, // left
63235: 39, // right
63276: 33, // page up
63277: 34, // page down
25: 9, // SHIFT-TAB (Safari provides a different key code in
// this case, even though the shiftKey modifier is set)
63272: 46, // delete
63273: 36, // home
63275: 35 // end
* Returns a wrapped node. Intended to be used on event targets,
* so it will return the node's parent if the target is a text
* node.
* If accessing a property of the node throws an error, this is
* probably the anonymous div wrapper Gecko adds inside text
* nodes. This likely will only occur when attempting to access
* the relatedTarget. In this case, we now return null because
* the anonymous div is completely useless and we do not know
* what the related target was because we can't even get to
* the element's parent node.
* @method resolve
* @private
resolve = function(n) {
if (!n) {
return n;
try {
if (n && 3 == n.nodeType) {
n = n.parentNode;
} catch(e) {
return null;
DOMEventFacade = function(ev, currentTarget, wrapper) {
this._event = ev;
this._currentTarget = currentTarget;
this._wrapper = wrapper || EMPTY;
// if not lazy init
Y.extend(DOMEventFacade, Object, {
init: function() {
var e = this._event,
overrides = this._wrapper.overrides,
x = e.pageX,
y = e.pageY,
currentTarget = this._currentTarget;
this.altKey = e.altKey;
this.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey;
this.metaKey = e.metaKey;
this.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
this.type = (overrides && overrides.type) || e.type;
this.clientX = e.clientX;
this.clientY = e.clientY;
this.pageX = x;
this.pageY = y;
// charCode is unknown in keyup, keydown. keyCode is unknown in keypress.
// FF 3.6 - 8+? pass 0 for keyCode in keypress events.
// Webkit, FF 3.6-8+?, and IE9+? pass 0 for charCode in keydown, keyup.
// Webkit and IE9+? duplicate charCode in keyCode.
// Opera never sets charCode, always keyCode (though with the charCode).
// IE6-8 don't set charCode or which.
// All browsers other than IE6-8 set which=keyCode in keydown, keyup, and
// which=charCode in keypress.
// Moral of the story: (e.which || e.keyCode) will always return the
// known code for that key event phase. e.keyCode is often different in
// keypress from keydown and keyup.
c = e.keyCode || e.charCode;
if (ua.webkit && (c in webkitKeymap)) {
c = webkitKeymap[c];
this.keyCode = c;
this.charCode = c;
// Fill in e.which for IE - implementers should always use this over
// e.keyCode or e.charCode.
this.which = e.which || e.charCode || c;
// this.button = e.button;
this.button = this.which;
| = resolve(;
this.currentTarget = resolve(currentTarget);
this.relatedTarget = resolve(e.relatedTarget);
if (e.type == "mousewheel" || e.type == "DOMMouseScroll") {
this.wheelDelta = (e.detail) ? (e.detail * -1) : Math.round(e.wheelDelta / 80) || ((e.wheelDelta < 0) ? -1 : 1);
if (this._touch) {
this._touch(e, currentTarget, this._wrapper);
stopPropagation: function() {
this._wrapper.stopped = 1;
this.stopped = 1;
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
var e = this._event;
if (e.stopImmediatePropagation) {
} else {
this._wrapper.stopped = 2;
this.stopped = 2;
preventDefault: function(returnValue) {
var e = this._event;
if (returnValue) {
e.returnValue = returnValue;
this._wrapper.prevented = 1;
this.prevented = 1;
halt: function(immediate) {
if (immediate) {
} else {
DOMEventFacade.resolve = resolve;
Y.DOM2EventFacade = DOMEventFacade;
Y.DOMEventFacade = DOMEventFacade;
* The native event
* @property _event
* @type {DOMEvent}
* @private
The name of the event (e.g. "click")
@property type
@type {String}
`true` if the "alt" or "option" key is pressed.
@property altKey
@type {Boolean}
`true` if the shift key is pressed.
@property shiftKey
@type {Boolean}
`true` if the "Windows" key on a Windows keyboard, "command" key on an
Apple keyboard, or "meta" key on other keyboards is pressed.
@property metaKey
@type {Boolean}
`true` if the "Ctrl" or "control" key is pressed.
@property ctrlKey
@type {Boolean}
* The X location of the event on the page (including scroll)
* @property pageX
* @type {Number}
* The Y location of the event on the page (including scroll)
* @property pageY
* @type {Number}
* The X location of the event in the viewport
* @property clientX
* @type {Number}
* The Y location of the event in the viewport
* @property clientY
* @type {Number}
* The keyCode for key events. Uses charCode if keyCode is not available
* @property keyCode
* @type {Number}
* The charCode for key events. Same as keyCode
* @property charCode
* @type {Number}
* The button that was pushed. 1 for left click, 2 for middle click, 3 for
* right click. This is only reliably populated on `mouseup` events.
* @property button
* @type {Number}
* The button that was pushed. Same as button.
* @property which
* @type {Number}
* Node reference for the targeted element
* @property target
* @type {Node}
* Node reference for the element that the listener was attached to.
* @property currentTarget
* @type {Node}
* Node reference to the relatedTarget
* @property relatedTarget
* @type {Node}
* Number representing the direction and velocity of the movement of the mousewheel.
* Negative is down, the higher the number, the faster. Applies to the mousewheel event.
* @property wheelDelta
* @type {Number}
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target
* @method stopPropagation
* Stops the propagation to the next bubble target and
* prevents any additional listeners from being exectued
* on the current target.
* @method stopImmediatePropagation
* Prevents the event's default behavior
* @method preventDefault
* @param returnValue {string} sets the returnValue of the event to this value
* (rather than the default false value). This can be used to add a customized
* confirmation query to the beforeunload event).
* Stops the event propagation and prevents the default
* event behavior.
* @method halt
* @param immediate {boolean} if true additional listeners
* on the current target will not be executed
(function() {
* The event utility provides functions to add and remove event listeners,
* event cleansing. It also tries to automatically remove listeners it
* registers during the unload event.
* @module event
* @main event
* @submodule event-base
* The event utility provides functions to add and remove event listeners,
* event cleansing. It also tries to automatically remove listeners it
* registers during the unload event.
* @class Event
* @static
Y.Env.evt.dom_wrappers = {};
Y.Env.evt.dom_map = {};
var _eventenv = Y.Env.evt,
config = Y.config,
win =,
add = YUI.Env.add,
remove = YUI.Env.remove,
onLoad = function() {
YUI.Env.windowLoaded = true;
remove(win, "load", onLoad);
onUnload = function() {
EVENT_READY = 'domready',
COMPAT_ARG = '~yui|2|compat~',
shouldIterate = function(o) {
try {
// TODO: See if there's a more performant way to return true early on this, for the common case
return (o && typeof o !== "string" && Y.Lang.isNumber(o.length) && !o.tagName && !Y.DOM.isWindow(o));
} catch(ex) {
Y.log("collection check failure", "warn", "event");
return false;
// aliases to support DOM event subscription clean up when the last
// subscriber is detached. deleteAndClean overrides the DOM event's wrapper
// CustomEvent _delete method.
_ceProtoDelete = Y.CustomEvent.prototype._delete,
_deleteAndClean = function(s) {
var ret = _ceProtoDelete.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.hasSubs()) {
return ret;
Event = function() {
* True after the onload event has fired
* @property _loadComplete
* @type boolean
* @static
* @private
var _loadComplete = false,
* The number of times to poll after window.onload. This number is
* increased if additional late-bound handlers are requested after
* the page load.
* @property _retryCount
* @static
* @private
_retryCount = 0,
* onAvailable listeners
* @property _avail
* @static
* @private
_avail = [],
* Custom event wrappers for DOM events. Key is
* 'event:' + Element uid stamp + event type
* @property _wrappers
* @type CustomEvent
* @static
* @private
_wrappers = _eventenv.dom_wrappers,
_windowLoadKey = null,
* Custom event wrapper map DOM events. Key is
* Element uid stamp. Each item is a hash of custom event
* wrappers as provided in the _wrappers collection. This
* provides the infrastructure for getListeners.
* @property _el_events
* @static
* @private
_el_events = _eventenv.dom_map;
return {
* The number of times we should look for elements that are not
* in the DOM at the time the event is requested after the document
* has been loaded. The default is 1000@amp;40 ms, so it will poll
* for 40 seconds or until all outstanding handlers are bound
* (whichever comes first).
* @property POLL_RETRYS
* @type int
* @static
* @final
* The poll interval in milliseconds
* @property POLL_INTERVAL
* @type int
* @static
* @final
* addListener/removeListener can throw errors in unexpected scenarios.
* These errors are suppressed, the method returns false, and this property
* is set
* @property lastError
* @static
* @type Error
lastError: null,
* poll handle
* @property _interval
* @static
* @private
_interval: null,
* document readystate poll handle
* @property _dri
* @static
* @private
_dri: null,
* True when the document is initially usable
* @property DOMReady
* @type boolean
* @static
DOMReady: false,
* @method startInterval
* @static
* @private
startInterval: function() {
if (!Event._interval) {
Event._interval = setInterval(Event._poll, Event.POLL_INTERVAL);
* Executes the supplied callback when the item with the supplied
* id is found. This is meant to be used to execute behavior as
* soon as possible as the page loads. If you use this after the
* initial page load it will poll for a fixed time for the element.
* The number of times it will poll and the frequency are
* configurable. By default it will poll for 10 seconds.
* <p>The callback is executed with a single parameter:
* the custom object parameter, if provided.</p>
* @method onAvailable
* @param {string||string[]} id the id of the element, or an array
* of ids to look for.
* @param {function} fn what to execute when the element is found.
* @param {object} p_obj an optional object to be passed back as
* a parameter to fn.
* @param {boolean|object} p_override If set to true, fn will execute
* in the context of p_obj, if set to an object it
* will execute in the context of that object
* @param checkContent {boolean} check child node readiness (onContentReady)
* @static
* @deprecated Use Y.on("available")
// @TODO fix arguments
onAvailable: function(id, fn, p_obj, p_override, checkContent, compat) {
var a = Y.Array(id), i, availHandle;
for (i=0; i<a.length; i=i+1) {
id: a[i],
fn: fn,
obj: p_obj,
override: p_override,
checkReady: checkContent,
compat: compat
_retryCount = this.POLL_RETRYS;
// We want the first test to be immediate, but async
setTimeout(Event._poll, 0);
availHandle = new Y.EventHandle({
_delete: function() {
// set by the event system for lazy DOM listeners
if (availHandle.handle) {
var i, j;
// otherwise try to remove the onAvailable listener(s)
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < _avail.length; j++) {
if (a[i] === _avail[j].id) {
_avail.splice(j, 1);
return availHandle;
* Works the same way as onAvailable, but additionally checks the
* state of sibling elements to determine if the content of the
* available element is safe to modify.
* <p>The callback is executed with a single parameter:
* the custom object parameter, if provided.</p>
* @method onContentReady
* @param {string} id the id of the element to look for.
* @param {function} fn what to execute when the element is ready.
* @param {object} obj an optional object to be passed back as
* a parameter to fn.
* @param {boolean|object} override If set to true, fn will execute
* in the context of p_obj. If an object, fn will
* exectute in the context of that object
* @static
* @deprecated Use Y.on("contentready")
// @TODO fix arguments
onContentReady: function(id, fn, obj, override, compat) {
return Event.onAvailable(id, fn, obj, override, true, compat);
* Adds an event listener
* @method attach
* @param {String} type The type of event to append
* @param {Function} fn The method the event invokes
* @param {String|HTMLElement|Array|NodeList} el An id, an element
* reference, or a collection of ids and/or elements to assign the
* listener to.
* @param {Object} context optional context object
* @param {Boolean|object} args 0..n arguments to pass to the callback
* @return {EventHandle} an object to that can be used to detach the listener
* @static
attach: function(type, fn, el, context) {
return Event._attach(Y.Array(arguments, 0, true));
_createWrapper: function (el, type, capture, compat, facade) {
var cewrapper,
ek = Y.stamp(el),
key = 'event:' + ek + type;
if (false === facade) {
key += 'native';
if (capture) {
key += 'capture';
cewrapper = _wrappers[key];
if (!cewrapper) {
// create CE wrapper
cewrapper = Y.publish(key, {
silent: true,
bubbles: false,
contextFn: function() {
if (compat) {
return cewrapper.el;
} else {
cewrapper.nodeRef = cewrapper.nodeRef ||;
return cewrapper.nodeRef;
cewrapper.overrides = {};
// for later removeListener calls
cewrapper.el = el;
cewrapper.key = key;
cewrapper.domkey = ek;
cewrapper.type = type;
cewrapper.fn = function(e) {
|, el, (compat || (false === facade))));
cewrapper.capture = capture;
if (el == win && type == "load") {
// window load happens once
cewrapper.fireOnce = true;
_windowLoadKey = key;
cewrapper._delete = _deleteAndClean;
_wrappers[key] = cewrapper;
_el_events[ek] = _el_events[ek] || {};
_el_events[ek][key] = cewrapper;
add(el, type, cewrapper.fn, capture);
return cewrapper;
_attach: function(args, conf) {
var compat,
handles, oEl, cewrapper, context,
fireNow = false, ret,
type = args[0],
fn = args[1],
el = args[2] || win,
facade = conf && conf.facade,
capture = conf && conf.capture,
overrides = conf && conf.overrides;
if (args[args.length-1] === COMPAT_ARG) {
compat = true;
if (!fn || ! {
Y.log(type + " attach call failed, invalid callback", "error", "event");
return false;
// The el argument can be an array of elements or element ids.
if (shouldIterate(el)) {
Y.each(el, function(v, k) {
args[2] = v;
handles.push(Event._attach(args.slice(), conf));
// return (handles.length === 1) ? handles[0] : handles;
return new Y.EventHandle(handles);
// If the el argument is a string, we assume it is
// actually the id of the element. If the page is loaded
// we convert el to the actual element, otherwise we
// defer attaching the event until the element is
// ready
} else if (Y.Lang.isString(el)) {
// oEl = (compat) ? Y.DOM.byId(el) : Y.Selector.query(el);
if (compat) {
oEl = Y.DOM.byId(el);
} else {
oEl = Y.Selector.query(el);
switch (oEl.length) {
case 0:
oEl = null;
case 1:
oEl = oEl[0];
args[2] = oEl;
return Event._attach(args, conf);
if (oEl) {
el = oEl;
// Not found = defer adding the event until the element is available
} else {
ret = Event.onAvailable(el, function() {
ret.handle = Event._attach(args, conf);
}, Event, true, false, compat);
return ret;
// Element should be an html element or node
if (!el) {
Y.log("unable to attach event " + type, "warn", "event");
return false;
if (Y.Node && Y.instanceOf(el, Y.Node)) {
el = Y.Node.getDOMNode(el);
cewrapper = Event._createWrapper(el, type, capture, compat, facade);
if (overrides) {
Y.mix(cewrapper.overrides, overrides);
if (el == win && type == "load") {
// if the load is complete, fire immediately.
// all subscribers, including the current one
// will be notified.
if (YUI.Env.windowLoaded) {
fireNow = true;
if (compat) {
context = args[3];
// set context to the Node if not specified
// ret = cewrapper.on.apply(cewrapper, trimmedArgs);
ret = cewrapper._on(fn, context, (args.length > 4) ? args.slice(4) : null);
if (fireNow) {
return ret;
* Removes an event listener. Supports the signature the event was bound
* with, but the preferred way to remove listeners is using the handle
* that is returned when using Y.on
* @method detach
* @param {String} type the type of event to remove.
* @param {Function} fn the method the event invokes. If fn is
* undefined, then all event handlers for the type of event are
* removed.
* @param {String|HTMLElement|Array|NodeList|EventHandle} el An
* event handle, an id, an element reference, or a collection
* of ids and/or elements to remove the listener from.
* @return {boolean} true if the unbind was successful, false otherwise.
* @static
detach: function(type, fn, el, obj) {
var args=Y.Array(arguments, 0, true), compat, l, ok, i,
id, ce;
if (args[args.length-1] === COMPAT_ARG) {
compat = true;
// args.pop();
if (type && type.detach) {
return type.detach();
// The el argument can be a string
if (typeof el == "string") {
// el = (compat) ? Y.DOM.byId(el) : Y.all(el);
if (compat) {
el = Y.DOM.byId(el);
} else {
el = Y.Selector.query(el);
l = el.length;
if (l < 1) {
el = null;
} else if (l == 1) {
el = el[0];
// return Event.detach.apply(Event, args);
if (!el) {
return false;
if (el.detach) {
args.splice(2, 1);
return el.detach.apply(el, args);
// The el argument can be an array of elements or element ids.
} else if (shouldIterate(el)) {
ok = true;
for (i=0, l=el.length; i<l; ++i) {
args[2] = el[i];
ok = ( Y.Event.detach.apply(Y.Event, args) && ok );
return ok;
if (!type || !fn || ! {
return Event.purgeElement(el, false, type);
id = 'event:' + Y.stamp(el) + type;
ce = _wrappers[id];
if (ce) {
return ce.detach(fn);
} else {
return false;
* Finds the event in the window object, the caller's arguments, or
* in the arguments of another method in the callstack. This is
* executed automatically for events registered through the event
* manager, so the implementer should not normally need to execute
* this function at all.
* @method getEvent
* @param {Event} e the event parameter from the handler
* @param {HTMLElement} el the element the listener was attached to
* @return {Event} the event
* @static
getEvent: function(e, el, noFacade) {
var ev = e || win.event;
return (noFacade) ? ev :
new Y.DOMEventFacade(ev, el, _wrappers['event:' + Y.stamp(el) + e.type]);
* Generates an unique ID for the element if it does not already
* have one.
* @method generateId
* @param el the element to create the id for
* @return {string} the resulting id of the element
* @static
generateId: function(el) {
return Y.DOM.generateID(el);
* We want to be able to use getElementsByTagName as a collection
* to attach a group of events to. Unfortunately, different
* browsers return different types of collections. This function
* tests to determine if the object is array-like. It will also
* fail if the object is an array, but is empty.
* @method _isValidCollection
* @param o the object to test
* @return {boolean} true if the object is array-like and populated
* @deprecated was not meant to be used directly
* @static
* @private
_isValidCollection: shouldIterate,
* hook up any deferred listeners
* @method _load
* @static
* @private
_load: function(e) {
if (!_loadComplete) {
_loadComplete = true;
// Just in case DOMReady did not go off for some reason
// E._ready();
if ( {
// Available elements may not have been detected before the
// window load event fires. Try to find them now so that the
// the user is more likely to get the onAvailable notifications
// before the window load notification
* Polling function that runs before the onload event fires,
* attempting to attach to DOM Nodes as soon as they are
* available
* @method _poll
* @static
* @private
_poll: function() {
if (Event.locked) {
if ( && !YUI.Env.DOMReady) {
// Hold off if DOMReady has not fired and check current
// readyState to protect against the IE operation aborted
// issue.
Event.locked = true;
// keep trying until after the page is loaded. We need to
// check the page load state prior to trying to bind the
// elements so that we can be certain all elements have been
// tested appropriately
var i, len, item, el, notAvail, executeItem,
tryAgain = !_loadComplete;
if (!tryAgain) {
tryAgain = (_retryCount > 0);
// onAvailable
notAvail = [];
executeItem = function (el, item) {
var context, ov = item.override;
try {
if (item.compat) {
if (item.override) {
if (ov === true) {
context = item.obj;
} else {
context = ov;
} else {
context = el;
|, item.obj);
} else {
context = item.obj ||;
item.fn.apply(context, (Y.Lang.isArray(ov)) ? ov : []);
} catch (e) {
Y.log("Error in available or contentReady callback", 'error', 'event');
// onAvailable
for (i=0,len=_avail.length; i<len; ++i) {
item = _avail[i];
if (item && !item.checkReady) {
// el = (item.compat) ? Y.DOM.byId( :;
el = (item.compat) ? Y.DOM.byId( : Y.Selector.query(, null, true);
if (el) {
executeItem(el, item);
_avail[i] = null;
} else {
// onContentReady
for (i=0,len=_avail.length; i<len; ++i) {
item = _avail[i];
if (item && item.checkReady) {
// el = (item.compat) ? Y.DOM.byId( :;
el = (item.compat) ? Y.DOM.byId( : Y.Selector.query(, null, true);
if (el) {
// The element is available, but not necessarily ready
// @todo should we test parentNode.nextSibling?
if (_loadComplete || (el.get && el.get('nextSibling')) || el.nextSibling) {
executeItem(el, item);
_avail[i] = null;
} else {
_retryCount = (notAvail.length === 0) ? 0 : _retryCount - 1;
if (tryAgain) {
// we may need to strip the nulled out items here
} else {
Event._interval = null;
Event.locked = false;
* Removes all listeners attached to the given element via addListener.
* Optionally, the node's children can also be purged.
* Optionally, you can specify a specific type of event to remove.
* @method purgeElement
* @param {HTMLElement} el the element to purge
* @param {boolean} recurse recursively purge this element's children
* as well. Use with caution.
* @param {string} type optional type of listener to purge. If
* left out, all listeners will be removed
* @static
purgeElement: function(el, recurse, type) {
// var oEl = (Y.Lang.isString(el)) ? : el,
var oEl = (Y.Lang.isString(el)) ? Y.Selector.query(el, null, true) : el,
lis = Event.getListeners(oEl, type), i, len, children, child;
if (recurse && oEl) {
lis = lis || [];
children = Y.Selector.query('*', oEl);
len = children.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
child = Event.getListeners(children[i], type);
if (child) {
lis = lis.concat(child);
if (lis) {
for (i = 0, len = lis.length; i < len; ++i) {
* Removes all object references and the DOM proxy subscription for
* a given event for a DOM node.
* @method _clean
* @param wrapper {CustomEvent} Custom event proxy for the DOM
* subscription
* @private
* @static
* @since 3.4.0
_clean: function (wrapper) {
var key = wrapper.key,
domkey = wrapper.domkey;
remove(wrapper.el, wrapper.type, wrapper.fn, wrapper.capture);
delete _wrappers[key];
if (_el_events[domkey]) {
delete _el_events[domkey][key];
if (!Y.Object.size(_el_events[domkey])) {
delete _el_events[domkey];
* Returns all listeners attached to the given element via addListener.
* Optionally, you can specify a specific type of event to return.
* @method getListeners
* @param el {HTMLElement|string} the element or element id to inspect
* @param type {string} optional type of listener to return. If
* left out, all listeners will be returned
* @return {CustomEvent} the custom event wrapper for the DOM event(s)
* @static
getListeners: function(el, type) {
var ek = Y.stamp(el, true), evts = _el_events[ek],
results=[] , key = (type) ? 'event:' + ek + type : null,
adapters = _eventenv.plugins;
if (!evts) {
return null;
if (key) {
// look for synthetic events
if (adapters[type] && adapters[type].eventDef) {
key += '_synth';
if (evts[key]) {
// get native events as well
key += 'native';
if (evts[key]) {
} else {
Y.each(evts, function(v, k) {
return (results.length) ? results : null;
* Removes all listeners registered by pe.event. Called
* automatically during the unload event.
* @method _unload
* @static
* @private
_unload: function(e) {
Y.each(_wrappers, function(v, k) {
if (v.type == 'unload') {
remove(win, "unload", onUnload);
* Adds a DOM event directly without the caching, cleanup, context adj, etc
* @method nativeAdd
* @param {HTMLElement} el the element to bind the handler to
* @param {string} type the type of event handler
* @param {function} fn the callback to invoke
* @param {Boolean} capture capture or bubble phase
* @static
* @private
nativeAdd: add,
* Basic remove listener
* @method nativeRemove
* @param {HTMLElement} el the element to bind the handler to
* @param {string} type the type of event handler
* @param {function} fn the callback to invoke
* @param {Boolean} capture capture or bubble phase
* @static
* @private
nativeRemove: remove
Y.Event = Event;
if (config.injected || YUI.Env.windowLoaded) {
} else {
add(win, "load", onLoad);
// Process onAvailable/onContentReady items when when the DOM is ready in IE
if ( {
Y.on(EVENT_READY, Event._poll);
// In IE6 and below, detach event handlers when the page is unloaded in
// order to try and prevent cross-page memory leaks. This isn't done in
// other browsers because a) it's not necessary, and b) it breaks the
// back/forward cache.
if ( < 7) {
try {
add(win, "unload", onUnload);
} catch(e) {
Y.log("Registering unload listener failed.", "warn", "event-base");
Event.Custom = Y.CustomEvent;
Event.Subscriber = Y.Subscriber;
Event.Target = Y.EventTarget;
Event.Handle = Y.EventHandle;
Event.Facade = Y.EventFacade;
* DOM event listener abstraction layer
* @module event
* @submodule event-base
* Executes the callback as soon as the specified element
* is detected in the DOM. This function expects a selector
* string for the element(s) to detect. If you already have
* an element reference, you don't need this event.
* @event available
* @param type {string} 'available'
* @param fn {function} the callback function to execute.
* @param el {string} an selector for the element(s) to attach
* @param context optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.
* @param args* 0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function.
* These arguments will be added after the event object.
* @return {EventHandle} the detach handle
* @for YUI
Y.Env.evt.plugins.available = {
on: function(type, fn, id, o) {
var a = arguments.length > 4 ? Y.Array(arguments, 4, true) : null;
return, id, fn, o, a);
* Executes the callback as soon as the specified element
* is detected in the DOM with a nextSibling property
* (indicating that the element's children are available).
* This function expects a selector
* string for the element(s) to detect. If you already have
* an element reference, you don't need this event.
* @event contentready
* @param type {string} 'contentready'
* @param fn {function} the callback function to execute.
* @param el {string} an selector for the element(s) to attach.
* @param context optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.
* @param args* 0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function.
* These arguments will be added after the event object.
* @return {EventHandle} the detach handle
* @for YUI
Y.Env.evt.plugins.contentready = {
on: function(type, fn, id, o) {
var a = arguments.length > 4 ? Y.Array(arguments, 4, true) : null;
return, id, fn, o, a);
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["event-custom-base"]});