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964 lines
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YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('event-simulate', function (Y, NAME) {
(function() {
* Simulate user interaction by generating native DOM events.
* @module event-simulate
* @requires event
var L = Y.Lang,
win =,
isFunction = L.isFunction,
isString = L.isString,
isBoolean = L.isBoolean,
isObject = L.isObject,
isNumber = L.isNumber,
//mouse events supported
mouseEvents = {
click: 1,
dblclick: 1,
mouseover: 1,
mouseout: 1,
mousedown: 1,
mouseup: 1,
mousemove: 1,
pointerEvents = (win && win.PointerEvent) ? {
pointerover: 1,
pointerout: 1,
pointerdown: 1,
pointerup: 1,
pointermove: 1
} : {
MSPointerOver: 1,
MSPointerOut: 1,
MSPointerDown: 1,
MSPointerUp: 1,
MSPointerMove: 1
//key events supported
keyEvents = {
keydown: 1,
keyup: 1,
keypress: 1
//HTML events supported
uiEvents = {
submit: 1,
blur: 1,
change: 1,
focus: 1,
resize: 1,
scroll: 1,
select: 1
//events that bubble by default
bubbleEvents = {
scroll: 1,
resize: 1,
reset: 1,
submit: 1,
change: 1,
select: 1,
error: 1,
abort: 1
//touch events supported
touchEvents = {
touchstart: 1,
touchmove: 1,
touchend: 1,
touchcancel: 1
gestureEvents = {
gesturestart: 1,
gesturechange: 1,
gestureend: 1
//all key, mouse and touch events bubble
Y.mix(bubbleEvents, mouseEvents);
Y.mix(bubbleEvents, keyEvents);
Y.mix(bubbleEvents, touchEvents);
* Note: Intentionally not for YUIDoc generation.
* Simulates a key event using the given event information to populate
* the generated event object. This method does browser-equalizing
* calculations to account for differences in the DOM and IE event models
* as well as different browser quirks. Note: keydown causes Safari 2.x to
* crash.
* @method simulateKeyEvent
* @private
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: keyup, keydown, and keypress.
* @param {Boolean} [bubbles=true] Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 3 specifies that all key events bubble by
* default.
* @param {Boolean} [cancelable=true] Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 3 specifies that all
* key events can be cancelled.
* @param {Window} [view=window] The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object.
* @param {Boolean} [ctrlKey=false] Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing.
* @param {Boolean} [altKey=false] Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing.
* @param {Boolean} [shiftKey=false] Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing.
* @param {Boolean} [metaKey=false] Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing.
* @param {Number} [keyCode=0] The code for the key that is in use.
* @param {Number} [charCode=0] The Unicode code for the character
* associated with the key being used.
function simulateKeyEvent(target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
bubbles /*:Boolean*/, cancelable /*:Boolean*/,
view /*:Window*/,
ctrlKey /*:Boolean*/, altKey /*:Boolean*/,
shiftKey /*:Boolean*/, metaKey /*:Boolean*/,
keyCode /*:int*/, charCode /*:int*/) /*:Void*/
//check target
if (!target){
Y.error("simulateKeyEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (isString(type)){
type = type.toLowerCase();
case "textevent": //DOM Level 3
type = "keypress";
case "keyup":
case "keydown":
case "keypress":
Y.error("simulateKeyEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
Y.error("simulateKeyEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
//setup default values
if (!isBoolean(bubbles)){
bubbles = true; //all key events bubble
if (!isBoolean(cancelable)){
cancelable = true; //all key events can be cancelled
if (!isObject(view)){
view =; //view is typically window
if (!isBoolean(ctrlKey)){
ctrlKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(altKey)){
altKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(shiftKey)){
shiftKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(metaKey)){
metaKey = false;
if (!isNumber(keyCode)){
keyCode = 0;
if (!isNumber(charCode)){
charCode = 0;
//try to create a mouse event
var customEvent /*:MouseEvent*/ = null;
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (isFunction(Y.config.doc.createEvent)){
try {
//try to create key event
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("KeyEvents");
* Interesting problem: Firefox implemented a non-standard
* version of initKeyEvent() based on DOM Level 2 specs.
* Key event was removed from DOM Level 2 and re-introduced
* in DOM Level 3 with a different interface. Firefox is the
* only browser with any implementation of Key Events, so for
* now, assume it's Firefox if the above line doesn't error.
// @TODO: Decipher between Firefox's implementation and a correct one.
customEvent.initKeyEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, ctrlKey,
altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode);
} catch (ex /*:Error*/){
* If it got here, that means key events aren't officially supported.
* Safari/WebKit is a real problem now. WebKit 522 won't let you
* set keyCode, charCode, or other properties if you use a
* UIEvent, so we first must try to create a generic event. The
* fun part is that this will throw an error on Safari 2.x. The
* end result is that we need another try...catch statement just to
* deal with this mess.
try {
//try to create generic event - will fail in Safari 2.x
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("Events");
} catch (uierror /*:Error*/){
//the above failed, so create a UIEvent for Safari 2.x
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("UIEvents");
} finally {
customEvent.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
customEvent.view = view;
customEvent.altKey = altKey;
customEvent.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
customEvent.shiftKey = shiftKey;
customEvent.metaKey = metaKey;
customEvent.keyCode = keyCode;
customEvent.charCode = charCode;
//fire the event
} else if (isObject(Y.config.doc.createEventObject)){ //IE
//create an IE event object
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEventObject();
//assign available properties
customEvent.bubbles = bubbles;
customEvent.cancelable = cancelable;
customEvent.view = view;
customEvent.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
customEvent.altKey = altKey;
customEvent.shiftKey = shiftKey;
customEvent.metaKey = metaKey;
* IE doesn't support charCode explicitly. CharCode should
* take precedence over any keyCode value for accurate
* representation.
customEvent.keyCode = (charCode > 0) ? charCode : keyCode;
//fire the event
target.fireEvent("on" + type, customEvent);
} else {
Y.error("simulateKeyEvent(): No event simulation framework present.");
* Note: Intentionally not for YUIDoc generation.
* Simulates a mouse event using the given event information to populate
* the generated event object. This method does browser-equalizing
* calculations to account for differences in the DOM and IE event models
* as well as different browser quirks.
* @method simulateMouseEvent
* @private
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mouseout,
* mouseover, and mousemove.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 2 specifies that all mouse events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 2 specifies that all
* mouse events except mousemove can be cancelled. The default
* is true for all events except mousemove, for which the default
* is false.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {Number} detail (Optional) The number of times the mouse button has
* been used. The default value is 1.
* @param {Number} screenX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} screenY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Boolean} ctrlKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} altKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} shiftKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} metaKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Number} button (Optional) The button being pressed while the event
* is executing. The value should be 0 for the primary mouse button
* (typically the left button), 1 for the terciary mouse button
* (typically the middle button), and 2 for the secondary mouse button
* (typically the right button). The default is 0.
* @param {HTMLElement} relatedTarget (Optional) For mouseout events,
* this is the element that the mouse has moved to. For mouseover
* events, this is the element that the mouse has moved from. This
* argument is ignored for all other events. The default is null.
function simulateMouseEvent(target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
bubbles /*:Boolean*/, cancelable /*:Boolean*/,
view /*:Window*/, detail /*:int*/,
screenX /*:int*/, screenY /*:int*/,
clientX /*:int*/, clientY /*:int*/,
ctrlKey /*:Boolean*/, altKey /*:Boolean*/,
shiftKey /*:Boolean*/, metaKey /*:Boolean*/,
button /*:int*/, relatedTarget /*:HTMLElement*/) /*:Void*/
//check target
if (!target){
Y.error("simulateMouseEvent(): Invalid target.");
if (isString(type)){
//make sure it's a supported mouse event or an msPointerEvent.
if (!mouseEvents[type.toLowerCase()] && !pointerEvents[type]){
Y.error("simulateMouseEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
else {
Y.error("simulateMouseEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
//setup default values
if (!isBoolean(bubbles)){
bubbles = true; //all mouse events bubble
if (!isBoolean(cancelable)){
cancelable = (type !== "mousemove"); //mousemove is the only one that can't be cancelled
if (!isObject(view)){
view =; //view is typically window
if (!isNumber(detail)){
detail = 1; //number of mouse clicks must be at least one
if (!isNumber(screenX)){
screenX = 0;
if (!isNumber(screenY)){
screenY = 0;
if (!isNumber(clientX)){
clientX = 0;
if (!isNumber(clientY)){
clientY = 0;
if (!isBoolean(ctrlKey)){
ctrlKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(altKey)){
altKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(shiftKey)){
shiftKey = false;
if (!isBoolean(metaKey)){
metaKey = false;
if (!isNumber(button)){
button = 0;
relatedTarget = relatedTarget || null;
//try to create a mouse event
var customEvent /*:MouseEvent*/ = null;
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (isFunction(Y.config.doc.createEvent)){
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
//Safari 2.x (WebKit 418) still doesn't implement initMouseEvent()
if (customEvent.initMouseEvent){
customEvent.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
button, relatedTarget);
} else { //Safari
//the closest thing available in Safari 2.x is UIEvents
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("UIEvents");
customEvent.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
customEvent.view = view;
customEvent.detail = detail;
customEvent.screenX = screenX;
customEvent.screenY = screenY;
customEvent.clientX = clientX;
customEvent.clientY = clientY;
customEvent.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
customEvent.altKey = altKey;
customEvent.metaKey = metaKey;
customEvent.shiftKey = shiftKey;
customEvent.button = button;
customEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
* Check to see if relatedTarget has been assigned. Firefox
* versions less than 2.0 don't allow it to be assigned via
* initMouseEvent() and the property is readonly after event
* creation, so in order to keep YAHOO.util.getRelatedTarget()
* working, assign to the IE proprietary toElement property
* for mouseout event and fromElement property for mouseover
* event.
if (relatedTarget && !customEvent.relatedTarget){
if (type === "mouseout"){
customEvent.toElement = relatedTarget;
} else if (type === "mouseover"){
customEvent.fromElement = relatedTarget;
//fire the event
} else if (isObject(Y.config.doc.createEventObject)){ //IE
//create an IE event object
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEventObject();
//assign available properties
customEvent.bubbles = bubbles;
customEvent.cancelable = cancelable;
customEvent.view = view;
customEvent.detail = detail;
customEvent.screenX = screenX;
customEvent.screenY = screenY;
customEvent.clientX = clientX;
customEvent.clientY = clientY;
customEvent.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
customEvent.altKey = altKey;
customEvent.metaKey = metaKey;
customEvent.shiftKey = shiftKey;
//fix button property for IE's wacky implementation
case 0:
customEvent.button = 1;
case 1:
customEvent.button = 4;
case 2:
//leave as is
customEvent.button = 0;
* Have to use relatedTarget because IE won't allow assignment
* to toElement or fromElement on generic events. This keeps
* YAHOO.util.customEvent.getRelatedTarget() functional.
customEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
//fire the event
target.fireEvent("on" + type, customEvent);
} else {
Y.error("simulateMouseEvent(): No event simulation framework present.");
* Note: Intentionally not for YUIDoc generation.
* Simulates a UI event using the given event information to populate
* the generated event object. This method does browser-equalizing
* calculations to account for differences in the DOM and IE event models
* as well as different browser quirks.
* @method simulateHTMLEvent
* @private
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mouseout,
* mouseover, and mousemove.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 2 specifies that all mouse events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 2 specifies that all
* mouse events except mousemove can be cancelled. The default
* is true for all events except mousemove, for which the default
* is false.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {Number} detail (Optional) The number of times the mouse button has
* been used. The default value is 1.
function simulateUIEvent(target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
bubbles /*:Boolean*/, cancelable /*:Boolean*/,
view /*:Window*/, detail /*:int*/) /*:Void*/
//check target
if (!target){
Y.error("simulateUIEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (isString(type)){
type = type.toLowerCase();
//make sure it's a supported mouse event
if (!uiEvents[type]){
Y.error("simulateUIEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
Y.error("simulateUIEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
//try to create a mouse event
var customEvent = null;
//setup default values
if (!isBoolean(bubbles)){
bubbles = (type in bubbleEvents); //not all events bubble
if (!isBoolean(cancelable)){
cancelable = (type === "submit"); //submit is the only one that can be cancelled
if (!isObject(view)){
view =; //view is typically window
if (!isNumber(detail)){
detail = 1; //usually not used but defaulted to this
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (isFunction(Y.config.doc.createEvent)){
//just a generic UI Event object is needed
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("UIEvents");
customEvent.initUIEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail);
//fire the event
} else if (isObject(Y.config.doc.createEventObject)){ //IE
//create an IE event object
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEventObject();
//assign available properties
customEvent.bubbles = bubbles;
customEvent.cancelable = cancelable;
customEvent.view = view;
customEvent.detail = detail;
//fire the event
target.fireEvent("on" + type, customEvent);
} else {
Y.error("simulateUIEvent(): No event simulation framework present.");
* (iOS only) This is for creating native DOM gesture events which only iOS
* v2.0+ is supporting.
* @method simulateGestureEvent
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 2 specifies that all mouse events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 2 specifies that all
* touch events except touchcancel can be cancelled. The default
* is true for all events except touchcancel, for which the default
* is false.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {Number} detail (Optional) Specifies some detail information about
* the event depending on the type of event.
* @param {Number} screenX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} screenY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Boolean} ctrlKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} altKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} shiftKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} metaKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Number} scale (iOS v2+ only) The distance between two fingers
* since the start of an event as a multiplier of the initial distance.
* The default value is 1.0.
* @param {Number} rotation (iOS v2+ only) The delta rotation since the start
* of an event, in degrees, where clockwise is positive and
* counter-clockwise is negative. The default value is 0.0.
function simulateGestureEvent(target, type,
bubbles, // boolean
cancelable, // boolean
view, // DOMWindow
detail, // long
screenX, screenY, // long
clientX, clientY, // long
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, // boolean
scale, // float
rotation // float
) {
var customEvent;
if(!Y.UA.ios || Y.UA.ios<2.0) {
Y.error("simulateGestureEvent(): Native gesture DOM eventframe is not available in this platform.");
// check taget
if (!target){
Y.error("simulateGestureEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (Y.Lang.isString(type)) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
//make sure it's a supported touch event
if (!gestureEvents[type]){
Y.error("simulateTouchEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
Y.error("simulateGestureEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
// setup default values
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(bubbles)) { bubbles = true; } // bubble by default
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(cancelable)) { cancelable = true; }
if (!Y.Lang.isObject(view)) { view =; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(detail)) { detail = 2; } // usually not used.
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(screenX)) { screenX = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(screenY)) { screenY = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(clientX)) { clientX = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(clientY)) { clientY = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(ctrlKey)) { ctrlKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(altKey)) { altKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(shiftKey)){ shiftKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(metaKey)) { metaKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(scale)){ scale = 1.0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(rotation)){ rotation = 0.0; }
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("GestureEvent");
customEvent.initGestureEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
target, scale, rotation);
* @method simulateTouchEvent
* @private
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: touchstart, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 2 specifies that all mouse events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 2 specifies that all
* touch events except touchcancel can be cancelled. The default
* is true for all events except touchcancel, for which the default
* is false.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {Number} detail (Optional) Specifies some detail information about
* the event depending on the type of event.
* @param {Number} screenX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} screenY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Number} clientY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Boolean} ctrlKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} altKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} shiftKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} metaKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {TouchList} touches A collection of Touch objects representing
* all touches associated with this event.
* @param {TouchList} targetTouches A collection of Touch objects
* representing all touches associated with this target.
* @param {TouchList} changedTouches A collection of Touch objects
* representing all touches that changed in this event.
* @param {Number} scale (iOS v2+ only) The distance between two fingers
* since the start of an event as a multiplier of the initial distance.
* The default value is 1.0.
* @param {Number} rotation (iOS v2+ only) The delta rotation since the start
* of an event, in degrees, where clockwise is positive and
* counter-clockwise is negative. The default value is 0.0.
function simulateTouchEvent(target, type,
bubbles, // boolean
cancelable, // boolean
view, // DOMWindow
detail, // long
screenX, screenY, // long
clientX, clientY, // long
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, // boolean
touches, // TouchList
targetTouches, // TouchList
changedTouches, // TouchList
scale, // float
rotation // float
) {
var customEvent;
// check taget
if (!target){
Y.error("simulateTouchEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (Y.Lang.isString(type)) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
//make sure it's a supported touch event
if (!touchEvents[type]){
Y.error("simulateTouchEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
Y.error("simulateTouchEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
// note that the caller is responsible to pass appropriate touch objects.
// check touch objects
// Android(even 4.0) doesn't define TouchList yet
/*if(type === 'touchstart' || type === 'touchmove') {
if(!touches instanceof TouchList) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): Invalid touches. It must be a TouchList');
} else {
if(touches.length === 0) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No touch object found.');
} else if(type === 'touchend') {
if(!changedTouches instanceof TouchList) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): Invalid touches. It must be a TouchList');
} else {
if(changedTouches.length === 0) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No touch object found.');
if(type === 'touchstart' || type === 'touchmove') {
if(touches.length === 0) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No touch object in touches');
} else if(type === 'touchend') {
if(changedTouches.length === 0) {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No touch object in changedTouches');
// setup default values
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(bubbles)) { bubbles = true; } // bubble by default.
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(cancelable)) {
cancelable = (type !== "touchcancel"); // touchcancel is not cancelled
if (!Y.Lang.isObject(view)) { view =; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(detail)) { detail = 1; } // usually not used. defaulted to # of touch objects.
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(screenX)) { screenX = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(screenY)) { screenY = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(clientX)) { clientX = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(clientY)) { clientY = 0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(ctrlKey)) { ctrlKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(altKey)) { altKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(shiftKey)){ shiftKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isBoolean(metaKey)) { metaKey = false; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(scale)) { scale = 1.0; }
if (!Y.Lang.isNumber(rotation)) { rotation = 0.0; }
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(Y.config.doc.createEvent)) {
if ( {
* Couldn't find android start version that supports touch event.
* Assumed supported(btw APIs broken till icecream sandwitch)
* from the beginning.
if( < 4.0) {
* Touch APIs are broken in androids older than 4.0. We will use
* simulated touch apis for these versions.
* App developer still can listen for touch events. This events
* will be dispatched with touch event types.
* (Note) Used target for the relatedTarget. Need to verify if
* it has a side effect.
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
customEvent.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
0, target);
customEvent.touches = touches;
customEvent.targetTouches = targetTouches;
customEvent.changedTouches = changedTouches;
} else {
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("TouchEvent");
// Andoroid isn't compliant W3C initTouchEvent method signature.
customEvent.initTouchEvent(touches, targetTouches, changedTouches,
type, view,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);
} else if (Y.UA.ios) {
if(Y.UA.ios >= 2.0) {
customEvent = Y.config.doc.createEvent("TouchEvent");
// Available iOS 2.0 and later
customEvent.initTouchEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
touches, targetTouches, changedTouches,
scale, rotation);
} else {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No touch event simulation framework present for iOS, '+Y.UA.ios+'.');
} else {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): Not supported agent yet, '+Y.UA.userAgent);
//fire the event
//} else if (Y.Lang.isObject(doc.createEventObject)){ // Windows Mobile/IE, support later
} else {
Y.error('simulateTouchEvent(): No event simulation framework present.');
* Simulates the event or gesture with the given name on a target.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The DOM element that's the target of the event.
* @param {String} type The type of event or name of the supported gesture to simulate
* (i.e., "click", "doubletap", "flick").
* @param {Object} options (Optional) Extra options to copy onto the event object.
* For gestures, options are used to refine the gesture behavior.
* @for Event
* @method simulate
* @static
Y.Event.simulate = function(target, type, options){
options = options || {};
if (mouseEvents[type] || pointerEvents[type]){
simulateMouseEvent(target, type, options.bubbles,
options.cancelable, options.view, options.detail, options.screenX,
options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY, options.ctrlKey,
options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button,
} else if (keyEvents[type]){
simulateKeyEvent(target, type, options.bubbles,
options.cancelable, options.view, options.ctrlKey,
options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey,
options.keyCode, options.charCode);
} else if (uiEvents[type]){
simulateUIEvent(target, type, options.bubbles,
options.cancelable, options.view, options.detail);
// touch low-level event simulation
} else if (touchEvents[type]) {
if(( && ("ontouchstart" in && !(Y.UA.phantomjs) && !( && < 6)) {
simulateTouchEvent(target, type,
options.bubbles, options.cancelable, options.view, options.detail,
options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY,
options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey,
options.touches, options.targetTouches, options.changedTouches,
options.scale, options.rotation);
} else {
Y.error("simulate(): Event '" + type + "' can't be simulated. Use gesture-simulate module instead.");
// ios gesture low-level event simulation (iOS v2+ only)
} else if(Y.UA.ios && Y.UA.ios >= 2.0 && gestureEvents[type]) {
simulateGestureEvent(target, type,
options.bubbles, options.cancelable, options.view, options.detail,
options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY,
options.ctrlKey, options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey,
options.scale, options.rotation);
// anything else
} else {
Y.error("simulate(): Event '" + type + "' can't be simulated.");
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["event-base"]});