You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
724 lines
30 KiB
724 lines
30 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('exec-command', function (Y, NAME) {
* Plugin for the frame module to handle execCommands for Editor
* @class Plugin.ExecCommand
* @extends Base
* @constructor
* @module editor
* @submodule exec-command
var ExecCommand = function() {
ExecCommand.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* This method is meant to normalize IE's in ability to exec the proper command on elements with CSS styling.
* @method fixIETags
* @protected
* @param {String} cmd The command to execute
* @param {String} tag The tag to create
* @param {String} rule The rule that we are looking for.
fixIETags = function(cmd, tag, rule) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
doc = inst.config.doc,
sel = doc.selection.createRange(),
o = doc.queryCommandValue(cmd),
html, reg, m, p, d, s, c;
if (o) {
html = sel.htmlText;
reg = new RegExp(rule, 'g');
m = html.match(reg);
if (m) {
html = html.replace(rule + ';', '').replace(rule, '');
sel.pasteHTML('<var id="yui-ie-bs">');
p = doc.getElementById('yui-ie-bs');
d = doc.createElement('div');
s = doc.createElement(tag);
d.innerHTML = html;
if (p.parentNode !== inst.config.doc.body) {
p = p.parentNode;
c = d.childNodes;
p.parentNode.replaceChild(s, p);
Y.each(c, function(f) {
if (sel.moveToElementText) {
Y.extend(ExecCommand, Y.Base, {
* An internal reference to the keyCode of the last key that was pressed.
* @private
* @property _lastKey
_lastKey: null,
* An internal reference to the instance of the frame plugged into.
* @private
* @property _inst
_inst: null,
* Execute a command on the frame's document.
* @method command
* @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname)
* @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica)
* @return {Node/NodeList} Should return the Node/Nodelist affected
command: function(action, value) {
var fn = ExecCommand.COMMANDS[action];
if (fn) {
return, action, value);
} else {
return this._command(action, value);
* The private version of execCommand that doesn't filter for overrides.
* @private
* @method _command
* @param {String} action The action to perform (bold, italic, fontname)
* @param {String} value The optional value (helvetica)
_command: function(action, value) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
try {
try {
inst.config.doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', null, 1);
} catch (e1) {
try {
inst.config.doc.execCommand('useCSS', null, 0);
} catch (e2) {
inst.config.doc.execCommand(action, null, value);
} catch (e) {
* Get's the instance of YUI bound to the parent frame
* @method getInstance
* @return {YUI} The YUI instance bound to the parent frame
getInstance: function() {
if (!this._inst) {
this._inst = this.get('host').getInstance();
return this._inst;
initializer: function() {
Y.mix(this.get('host'), {
execCommand: function(action, value) {
return this.exec.command(action, value);
_execCommand: function(action, value) {
return this.exec._command(action, value);
this.get('host').on('dom:keypress', Y.bind(function(e) {
this._lastKey = e.keyCode;
}, this));
_wrapContent: function(str, override) {
var useP = (this.getInstance().host.editorPara && !override ? true : false);
if (useP) {
str = '<p>' + str + '</p>';
} else {
str = str + '<br>';
return str;
}, {
* execCommand
* @property NAME
* @static
NAME: 'execCommand',
* exec
* @property NS
* @static
NS: 'exec',
host: {
value: false
* Static object literal of execCommand overrides
* @class Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS
* @static
* Wraps the content with a new element of type (tag)
* @method wrap
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: wrap
* @param {String} tag The tag to wrap the selection with
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
wrap: function(cmd, tag) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.EditorSelection()).wrapContent(tag);
* Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, should be a single element.
* @method inserthtml
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: inserthtml
* @param {String} html The html to insert
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
inserthtml: function(cmd, html) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
if (inst.EditorSelection.hasCursor() || {
return (new inst.EditorSelection()).insertContent(html);
} else {
this._command('inserthtml', html);
* Inserts the provided HTML at the cursor, and focuses the cursor afterwards.
* @method insertandfocus
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertandfocus
* @param {String} html The html to insert
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
insertandfocus: function(cmd, html) {
var inst = this.getInstance(), out, sel;
if (inst.EditorSelection.hasCursor()) {
html += inst.EditorSelection.CURSOR;
out = this.command('inserthtml', html);
sel = new inst.EditorSelection();
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
} else {
this.command('inserthtml', html);
return out;
* Inserts a BR at the current cursor position
* @method insertbr
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertbr
insertbr: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection(),
html = '<var>|</var>', last = null,
root = inst.EditorSelection.ROOT,
q = (Y.UA.webkit) ? 'span.Apple-style-span,var' : 'var',
insert = function(n) {
var c = inst.Node.create('<br>');
n.insert(c, 'before');
return c;
if (sel._selection.pasteHTML) {
} else {
this._command('inserthtml', html);
root.all(q).each(function(n) {
var g = true, s;
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
g = false;
if (n.get('innerHTML') === '|') {
g = true;
if (g) {
last = insert(n);
if ((!last.previous() || !last.previous().test('br')) && Y.UA.gecko) {
s = last.cloneNode();
last.insert(s, 'after');
last = s;
if (Y.UA.webkit && last) {
* Inserts an image at the cursor position
* @method insertimage
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: insertimage
* @param {String} img The url of the image to be inserted
* @return {Node} Node instance of the item touched by this command.
insertimage: function(cmd, img) {
return this.command('inserthtml', '<img src="' + img + '">');
* Add a class to all of the elements in the selection
* @method addclass
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: addclass
* @param {String} cls The className to add
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
addclass: function(cmd, cls) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.EditorSelection()).getSelected().addClass(cls);
* Remove a class from all of the elements in the selection
* @method removeclass
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: removeclass
* @param {String} cls The className to remove
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
removeclass: function(cmd, cls) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
return (new inst.EditorSelection()).getSelected().removeClass(cls);
* Adds a forecolor to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method forecolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: forecolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
forecolor: function(cmd, val) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection(), n;
if (! {
this._command('useCSS', false);
if (inst.EditorSelection.hasCursor()) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === ' ')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('color', val);
n = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
n = this.command('inserthtml', '<span style="color: ' + val + '">' + inst.EditorSelection.CURSOR + '</span>');
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
return n;
} else {
return this._command(cmd, val);
} else {
this._command(cmd, val);
* Adds a background color to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method backcolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
backcolor: function(cmd, val) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection(), n;
if (Y.UA.gecko || Y.UA.opera) {
cmd = 'hilitecolor';
if (! {
this._command('useCSS', false);
if (inst.EditorSelection.hasCursor()) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
if (sel.anchorNode && (sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') === ' ')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('backgroundColor', val);
n = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
n = this.command('inserthtml',
'<span style="background-color: ' + val + '">' + inst.EditorSelection.CURSOR + '</span>');
sel.focusCursor(true, true);
return n;
} else {
return this._command(cmd, val);
} else {
this._command(cmd, val);
* Sugar method, calles backcolor
* @method hilitecolor
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: backcolor
* @param {String} val The color value to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
hilitecolor: function() {
return ExecCommand.COMMANDS.backcolor.apply(this, arguments);
* Adds a font name to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method fontname2
* @deprecated
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontname
* @param {String} val The font name to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
fontname2: function(cmd, val) {
this._command('fontname', val);
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection();
if (sel.isCollapsed && (this._lastKey !== 32)) {
if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) {
sel.anchorNode.set('face', val);
* Adds a fontsize to the current selection, or creates a new element and applies it
* @method fontsize2
* @deprecated
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: fontsize
* @param {String} val The font size to apply
* @return {NodeList} NodeList of the items touched by this command.
fontsize2: function(cmd, val) {
this._command('fontsize', val);
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection(), p;
if (sel.isCollapsed && sel.anchorNode && (this._lastKey !== 32)) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
if (sel.anchorNode.getStyle('lineHeight')) {
sel.anchorNode.setStyle('lineHeight', '');
if (sel.anchorNode.test('font')) {
sel.anchorNode.set('size', val);
} else if (Y.UA.gecko) {
p = sel.anchorNode.ancestor(inst.EditorSelection.DEFAULT_BLOCK_TAG);
if (p) {
p.setStyle('fontSize', '');
* Overload for list
* @method insertorderedlist
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list, ul
insertunorderedlist: function() {
this.command('list', 'ul');
* Overload for list
* @method insertunorderedlist
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list, ol
insertorderedlist: function() {
this.command('list', 'ol');
* Noramlizes lists creation/destruction for IE. All others pass through to native calls
* @method list
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: list (not used)
* @param {String} tag The tag to deal with
list: function(cmd, tag) {
var inst = this.getInstance(), html, self = this,
The yui3- class name below is not a skinnable class,
it's a utility class used internally by editor and
stripped when completed, calling getClassName on this
is a waste of resources.
DIR = 'dir', cls = 'yui3-touched',
dir, range, div, elm, n, str, s, par, list, lis,
useP = ( ? true : false), tmp,
sdir, hasPParent, fc,
root = inst.EditorSelection.ROOT,
sel = new inst.EditorSelection();
cmd = 'insert' + ((tag === 'ul') ? 'un' : '') + 'orderedlist';
if ( && < 11 && !sel.isCollapsed) {
range = sel._selection;
html = range.htmlText;
div = inst.Node.create(html) || root;
if (div.test('li') ||'li')) {
this._command(cmd, null);
if (div.test(tag)) {
elm = range.item ? range.item(0) : range.parentElement();
n =;
lis = n.all('li');
str = '<div>';
lis.each(function(l) {
str = self._wrapContent(l.get('innerHTML'));
str += '</div>';
s = inst.Node.create(str);
if (n.get('parentNode').test('div')) {
n = n.get('parentNode');
if (n && n.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
if (useP) {
s.all('p').setAttribute(DIR, n.getAttribute(DIR));
} else {
s.setAttribute(DIR, n.getAttribute(DIR));
if (useP) {
} else {
if (range.moveToElementText) {
} else {
par =;
if (!par.test(inst.EditorSelection.BLOCKS)) {
par = par.ancestor(inst.EditorSelection.BLOCKS);
if (par) {
if (par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
if (html.indexOf('<br>') > -1) {
html = html.split(/<br>/i);
} else {
tmp = inst.Node.create(html);
ps = tmp ? tmp.all('p') : null;
if (ps && ps.size()) {
html = [];
ps.each(function(n) {
} else {
html = [html];
list = '<' + tag + ' id="ie-list">';
Y.each(html, function(v) {
var a = inst.Node.create(v);
if (a && a.test('p')) {
if (a.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = a.getAttribute(DIR);
v = a.get('innerHTML');
list += '<li>' + v + '</li>';
list += '</' + tag + '>';
elm = inst.config.doc.getElementById('ie-list');
| = '';
if (dir) {
elm.setAttribute(DIR, dir);
if (range.moveToElementText) {
} else if ( && < 11) {
par =;
if (par.test('p')) {
if (par && par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
html = Y.EditorSelection.getText(par);
if (html === '') {
sdir = '';
if (dir) {
sdir = ' dir="' + dir + '"';
list = inst.Node.create(Y.Lang.sub('<{tag}{dir}><li></li></{tag}>', { tag: tag, dir: sdir }));
} else {
this._command(cmd, null);
} else {
this._command(cmd, null);
} else {
if (sel.anchorNode.test(inst.EditorSelection.BLOCKS)) {
par = sel.anchorNode;
} else {
par = sel.anchorNode.ancestor(inst.EditorSelection.BLOCKS);
if (!par) { //No parent, find the first block under the anchorNode
par =;
if (par && par.hasAttribute(DIR)) {
dir = par.getAttribute(DIR);
if (par && par.test(tag)) {
hasPParent = par.ancestor('p');
html = inst.Node.create('<div/>');
elm = par.all('li');
elm.each(function(h) {
html.append(self._wrapContent(h.get('innerHTML'), hasPParent));
if (dir) {
if (useP) {
html.all('p').setAttribute(DIR, dir);
} else {
html.setAttribute(DIR, dir);
if (useP) {
html = inst.Node.create(html.get('innerHTML'));
fc = html.get('firstChild');
} else {
this._command(cmd, null);
list = root.all(tag);
if (dir) {
if (list.size()) {
//Changed to a List
list.each(function(n) {
if (!n.hasClass(cls)) {
n.setAttribute(DIR, dir);
* Noramlizes alignment for Webkit Browsers
* @method justify
* @static
* @param {String} cmd The command executed: justify (not used)
* @param {String} val The actual command from the justify{center,all,left,right} stubs
justify: function(cmd, val) {
if (Y.UA.webkit) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.EditorSelection(),
aNode = sel.anchorNode, html,
bgColor = aNode.getStyle('backgroundColor');
sel = new inst.EditorSelection();
if (sel.anchorNode.test('div')) {
html = '<span>' + sel.anchorNode.get('innerHTML') + '</span>';
sel.anchorNode.set('innerHTML', html);
|'span').setStyle('backgroundColor', bgColor);
} else {
* Override method for justify
* @method justifycenter
* @static
justifycenter: function() {
this.command('justify', 'justifycenter');
* Override method for justify
* @method justifyleft
* @static
justifyleft: function() {
this.command('justify', 'justifyleft');
* Override method for justify
* @method justifyright
* @static
justifyright: function() {
this.command('justify', 'justifyright');
* Override method for justify
* @method justifyfull
* @static
justifyfull: function() {
this.command('justify', 'justifyfull');
if ( && < 11) {
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.bold = function() {
|, 'bold', 'b', 'FONT-WEIGHT: bold');
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.italic = function() {
|, 'italic', 'i', 'FONT-STYLE: italic');
ExecCommand.COMMANDS.underline = function() {
|, 'underline', 'u', 'TEXT-DECORATION: underline');
Y.Plugin.ExecCommand = ExecCommand;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["frame"]});