You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
240 lines
7.3 KiB
240 lines
7.3 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('json-stringify-shim', function (Y, NAME) {
// All internals kept private for security reasons
var Lang = Y.Lang,
isFunction= Lang.isFunction,
isObject = Lang.isObject,
isArray = Lang.isArray,
_toStr = Object.prototype.toString,
UNDEFINED = 'undefined',
OBJECT = 'object',
NULL = 'null',
STRING = 'string',
NUMBER = 'number',
BOOLEAN = 'boolean',
DATE = 'date',
_allowable= {
'undefined' : UNDEFINED,
'string' : STRING,
'[object String]' : STRING,
'number' : NUMBER,
'[object Number]' : NUMBER,
'boolean' : BOOLEAN,
'[object Boolean]' : BOOLEAN,
'[object Date]' : DATE,
'[object RegExp]' : OBJECT
EMPTY = '',
OPEN_O = '{',
CLOSE_O = '}',
OPEN_A = '[',
CLOSE_A = ']',
COMMA = ',',
COMMA_CR = ",\n",
CR = "\n",
COLON = ':',
COLON_SP = ': ',
QUOTE = '"',
// Regex used to capture characters that need escaping before enclosing
// their containing string in quotes.
_SPECIAL = /[\x00-\x07\x0b\x0e-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
// Character substitution map for common escapes and special characters.
[/\\/g, '\\\\'],
[/\"/g, '\\"'],
[/\x08/g, '\\b'],
[/\x09/g, '\\t'],
[/\x0a/g, '\\n'],
[/\x0c/g, '\\f'],
[/\x0d/g, '\\r']
// In-process optimization for special character escapes that haven't yet
// been promoted to _COMMON
_CHAR = {},
// Per-char counter to determine if it's worth fast tracking a special
// character escape sequence.
// Utility function used to determine how to serialize a variable.
function _type(o) {
var t = typeof o;
return _allowable[t] || // number, string, boolean, undefined
_allowable[] || // Number, String, Boolean, Date
(t === OBJECT ?
(o ? OBJECT : NULL) : // object, array, null, misc natives
UNDEFINED); // function, unknown
// Escapes a special character to a safe Unicode representation
function _char(c) {
if (!_CHAR[c]) {
_CHAR[c] = '\\u'+('0000'+(+(c.charCodeAt(0))).toString(16)).slice(-4);
_CHAR_COUNT[c] = 0;
// === to avoid this conditional for the remainder of the current operation
_COMMON.push([new RegExp(c, 'g'), _CHAR[c]]);
return _CHAR[c];
// Enclose escaped strings in quotes
function _string(s) {
var i, chr;
// Preprocess the string against common characters to avoid function
// overhead associated with replacement via function.
for (i = 0; i < _COMMON_LENGTH; i++) {
chr = _COMMON[i];
s = s.replace(chr[0], chr[1]);
// original function replace for the not-as-common set of chars
return QUOTE + s.replace(_SPECIAL, _char) + QUOTE;
// Adds the provided space to the beginning of every line in the input string
function _indent(s,space) {
return s.replace(/^/gm, space);
Y.JSON.stringify = function _stringify(o,w,space) {
if (o === undefined) {
return undefined;
var replacer = isFunction(w) ? w : null,
format =|Number/) || [],
_date = Y.JSON.dateToString,
stack = [],
_CACHE_THRESHOLD = Y.JSON.charCacheThreshold;
if (replacer || !isArray(w)) {
w = undefined;
// Ensure whitelist keys are unique (bug 2110391)
if (w) {
tmp = {};
for (i = 0, len = w.length; i < len; ++i) {
tmp[w[i]] = true;
w = tmp;
// Per the spec, strings are truncated to 10 characters and numbers
// are converted to that number of spaces (max 10)
space = format[0] === 'Number' ?
new Array(Math.min(Math.max(0,space),10)+1).join(" ") :
(space || EMPTY).slice(0,10);
function _serialize(h,key) {
var value = h[key],
t = _type(value),
a = [],
colon = space ? COLON_SP : COLON,
arr, i, keys, k, v;
// Per the ECMA 5 spec, toJSON is applied before the replacer is
// called. Also per the spec, Date.prototype.toJSON has been added, so
// Date instances should be serialized prior to exposure to the
// replacer. I disagree with this decision, but the spec is the spec.
if (isObject(value) && isFunction(value.toJSON)) {
value = value.toJSON(key);
} else if (t === DATE) {
value = _date(value);
if (isFunction(replacer)) {
value =,key,value);
if (value !== h[key]) {
t = _type(value);
switch (t) {
case DATE : // intentional fallthrough. Pre-replacer Dates are
// serialized in the toJSON stage. Dates here would
// have been produced by the replacer.
case OBJECT : break;
case STRING : return _string(value);
case NUMBER : return isFinite(value) ? value+EMPTY : NULL;
case BOOLEAN : return value+EMPTY;
case NULL : return NULL;
default : return undefined;
// Check for cyclical references in nested objects
for (i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (stack[i] === value) {
throw new Error("JSON.stringify. Cyclical reference");
arr = isArray(value);
// Add the object to the processing stack
if (arr) { // Array
for (i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
a[i] = _serialize(value, i) || NULL;
} else { // Object
// If whitelist provided, take only those keys
keys = w || value;
i = 0;
for (k in keys) {
if (keys.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
v = _serialize(value, k);
if (v) {
a[i++] = _string(k) + colon + v;
// remove the array from the stack
if (space && a.length) {
return arr ?
OPEN_A + CR + _indent(a.join(COMMA_CR), space) + CR + CLOSE_A :
OPEN_O + CR + _indent(a.join(COMMA_CR), space) + CR + CLOSE_O;
} else {
return arr ?
OPEN_A + a.join(COMMA) + CLOSE_A :
OPEN_O + a.join(COMMA) + CLOSE_O;
// process the input
return _serialize({'':o},'');
// Property available for testing if the implementation being used
// is native or a shim
Y.JSON.stringify.isShim = true;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["json-stringify"]});