You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
753 lines
21 KiB
753 lines
21 KiB
YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e)
Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License.
YUI.add('scrollview-paginator', function (Y, NAME) {
* Provides a plugin that adds pagination support to ScrollView instances
* @module scrollview-paginator
var getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
SCROLLVIEW = 'scrollview',
CLASS_HIDDEN = getClassName(SCROLLVIEW, 'hidden'),
CLASS_PAGED = getClassName(SCROLLVIEW, 'paged'),
UI = (Y.ScrollView) ? Y.ScrollView.UI_SRC : 'ui',
INDEX = 'index',
SCROLL_X = 'scrollX',
SCROLL_Y = 'scrollY',
TOTAL = 'total',
DISABLED = 'disabled',
HOST = 'host',
SELECTOR = 'selector',
AXIS = 'axis',
DIM_X = 'x',
DIM_Y = 'y';
* Scrollview plugin that adds support for paging
* @class ScrollViewPaginator
* @namespace Plugin
* @extends Plugin.Base
* @constructor
function PaginatorPlugin() {
PaginatorPlugin.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(PaginatorPlugin, Y.Plugin.Base, {
* Designated initializer
* @method initializer
* @param {Object} Configuration object for the plugin
initializer: function (config) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator.get(HOST);
// Initialize & default
paginator._pageDims = [];
paginator._pageBuffer = 1;
paginator._optimizeMemory = false;
// Cache some values
paginator._host = host;
paginator._bb = host._bb;
paginator._cb = host._cb;
paginator._cIndex = paginator.get(INDEX);
paginator._cAxis = paginator.get(AXIS);
// Apply configs
if (config._optimizeMemory) {
paginator._optimizeMemory = config._optimizeMemory;
if (config._pageBuffer) {
paginator._pageBuffer = config._pageBuffer;
// Attach event bindings
* @method _bindAttrs
* @private
_bindAttrs: function () {
var paginator = this;
// Event listeners
'indexChange': paginator._afterIndexChange,
'axisChange': paginator._afterAxisChange
// Host method listeners
paginator.beforeHostMethod('scrollTo', paginator._beforeHostScrollTo);
paginator.beforeHostMethod('_mousewheel', paginator._beforeHostMousewheel);
paginator.beforeHostMethod('_flick', paginator._beforeHostFlick);
paginator.afterHostMethod('_onGestureMoveEnd', paginator._afterHostGestureMoveEnd);
paginator.afterHostMethod('_uiDimensionsChange', paginator._afterHostUIDimensionsChange);
paginator.afterHostMethod('syncUI', paginator._afterHostSyncUI);
// Host event listeners
paginator.afterHostEvent('render', paginator._afterHostRender);
paginator.afterHostEvent('scrollEnd', paginator._afterHostScrollEnded);
* After host render
* @method _afterHostRender
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterHostRender: function () {
var paginator = this,
bb = paginator._bb,
host = paginator._host,
index = paginator._cIndex,
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis,
pageNodes = paginator._getPageNodes(),
size = pageNodes.size(),
pageDim = paginator._pageDims[index];
if (paginatorAxis[DIM_Y]) {
host._maxScrollX = pageDim.maxScrollX;
else if (paginatorAxis[DIM_X]) {
host._maxScrollY = pageDim.maxScrollY;
// Set the page count
paginator.set(TOTAL, size);
// Jump to the index
if (index !== 0) {
paginator.scrollToIndex(index, 0);
// Add the paginator class
// Trigger the optimization process
* After host syncUI
* @method _afterHostSyncUI
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterHostSyncUI: function () {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
pageNodes = paginator._getPageNodes(),
size = pageNodes.size();
// Set the page count
paginator.set(TOTAL, size);
// If paginator's 'axis' property is to be automatically determined, inherit host's property
if (paginator._cAxis === undefined) {
paginator._set(AXIS, host.get(AXIS));
* After host _uiDimensionsChange
* @method _afterHostUIDimensionsChange
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterHostUIDimensionsChange: function () {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
dims = host._getScrollDims(),
widgetWidth = dims.offsetWidth,
widgetHeight = dims.offsetHeight,
pageNodes = paginator._getPageNodes();
// Inefficient. Should not reinitialize every page every syncUI
pageNodes.each(function (node, i) {
var scrollWidth = node.get('scrollWidth'),
scrollHeight = node.get('scrollHeight'),
maxScrollX = Math.max(0, scrollWidth - widgetWidth), // Math.max to ensure we don't set it to a negative value
maxScrollY = Math.max(0, scrollHeight - widgetHeight);
// Don't initialize any page _pageDims that already have been.
if (!paginator._pageDims[i]) {
paginator._pageDims[i] = {
// Current scrollX & scrollY positions (default to 0)
scrollX: 0,
scrollY: 0,
// Maximum scrollable values
maxScrollX: maxScrollX,
maxScrollY: maxScrollY,
// Height & width of the page
width: scrollWidth,
height: scrollHeight
} else {
paginator._pageDims[i].maxScrollX = maxScrollX;
paginator._pageDims[i].maxScrollY = maxScrollY;
* Executed before host.scrollTo
* @method _beforeHostScrollTo
* @param x {Number} The x-position to scroll to. (null for no movement)
* @param y {Number} The y-position to scroll to. (null for no movement)
* @param {Number} [duration] Duration, in ms, of the scroll animation (default is 0)
* @param {String} [easing] An easing equation if duration is set
* @param {String} [node] The node to move
* @protected
_beforeHostScrollTo: function (x, y, duration, easing, node) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
gesture = host._gesture,
index = paginator._cIndex,
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis,
pageNodes = paginator._getPageNodes(),
if (gesture) {
gestureAxis = gesture.axis;
// Null the opposite axis so it won't be modified by host.scrollTo
if (gestureAxis === DIM_Y) {
x = null;
} else {
y = null;
// If they are scrolling against the specified axis, pull out the page's node to have its own offset
if (paginatorAxis[gestureAxis] === false) {
node = pageNodes.item(index);
// Return the modified argument list
return new Y.Do.AlterArgs("new args", [x, y, duration, easing, node]);
* Executed after host._gestureMoveEnd
* Determines if the gesture should page prev or next (if at all)
* @method _afterHostGestureMoveEnd
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterHostGestureMoveEnd: function () {
// This was a flick, so we don't need to do anything here
if (this._host._gesture.flick) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
gesture = host._gesture,
index = paginator._cIndex,
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis,
gestureAxis = gesture.axis,
isHorizontal = (gestureAxis === DIM_X),
delta = gesture[(isHorizontal ? 'deltaX' : 'deltaY')],
isForward = (delta > 0),
pageDims = paginator._pageDims[index],
halfway = pageDims[(isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height')] / 2,
isHalfway = (Math.abs(delta) >= halfway),
canScroll = paginatorAxis[gestureAxis],
rtl = host.rtl;
if (canScroll) {
if (isHalfway) { // TODO: This condition should probably be configurable
// Fire next()/prev()
paginator[(rtl === isForward ? 'prev' : 'next')]();
// Scrollback
else {
* Executed before host._mousewheel
* Prevents mousewheel events in some conditions
* @method _beforeHostMousewheel
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_beforeHostMousewheel: function (e) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
bb = host._bb,
isForward = (e.wheelDelta < 0),
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis;
// Only if the mousewheel event occurred on a DOM node inside the BB
if (bb.contains( && paginatorAxis[DIM_Y]) {
// Fire next()/prev()
paginator[(isForward ? 'next' : 'prev')]();
// prevent browser default behavior on mousewheel
// Block host._mousewheel from running
return new Y.Do.Prevent();
* Executed before host._flick
* Prevents flick events in some conditions
* @method _beforeHostFlick
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_beforeHostFlick: function (e) {
// If the widget is disabled
if (this._host.get(DISABLED)) {
return false;
// The drag was out of bounds, so do nothing (which will cause a snapback)
if (this._host._isOutOfBounds()){
return new Y.Do.Prevent();
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
gesture = host._gesture,
paginatorAxis = paginator.get(AXIS),
flick = e.flick,
velocity = flick.velocity,
flickAxis = flick.axis || false,
isForward = (velocity < 0),
canScroll = paginatorAxis[flickAxis],
rtl = host.rtl;
// Store the flick data in the this._host._gesture object so it knows this was a flick
if (gesture) {
gesture.flick = flick;
// Can we scroll along this axis?
if (canScroll) {
// Fire next()/prev()
paginator[(rtl === isForward ? 'prev' : 'next')]();
// Prevent flicks on the paginated axis
if (paginatorAxis[flickAxis]) {
return new Y.Do.Prevent();
* Executes after host's 'scrollEnd' event
* Runs cleanup operations
* @method _afterHostScrollEnded
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterHostScrollEnded: function () {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
index = paginator._cIndex,
scrollX = host.get(SCROLL_X),
scrollY = host.get(SCROLL_Y),
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis;
if (paginatorAxis[DIM_Y]) {
paginator._pageDims[index].scrollX = scrollX;
} else {
paginator._pageDims[index].scrollY = scrollY;
* index attr change handler
* @method _afterIndexChange
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterIndexChange: function (e) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
index = e.newVal,
pageDims = paginator._pageDims[index],
hostAxis = host._cAxis,
paginatorAxis = paginator._cAxis;
// Cache the new index value
paginator._cIndex = index;
// For dual-axis instances, we need to hack some host properties to the
// current page's max height/width and current stored offset
if (hostAxis[DIM_X] && hostAxis[DIM_Y]) {
if (paginatorAxis[DIM_Y]) {
host._maxScrollX = pageDims.maxScrollX;
host.set(SCROLL_X, pageDims.scrollX, { src: UI });
else if (paginatorAxis[DIM_X]) {
host._maxScrollY = pageDims.maxScrollY;
host.set(SCROLL_Y, pageDims.scrollY, { src: UI });
if (e.src !== UI) {
* Optimization: Hides the pages not near the viewport
* @method _optimize
* @protected
_optimize: function () {
if (!this._optimizeMemory) {
return false;
var paginator = this,
currentIndex = paginator._cIndex,
pageNodes = paginator._getStage(currentIndex);
// Show the pages in/near the viewport & hide the rest
* Optimization: Determines which nodes should be visible, and which should be hidden.
* @method _getStage
* @param index {Number} The page index # intended to be in focus.
* @return {object}
* @protected
_getStage: function (index) {
var paginator = this,
pageBuffer = paginator._pageBuffer,
pageCount = paginator.get(TOTAL),
pageNodes = paginator._getPageNodes(),
start = Math.max(0, index - pageBuffer),
end = Math.min(pageCount, index + 1 + pageBuffer); // noninclusive
return {
visible: pageNodes.splice(start, end - start),
hidden: pageNodes
* A utility method to show node(s)
* @method _showNodes
* @param nodeList {Object} The list of nodes to show
* @protected
_showNodes: function (nodeList) {
if (nodeList) {
nodeList.removeClass(CLASS_HIDDEN).setStyle('visibility', '');
* A utility method to hide node(s)
* @method _hideNodes
* @param nodeList {Object} The list of nodes to hide
* @protected
_hideNodes: function (nodeList) {
if (nodeList) {
nodeList.addClass(CLASS_HIDDEN).setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
* Gets a nodeList for the "pages"
* @method _getPageNodes
* @protected
* @return {nodeList}
_getPageNodes: function () {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
cb = host._cb,
pageSelector = paginator.get(SELECTOR),
pageNodes = (pageSelector ? cb.all(pageSelector) : cb.get('children'));
return pageNodes;
* Scroll to the next page, with animation
* @method next
next: function () {
var paginator = this,
scrollview = paginator._host,
index = paginator._cIndex,
target = index + 1,
total = paginator.get(TOTAL);
// If the widget is disabled, ignore
if (scrollview.get(DISABLED)) {
// If the target index is greater than the page count, ignore
if (target >= total) {
// Update the index
paginator.set(INDEX, target);
* Scroll to the previous page, with animation
* @method prev
prev: function () {
var paginator = this,
scrollview = paginator._host,
index = paginator._cIndex,
target = index - 1;
// If the widget is disabled, ignore
if (scrollview.get(DISABLED)) {
// If the target index is before the first page, ignore
if (target < 0) {
// Update the index
paginator.set(INDEX, target);
* Deprecated for 3.7.0.
* @method scrollTo
* @deprecated
scrollTo: function () {
return this.scrollToIndex.apply(this, arguments);
* Scroll to a given page in the scrollview
* @method scrollToIndex
* @since 3.7.0
* @param index {Number} The index of the page to scroll to
* @param {Number} [duration] The number of ms the animation should last
* @param {String} [easing] The timing function to use in the animation
scrollToIndex: function (index, duration, easing) {
var paginator = this,
host = paginator._host,
pageNode = paginator._getPageNodes().item(index),
scrollAxis = (paginator._cAxis[DIM_X] ? SCROLL_X : SCROLL_Y),
scrollOffset = pageNode.get(scrollAxis === SCROLL_X ? 'offsetLeft' : 'offsetTop');
duration = (duration !== undefined) ? duration : PaginatorPlugin.TRANSITION.duration;
easing = (easing !== undefined) ? easing : PaginatorPlugin.TRANSITION.easing;
// Set the index ATTR to the specified index value
paginator.set(INDEX, index, { src: UI });
// Makes sure the viewport nodes are visible
// Scroll to the offset
host.set(scrollAxis, scrollOffset, {
duration: duration,
easing: easing
* Setter for 'axis' attribute
* @method _axisSetter
* @param val {Mixed} A string ('x', 'y', 'xy') to specify which axis/axes to allow scrolling on
* @param name {String} The attribute name
* @return {Object} An object to specify scrollability on the x & y axes
* @protected
_axisSetter: function (val) {
// Turn a string into an axis object
if (Y.Lang.isString(val)) {
return {
x: (val.match(/x/i) ? true : false),
y: (val.match(/y/i) ? true : false)
* After listener for the axis attribute
* @method _afterAxisChange
* @param e {EventFacade} The event facade
* @protected
_afterAxisChange: function (e) {
this._cAxis = e.newVal;
// End prototype properties
}, {
// Static properties
* The identity of the plugin
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @default 'pluginScrollViewPaginator'
* @readOnly
* @protected
* @static
NAME: 'pluginScrollViewPaginator',
* The namespace on which the plugin will reside
* @property NS
* @type String
* @default 'pages'
* @static
NS: 'pages',
* The default attribute configuration for the plugin
* @property ATTRS
* @type {Object}
* @static
* Specifies ability to scroll on x, y, or x and y axis/axes.
* If unspecified, it inherits from the host instance.
* @attribute axis
* @type String
axis: {
setter: '_axisSetter',
writeOnce: 'initOnly'
* CSS selector for a page inside the scrollview. The scrollview
* will snap to the closest page.
* @attribute selector
* @type {String}
* @default null
selector: {
value: null
* The active page number for a paged scrollview
* @attribute index
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
index: {
value: 0
* The total number of pages
* @attribute total
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
total: {
value: 0
* The default snap to current duration and easing values used on scroll end.
* @property SNAP_TO_CURRENT
* @static
duration: 300,
easing: 'ease-out'
// End static properties
Y.namespace('Plugin').ScrollViewPaginator = PaginatorPlugin;
}, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["plugin", "classnamemanager"]});