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@tool @tool_dataprivacy @javascript
Feature: Manage data storage purposes
As the privacy officer
In order to manage the data registry
I need to be able to manage the data storage purposes for the data registry
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I open the action menu in "region-main" "region"
And I choose "Purposes" in the open action menu
And I press "Add purpose"
And I set the field "Name" to "Purpose 1"
And I set the field "Description" to "Purpose 1 description"
And I click on ".form-autocomplete-downarrow" "css_element" in the "Lawful bases" "form_row"
And I click on "Contract (GDPR Art. 6.1(b))" "list_item"
And I click on "Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c))" "list_item"
And I press key "27" in the field "Lawful bases"
And I click on ".form-autocomplete-downarrow" "css_element" in the "Sensitive personal data processing reasons" "form_row"
And I click on "Explicit consent (GDPR Art. 9.2(a))" "list_item"
And I press key "27" in the field "Sensitive personal data processing reasons"
And I set the field "retentionperiodnumber" to "2"
When I press "Save"
Then I should see "Purpose 1" in the "List of data purposes" "table"
And I should see "Contract (GDPR Art. 6.1(b))" in the "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And I should see "Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c))" in the "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And I should see "Explicit consent (GDPR Art. 9.2(a))" in the "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And I should see "2 years" in the "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And "Purpose 1 Purpose 1 description" row "5" column of "List of data purposes" table should contain "No"
Scenario: Update a data storage purpose
Given I open the action menu in "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And I choose "Edit" in the open action menu
And I set the field "Name" to "Purpose 1 edited"
And I set the field "Description" to "Purpose 1 description edited"
And I click on "Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c))" "text" in the ".form-autocomplete-selection" "css_element"
And I click on ".form-autocomplete-downarrow" "css_element" in the "Lawful bases" "form_row"
And I click on "Vital interests (GDPR Art. 6.1(d))" "list_item"
And I press key "27" in the field "Lawful bases"
And I set the field "retentionperiodnumber" to "3"
And I click on "protected" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Purpose 1 edited" in the "List of data purposes" "table"
And I should see "Purpose 1 description edited" in the "Purpose 1 edited" "table_row"
And I should see "Vital interests (GDPR Art. 6.1(d))" in the "Purpose 1 edited" "table_row"
And I should see "3 years" in the "Purpose 1 edited" "table_row"
But I should not see "Legal obligation (GDPR Art 6.1(c))" in the "Purpose 1 edited" "table_row"
And "Purpose 1 edited Purpose 1 description edited" row "5" column of "List of data purposes" table should not contain "No"
Scenario: Delete a data storage purpose
Given I open the action menu in "Purpose 1" "table_row"
And I choose "Delete" in the open action menu
And I should see "Delete purpose"
And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete the purpose 'Purpose 1'?"
When I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Purpose 1" in the "List of data purposes" "table"