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Jose Filipi d89e5c3cfa Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
classes/privacy Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
lang/en Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
README.txt Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
filter.php Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
settings.php Migrando Repositório 2 years ago
version.php Migrando Repositório 2 years ago


To Install it:
- Enable if from "Administration/Filters".

To Use it:
- Create your contents in multiple languages.
- Enclose every language content between:
<span lang="XX" class="multilang">your_content_here</span><span lang="YY" class="multilang">your_content_other_lang</span>
- Test it (by changing your language).

How it works:
- look for "lang blocks" in the code.
- for each "lang block":
- if there are texts in the currently active language, print them.
- else, if there exists texts in the current parent language, print them.
- else, print the first language found in the text.
- text out of "lang blocks" will be showed always.

Definition of "lang block":
Is a collection of lang tags separated only by whitespace chars (space,
tab, linefeed or return chars).

One example in action:
- This text:
<span lang="en" class="multilang">Hello!</span><span lang="es" class="multilang">Hola!</span>
This text is common for every language because it's out from any lang block.
<span lang="en" class="multilang">Bye!</span><span lang="it" class="multilang">Ciao!</span>

- Will print, if current language is English:
This text is common for every language because it's out from any lang block.

- And, in Spanish, it will print:
This text is common for every language because it's out from any lang block.

Ciao, Eloy :-)

Syntax was changed in 1.8, the conversion of existing text is done from admin/multilangupgrade.php
Ciao, skodak :-)