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namespace Sabberworm\CSS\CSSList;
use Sabberworm\CSS\Property\AtRule;
* A BlockList constructed by an unknown @-rule. @media rules are rendered into AtRuleBlockList objects.
class AtRuleBlockList extends CSSBlockList implements AtRule {
private $sType;
private $sArgs;
public function __construct($sType, $sArgs = '', $iLineNo = 0) {
$this->sType = $sType;
$this->sArgs = $sArgs;
public function atRuleName() {
return $this->sType;
public function atRuleArgs() {
return $this->sArgs;
public function __toString() {
return $this->render(new \Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat());
public function render(\Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat $oOutputFormat) {
$sArgs = $this->sArgs;
if($sArgs) {
$sArgs = ' ' . $sArgs;
$sResult = "@{$this->sType}$sArgs{$oOutputFormat->spaceBeforeOpeningBrace()}{";
$sResult .= parent::render($oOutputFormat);
$sResult .= '}';
return $sResult;
public function isRootList() {
return false;